...life can be translucent


USPS: 15.3 to 2 and 23 uc


Oct 26, 2018
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I received emails and saw social media posts that the USPS will go bankrupt by June unless there is funding. I realized this is one of Trump's goals to privatize the mail industry. Even if it happens, the next administration will restore it.

What will happen to the USPS by June? 15.3 Integrity (Modesty) to 2 Earth (The Receptive).
Hex 15:Integrity creates success. A noble one completes it. (Oracle) In the centre of the earth there is a mountain: Integrity. A noble one reduces what is too much and increases what is diminished. Weighing things up to even out their distribution. (Image)
Line 3: Toiling with integrity, A noble one completes it. Good fortune.
Hex 2: Earth. From the source, creating success. The constancy of a mare bears fruit. A noble one has a direction to go. At first, confusion. Later, gains a master. Fruitful in the southwest, gaining partners. In the northeast, losing partners. Peaceful constancy brings good fortune. (Oracle) Power of the land: Earth. A noble one, with generous character, carries all the beings. (Image)
Line 3=USPS will stay afloat.
Hex 2=There will be funding, however, some will back off.

What will the next administration do if the USPS goes bankrupt? 23 uc Stripping Away.
Stripping away. Fruitless to have a direction to go. (Oracle) Mountain rests on the earth: Stripping Away. The heights are generous, and there are tranquil homes below. (Image)
Is it saying that the next administration will do nothing?

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