...life can be translucent


Very Accurate Readings, Intuition, and the Future.


May 28, 2010
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Hey everyone!

I have never really posted here other than getting insight to readings, which I'll be asking again in a bit haha, but first I'd like to share some odd experiences as of late regarding the IC and other things.

Ever have a relationship or a connection with a person that was so deep that it almost felt tangible? Like you could pull the tether that binds right out of the ether? That is how I am feeling in this time, and although at first I thought I may be delusional, evidence of late would contradict the idea it was coincidence.

I don't want to draw this out too long, so I'll do my best to make this back story concise. I met a girl, we dated for six months. Things hit a rough patch and for a while seemed like they'd end disastrously. We split. I felt that want, the depression, the desperation, and while I felt like that we had barely any contact.

Finally I found my peace. I felt better about things. Thing is, once I did, I started getting these weird intuitions. All started that one night I was going out with a friend, and about a day or two before that I had a feeling I'd be seeing her soon. I did.

Coincidence right? Not likely. The next weekend we were going out again. When I walked outside that night, I felt something very unique, not quite like anything I'd ever felt. There was a complete stillness. No sound, no movement, not even a gust of wind. I knew something was up. I cast a reading before I went out, and based on that I told him something completely unexpected would happen. I had a feeling I would see her again. I did.

Now I figure, hey, maybe twice is a fluke. That week I had said to myself I know she'll message me saying she misses me. Two days later she did.

I said that I'd see her soon, at my home. Guess what? Yep.

The day that it happened, I had cast a hex about how my day would go, and drew 24.5, which I associate with someone feeling guilty and making amends. That is what her intent was with me.

She left the next morning in a rush. I think maybe she felt bad a about being here, cause she feels like she hurt me, even though I try to console her and tell her she isn't this terrible person she thinks she is, that I wasn't mad.

Anyway, I haven't heard from her in two days, and I know her. She is running everything through her head. I know she feels what I am feeling though at some level.

So I asked a few oracles and brought two here that I was curious of hearing more about.

How does she feel about me? 22.3.6 > 24
Will she try to renew our relationship? 19

I am apt to think 22.3.6 is fairly easy to decipher. Line 3 speaks of being "graceful and humid", which I see as a physical sexual attraction. Line 6 seems to speak of a time when all veils are lifted and we see something in a genuine state. 24 speaks of a return, sometimes as I understand of a person (though it can also mean a return from them instead of to them), I would imagine it would be the former given the lines.

19 also seems to be a simple one. Approach? Really can't be more blatant I suppose.

I'd like some opinions though. Maybe there is something I am not quite seeing here.


Side reading

I have recently developed a somewhat irrational case of germaphobia. I cut my self recently by accident thinking a knife had a false edge. I asked if I had possible contracted anything and drew

I assume the Yi is telling me to stop worrying, you didn't catch anything, and if you let these fears continue (a bitter limitation), that they are going to start consuming other parts of your life. Think that is a fair assessment?

Thanks in advance,
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Apr 2, 2013
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I suggest you to stop contacting the girl, as what she has done to you is simply an act of compensation for your emotional loss. The hexgram 22 is named "賁," which is pronounced as "Bee," and means "decoration." By the hexgram, i infer that what she has done serves simply as a kind of decoration to make the split less harmful to you. If she does mean so, then allow me to say something intrusive: a love born out of pity and sympahty does not last long. I suggest you to ask I ching another question, "what is love," or " what makes love." I think the answer to the question could get you out of the mess.

As for your second question, "will she restore the relationship with me," i think it is likely that she want to do so, but you have to watch and see, as the hexgram 19 suggest, because the hexgram tells you: "it is lucky at the beginning, but you would meet unluck finally."

I think your ex-lover is in a spiritual mess. And people in such a state often make wrong decisions.
Remember the hexgram 19: see and watch and be careful, because dangers come after you find yourself lucky.

(btw, if i don't make myself understood, it may be that i am not good at talking in English. I am a chinese, so there are my mistakes, please single out them, and make corrections. You corrections and tolerence are highly appreciated.

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May 28, 2010
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No, I understand you. Think there may have been some misunderstanding though. Aside from a few sparing instances, I didn't initiate the contact, she did. I also didn't say anything to her in public, I let that be. She feels bad for me, yes, but I have made it very clear I don't seek her pity or sympathy.

I cast one more hex this morning on an issue that was bugging me about the situation. She gave me an engraved necklace. When I saw her last she said I should stop wearing it. I told her I'd make a deal. I said that if I am going to take it off, you have to take it with you. She knows I won't destroy it, and I expressed that I thought it would be unfair to me for it to sit in this house. She wouldn't agree to it for whatever reason. When it comes down to it, I don't think she wants me too, or she'd have no problem taking it back.

