...life can be translucent


Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings - Hexagram 60


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May 29, 2006
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Well despite no one having any experiences whatsoever of either 58uc or 59uc I might as well press on since we are near the end anyway :rolleyes:

Very fitting comment now we come to all the non experiences you have ever had for 60uc . The list/number of hexagrams is finite, ie there are 64. The meanings within those 64 hexagrams is infinite. Since the number of threads about unchanging hexagrams are finite I can see the end, the limit, so this enables me to go on until 64. However if there were no end in sight I would just stop.

So 60uc can simply be about recognising when to stop, when things will begin and end, what the measure of things is, where you will have to stop and when you can go again. As 59 floods out 60 stops, contains and defines. The water is held in within the boundaries of the lake where in 59 the water was dispersed by the wind.

So as far as I can see when one gets 60uc one is being directed to or even shown the boundaries of a situation.

My own examples from my journal

1. A friend began to involve me quite intensely in his spiritual belief system in various ways. I was unsure about aspects of it. I asked Yi whether I should trust these aspects ? I got 60uc. In discussing this cast with others I got the understanding that I needed to go by how it 'tasted' to me. Perhaps I needed to be quite discerning, to take what felt right, what 'tasted' okay and what suited me and leave what didn't.

In hindsight this proved correct. Whole hearted unquestioning trust would not have been appropriate.

2. I was renting a room from a friend temporarily and asked I think, can't recall exact question, how long our arrangement could hold. I didn't mean in exact time units, more whether it was even tenable for it to hold as an on going arrangement. I got 60uc and it was one of those answers that has stayed with me because of the impact it had on me at the time. There were definite limits to the arrangement even though they had not been spoken. I only stayed a few months before finding my own place. It was an arrangement that had it's limits of all kinds for both of us.

3. I notice I've also had 60uc a few times regarding the pacing of things. Whether something can be done or not often relies on pacing and of course that ties in to the measures of routines. I think 60 can be simply drawing one's attention to the routines and pacing in a situation. I once assumed something was completely finished which I cast 60uc for. However it resumed. I just wasn't familiar with the routine and pacing of the thing.

4. I had 60uc as an auspice for attending a friend's party. Well it was quite nice but it wasn't a wild affair. There were mostly people I didn't know there, and I also kind of didn't know the 'format' of the party, what was usual in that circle of people so to speak. So I was, though no one would have likely known it, monitoring my own behaviour.....being 'well behaved' :flirt: So that was the internal aspect for me but also as people didn't know each other well I suspect everyone was 'behaving' themselves in the way people do when confined in a small space with people they don't know well and are obliged to socialise. If I'd sank a few more glasses of wine things might have been different..:eek:uch:.but Yi knew I wasn't going to so gave me 60uc in advance....or maybe it was a warning. In some ways it was actually quite socially difficult as in having to make an effort to be a well behaved, charming but not excessive party person. The evening ended cheerfully enough but no one danced the can can on the tables...and no conga line....

If you have a different party experience of 60uc be sure to post it here :cool: I'm wondering if 90% of 'dinner parties' are 60ish affairs. The 59 party however, well that would be like...like I don't know how would a 59ish party be..

5. I'd done some voluntary work that took more and more out of me and think I'd more or less decided to finish and asked Yi for comment. 60 uc. Well pacing and limits need to be comfortable and not galling, harsh or restrictive. It was getting to be too much for me in many ways at the time so I finished.

The Image from Hilary's book

'Above the lake is the stream: Measuring.
A noble one works out and reckons the measures,
Reflecting on character in action.'

I find the Image is particularly useful to look to as a guide for action when hexagrams have no change lines.

Wing writes of 60uc

The lower trigram of human interests, TUI, excess, is held in check and regulated by K'AN, the profound and meaningful, in the upper trigram of cosmic ideals. When LIMITATIONS occurs with no changing lines, it signals a situation that has yet to be defined. You must evaluate your relationship and duties toward the current impasse. The next step is to accept these LIMITATIONS and conduct yourself appropriately. You can take a significant step forward when you feet are on the proper path.

However I read the other day that 'if you keep both feet firmly on the ground you will never be able to take your pants off'....... so 'Galling limitation must not be persevered in' (Wilhelm)

Has anyone here ever cast 60uc, remembered what it was about and lived to tell the tale ?

