...life can be translucent


Unexpected weight gain!


Apr 7, 2010
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Hello folks :)

So I am on a healthy regime to shed some weight I gained. Today I weighed myself and was horrified to see a really remarkable increase obtained in just few days :eek:

I asked:
Why this weight increase? 42.1,5 > 23

Increasing (yes!) to Stripping Away. How I wish I could interpret this literally in chronological sequence! Both lines are positive... :confused: Anyone have any insight?

Thanks in advance!


Hey Cris,

Eating too much of the same food.
Eating nuts that you have to crack the shell first.
And/or something with a lot of water.

Hope this helps. - Liss
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Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks Liss! Combining the first two hints you gave, I believe it could be watermelon - needs to be cracked open and I've been a major consumer in the past couple of weeks, in fact I was planning already to cut back on it... Where do you see the reference to water?

I asked a second question:
How to lose weight? 10.2,4,6 > 3
DIfficulties... apparently so! The lines are again positive. Thanks to anyone who'll want to enlighten me!


Jun 3, 2010
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About water, it's important to stay hydrated, but if you are retaining that water weight, that can add up quickly. It can also be symptomatic of some serious conditions that should receive medical attention. Or, if your recent diet included lots of salt, that would retain water. It would also raise your blood pressure.

A higher than usual sugar intake for just a day or two can add sudden weight. Naturally, higher than usual fat intake does likewise.

I do ok, but my weakness is bread. I love bread, but carbs go right to my bread basket.

Also, can't forget food as an emotion tamer, comfort food, or a way to express kindness to yourself. It only takes one or two binges of chocolate to store up excess fat. Same with whole milk, ice cream, cheeses, or a few beers or cocktails.

I think 23 is pertaining not to losing anything essential, only whatever has been in excess. 23 could also be seen in the form of exercise.


Hey Cris, well my guess it would be the watermelon - a pot containing water plus fruit has natural sugars in it.

The character is a bowl with water. It might simply be containing water, or it might flow over, or cook over, or the water might be steam rising up from the boiling contents, or maybe water 'into' the pot.



Ah I read Hex 23 as Hex 21 for some reason but seems to fit all the same.

Hex 23 shell, peel, flay, skin, cut, pluck, lay bare, to ruin, break.

sounds pretty watermelony to me!!

- Liss


Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks for the explanations Liss. Watermelon it is... will remove it from my shopping list.

Any insight over the second reading - how to get there?



Jun 26, 2008
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I find it extremely unlikely that watermelon is the culprit here - natural sugars can't be considered in the same way as processed sugar and either way, watermelon has very few (http://health.usnews.com/health-new...s/use-these-8-foods-to-help-you-lose-weight/2)

Your first reading imo suggests that you made a good start but the real answer might be found more with looking into what is good for th specific needs of your organism - nutrition is a huge issue and often it takes a lot of trial and error until you find what works best for you . .

Your second reading looks to me like it suggests putting order (10) to chaos (3). Following a regime (10) is another way to read it and making it thru the first hard phase (3) of sticking with it. Eating simple, non-processed food (line 2), making sure you don't fall into the jaws of your hungry tiger (l.4) and then looking back to see what worked best in order to move on (l.6)

Other than that, I wonder if there are other factors you need to look into, like age, days of the month, unknown food allergies or intolerances, so on so forth. All these should come into consideration though if a simple, common sense diet doesn't work - you got to stick with it though, be mindful of slip-ups (hx10)

Another thing you could try if you don't have major health issues, is a 3 day detox, to jump-start your organism (fruits and salads mostly, no processed, no sugar, no coffee - I know it sounds extreme but during summer it's easier than it sounds)

oh and lots, lots, LOTS of water too ;)

good luck with it!!


Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks Dora for chiming in. As limitedly caloric as watermelon can be, well, I may have overdosed (with Sun and Venus square Jupiter in my birth chart, excess is my second name!). I know quite a bit about healthy regimes, and when I'm set, as I am now, I'm very disciplined. Based on your interpretation of the second reading I'll keep sticking to my current diet and try to overcome the current difficulties...


Feb 7, 1970
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Why this weight increase?
42.1.5 > 23

Your body is retaining fluids. Check your wrists and ankles. Are they somewhat puffy? I don't think the watermelon is doing it because watermelon is somewhat diuretic. Where is water in the casting? It's in the Judgment. If you have gained over five pounds in a week and haven't been pigging out, then a visit to a doctor may be in order. An aunt who had a problem with retaining fluids got relief by taking B6, maybe 100mg a day, but knowing her, the dose could have been larger.


Have you calibrated your scales recently?

Addendum: The real danger isn't watermelon. It's salt. Unless you prepare your own food (which as a business person I suspect you do not do) and read labels, you may have no idea of how much salt you are consuming. I have a touch of heart failure and am paranoid about salt. Seemingly innocent things like cottage cheese, canned soup, pizza, and bouillon cubes are extraordinarily dangerous. I have had none in three and one-half years and have been rewarded with the blood pressure of a person half my age.
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Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks for your reply, Tom. The weight gained in only one week was purely in fat, as recorded by my body fat scales. Had it been in fluids, lean mass would have increased. I can't figure out what brought it about; the only significant change occurred in this time frame was that I stopped taking some mineral supplements - I suspect this is the root cause. As to salt, I'd say my intake is definitely not low, but average. I don't eat processed food. My diet is based on lots of fruits and veggies, and I prepare the very simple mains myself.

