...life can be translucent


Will I ever get to experience X?


Feb 23, 2015
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So I asked the I ching a naughty question. I wanted to know whether I will go through a particular experience in my life that I strongly desire.

The answer was 37.1 > 53

I get the gradual progress thing and that I have to be committed, patient etc. I am a bit confused about 37.1.... the barriers thing has thrown me a bit.

Any ideas??


Mar 1, 2015
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Do you live in an oppressive/restricted society (China, islamic states etc) ??


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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So I asked the I ching a naughty question. I wanted to know whether I will go through a particular experience in my life that I strongly desire.

The answer was 37.1 > 53

I get the gradual progress thing and that I have to be committed, patient etc. I am a bit confused about 37.1.... the barriers thing has thrown me a bit.

Any ideas??

From Hilary's book, Yi says

With barriers, there is a home.
Regrets vanish.

I may be wrong but this suggests to me the fact that you haven't yet experienced it is a good boundary, a protection. You need to feel safe and secure before you can experience this I think. I can't say in what sense you need this safety as I don't know what the topic of the question is. So I don't see this answer as a 'yes' or a 'no' but more saying when conditions are right, such that you feel safe, then you may experience this without harm.

A bit of a stab in the dark...but 37.1 shows there is no home without effective barriers, walls. It sounds absurdly obvious but to grow and to thrive we need a set of walls , a home to grow from. Ask yourself if you have this or if you need to create such a space for yourself either emotionally or physically. This answer doesn't advise/suggest you are open to all new experience for example, you still need to safeguard yourself as you would a child you are caring for.


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Sep 20, 1970
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Personal experience (please excuse the subject matter): I can't find the exact question, but I was asking about a cat of mine towards the end of her life. She was starting to urinate in places in my apartment that were not okay. I probably asked Yi a general question for advice - Yi gave me 37.1, and the solution was to keep her enclosed in a large crate with her food, litter box, etc. (She was still in the same room with me, and I let her out for short periods of time, just to cuddle for a few minutes.)

I hadn't done that earlier because it seemed cruel, but really it was the only reasonable thing to do. Another important result of the reading was it got me to stop seeing her condition through rose-colored glasses. Since Yi was saying I had to keep her in a crate, I realized she wasn't going to get better. It was time to euthanize her, which I did not long afterwards.

In my case, the reading meant I'd have a sane home only if I established barriers - allowing her to roam freely seemed more desirable, but it would cause too much destruction.

In your case - and only you will know what makes sense to you - the reading might even be telling you not to do this at all, that you'll be better off without it, as I was better off not allowing my cat to be out in my apartment.

That's just one possibility, of course. Getting from "here's the general sort of thing the line means" to "here's exactly, specifically what to do in real life" is something I have a lot of difficulty with.


Dec 14, 2013
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I don't know, I could be wrong and you don't have to say either way if I am, but it kinda sounds like you are still a virgin? And if you are, I would say just get it over with and do it. The first person you have sex with is relatively unimportant other than being an important milestone in your journey.

And all this talk about barriers, walls, boundaries... Well use protection...


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Sep 20, 1970
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Oh. Well. Kincadefoster found a very simple, straightforward way to look at this, which...had not occurred to me! Obviously makes perfect sense if that is indeed the topic.


Mar 1, 2015
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line 1 of hex 37 is usually about the restriction of his household/society he's in (his sexual fetish would be frowned upon if people find out), and it's usually good to be restricted so that things won't go out of hand
even the fan yao, line 1 of hex 53 also suggests "gossip" if his fetish is found out so I'm guessing he's in such a society.


Feb 23, 2015
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First of all thanks for all your replies.

Haha no I'm certainly not a virgin (quite the opposite actually) and I luckily am not stuck in an oppressed culture.

Sorry for the vagueness of my question... without going into too much detail but since you're curious - I wanted to know if I would ever have a particular experience regarding my work.

Anyway, again thanks for your answers... I appreciate everyone's time. :)


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Sep 20, 1970
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MoonCatcher, how can a question about your work be "naughty"? I didn't understand that in your original post, so I just ignored it and mentioned my experience with the line, because I had that to share.

But I think the way you presented it affected how Altair139 and Kincadefoster saw your reading, which is why they went down the roads they did when they answered you.