I doubt it.....I really doubt it, but even doubt must have it's limits....sigh


Aug 5, 2010
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When I lost my dog and asked where is she got 60 and another h60 for the same issue. Could be that the woman found her was limiting my access to Loki or Yi was preparing and priming me for the complicate procedure, to put it mildly, to get her back. Wing's commentary resonates for that instant. I had to fight to get her back and choose procedures establish by law and the help of organized dog shelter that without their help would have quit get her back.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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The 'shadow' hexagram of 60, which is according to Karcher what not to do, is hexagram 4. So this ties in with what you say about finding Loki. A wide open unknowing attitude wouldn't have served you in that situation. You had to deal with procedures, law, detail, all of which require precise thinking and cooperation with regulations.


Aug 10, 2013
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I cast 60uc when asked: Am I a female?
It may sound like a weird question but even though I'm a female assigned at birth I've never truly felt like one. On the other hand I don't feel like a male either. I'd say I feel more on the male side but not enough to say I'm a guy; even my gender dysphoria is rather mild. I'm not sure what this reading meant.
(Btw I got 62.3.5>45 when asked if I am a male).


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Thought I'd share this :)

As this series of threads was completing I asked if people would continue to go on posting their experiences to these unchanging threads... I got 60uc. When I got the answer I wasn't overly optimistic but since then people have been posting on some of the UC threads :bows:

I think it is too early for me to attempt to say how this answer applies. I myself mentioned 'pacing' in the first post in this thread....and the threads are quite specific as in 'your experiences with uc hexagrams' so maybe every now and then someone will add something as they are now.

If, in a years time the threads have gone mouldy at the bottom of the thread pile and no one has added anything, I'll come back and reassess 60uc as my answer here.

I feel it would be interesting to have a series of threads on folks ideas and experiences with how the relating hexagram has applied. Well there could be series of threads on all sorts of things so 60 may be a good hexagram to keep in mind


Jun 3, 2006
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I asked how to proceed with selling my house and received 60uc. I see this as meaning I should first define the limits as in getting the place appraised to set a price.


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Jan 7, 2013
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Work within the constraints of the situation

Here is my ongoing experience with 60UC. My kitchen appliances have all been dying wiyhin the space of a few weeks- there is clearly a built in life expectancy! It started with the sink and tap, which have now been replaced. Then the hood, and now the oven...

I am having a very hard time finding replacements which fit into my existing units, and I really don't want to have to redo the entire kitchen right now... also, with Christmas around the corner, It is becoming difficult to book an installation, so Ideally, I need to get this settled within the coming week. I found an oven and hood which could possibly fit in the space. The oven would give me exactly the same functionalities as the one I had before, which is fine,but it would have been nice to have an improvement, like a double oven, for example. Before making a rather large investment, I asked the IC: what if I settle for this oven and hood? And got 60UC.

I took it to mean very clearly: you are operating under too many constraints - timing, budget, space, finding an electrician, and meanwhile your kitchen is not in use. You need to sort out your priorities- if you want more functionalities, you will have to trade off on budget and time. Sort out your priorities and don't be too demanding. I think I may just go for this simple solution. It ticks a lot of boxes, if not all. It will do.

And btw, Trojina, I don't see why people wouldn't continue to share their experiences with UC castings? I hope to continue share my mundane little experiences, for what they are worth:)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Back in May I wrote

As this series of threads was completing I asked if people would continue to go on posting their experiences to these unchanging threads... I got 60uc. When I got the answer I wasn't overly optimistic but since then people have been posting on some of the UC threads

I think it is too early for me to attempt to say how this answer applies. I myself mentioned 'pacing' in the first post in this thread....and the threads are quite specific as in 'your experiences with uc hexagrams' so maybe every now and then someone will add something as they are now.

If, in a years time the threads have gone mouldy at the bottom of the thread pile and no one has added anything, I'll come back and reassess 60uc as my answer here.

then Yasmin said

And btw, Trojina, I don't see why people wouldn't continue to share their experiences with UC castings? I hope to continue share my mundane little experiences, for what they are worth

....so it must be reassessment time for that 60uc I received. The image that comes to mind now is a vast array of drawers such as they used to have in old fashioned haberdashery shops. Presumably there'd be a drawer for silk ribbon and a draw for handkerchiefs and so on. A picture of the orderly division and categorisation we see in 60. Maybe one drawer wasn't opened for a year but it's still there ready to open and take an item out or place an item in. That's how the unchanging threads look to me now, like a set of drawers. Every now and then someone comes and adds something and also perhaps takes something away from what they've read. 60 here is the categorisation, 'these threads are for this '. These drawers are expandable however and also can themselves be slotted into bigger categories. Now I've an image of the Russian dolls that sit inside one another. It's interesting that these threads are now a subsection of a much bigger experience library/impression haberdashery known as 'Wikiwing'. The unchanging threads are now linked in the subsection for unchanging hexagrams there also.


