...life can be translucent


What was the initial purpose of Earth? 1.1 44

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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In the middle of December, I was reading a Dolores Cannon's book 'The Convoluted Universe I' and on page 42 the subject's higher-self speaks about the master plan for Earth. And today I decided to ask Yi about it, and what I've got was positively surprising!
1.1(Heaven) → 44 (Seduction)

D: Were the space beings watching the people all this time through their history?

L: Yes. They would just shake their heads in amazement at the black arts, wondering why.

D: Where were they watching from? All of these things must have taken a long period of time.

L: Their time is much different than our concept of time. They could tune into it through mental projections, or sometimes they actually visited the planet in a physical manner. This was not done very often because it was not safe to do so. People here at this time were very bad, and they killed others with no second thought. There was much murder.

D: Why were these space beings so concerned? Couldn't they just go away and forget about Earth?

L: No, because there was a master plan for this Earth. It is the most beautiful planet in this universe. It was designed in beauty as an experiment. Unfortunately it never evolved in the way it was designed. It was to be an experiment in emotion and physical pleasures. Things that many other places do not have. It was designed to be an experience for those who came here, and then to leave. People would come here on holiday to experience the Earth, the pleasures that it would give. Physical pleasures that these beings would normally not experience.

D: You mean, they came here like on vacations and such before the situation got bad?

L: It was before people inhabited this Earth. Then some of them got so involved in this physical pleasure, they got so mired in it, they did not leave. They stayed to experience it further. The longer they stayed, the less they were able to leave. They lost the ability to leave. So they were here when the first set of beings came. The ones who were supposed to help those who were mired in the physicalness of this planet, to help them regain their light spirits. They also were caught up in it.

D: They were supposed to help them get back what they had forgotten, but it didn't work that way.

L: No, because they too were caught. So they stayed also, and became intertwined with those that were here first.

D: You said it was part of the master plan in the beginning. Can you tell me anything about that?

L: In the beginning the plan was a beautiful plan. The plan would allow souls to come to Earth to visit the beauty, to take pleasure in Earthly things, as a reward for things they had done in other worlds. It was meant to be a short vacation, a pleasurable experience, and then to leave and go on about their existence.

D: That was the master plan?

L: Yes. It was like a reward for a job well done.

D: It seems like everything went wrong, didn't it?

L: Yes. It was sad.

This was not the first time I had heard this. In other regressions dealing with other subjects, Earth is mentioned as a vacation spot, a holiday retreat, where beings from many different worlds and dimensions came in the early days before the world was contaminated by humans. This was said to be before souls became entrapped in the physicality of Earth.

1. Hidden dragon. Do not act.

Nonetheless he remains true to himself. He does not allow himself to be influenced by outward success or failure, but confident in his strength, he bides his time.

Fan yao, Legge:
1. Shows how its subject should be kept (like a carriage) tied and fastened to a metal drag, in which case with firm correctness there will be good fortune. (But) if he move in any direction, evil will appear. He will be (like) a lean pig, which is sure to keep jumping about.

1. Check the temptation now or misfortune follows.

Resist the pull of pleasures, enjoy them but be temperate. A resort but also a lesson in impulse control.
Look at what people do - they seek pleasure in all things, love (attention, sex, emotion, help), food, physical senses (music, photography, travel, cinema), power, control, money etc.

How accurate!
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I don't see it the same as you. I suppose I could be wrong. I have stopped using other translators for now. What I mean to say is, I don't read all of the extra they write, opinions ect. Unless I do not get any feeling/intuition about the reading, then I may take into consideration what other translators have said. The actual text is very simple. Although one Chinese word can be equal to several English words. And honestly, I do not see how you got from A to B here. But if that is your feeling without a shadow of a doubt, by all means roll with it.

For me this answer is simple. You ask "what was the initial purpose of earth?" And the answer is line 1 - hidden dragon, do not act.

44- you are trying to make a connection with 1- the creative

But line1 of 1- you are either not ready for this answer, it is hidden from
you for a purpose, and you should take no further action in trying to find an answer. Or, perhaps the answer is deep within yourself, and when you are ready to realize it, it will surface. Which requires no further action. And since dragon can be considered dangerous, powerful, and magical, if you do not cease in taking action in this manner, you may end up further and further from the truth.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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It would be interesting if any of you guys ask this question and post the result here.

I got from A to B in a simple manner, 44 represents seduction that was materialized from the potential (1) in innumerable ways. 5 higher lines are still undefined - you can have any combination of 5 physical senses pleasures. And line 1 says don't act, don't allow yourself to be swept along too far.

It's only the outer shell, the lower energy level, there are higher levels (2-6).

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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There are so many things I would say but, let me start by addressing your comment about the 5 senses.
This is an illusion created by language. There is only one Sense\Awareness and for the purpose of conversation we break it up and categorize phenomena.
Is this not what Lao Tzu meant by, "the five colors blind the eye"?
It is the same as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. (Essentially, language limits thinking.)

44 Is not only about seduction, it is also about unexpected meetings.
..Coming to meet, thus does the prince act when spreading his commands around the kingdom.

I see your initial question a perfect example of how we humans can formulate questions we cannot answer.
I will do the same as I sit here in this cafe...
Why is the space in this room, between all of the objects and walls and people, as it is?
Now i'll try to answer: innumerable, unknowable causes that if I started trying to put into words, I would not be able to finish in my lifetime. And there I stop.

You asked us to ask the same question as you did.
I will not but, it got me to thinking.... so I asked:

Please, what advice does my friend Ash really really need to hear?
Received Answer: 52-6-15

Keeping Still, unto the very end, in the context of Humility.

Please comment.

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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I found this description of line 6 at iching online:

This marks the consummation of the effort to attain tranquillity. One is at rest, not merely in a small, circumscribed way in regard to matters of detail, but one has also a general resignation in regard to life as a whole, and this confers peace and good fortune in relation to every individual matter.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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It is Wilhelm's commentary on line 52.6.

Alright alright, I'm not obsessed about it, just wanted to make an interesting topic :)
52 is my favourite, love it.

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