I for one am a bit exasperated right now.


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May 29, 2006
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Perhaps she meant 'naughty' in the sense that she thought asking for a prediction was naughty ? I don't know, only Moon catcher knows.

I'm not exasperated but I do notice many querents give such minimal information that respondents spend a disproportionate amount of time attempting to make the reading fit when it could be about anything from cabbages to kings to boyfriends to cat litter. Bradford said something very true in another thread

An "answer" has way too many meanings without a question.

It's true isn't it. A question is needed really for interpretation.

I understand the wish for privacy but there's a point where if there's not enough information everyone is throwing a lot of stuff into the pot and we're none the wiser at the end of it. It's always been this way in shared readings as when people do not return to give feedback on what happened and so on.

Hopefully Mooncatcher will tell us if she does get to experience this experience so we can learn something about how 37.1 played out for her here.


Feb 23, 2015
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Hey guys, sorry I just checked back here today.

I apologise if what I wrote was misleading in any way. I did not intend it to be.

Lisa, I do not see why you should be exasperated? I thought what you explained actually made a lot of sense in relation to my question and I'm very grateful for it.

Whilst I can understand how things were misunderstood - it's a bit unfair to criticise my presentation when there is more than one interpretation in the dictionary for the word "naughty". By naughty I meant that I felt stupid for even asking such a question.

I'm sorry if anyone feels disappointed that I'm not a virgin in an oppressed country.... but that is a pretty extreme presumption to make. I just wanted a general look at what those lines meant in relation to someone (i.e me) desiring an experience. I wanted to avoid people's prejudice, judgment, or personal presumptions and focus mainly on the line meanings. I feel that's fair.

Anyway, I am thankful for everyone's time. I will keep you updated on the eventual outcome.


Feb 23, 2015
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But I want to add - (sorry just read Trojina's comments too)... I really am sorry that I left out the part about work. I should have added that and honestly wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I agree that certain information should be given.


Mar 1, 2015
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Well since your question was too vague so speculations were bound to happen. "Naughty" thing here could be tons of things not acceptable not only in oppressed culture but also a democratic and open one, frankly: incest, rape fantasy, pedophilia or even necrophilia... ya most of the "naughty" fantasies people have are usually illegal or else they would have made it realities...
anyway the line talked about restraint and it's good to be restrained so... ya... vague question got a vague answer i guess....


Feb 23, 2015
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The reason for my vagueness was because I'm 100% certain it would've influenced people's interpretations on the reading or distracted them from the reading altogether - leading to a series of unwanted personal opinions.

It's like if someone were to ask "will I lose enough weight to become a model?" that would immediately conjure up all sorts of strong opinions which people would find difficult to hold back. It would be a challenge to just focus on the reading without maybe saying something critical about the modelling industry.

Another example...Kincadefoster's view on losing virginity: "And if you are, I would say just get it over with and do it. The first person you have sex with is relatively unimportant other than being an important milestone in your journey."

Whilst I understand the good intention behind this comment... if I were a virgin in the middle East, it may accidentally offend me since this opinion has nothing to do with the reading itself and pays no respect to how sacred I may view sex. Also, it goes against what the reading may be advising...

Sorry, I’m just explaining why I and maybe some other querents are vague on here. Sometimes we ask the Yi, what we feel society would view as either a silly, immoral or plain dumb question.

Nonetheless the answers were great - for they enabled me to understand the meaning of this hex a lot better in relation to my enquiry. I wanted to know if I would get to experience fully what it’s like to be successful in my career - which I’ve been so close to but somehow not reached fully just yet. It’s painful to see all my friends living my dream whilst I’m stuck down here still. It's like being trapped. I hope this helps clear up things a bit! :)


Mar 1, 2015
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I believe a clairvoyance's job is to state what's in front of him/her and can't let his/her personal prejudice cloud the opinion. Except the statement would affect greatly on the person's mentality and can change the future greatly, then he or she has the option to not give an answer to prevent karma. Therefore the person who asks the Yi will have to be as detailed as possible so that the best interpretation can be made.

I was even asked by a woman whether or not to cheat on her husband. Well it's usually socially unacceptable but in the hexagrams given by the Yi, they give the image of a bad marriage and an abusive husband so I told the woman to consider a divorce before continuing the affair. She did and now she's living quite happily with her new husband.