Thought I'd share this :)

As this series of threads was completing I asked if people would continue to go on posting their experiences to these unchanging threads... I got 60uc. When I got the answer I wasn't overly optimistic but since then people have been posting on some of the UC threads :bows:

I think it is too early for me to attempt to say how this answer applies.

I think it means: 'you have done all you can.' I just got 60uc when I was completing a written test to submit in advance of a job interview. As is my wont, I didn't read the instructions properly and only realised this morning that I needed to submit the written test today, by 12 noon, rather than on the day of the interview (Weds). I had exactly 2hours and 20 minutes to do it. I did it rather more hurriedly than I'd have liked, and with 5 minutes to go asked 'is there anything else I need to think of?' 60uc. Realistically, I couldn't do any more. (Although I was toying with the idea of sending back the email saying 'please find attached', but without the attachment, giving me an extra hour or so to keep working on it before 'realising' I'd omitted to send the attachment... :rofl: )


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Yes and I note with 60uc it is so often not possible to go 'full throttle' at something however much you want to. You might want to move faster, put more energy in, get more involved but there are things outside you preventing this that you have no option but to pay heed to. I think of a school timetable, how when at school you wanted one lesson to go on and on because you were involved in drawing pictures or whatever...but the bell goes. You wanted to put more in to the test but there was a time limit affecting how much you could do.


May 29, 2014
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60 uc

Has my agent read my script?


She has skimmed through it, but she has had a lot of unexpected demands. It turned out to be a good thing, since in the meantime, I unexpectedly had some inspired changes in the meantime on some dialogues I hadn't expected to change!


May 29, 2014
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60 uc

Has my agent read my script?


This is a pilot for which she had asked for some sensible revisions.

She has skimmed through it, but she has had a lot of unexpected demands. It turned out to be a good thing, since in the meantime, I unexpectedly had some inspired changes on some dialogues I hadn't expected to change!



Feb 29, 2008
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I have a pipeline to clear basically I have made the sales now to get the work completed plus Xmas fast approaching, received hexagram 60 Unchanging , pace yourself makes perfect sense, chip away like looking for a lost dog, what can you do, search every corner methodically calling the name.

Pace yourself could mean do not stress either that's not going to help.
I think there is strong advice actually in not beating yourself up or stressing.

Cleary (1): Discipline is developmental, but painful discipline is not to be held to. [Discipline means having limits that are not to be exceeded. This hexagram represents practicing obedience in unfavorable circumstances, adaptably keeping to the Tao. The situation may be up to others, but creation of destiny is up to oneself. When discipline gets to the point of inflicting suffering, it brings on danger itself even where there was no danger; you will only suffer toil and servility which is harmful and has no benefit.]

While pacing yourself I can see its about the finer details but this is a breath easy slow methodical process, maybe the way forensic accountants work???

My question was what do I need to know about clearing this pipeline?

PS I guess I better stop casting and start clearing it.

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Aug 8, 2017
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I just got Hex 60 unchanging when asking whether I should go to celebrate one nice team member leaving my toxic job [with other toxic people going]. There's a tension between me and them due to me not being like them and I don't think myself going there would be a good idea. Or maybe that it would not be very bad but it won't change much either. I don't think I am going there at this point! :)


Jun 9, 2012
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In going back through my notes since summertime, I see that I received 60 unchanging twice.

First time: How will labor and delivery go? (I recently had a child.)
It was, all in all, very easy! Extremely painful, of course, and long (more than 24 hours), but I had no injuries from it and she was in perfect form throughout it. Out of my friends and family who have had babies in the past year, I had the easiest and least frightening time.

Perhaps there's something to the word "pacing" for this hex, Trojina, as you mentioned? It was extremely measured birth, if that makes sense. It had a steady pace, there were no crises, and the few problems that arose were methodically dealt with and resolved.

Soon after, I asked, "What if I quit my job to be with her full time?" (A question I have since asked again, and posted in Shared Readings). I got 60 unchanging. At the time, I interpreted it as, "You will have limitations on your income" but now I'm not so sure; now I feel like 41 would have been more appropriate for that, or 47 if it would mean things would be truly dire. I mean, it will still mean a frightening reduction in our income and certainty, but I'm also poorly paid, and could possibly make just as much working part time or freelance elsewhere, with more control over my time to boot. Just in the past few days I've resolved that it is time for me to move on from this job this winter (I don't feel particularly welcomed back and there are a host of problems there that I no longer have the emotional availability to deal with), and I'm still puzzling over what 60 might have been telling me when I asked—I'm leaning towards thinking it was Yi's way of indicating that my time there was up.


