...life can be translucent

Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings- Hexagram 29


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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:confused: I must have cast 29uc at some point but have no record of it. It's clear 29 has come up for me, with lines, for the progress of tooth pain following disruption due to dental work etc etc. What I have noticed is at some point just before the pain resolves I have had the sensation of a kind of travelling nerve impulse moving around inside my mouth like a tiny fast flowing current...it's actually felt as if this nerve ending was seeking it's level, cascading down from the surface where it was problematic to some place down in tooth depth :D where it belongs and where it can flow at ease.

I've plenty of experiences around 29 with lines changing. I cannot count the number of times 29, with lines, has for me preceded an old emotional chasm opening, a rocky ride....and a bit like with the teeth. The emotions eventually finding their level.

So what about 29 uc ? I'll see what Wing says

"The component trigram is doubed. K'AN, the dangerous and profound, is repeated above and below. In it's static form, DANGER is repeated dramatically in regard to your enquiry. Your desires lead you into DANGER again and again. Repeatedly you manage an escape only to be confronted with another dangerous situation. Virtuous conduct, by strengthening your character, may help you transcend the entire affair."

Hmmm but often one might get 29uc when leading a very quiet life...but then still there are emotions I guess.

I felt the pair seemed especially noticeable, to me, at times the answer was unchanging. For this pair Lise wrote...a long time ago ;

Make your road 'stand' in time

29 - realise what is inevitable and do not fight it
30 - realise what you have and make it shine

Yes....whatever is like water in the situation must find it's level...whether it is nerve impulses issuing from cavities or emotions flowing within hearts. You have to let them happen and be brave.

Seeing what Hilary writes of the pair for illumination

Repeating Chasms are paired and contrasted with hexagram 30, Clarity.

'Clarity is above the chasm is below'

These are natural opposites: above and below, fire and water, light and dark, waking and dreaming. yet together they create a single landscape. Chinese tradition says that after its journey across the sky, the sun is bathed in the river at the foot of the Leaning Mulberry tree: the sun itself needs to 'repeat the chasm'.

Hmm the sun itself repeats the chasm.

Anyone recall the way 29uc has played out for them as an answer ? I will look to see if there's any clear threads from SR on 29uc as experienced from the ground so to speak


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Oh taking the liberty of quoting myself, found a thread on 29uc where I wrote this.....I had forgotten that experience

Whether you decide to stay the course or depart with 29 unchanging is entirely down to whether you think its worth it.

Recently I did a cast for someone who had had a terrible time with stress at work and wondered if they should go off sick or stay till the end of the year when redundancy would be likley to be offered.

I said that what they had been suffering,.they described as feeling like they were going to die...like they couldn't cope, would be likley to return. I was therefore thinking this person probably should go off sick...

However he decided to go on and he told me the whole stress episode did return but he kept on through to the end and now has a large redundancy payment.

I learned alot of 29 uc from that. He was really hanging on by his coat tails but he personally wanted to continue. He'd had the job a very long time and I think wanted to leave on a high note rather than fade away due to sickness.

So to him it was worth it. It was a career he cared for....and I think he wanted to ride through the rough time. I think he may have seen it as a defeat if he hadn't.

However if the pain and suffering had not been worth it then it surely would have been the correct thing to leave.

29 does generally involve a roller coaster ride and hard times. If you can "hold your heart fast", as I believe he did, then it is good to continue...but not if its something thats not worth it to you.

The final months of a mans career may be very important to him .....hmmm but if I was asking "should i renew my gym membership" and got 29 , well I don't think I would.

That was taken from this thread where there are other useful thoughts on 29 uc http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/showthread.php?15260-29-UN-action-or-hanging-in-there


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Curiously, Wilhelm's words for the the Judgment and the Image are so encouraging. If you didn't know better you'd step right into the river...

If you are sincere, you have success in your heart, and whatever you do succeeds.
The superior man walks in lasting virtue and carries on the business of teaching.



Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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I think of 29 and the story of Jesus - the master teacher - walking on water and calming the fears of his disciples. Maybe this is an example of how we are to handle 29 situations = stay calm and carry on.


Jesus was in no danger (according to the story), but his disciples were scared shitless. And, yes, through these repetitious feats and teachings of his, they did eventually learn the way, which landed this master beatings, humiliation and one quick crucifixion. When his heart or side was pierced, water flowed from it.

