...life can be translucent


The Mandate 12.4 (17>31)


Jun 28, 2011
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hey everyone, long time since i've posted here so thanks for opening and having a look,

Last weekend I saw an old friend/lover who I dearly miss. I have posted about this before here, and got a 12.4 then too, it was also just after I had seen him out and about. I ask Yi a tonne of questions around this, I know i shouldn't but it really is something that I can't let go of. He really did change my life, i know that sounds really soppy but the only way i can put it in words is that i wasnt part of the world until he came into my life, it was the first real connection I had to this place and to the people around me. Ever since it ended I have been using yi to help me see clearly, to bring me back to myself and show me what i did wrong. I know that this topic will garner the classic get-over-him type response , but i really cant. Psychologists seem to think that i can survive this, that i havent gone over the edge with this in my head, almost that im dealing with it fine. But they dont know how much i rely on Yi to keep me on the straight and narrow about this.

I'm going to admit that since saturday ive probably asked yi about him 20 times. I know its borderline obsessive, but what can i say, yi has done a great job over the years keeping me sane regarding him and since saturday hasnt once given me hex 4 or 57 ( as in too much penetration), and i am very concious of when yi stops answering questions and starts pointing out my own over analysis of the subject, in fact i expect yi to do this moreso than answering my questions regarding him, especially if i havent seen him in months, i know yi is really talking about me. But this is fresh physical contact, so i know yi is talking about me and him with these casts.

anyway, thanks for reading this far. I'm not going to put up all the answers yi gave me, just the first one, and then the mandate line ive gotten twice over the last few days and 17-31 which ive gotten twice too. The first response i got around this was 29.5. which i take as just continue on practicing, working through the danger, dont do too much or too little, just accept your position. Then i got 12 2,4,6-29, today when i asked what does he want to happen between us, which seems ghastly , but then i noticed i got 12.4 on sunday too regarding this.So I asked Yi 'what is the mandate here?' (12.4) and I got 17,1,3- 31 again.

On the outside 17-31 seems kinda nice, but on deeper analysis the Inner/outer change pattern is 6 and 36, and its throwing me, i have no idea what Yi is telling me, hide(36) my following(17)? the fan yao of 31.3 is the classic obsessive line, and 17.3 talks of following the mature rather then the childish side ( 31.3 seems to cover the more base desires), but i dont knwo if the mandate here is simply follow the attraction i have for him, or that if i go outside (17.1) and see how the world is changing, i will follow another mature man and lose this guy completely.

I wonder if anyone could help me here, much obliged as always for anyone who responds!




Jun 3, 2006
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17.1 says you must get out and meet new people.
17.3 says when you do you will find your new path and you must be quite resolute about leaving this old connection behind.

Best wishes,


Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Thank you Rosada! really appreciate your input here.

Yes, This is what Yi is saying. Time to move on already.

Thanks again,


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