...life can be translucent


Your help with interpretation of the following please - 43.2.3 to 17.


Jan 10, 2023
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Not sure I fully understand what the I Ching is telling me with the following and would be grateful to receive your thoughts on how this could be interpreted :)

The challenge I experience with translations is trying to not read hexagrams and changing lines literally (word for word) as I think I can quite often miss the real message being conveyed

Context - Q asking for advice regarding a complicated romantic relationship that is no longer happening in the 3D world - separated 18 months ago - nothing inherently wrong at the time although X has some very dire past personal hurt with love and relationships - X ended things with no real explanation, now there hasn’t been any communication between us for 10 months and I am blocked everywhere electronically - no major argument or fight - I was loving and kind throughout, albeit persistent in showing that I was open to communication and that I wanted to maintain that between us

Q - What is the wisdom and advice for me today regarding X

A - 43.2.3 to 17.

Thoughts & Feelings - 43 Breakthrough/Resoluteness/Deciding usually gives me a sense of eradicating an inferior element but with an emphasis on making that known to all, having your say, breaking through, being heard, speaking your truth - but in no way should you resort to open conflict/fight blow for blow or contest to the bitter end

Line 2
'Alarmed, calling out.
Evening and night, bearing arms
Do not fear.'

I am worried about this overall situation with X and mull over things in my head far too much - I sense that the line is telling me to stop doing this and not to constantly worry myself?

Line 3
Vigour in the cheekbones means a pitfall.
Noble one decides, decides.
Goes on alone, meets the rain,
And is indignant as if she were soaked through.
Not a mistake.'

I get the sense this line is saying that trying to communicate with X at the moment would be futile, even dangerous - I should move forward and face whatever comes even though I feel hard done by at how I’ve been treated (being blocked with no explanation) - and that this is the right thing for me to do?

17 - Following

Legge - Following indicates successful progress and no error through firm correctness

My thoughts are that I should follow and learn but not try to lead in this situation - do what is right, be firm with myself, show will power and not give in to inferior ways of thinking?

As described above, I can read hexagrams and lines a little too literally at times and don’t always feel that I am getting the real message, hence reaching out here for 3rd party input and impartial thoughts

Funny, as I typed those last words about not getting the real message my thoughts were that I am not getting the message with X - is the I Ching saying to me ‘X ended things, cut the communication lines, why are you asking questions about this situation, have you not got the message!!’

Thank you all in advance 🙏🏼


Sep 13, 2017
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Hello Pure_Heart

I think that in a way you already know what the reading is conveying...

..."X ended things with no real explanation, now there hasn’t been any communication between us for 10 months and I am blocked everywhere electronically - no major argument or fight - I was loving and kind throughout, albeit persistent in showing that I was open to communication and that I wanted to maintain that between us"...

Q - What is the wisdom and advice for me today regarding X

A - 43.2.3 to 17.

"decide on a higher and more promising way to seek your love in order to spontaneously embrace what reality shows you."

43.2-just open yourself up to the discipline of a new way of acting or communicating, even if it seems revolutionary and your emotional state appears alarmed, perhaps a sign that this decision is important and necessary for an adaptation to the "rules of reality".

43.3- you have tried every possible way to communicate with him, without results. This is information that you can no longer ignore... the fact that he does not want to communicate, in itself, is already a form of communication that you could try accept in a more balanced way, thus reflecting the integrity of the situation.



Jan 10, 2023
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Hello Pure_Heart

I think that in a way you already know what the reading is conveying...

"decide on a higher and more promising way to seek your love in order to spontaneously embrace what reality shows you."

43.2-just open yourself up to the discipline of a new way of acting or communicating, even if it seems revolutionary and your emotional state appears alarmed, perhaps a sign that this decision is important and necessary for an adaptation to the "rules of reality".

43.3- you have tried every possible way to communicate with him, without results. This is information that you can no longer ignore... the fact that he does not want to communicate, in itself, is already a form of communication that you could try accept in a more balanced way, thus reflecting the integrity of the situation.

Thank you breakmov, appreciate you taking the time to give your view, which I can take and it does relate and is good advice.

What are your thoughts on 17 Following as the outcome/relating hex?