Why? Because he spoke out and gathered a crowd during the Passover; calling himself son of God, defying both Caesar and The Sanhedrin. Extremely dangerous and provocative thing to do. In fact, he knew he was stirring a hornet's nest when he chose to ride through the gates on an ass, to fulfill prophesy, with followers who hailed him as "he who comes in the name of the Lord," the same followers who only shortly later shouted, "Crucify him!"

Such is the way and the teaching of water: flowing gently one moment, pouring torrential floods over an abyss the next.


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Interesting you bring up the story of Jesus' crucifixion which also reminds us of his ultimate resurrection:

I wonder if the reason we all cringe when we get 29 is we know the ultimate lesson the superior man teaches here is that death is an illusion - and the way "he" teaches that is by putting us through experiences that cause us to confront death. Abysmal after abysmal, one death after another after another until finally we've died and reincarnated so many times we finally get it - death is not real.
Thus, no matter how soothingly our higher self promises, "...whatever you do succeeds" we still recognize 29 is going to be at best a near death experience. :eek:



Just another turn around the loop-de-loop, huh? Well, to water I think it is just like that. We are meant to observe ourselves in our human ways, but also in the ways of the elements. I, for many years, have gotten an exhilarating sensation when imagining myself as the water. that has just been thrown off a long and steep cliff into an unknown (to the piece of water). What does it feel, or think? Of course it does neither - it is water. Water's virtue is its adaptability, and that would include being ecologically fit or blended into the cycle of birth and death, in some way.

About what water thinks or feels the moment it is cast over the cliff, I think it feels nothing, but the organisms it carries depend upon it, like a cow to green grass. Fire, the opposite and equal rank to water, seem to share a great deal in their fluidity. They also both rely on a constant source, or sources, or they both dry up. Line of least resistance is downward for water, upward for fire.

29 still contains much mystery for me. I've personified it at times, and as I recall, liked how it felt. Some day I'll return to it, possibly again and again, like ya said, Rosada.


Jun 28, 2011
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I remember one very specific hex 29 I got about 2 years ago, I had been invited to an aquaintances birthday, it was a kareoke thing and I had no-one to go with me, I had to go to this on my own. I was so nervous about it that I stopped at a pub beforehand and had a pint to calm me down and get into the swing of things, not over analyse anyhting or overindulge in the idea that everyone at this party didnt want me there, or whatever such nonsense was floating around my head. Just before I left, i went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet lid and took out my coins and books. I was so incredibly nervous about this party. The answer I got back was 29UC, about 3 times if i remember correctly. At the time I didnt know what yi was saying, apart from the fact that i was all alone and feeling like i was in danger. I remember beign really pissed off with Yi for not consoling me, but later after more reading, the notion of 'repitition' started croppin up regarding 29, and then it clicked. The Yi was telling me that through practice, repetition of this situation, I would learn to overcome what ever inherant danger was either evident in the situation or what my own mind was perceiving as dangerous. The party was fine. Although i felt very much the outsider, everyone was welcoming and talkative with me.


Once again the Yi speaks to the emotions within the reader rather than directly to the question or matter at hand. I think it does this far more than most imagine.


Aug 5, 2010
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True, along with this weird way of Yi's to console us, as yxeli mentioned... that weird sense of humor to put it polite...

I got h29 while waiting for a "repeated" procedure to take place. the date had been set so I asked Yi . 29u... thanks a lot !!!

Although there was an embedded danger I choose to stop thinking in that direction while in my mind i could hear many thoughts and feel different emotions. I choose to write a poem instead of other interpretation ( it's floating somewhere in the forums). I feel 29 is a combination of containment and flow at the same time. It points out to our capacity,or the need of it, to find the ways to manage those troubling things


Aug 5, 2010
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At the time I didnt know what yi was saying, apart from the fact that i was all alone and feeling like i was in danger.

that's very h29 , the ways I have experience it. Can relate.


Aug 5, 2010
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Curiously, Wilhelm's words for the the Judgment and the Image are so encouraging. If you didn't know better you'd step right into the river...

If you are sincere, you have success in your heart, and whatever you do succeeds.
The superior man walks in lasting virtue and carries on the business of teaching.


This is something oftentimes "fades" in front of the DANGER of 29. Putting aside my minor complains about Yi choices :rolleyes:, I found 29u and the Image/Judgement saying "courage".


Apr 8, 1970
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I'm just in the last couple of weeks of a 29-unchanging year, so I should know what it means, shouldn't I?