I asked why she wouldn't anyway, and cast 19 unchanging again. Now I am a little confused :S

PS. I hope someone answers my question about germophobia. That stuff drives me bonkers lol.


Apr 2, 2013
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what hexgram 19 means is quite similar to the word in English "come." And by the word you could know that you are faced with both the good and the bad now.

Every minute i read your response, i sense your desire to keep the situation unchanged, and this is probably the most tricky problem in your splitting romance. why do you want to keep it unchanged? Is there something that you enjoy in the re-appearing situation? Do you want to torture your ex-lover in this way.

She has no love in you now, or she wouldn't have convinced you of taking the nacklace off. Both of you are in trobles. You are in a trouble of being unable to let the romance go, and she doesn't know the line between sympathy and love.

The fact that you does not accpet sympathy or pity does not matter. What matters is that she has to stop making compensation, which can been as a form of sympathy on you. Any contact is made through mutual agreement. If you accpet it, you mean you agree on it; otherwise, you could refuse to repond to any of her attempted calls. Whether you initiate or not does not matter in the problem, either.

The final line of the 19 hexgram has revealed the ending of the relationship.

I think it is the last response to the your post. Every hexgram mentioned in your post shows little sign of good ending, which might go true if you insist on your way of dealing with it.

by the way: my ex-girl friend did to me what your ex-lover is doing to you now, so i know by experience that it will not end in a good way.
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May 28, 2010
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I don't mind if it changes. On the contrary I would think it better to change in one direction or the other instead of the teeter-totter ride we've been on over the past month. I by no means wish to torture her, that's absurd. I mean damn, I said it was fine if she wanted to move on, yet here we are.

You are right. I can't ignore her. She means too much to me. I do care for her very deeply, as she does me. I don't quite know what you meant by "She has no love in you". She also didn't convince me to take it off. I gave her every opportunity to have her way, but when it comes down to it, she didn't have it in her to take it off herself, which says something.

I should mention before she left in a rush, the previous night was amazing. We connected just like we used to. I can't really explain it. We picked up right where we left off, like nothing ever changed.

She admits to me I am everything she's ever wanted in a person, but she's wrapped up in her past, and she finds it hard to let go of it. She didn't come to pat me on the head and console me, she came to spend time.

The necklace is merely symbolic of a bond, one of which neither of us seems to want to break.

I tend to be optimistic I suppose. 19 doesn't necessarily mean it will end badly. Commentary on the line forewarns that it could end badly, but if you can heal the decay in something before it has a chance to fester, then a crisis may be averted. For all I know, 19 could speak of the birth of something new, specially if I link it with the 24.

Me and you don't quite see eye to eye on it, but that is exactly why I come here, to get opinions lol. I did cast about how my night would go this day and received 42.2

Here's to faith ;)


Apr 2, 2013
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stop responding to her until she feel herself no longer wrapped in the past. You are exploiting her weakness.


Jun 3, 2010
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Hi Danny,

I've read this thread over a few times, to get a feel for the overall situation. I've a question for you, which may not be relevant at all, but which continues to bubble up in my senses. I get the subtle impression that the Mysophobia may be somehow related to this on again/off again relationship, as there is repetition of cleansing rituals: the need to be clean, pure....right. And, I can't help but wonder if you wash her away, and then desire her back again. I'm only surmising this, not saying this is it, how it is. But if its correct, that could explain her own hot/coldness, her undecided-ness. She may represent two distinctly different women in your psyche, archetypes of Eve and Lilith. It can be debated which was the good or bad one, the 'spiritual' or the swampy flesh. I think that's for each one of us to choose. But my point being, maybe there's conflicting signals within you, possibly within both of you, which is preventing the steady flow of energy between you... and it seems almost deliberate; maybe afraid of getting dirty. I don't know. Just thoughts to share with you.


May 28, 2010
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I will admit, that is a very interesting take on the matter, and I am fascinated by the fact that you would extract a message like that from what I've written. They are not related though.

See, the thing of it is is her ex. I didn't want to go down that road, but I suppose it is necessary to evaluate the reading in its entirety. He is the reason we came together, and also the reason we split up. I suppose there is a little irony to be found in that haha.

I thought maybe it was a genuine feeling that brought her back to him, but I believe otherwise since we talked earlier this week. She tells me she knows it can never work between them. There is no future to be had. The reason she is there is apparently because she feels the need to prove something to him, that she isn't a bad person.

She tells me what I mean to her, how deeply she really feels for me. The emotions run incredibly deep here, maybe the deepest either of us has felt. I don't know.

