...life can be translucent


Some readings regarding a friend.


Nov 8, 2019
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Hello all!

While this is my first time posting on this forum, it is by no means my first time here! I've been an avid reader of this wonderful website for several years, and it's been an invaluable resource for me on my journey.

Today, I'd like to share some readings (as well as my interpretations) regarding a friend of mine. Usually, I have a more independent spirit with my I-Ching consultations, but this time is different. Perhaps writing everything down will allow me to see things more clearly, but most of all I'd love to hear your input - maybe it will illuminate some aspects of this situation I've missed!

Here's the story: I'm 22 and am in my final year of university. Last September, through a dear university-friend of mine, I met this boy who studies the same subject as we do. During that period of time we (as a group) went out together often, and it was clear that he had feelings for my friend. Unfortunately they were unreciprocated, so we stopped going out with him. Fast forward to January of this year, when I bumped into him by chance. It turned out that he was doing my dream internship, so I asked him for help on how to apply. I ended up getting it, so for the next month we did the internship together, which is in another city about an hour away. So, a couple times a week we would spend the entire day together - from 7am to 9pm - and had the opportunity to get to know each other pretty well, as we had 2 hours of commute together as well as long lunch breaks. Although at the beginning I didn't think he was my type (what does that mean, anyways?), I gradually developed feelings for him. We would spend hours and hours talking just about everything. I don't think I've ever experienced anything like it - in the past, all my 'romantic' experiences were based purely on physical attraction - and I feel like I can really be myself around him, no filters or facades. Unfortunately, the internship was cut short because a new lockdown was imposed in my country (I live in Italy), so we didn't see each other for about a month because he went home.
Last Friday, he came back to our city to get a few books, so we spent the entire afternoon together and I invited him over for dinner. We had a lovely time, but as is normal, I had many questions about him - mainly because we are friends and also because I'm very bad at interpreting these kinds of situations objectively.

That being said, here are the questions I asked Yi. A few days have passed, so I've had a chance to revisit each reading.

How to approach him? 34.2.4 to 36
My take on this reading is that I shouldn't force things and if I take things slowly, things will end well. Regarding the two changing lines, De Korne says: "Note that lines two and four are the most positively forceful lines in the hexagram and that both imply restraint of power as the proper way to attain one's goals", which I think is quite accurate, as I have a tendency to want to rush things. I think Brightness Hiding as the secondary hexagram is a reference to the fact that both of us have had bad experiences with relationships in the past, which has resulted in quite a cautious attitude in his case.

What happened on Friday? 51UC
Undoubtedly it caused a shock, a realization of something, although I'm not sure if it was just for me, for him, or both.

How do I feel about him? How does he feel about me? I received the same answer - 39.5 to 15 - for both questions... something that has never happened to me! I interpret this as: amidst a general feeling of blockage (the lockdown perhaps?), there's a mutual desire for connection.

If you were able to get through that tome, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am looking forward to hearing your take on these readings!

Baci 🥰


Mar 4, 2017
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Hello le chat noir :)
I think you should wear your Sherlock Homes hat and do a survey to find out what obstacle is 39.5-15. 39 : there is an obstacle between the two of you... This information that you do not know in 34 -36 ... Why 36 hidden brightness ?
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How to approach him? 34.2.4 > 36
34.2 says good fortune and doesn't indicate action.
34.4 shows no bond between you.
36 most probably says hide your feelings.

39.5 > 15 - the line speaks of friendship during hard times. Perhaps this connection is more beneficial for both of you as a frienship, for the long term.


Jul 28, 2018
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How to approach him? 34.2.4 to 36
Now your brightness is hidden from him. Continue your friendship; and comes a time when you can break the obstacles & move the relationship forward in the direction you want.

What happened on Friday? 51UC
It was a sudden meeting.

How do I feel about him? How does he feel about me? I received the same answer - 39.5 to 15
You count on & need each other.

Good luck!


Nov 8, 2019
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Hello all!

First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your responses. I'm sorry I haven't replied earlier, but better late than sorry!

After 8 months, I can now say with with certainty how this ended up.

34.2.4 to 36: About two months after the reading (end of May), I ended up making a move on him and we started an intense but difficult romance. Approaching him was no issue (moving lines 2 and 4), but it was fraught with trouble from both of our parts (resulting hex 36) - he had doubts, I let it continue despite this. It continued on until September, when I decided to end things as he had moved away and the distance wasn't favouring things. It ended messily, but we were able to reconcile about a month later and are still very close to this day.

I believe the fact that I got 39.5 twice regarding how we feel about was significant; it perfectly characterises our relationship - as friends, lovers, and friends again. Amidst the difficulty, both internal and external, he's helped me through a lot and I hope he can say the same for me.

We weren't right for each other for a romantic relationship but as we're perfect as friends!

Thanks all, I hope this (very) late update is of help to someone! 🥰 Happy New Year!
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