I think I've confronted a particular chasm of mine again and again - confronted, or been confronted by, like those dream landscapes where you think you've walked away from something only to find it in front of you again. (And then fall in. Again.) The only thing to do is to learn it, in practice and by practising. And maybe if you can do that, so its full depth is carved into you, you might one day be able to teach it.

I'm not sure whether I want to translate the oracle as 'holding the heart fast creates success' or 'the connected heart makes the offering'.


I'm not sure whether I want to translate the oracle as 'holding the heart fast creates success' or 'the connected heart makes the offering'.

I think the latter is a broader landscape. There's usually not much held fast in water, except an anchor, but not inherent in water itself. A steady heart seems to be covered in 32. The offering, otoh, can be anything from a drink to a baptism, and the danger of drowning.


Dec 21, 2010
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I just got this for, "What if we redo the wiring on the farm house?"
I was having a hard time understanding what was being said until I read this by Trojan:
What I have noticed is at some point just before the pain resolves I have had the sensation of a kind of travelling nerve impulse moving around inside my mouth like a tiny fast flowing current...it's actually felt as if this nerve ending was seeking it's level, cascading down from the surface where it was problematic to some place down in tooth depth :D where it belongs and where it can flow at ease.

Travelling nerve impulses are a bit like electrical currents no?
The wiring in the house is over 57 years old and much of it is "hot wired"- I would say that it is constantly seeking it's level. So I am going to take this as an affirmative to fix the wiring.
Oh! and while it is being fixed we will be in the dark. :D


Mar 1, 2013
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I think the latter is a broader landscape. There's usually not much held fast in water, except an anchor, but not inherent in water itself. A steady heart seems to be covered in 32. The offering, otoh, can be anything from a drink to a baptism, and the danger of drowning.

The only thing you can hold fast to in water is your heart, or yourself. I got this today for a rather general question and remembered something an astrologer said to me regarding my chart...
He said: "There will be many times you won't have anything to hold on to. When that happens, you should hold on to the fact you have nothing to hold on to."
So, basically... float :)


Dec 11, 2013
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I hope you don't mind if I add my own interpretation...

Just before I left, i went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet lid and took out my coins and books. I was so incredibly nervous about this party. The answer I got back was 29UC, about 3 times if i remember correctly. At the time I didn't know what yi was saying, apart from the fact that i was all alone and feeling like i was in danger.

I have never experienced the same unchanging hexagram three times in a row.

The biggest challenge I face when trying to understand any casting is how to visualize all the layers in front of me, especially when I cast a similar pattern over a period of time. The Yi can be so profound, subtle, and encompassing that some times it takes me years to put everything together. And at times (quite often) it can be so direct and obvious that I miss what is just in front of me. :duh:

I am still a beginner in the art of interpreting the Yi. But I know some things related to its culture, as it brought me to Asia after some years of studying ancient Daoist Arts.

One common theme I found in all the places I lived in Asia is the notion of sacredness, especially regarding "books of law" (法), or any representation of the divine: we are not supposed to place them on the floor, step over them, point the soles of our feet towards them, or even take them without some cover or protection to a filthy environment -- in traditional Feng Shui, which is based on the same sources as the Yi, both the kitchen and the bathroom are considered filthy places.

The Yi was certainly telling you about feelings of danger you were experiencing. But after the second and third consecutive casting of the same image, and one as clear as an unchanging hexagram, it was telling you something else.

The Yi was making a very graphic description of where you were sitting: a toilet, a pit, a chasm, or an abyss, where the water flows down. By repeatedly and so vividly describing your surroundings, maybe it was just warning you that the place you were was unfit for a consultation. :bows:
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butterfly spider

Interesting hex 29.

I have just sorted out lots if bitty tasks - replying to emails and sorting problems out at school for my son. Felt like superwoman... Sitting down having cup of tea now. I am having thoughts about going to see my daughter - I really feel the sense if going of giving her a hug and spending time in my house by the sea. Of course it won't be like that at all but I nonetheless feel as if I should.
I did post a thread about seeing her a couple of weeks a go now - and it was very very obvious that it was a NO. And that I should withdraw from it all

I asked about her in general at the weekend - about how I could move forward and got 44.2. It sort if implied to leave at a distance

Just now I cast about this weekend and got 29uc

I do think that danger repeated and repeated is the answer - I am seriously thinking about changing plans but it is very hurtful inside to feel like this....