Would you have any insight about the 10.2,4,6 > 3?


Aug 5, 2010
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Cris, just a thought...

are you sure you don't overdo it with that diet you follow ? Maybe you deprive your organism from food and it takes it as been in starvation mode so it gathers fat to survive. I have never managed to keep a 5-meals program for a long time and its common to me to not eat a lot and gain weight and when I started to eat I loss weight. The same happens with water. Your body keeps it if there is not enough


Apr 7, 2010
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Hello stranger :) How have you been?

How I wish I had your problem! Never in my life have I forgotten to eat, and even when on a diet I always eat a lot, in this case of healthy foods (or alleged ones - see watermelon). I don't think it can be starvation mode - I had started the regime a few weeks ago and had been losing constantly, bit by bit, all the time until this sudden increase.

Still wondering what 10 > 3 may indicate as the best way to lose weight...


Aug 5, 2010
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Hi :) When I'm going to see you in my neighborhood ?

Doing well ( apart forgetting to eat some meals and NOT be able to forget the existence of others :rolleyes: )

Maybe you are just at those -frustrating- plateau moments. I agree with others re water being retain. 3/4 of your hexs have water one or another way. And two of them talks about high and lows. I wouldn't see your reading suggest a big change . maybe you just need to write down everything you take (10.6) and thought about it.

I'd wait for a week see how things go and then would think again about it


Feb 7, 1970
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Hello folks :)

So I am on a healthy regime to shed some weight I gained. Today I weighed myself and was horrified to see a really remarkable increase obtained in just few days :eek:

What are the numbers? How much weight? How many days?


Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks for the interest. I fail to see the relevance of these details? I believe I've shared enough background info. All I would appreciate on here is help in interpreting my castings :)


Feb 7, 1970
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Thanks for the interest. I fail to see the relevance of these details? I believe I've shared enough background info. All I would appreciate on here is help in interpreting my castings :)

I am not trying to pry into your personal information, but you are, I think, a numbers person and understand their importance. The question is, What is the source of your weight gain? It is impossible to gain a kilo of fat unless you have consumed a surplus of 7,700 calories, which I am rather sure did not happen.

I asked:
Why this weight increase? 42.1,5 > 23

As for multiple castings, in my experience everything revelant to the situation is contained in the first query and casting. If I brainstorm enough, I can answer multiple questions from one casting, so basically I follow Harmen's Rules. Often when a querent attempts to ignore the first casting, there is a hidden agenda and an attempt to reduce the level of consciousness. Not saying this is the case here, but I am a suspicious soul.


Hey Cris, I remember a couple of years ago when I was trying to lose weight and I at a lot of salads and fruit and not much else and nothing much was happening but investigating TCM told me that the digestion needs warm foods to work properly, so I changed my diet a bit and that worked. Also drinking a cup of hot lemon tea first thing in the morning is one of the best things you can do.

As for you reading 10>3, my feeling is keep going the way your going and just work it out along the way different ways of eating work for different people. Line 2 Smoothing the way which to my mind is working out what foods work and which don't. l\Line 4 suggests you working out what works and your empowerment picks up. By Line 6 you will have seen some rewards fo ryour hard work. Hex3 Difficulties in the Beginning I guess is just what you asked about in the first place. - Liss
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Apr 7, 2010
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Thanks to all for your valuable input!

Pocossin: yes, I certainly am a number person and that is exactly the background of my first question. My two castings focused on different aspects - the cause of the INCREASE and how to achieve DECREASE. Yi has given interesting insight on both.

Anemos: ah, the food log! I used to keep one a few years ago, and was just thinking of starting again.

Goddessliss: "Continuance in the way is rewarded. Remain in the existing, not seeking the new". I'm absolutely sticking with my diet keeping up the confidence that the rewards will eventually come. Will keep you guys posted!


Mar 28, 2012
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Hi, Cris!

I'm on a diet myself right now. I think when it comes to this kind of questions, Yi can be very literal. When I started this diet I asked the Yi if it was going to be efficient. The reading was hex 61 unchanging. At first I didn't understand the answer, I overanalyzed it. Then I looked at the judgment : "Pigs and fishes. Good fortune" . Guess what? It's a diet based on meat and fish, combined with lots of veggies, soups, nutrient rich salads, low fat yogurt etc etc. I'm not recommending this to you, because everyone has its own metabolism. Plus, not anyone should eat meat, too much is bad, even toxic for the liver. I'm just saying this to explain how the reading reflected what I was going to eat.

This is how I see your readings:

Why this weight increase? 42.1,5 > 23

42.1 - something in your diet was in big amounts (this is how I see in this context the "great deeds"). Maybe the watermelon, maybe something else that doesn't help you lose weight. Even if natural, fruits contain a lot of sugar.
42.5 - whatever that food that made you gain weight, there was some self-indulgence

How to lose weight? 10.2,4,6 > 3

hex 3 - restart, take it again from day one with another plan; it's time for a new beginning
hex 10. - don't skip steps (meals)
10.2 - you need more perseverence. Stick to your plan and be patient. You can't expect great results in a few days/weeks
10.4 - here, "caution and circumspection" are the key words IMHO. Eat normal, don't starve yourself or do anything dangerous for your health, but at the same time, be careful of what and how much you eat
10.6 - after a while, you'll see the results, the "favourable signs" :)

Just my take on this. Hope this helps. Best of luck!
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