Her inability to let go is what killed us physically. Throughout those six months, the feelings were all there, but the passion felt sapped. I felt it too. I thought it was my fault, but it really wasn't.

Thing is, when I did see her again recently, we were intimate to an extent, and there it was, that passion that had eluded us for so long. I felt it, that surreal unmistakable connection being made, and I know she felt it too. I can tell.

I think she feels torn. She puts me on this pedestal, you know? She thinks I deserve someone "better". She told me she is no good for anyone, and hearing that breaks my heart, because I don't know what brought her to that conclusion.

She knows we can't be "just friends", so I asked her if she wanted me to go, to disappear from her life and not return, but she is adamant in the fact that that is the last thing she wants.

I understand sometimes people need to walk away and forget, but to be honest, this is the first time in my life that giving up seems like the worst choice. Not based out of logic, but unadulterated emotion.

I didn't know what else to do, so I cast these hexes to get a feel of things. They seem very accurate lately, and the ones that I have drawn seem to speak of what is true.

I am curious what your take on them is.


Jun 26, 2008
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hello Danny,

It's hard to comment on your readings because it's a very personal story you're describing but I wanted to comment on how genuine your writing about this feels - like a breath of fresh air. I could suggest a series of other questions that might help (and which you might have asked already anyways ;)) but I 'd tread lightly cause it's easy to loose track with too many queries.

I do agree with Meng on the germaphobia thing though: to my experience it symbolizes a fear of being invaded, more likely though it's a fear of one of one's own traits that we then tend to project in the environment. It could also be showing a black&white, good&bad, clean&dirty way of experiencing things, hence the ambivalent lines of hx60. It might be a bit far out there, but I would suggest you ask yourself whether your subconscious is trying to remind you that you yourself could be hurt by opening up to her again (?) (you seem to also have her on a pedestal and maybe you are too open and ready to follow her emotions at this point; your fear could be a reminder to protect yourself more)

. . Imo, it's always difficult to make a clear judgement when things get too deep (which could also be telling with regards to your fears). I wish you all the best with this - please keep us posted, it would help a lot to know how this unfolds

take care!


May 28, 2010
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Thank you for the kind words.

My germaphobia is connected to her to an extent. We had a scare once, and it made me very self aware about thing of the nature. I know deep down it is irrational. I have lived 23 years normally, not ever contracting anything, and now all of a sudden things seem so unclean to me. I do need to break my cycle in that, and soon if I ever hope to return to normal.

I liked your comment about the fear of one's own traits. You're right. I am not afraid about myself getting sick, but rather infecting anyone else with anything. I had tests done about 3 months ago, and everything came back negative. So I will reiterate, yes, I do need to let that go.

Though, this experience is based on the back and forth, the push and the pull. I am a very logical person when it comes to logical things like science and mathematics, but as far as social and personal relationships go, I have always went fully on feeling and intuition. Deep down, at the core of my essence, it tells me that she does want to be with me. Not out of selfish personal needs of my own, but on some kind of inherent understanding the Universe has endowed me with. I have always had a keen sense of empathy, so I trust that.

I don't know that I put her on a pedestal. I know she has faults. I know I have my own. I see past them though, to what lies beneath all that at the center, and that is what attracts me. I feel so entangled with her, and I can't manage in any feasible way to ignore that. Not something I choose to consciously notice, rather something that is just there, something that just is.

You are interested, and I appreciate that you care to hear, so I will keep a log book on how this plays out so others may benefit from it. I would gladly accept advice on questions to ask though, so let me know what they are, and they shall be well received. :)

precision grace

Nov 5, 2008
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hi there. not sure if this will help but...as someone who is always falling for the wrong people, I now have a habit of also asking this question:

Why am I attracted/drawn to this person?
What lesson do I need to learn through this relationship?
What is the best attitude/mind set I can adopt in relation to this person?

It's all about life experience and growth, at the end of the day.


Jun 26, 2008
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hello again!

I think you'd best serve all the emotional intensity you've described if you could find a way to ground it, allow it to flow onwards and out of you instead of trying to hold on to it . . empathy brings both creative and harmful energies in so it's paramount that you can find your way around it. The kind of questions I had in mind were more about finding your own centre, your own axis into this. My experience has shown me that empathy gets stronger when there's some sort of projection going on so I think it could help if you found your own, autonomous place in the scheme of things instead of staying in 'receiving' mode. Asking about the best kind of relationship that could exist between you, or the best way for you to understand what is happening, could be such questions, imo. What is your energy in this, could be another, as well as asking what you are looking for in attracting her energy . . these are just some of the top of my head, as examples: the idea would be to find a way of becoming a bit more 'self-centered' in a positive, creative way so that you 're not overwhelmed by her comings and goings . .

- hope that helps some! :)

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