...life can be translucent


Stress and tension


Jun 20, 1971
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I asked the yi, where does tension or stress comes from.

The answer I got was 34 -changing 3 - 54.

Idea's? Thanks.


frank_r said:
I asked the yi, where does tension or stress comes from.

The answer I got was 34 -changing 3 - 54.

Idea's? Thanks.

Ok.... Two hexagrams renown for representing tesion RELEASE form the pair 40,37

40 covers tension release through the relaxation of structure - and so the analogy to the build-up of tension in a summer heat wave and the sudden relaxation of such by a thunderstorm (thunder over water - sudden awareness/enlightenment in a context of containment/control)

37 covers tension release throguh the enforcing of structure - and so the analogy to a perfectly ordered family - father is father, mother is mother, second daughter is second daughter and so on - tension is reduced by all being in the 'correct' place. (wind over fire - becoming influencial in a context of guidance).

In 40 the surroundings come to you; in 37 you enter the surroundings, as one does when entering one' s home where all is in order, one relaxes - nothing is said, it 'happens'. In 40 OTOH it is 'said' very loudly in that the clap of thunder indicates the developing tension release.

In the binary orderings, the eight hexagrams in an octet can be interpreted in the same manner as covering all eight octets. Thus in the octet that includes 40 we have:

07, 04, 29, 59, 40, 64, 47, 06

The 'middle' position is interpretable as a position of reflection and so the left four hexagrams can 'reflect' the right four and so 59 'reflects' 40 - IWO it too covers tension release, here in the form of lifting the fog to make things 'clear'. (wind over water)
We can also see this relfection in 07/06, 04/47, 29/64

We can also pair the hexagrams as:


I think you can see in these examples of tension creation as well as relaxation.

IF we move to the octet in which 37 resides we have:

Here the reflection gives us the pairs of:

37,55 (rigid structures)
63,30 (correct sequence, correct magnitude)
22,49 (hide inside, reveal inside)
36,13 (no likeminded, all likeminded)

We also find the pairs of:


Her too we see tension increase and decrease. The water and fire bases manifest tension at a boundary (something one learns when flying, the 'unstable' is on the landing and taking off and so the boundary between earth and sky - as we see in the ocean surface, and in fact at all boundaries where complexity/chaos rules - to avoid tension go inland, to 'Kansas' - to increae it, live on a border. - the coasts are also boundaries and so the dynamics of LA or NYC vs. say, Tapeka, Kansas.)

To go deeper we can in fact apply the whole of the I Ching to the question and analyse it using the binary sequence and the different forms of dichotomy interpretations (symmetric, anti-symmetric, asymmetric)

We wlll then find (a) the roots of tension and (b) the roots of relaxation of tension ;-)

No need to limit yourself with coin tossing. (that said, your particular example covered invigoration leading nowhere - big output of energy but worthless other than capable of doing damage (like a tornado - invigorating to see, not pleasent to be in and try and touch it and blows away! ))



Nov 22, 2006
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干支:丙戌年 己亥月 丁巳日 己酉时    旬空:子丑
神煞:驿马—亥 桃花—午 日禄—午 贵人—酉,亥
   雷天大壮     泽天夬    雷泽归妹
  【本  卦】  【互  卦】 【变  卦】
  ▅▅ ▅▅   ▅▅ ▅▅  ▅▅ ▅▅
体 ▅▅ ▅▅   ▅▅▅▅▅  ▅▅ ▅▅
  ▅▅▅▅▅   ▅▅▅▅▅  ▅▅▅▅▅
  ▅▅▅▅▅ ○ ▅▅▅▅▅  ▅▅ ▅▅
用 ▅▅▅▅▅   ▅▅▅▅▅  ▅▅▅▅▅
  ▅▅▅▅▅   ▅▅▅▅▅  ▅▅▅▅▅


If we work with the 'wave' forms of interpretation then we have 34 as the sum of:

24+ 07+15+16

whereas for 54 we have:


The difference in transition from 34 to 54 is the cancellation of 15. (as compared to the transition of 54 to 34 adds 15) 15 covers keeping thing level, words to facts, evening things out - thus the invigoration of 34 does exactly that, invigorate, no more. REMOVE the levelling agent and things get 'immature' ;-) - in reverse, ADD 15 to 54 and you add a degree of modesty and so maturity, calming the immature but in so doing bringing out high energy expenditure as 'invigorating' rather than as a 'waste'.