Just to say that he 29 does not make me jump with joy....

butterfly spider

I just had a smiling moment about Dads Army- the TV series about the Home Guard in the last War and Rosadas comment earlier about Keep Calm and Carry on
Does anyone remember the phrase 'it's OK Captain Mannering - stay calm - its all sorted'

Of course it wasn't and no one stayed calm - a bit like hex 29. - but it made me chuckle


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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An example of 29 meaning something repeated, and also of going too deep and making something overly complicated (the idiom "growing legs" comes to mind).

I got a voicemail wanting to know if I could help with something on short notice. I wasn't home when the phone rang, and then I didn't notice the message until the next day. By that time, the event they needed help with was over.

My impulse was to email the person who had phoned with polite regret at missing the call. I thought it would be rude not to.

Then I thought, well, they almost certainly hadn't called just me; they had probably phoned down a list of group members trying to find one available person. The caller surely didn't need an apologetic email from everyone he hadn't reached - and then he might feel obligated to email back with some sort of polite reassurance.

But I still worried whether not replying would be rude, so I asked Yi, "How best for me to respond to this voicemail?" 29 unchanging, Repeating Chasms.

Yi was highlighting something I'd already thought about - the repeated phone calls. I thought the implication was that everything following from that was correct - the caller didn't need emails or "chasms" of pro forma politeness.

butterfly spider


I had a recent experience with hex 29UC concerning an issue that I had been avoiding for several months
Last October I cast 29UC about this and instantly put the documents to the bottom often pending file ---hardly a good omen especially to do with money I thought

More recently I had a casting on the same issue that moved to hex 29 but a search elsewhere showed that it was the fear of the issue rather than the reality

Sure enough the outcome.- when I gathered the courage to deal with it - was indeed favourable and I now see how ridiculous my apprehension.

So perhaps hex 29 can represent anxiety upon anxiety in the caster - and that is what it is about
Just a thought

butterfly spider

Thought this might be useful
I am in the car going back to see my daughter - it is her birthday. In the car again with the dog and the fish in the flask (and another flask for the tea). Am having thoughts about it again. I stopped the car for tea (thankfully using the right flask) and asked about the week

29UC - and there it is a year ago asking the exact same question with exactly the same answer of 29UC (see my reply above)

I do worry about going on many levels - it is like seeing the same thing over again. Maybe it is the way I deal with it all that I need to change - I feel like a bystander watching a movie in a way.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Yes these days when I see 29 I often have the sense of 'here we go again' and it is generally 'here we go again' in terms of my own emotional chasms. But I think 29 is a good warning. Not a warning not to do things but a warning of 'hey you are going into that deep dark place again' and I think whether you choose to go into it or not depends very much on whether it's worth it to you.

Of course this reading may apply especially well for the fish !

butterfly spider

The fish is now over 22 years old so He or she doesn't seem bothered.
Very interesting this as the week was absolutely lovely on many levels. My work went well and I felt in absolute control and We had some peaceful cosy and very healing meals and get togethers. When things
Became tricky - people pulled back from the brink - as if they were learning. My travel went spectacularly well and rather than being a spectator I felt immersed in the situations.

I thought that 29UC had something to do with my own emotions - dealing and immersing in things that are Dark but possibly confronting problems in a different way. Spectators are not players and cannot win matches.

I always looked at 29UC like someone who hates spiders (!) might look at one. They petrify some people - I like them myself. Like 29 they are full of fear perhaps - but most are totally harmless in UK. More the fear rather than the reality. There are of course ways of dealing with spiders....


butterfly spider

Still sitting here, having yet another cup of tea - and thinking about Christmas....Not the food or turkey (leg) but the thought of my children, ex partners, dogs, and fish (in a flask) descending. I am looking forward, as I always do. Things can go bottom-up, and I am just hoping that this year things are peaceful. I asked - how should I deal with Christmas this year? Oh goodness gracious,. hex 29UC - and coming here to this page, there I am above, asking more or less the same question, getting the same answer.....

Hex 29, yes its me, putting myself through the same situation as I have done for the past 30 odd years. Hoping that all will be well, but approaching with an uneasy anxiety. I do not think that this means that it will be a chasm, or dangerous or bad, just perhaps that I need to be aware, or maybe just relax and not worry. I do wish though that I had got 22, or 54 or something less anxious....

I think I will have another cup of tea.....

Perhaps it is thinking of the fish in the flask..... Here we go again?????

NB For those of you concerned about the goldfish, he (or she) is now 22 years old and the flask is a large one ex-military used for holding soups, which we half fill with water.

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