Sep 13, 2017
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the reading you presented is an integral whole... hex 17 only shows this "context" in the attitude of trying to follow a better future... a decision making with a view to a better objective that does not leave you attached to the situation you described .



Jan 10, 2023
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the reading you presented is an integral whole... hex 17 only shows this "context" in the attitude of trying to follow a better future... a decision making with a view to a better objective that does not leave you attached to the situation you described .

Once again, thank you

With 17 paired with 18 I did have the thought that Following with firm correctness and not trying to lead the situation could result in me being able to - 18 work through the corruption within the situation

I’ve read on Hilary’s hexagram essays regarding 17 following this response to her from Stephen Karcher;

“In the case of 17 and 18, the connections are so strong that I feel you must see the flow of energy between them and the challenge it represents in order to talk about the Pair or either of the hexagrams in it. So I would find it problematic to see them as simply moving in opposite directions, doing completely opposite things. The “flow of spirit” in 17, into which we “insert ourselves”, following with ease, leads us directly to the challenge of confronting corruption and “managing” it, using the new spirit to confront the parental imagos that are our introjection of the corrupted culture around us.”


Sep 13, 2017
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17 and 18 are doubly related... via opposite and via reflection... and in another dimension also related to 53 and 54.

but I imagine you're talking about the "via opposite " option:

With 17 paired with 18 I did have the thought that following with firm correctness and not trying to lead the situation could result in me being able to - 18 work through the corruption within the situation

yes it implies that... there is no such thing as "following a different and better path" without "correcting the steps taken" and "correcting the steps taken" without "following a different and better path".

to understand 43.2.3 to 17
It first implies that you want a better future and do something about it...
and with this desire to walk towards a better future, naturally comes the desire to decide to "follow a different and better path"... a path under construction
...which also implies also and simultaneously a "correction of the steps taken previously"...a correction that is also under construction

and all of this implies a Decision for a better future and therefore also a desire to disengage from the previous path (....remember...opposites are always at work)

and in your case the correction is linked to not letting your emotions interfere with the discipline you need in the way you communicate, and on the other hand correcting this tendency of wanting to force a response from him... in a way a dependence on his opinion..



Jan 10, 2023
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17 and 18 are doubly related... via opposite and via reflection... and in another dimension also related to 53 and 54.

but I imagine you're talking about the "via opposite " option:

yes it implies that... there is no such thing as "following a different and better path" without "correcting the steps taken" and "correcting the steps taken" without "following a different and better path".

to understand 43.2.3 to 17
It first implies that you want a better future and do something about it...
and with this desire to walk towards a better future, naturally comes the desire to decide to "follow a different and better path"... a path under construction
...which also implies also and simultaneously a "correction of the steps taken previously"...a correction that is also under construction

and all of this implies a Decision for a better future and therefore also a desire to disengage from the previous path (....remember...opposites are always at work)

and in your case the correction is linked to not letting your emotions interfere with the discipline you need in the way you communicate, and on the other hand correcting this tendency of wanting to force a response from him... in a way a dependence on his opinion..

I like the way that you have translated the connections between 17 & 18, they do appear to be intrinsically linked

The intent of my original question was a general one for wisdom and advice regarding X (a her btw, me being the him!! 😊) and you have helped me see this answer from a different, and more in depth and informative perspective.

Massive thanks 🙏🏼


Jan 10, 2023
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Update - there has been no change to my situation and unfortunately we are not communicating with each other.

However, the interpretation from breakmov makes complete sense and I now see it as such an accurate translation of where I was mentally, a process I need to go through and how I had to approach things.

It was wisdom and advice that I had asked for via the I Ching and I am slowly getting to a better place!

"decide on a higher and more promising way to seek your love in order to spontaneously embrace what reality shows you."

43.2-just open yourself up to the discipline of a new way of acting or communicating, even if it seems revolutionary and your emotional state appears alarmed, perhaps a sign that this decision is important and necessary for an adaptation to the "rules of reality".

43.3- you have tried every possible way to communicate with him, without results. This is information that you can no longer ignore... the fact that he does not want to communicate, in itself, is already a form of communication that you could try accept in a more balanced way, thus reflecting the integrity of the situation.

hex 17 only shows this "context" in the attitude of trying to follow a better future... a decision making with a view to a better objective that does not leave you attached to the situation you described .

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