Feb 29, 2008
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Wow I really like metaphor of giving birth and hexagram 60 unchanging, yes for sure pacing , methodical. It appears that the advice is pace yourself, dont rush and things will turn out well. meticulous would also i think fit on occasions. My pipeline wasnt cleared by Xmas and I am still plodding away however collecting money now in the new year of which I probably would have spent over Xmas.



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Soon after, I asked, "What if I quit my job to be with her full time?" (A question I have since asked again, and posted in Shared Readings). I got 60 unchanging. At the time, I interpreted it as, "You will have limitations on your income" but now I'm not so sure; now I feel like 41 would have been more appropriate for that, or 47 if it would mean things would be truly dire. I mean, it will still mean a frightening reduction in our income and certainty, but I'm also poorly paid, and could possibly make just as much working part time or freelance elsewhere, with more control over my time to boot. Just in the past few days I've resolved that it is time for me to move on from this job this winter (I don't feel particularly welcomed back and there are a host of problems there that I no longer have the emotional availability to deal with), and I'm still puzzling over what 60 might have been telling me when I asked—I'm leaning towards thinking it was Yi's way of indicating that my time there was up.

I think 60 can ask you to sort priorities which is another way of measuring. You only have so much time, so much energy, so much money. 60 is measuring. Budgeting and allocating time and activities are measuring activities. I quite like 60 as your answer because it suggests it is within your grasp, within your control to intelligently measure/define/limit your time and resources for a satisfactory outcome.

If you think of your life as a jug of water and there are 3 or 4 glasses to fill 60 askes you to sensibly decide how much to pour in each glass according to the needs of each person before the jug runs dry.

You asked what if you quit your job to be with her full time and you got an answer that shows you have it within your power to make a balanced choice about what to cut and what to keep. You only have so much time and energy which you need to decide how to slice up and use, you can't do everything. Well you might do everything if you could portion yourself out in equal measures but often that's not possible.


Jun 9, 2012
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Thank you Trojina :hug: Your interpretation resonates, and puts me at ease.


Mar 5, 2014
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If you have a different party experience of 60uc be sure to post it here :cool: I'm wondering if 90% of 'dinner parties' are 60ish affairs. The 59 party however, well that would be like...like I don't know how would a 59ish party be..
An orgy, maybe? 😄

Olga Super Star

Clarity Supporter
Nov 6, 2010
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I cast 60uc when asked: Am I a female?
It may sound like a weird question but even though I'm a female assigned at birth I've never truly felt like one. On the other hand I don't feel like a male either. I'd say I feel more on the male side but not enough to say I'm a guy; even my gender dysphoria is rather mild. I'm not sure what this reading meant.
(Btw I got 62.3.5>45 when asked if I am a male).
To me 60UN seems to say that there is a common standard people have decided to follow to call people females and males. I think the hex speaks of making sure you use the same parameters others use before embarking on business with them.

Also, a nice answer to the gender fluid thing. Male and female are not fluid at all, they are well defined - by sex, which is not assigned by hazard at birth, but recognized; and by dna, which is immutable. There can be cases of dna not corresponding to visible genitals but are extremely rare.

It could also be a question thrown back at you: how do you define yourself a female? By your genitals? By the clothes you like to wear? By the role you have been given in society? By the way you interact with other females and males?
So it could ask you to first define what you mean by’female’.


Clarity Supporter
Jul 18, 2022
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This morning I consulted Yi.
I asked him this question:

What is the potential between John and me?
He answered: 60 unchanging.

That is,
It is being defined.

I think this is a very good answer, however, I would need to know more 🙃😅


Sep 18, 2020
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I asked What does it mean to start using an app of subliminals with affirmations for many aspects of life I want to improve?
60 uc
I take it to mean that it is helpful in that it does not leave my objectives so vague and hesitant as they still feel. Affirmations = definition of what it is I really want and feel I am able to get.
Also: holding space for what is to come so that the improvement can fit my life.
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Apr 25, 2020
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I asked What does it mean to start using an app of subliminals with affirmations for many aspects of life I want to improve?
60 uc
I take it to mean that it is helpful in that it does not leave my objectives so vague and hesitant as they still feel. Affirmations = definition of what it is I really want and feel I am able to get.
Also: holding space for what is to come so that the improvement can fit my life.
Hey Hashmotor! I’m into subliminally since almost 10 years. I can tell from my experience, that the beginning can be hard. You may experience unexpected changes (your becoming another person, another energy and that could imply people leaving your life, maybe your work.. you could end up in another city/country).

Be prepare for the UNEXPECTED.

After some time, your new life will emerge. Probably much more better than what you though.

In the course of the time, you would change subliminal as you discover new necessities in your life.

After saying all these… going back to 60UC. It could be much more than open space for the new 😅

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