So when you ask for an interpretation I think it's better if you just make it as detailed as possible. If that woman just asked me "I was thinking to have a naughty relationship with this man, will it work?", without giving me the information that she had already married, and the current man was helping her out emotionally, I would never be able to tell that the marriage was actually rocky and the husband was even abusive.

Another case: A girl about 17 asked me about her relationship with her brother. She was vague too with her choice of word, until I had to force her to admit it's a romantic relationship aka incest then it's clear to me. Why did I have to force it out? The hexagram came out was 44.5 > 50. 44 has always been a hexagram related to something sexual (the name of the hexagram itself in chinese could mean sexual intercourse), especially when a relationship query comes up. I told her to keep the relationship hidden but it's fine to continue (I did tell them to try not to reproduce though, due to biological reason), because this line only comes out for soul mates, people who are meant to be but circumstances tend to disturb their union (in this case, the fact that they are bound by blood is the problem). Heck, they could be even twin flames, since a few months later I found out they're actually fraternal twins.

So in conclusion what I want to say is, I would appreciate it if the question is as detailed as possible, of course it's still your choice to keep your privacy, I can't push it but the fact that I might hit something wrong because of that would irk the hell out of me -_-


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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The reason for my vagueness was because I'm 100% certain it would've influenced people's interpretations on the reading or distracted them from the reading altogether - leading to a series of unwanted personal opinions.

I do see your point, and, actually, pretty strongly agree with you. This is an I Ching site, not a general help/counseling site, and it will usually be best if we stick to the reading and away from personal opinions.

But I don't think it can always be that simple. First of all, we're human beings, not robots. Our personal ideas are probably going to affect us even when we are sticking to the reading. Also, we may not always understand the reading very well (the I Ching can be hard!) - but someone might have some real-life expertise or experience that's relevant even if they can't tie it to the reading. That doesn't apply to your issue here, but it might apply sometimes.

Hilary has said (somewhere; can't locate it now) that it's absolutely essential for people to clearly identify their personal opinion. "This is not from the reading..."

Also, whether people stick to the reading or offer personal opinion, sometimes what we say will be correct, and other times wrong. There are often several ways to interpret an I Ching reading that can be justified from the text, but which cannot all be "correct" for the problem. (This is a difficulty I, for one, have with my own readings, much less other people's.) Sometimes we misunderstand the problem and need clarification; sometimes it turns into a discussion among members ("Oh...I see how you got that; I think I went wrong here"); sometimes the querent just has to figure out what makes sense to them; sometimes we're of no help whatsoever (sadly).

But - and you already know this, because you agreed you could have / should have at least told us it was about your work rather than some other topic under the sun - you can probably see how too little information had the exact effect you were trying to avoid: "...it would've influenced people's interpretations on the reading..." We had no idea what this was about, so we jumped to wrong conclusions based on the word "naughty."

But anyway - these "growing pains" are surely behind us now. Please do update if anything develops about this matter - best wishes for your career however it turns out - and I look forward to talking with you again here! :)


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Sep 20, 1970
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I should add I've learned something from this personally - I'm really bad about withholding information, too (I'm paranoid of the internet), and it's illuminating to see it from the other side.


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May 29, 2006
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On a lighter note you have made me chuckle a few times on this thread Mooncatcher. Here for example

I'm sorry if anyone feels disappointed that I'm not a virgin in an oppressed country....

:rofl: Just think this is probably the only time in your entire life you would have to say that sentence

but that is a pretty extreme presumption to make.

Yes, also my tip is if you want to know where a person is coming from when you respond, which angle, just read their previous threads.

I don't think you have need to apologise for anything really but thank you for explaining.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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As far as your reading, maybe it means you'd be better off not pursuing this at all (as in my example), but don't rule out that it might be advice on how to achieve what you want. Think about what Trojina said, and how or if effective boundaries and safeguarding something might apply to your job and aspirations.


Feb 23, 2015
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Thanks guys for all this... sorry I've just checked back on thread.

Lisa, you may be right - but I think that a bit of your advice and Trojina's both apply to my situation. After much thought on what you advised - I think that the reading is saying I must restrict myself to one aspect of my career only and create a solid foundation of people around me to move forward in that. Anyway... I'll keep you updated on any outcomes!

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