(waves - http://members.iimetro.com.au/~lofting/myweb/WaveInterpret.html )



Nov 22, 2006
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I think you'd better pay attention to your father's health.



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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frank_r said:
I asked the yi, where does tension or stress comes from.

The answer I got was 34 -changing 3 - 54.

Idea's? Thanks.

34,3 Pushing too much to get what we think is the right thing to happen or the right way for it to happen ? 54 like taking the initiative when it isn't appropriate. Trying too hard to catch the fish and getting a headache rather than sit back and leave your net open for one to swim in, lol. A cliche maybe but thats how I see your answer. :D


Jun 3, 2006
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The inferior man works through power.
The superior man does not act thus.
To continue is dangerous.
A goat butts against a hedge
And gets his horns entangled.

Agreeing with Trojan. Definitely sounds like trying to force things to happen is the main cause of stress!
Wilhelm goes on to say about this line,
"Making a boast of power leads to entanglements, just as a goat entangles its horns when it butts against a hedge. Whereas an inferior man revels in power when he comes into possession of it, the superior man mever makes this mistake. HE IS CONCIOUS AT ALL TIMES OF THE DANGER OF PUSHING AHEAD REGARDLESS OF CIRCUMSTANCES and therefore renounces in good time the empty display of force."
Makes me think of how children will beg to have parents say things are going to happen "for sure" and then when obstacles arise will wail, "But you PROMISED!" The superior man "understands the transitory in light of the eternity of the end" (54) and therefore will not create stress for himself by promising too much in advance.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Mmm also we have huge amounts of power at our fingertips now, in some ways not in others. I mean the huge power of technology at our disposal meaning we can get things very quick and easy where once it took hours of time and effort. I'm just thinking even the getting of food once being a major activity of the day, now I can order it online and have it delivered to my door and can have within reason more or less what I want.. leads me to think of 54 also about desire. We have alot of power at our disposal to realise our desires quite quickly, yet it doesn't exactly satisfy...or this only caters to some desires..Hmm why does 54 make me think of advertising, arousing a desire before you ever knew you had it - the maiden going to the husband rather than waiting for him to come to her. Desire for material things aroused, the struggle to get them. What do you make of your answer Frank ?


Jun 20, 1971
Reaction score
trojan said:
What do you make of your answer Frank ?

First thanks for all the replays,

When I got the answer of the Yi my first thoughts where, when I'm looking for power in a ambtious way I get stressed and than I have to settle with the consequenses.

Some time ago I also had 34 - unchanging, it was a question about a lecture I had to give.
And at one point I got stressed and forgot some basic principles, I wanted too impress others to much with my knowledge, I was already running before I heard what the question was.

When I asked this question I wanted to make it a little bigger in the way not only about one moment but more about the feelings behind it.

So I was surprised to get the answer of Chris and of changes 81.
Chris you see stress in the couple of 37 and 40. Both nucleaur hexagrams, for me the thought of the meridians stomach and pericardium come up. Standing in the chinese clock at 9-11 am and pm. But I have to study the connection a little bit more, what I saw till now was that there is water or fire in the inside in your way of thinking.

But the interesting part for me was the idea of family, knowing where the place of everybody is. That a father is on the place of the father, the mother on that of the mother etc.

And changes81 when you spoke about the health of my father I was really touched.
About 18 years ago my father died, he had a operation because he had a brain tumor, the surgery made a handicapt man of him, they damaged a aterie in his brain and after this he couldn't walk or talk anymore.

When I feel stress, I feel it fysical in my head, and with this feeling I'm connected with my father. I recognise that I'm the son of my father because I feel that I'm taking myself to serious at some moments. So the answer from the Yi was dealing with this frustration. Settle with the consequenses when I act without thinking I'm a inferior man.

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