...life can be translucent


Hex.24 no moving lines for my divine mission abroad


Feb 19, 1971
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Hello Fellow Seekers,

I asked the Yi with the yarrow whether I go abroad on a divine mission to help spread my spiritual path, and I received 24. While this is the hex of transition and a new time coming and a better time, it is also about returning. Any insights into this?

Incidentally, the line 1 of 24 that I had received some time ago when I'd asked if I could be friends again with the Temple girl proved true. I have returned to the True Way after a small error and she and I are friends again, which is a very precious thing to me. Nurturinhg the soul I think is even more important than nurturing the body, for once one nurtures the soul, all other nurturing automatically takes place.

P.S: Of course, my going abroad has to do with my German boyfriend, but I know I must keep this mission in mind or I will not be truly successful in whatever I do, whether it's marriage or career.

Best for your Quest



Anita, I don't think your answer speaks to going or not going, but rather to work your mission as a natural affect from within. This would say to me, come or go, to and fro goes the way. New friends and things will come and some will go. But return to your core, regardless. Operate from this origin and remain blameless, come what may.


Feb 19, 1971
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Hello Candid.

How brilliant! I wondered why is the Yi is telling me to return to the Source when I'm already there? Now I know. it means I must keep to to the Source no matter where I am and with whom. Thanks a lot Candid.

In fact I received this hex no moving lines even when i asked if I will go abroad with my boyfriend. Makes a lot of sense.

Best for your Quest


Feb 19, 1971
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By the way,

The Yi has answered my question since 24 is about transition and new times. So I will be going abroad. However, I am advised to return to my Way because away from the Temple it becomes really difficult to follow the Way. This is something I aim to do, no matter what, because I know this is the only way to true joy and fulfilment. Only the Way is eternal, all else transient.




Chances are you're teacher's voice will be with you when you go. The Way is inseparable from the teacher of the Way. Even if we are physically apart from our teacher, their voice and spirit goes with us, through memory if nothing else. In this sense, you're bringing the Temple with you.

May peace and great good fortune go with you also.



Clarity Supporter
Dec 1, 1971
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Dear Anita,

...because away from the Temple it becomes really difficult to follow the Way...

That is also what I always have recently as my own personal challenge.
My teacher said, that, at least from an outside view, a consistent live as a Zen monk living in the temple seems to be very hard to obtain - but a consistent lay life is impossible... ;-)

Just my two (Euro)Cents...




Feb 19, 1971
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Thanks Candid for your good wishes. You are absolutely right, but it is as Soshin says a mighty challenge. In my case this means sticking to my vegetarianism in predominantly meat-eating places and keeping off cigarettes and finding my own Adisor when I need advice within me -- of course the Yi will help too. But I have had 5 years at least already of this Path and it is ingrained in me. Also to watch my thoughts and actions, that they are always in accordance with the Way.

Thanks again Candid.


If you are a monk, of course you have no option but to stay in the Temple, but as a lay person, yes you do have a challenge ahead without the tangible support of your temple and spiritual friends. But athen we do live in this world and must find the strength within us to cope and be true to our Inner selves. On my spiritual path, it is said that one can indeed cultivate while living a worldly life. It is not impossible. Many have taken the Oath and followed the Way for a lifetime while living in the world. Yet those that have been able to keep in touch with the Temple regularly have found it much easier than those who haven't. I hope and pray that you and I are able to keep from straying.

I also must find a way of having the ceremony performed for a whole lot of people wherever I am. Gathering virtue is very important to enable one to follow the Way. I have by now drawn more than 6000 people to the Ceremony. I hope to continue when I'm away.

Best for your Quest



May 10, 1971
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The Stages of the Path: Sagehood

Dear Seeker: I purposely have not the read the foregoing posts in the hopes my reading will be truly obectively mine...At first the Answer: Hexagram 24, no moving seemed a flat answer but I am heartened that you understand the importance of the answer as it appears in your life's jouney.
Since you appear to aspire to Sagehood (a path defintely recommended by the Changes) I would say Hexagram 24 could represent the Stages of the Path, untimately to Sagehood. I hope you will keep the Changes close to your heart during your journey.
Also, because you seem to have good heart energy, I would note that the Winter Solstice is the traditional time to address spiritual questions (actually traditionally called 'petitions') to Heaven. The window of heavenly energy opens its highest at this time. You would know of course that an altar and appropriate meditation is in order and that ritual objects should be carefully thought out.
The I Ching has given a rather mechanical answer but it is up to you. I think you will do rather grandly....Did I mention that Hexagram 24 itself represents the Winter Solstice?

Now a bit of the technical stuff: In divinational terms you have asked a question that is very broad in its scope. When one asks a question of such generality often in divination one uses the inductive method. The inductive method asks the question in this way: "What hexagram represents the 'time' of my spiritual path? Then you may then (and for a long as you need to) ask specific questions such as 'will a certain career be part of my path?" Traditionally it has been called 'the time.' In future if the Changes answers with hexagrma 24, you can be certain that this hypethetical, proposed career has something to do with your Path. However, certain line statements of Hexagram 24 are not good and you should pay particular attention to such a reading. This type of 'inductive divination' is good for broad, general questions rather than specific inquirires.
The convenience of this method is that you do not have to continually ask that question (What is my spiritual path?) but may ask about specifics. Its a time saver.

Hope this helps,



Feb 19, 1971
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Hello Sun,

Thanks so much for your contribution and showing me the way to ask about my Way. I shall definitely try it. It is not however a career abroad I'm thinking of now. I asked about whether I would be able to carry my divine mission (which I know I have since Guruji says it and I know it in my heart) abroad since I see myself joining my boyfriend in Germany sometime next year. And what does the winter solstice have to do with this? Is it the time that I will be able to carry my mission abroad?

Let me try it your way and see what comes up.

Best for your Quest

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May 10, 1971
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Dear Anita: I thought the job example would be confusing-it was only hypothetical, an example.

The hexagram could relate to the timing of your joining your friend. For me, the time is one of spiritual retreat and then celebration.

The old text also mentions that at this time new groups (I would think especially spiritual) are formed. The Yi may be indicating that is your mission.

At the Solstice is also the time traditionally when the student writes the root guru and sums up her contributions, spiritual accomplishments, etc. during the year (along with the usual prayers for guru's long life and happiness)and includes a small gift.

In Taoism the guru will be normally be performing the Pace of Yu, a ritual dance across the back of the giant turtle shell that holds up our world and is in the nature of a giant pa kua.

At this time 'petitions' are addressed to the gods and immortals. The guru takes one's prayers and requests along with him and presents them as well. (Of coure, I would not know about your particular tradition)



Feb 19, 1971
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We do make offerings on the Path, and at times to the guru too, although this is not seen as necessary or important. For what is offered is used for the benefit of those who come to the Temple. Or in helping maintain the temple. Offerings are voluntary of course. I have always made it a point to do so. Which is why I believe I have the blessings to hold on to my job when so many have been laid off. It began as just a 6 month contract for consultancy and has gone on for more than 3 years. There are many other blessings in my life.

Thank you Sun for your interpretation. To find new people abroad who would be interested in the Path is certainly my divine mission. But join my friend in Germany in the winter! Brrrr! I'd hoped to go over when it's warmer so the cold doesn't hit me in the face right away!

Best for your Quest


Prayers are regular too. We pray along with the Guru who leads the prayer and by ourselves too.


May 3, 1971
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Hi Anita

Best for you on your future. One way of looking at hexagram 24 I believe, is that the meaning is not only return, but the turning point. This usually has a positive connotation. This will definitely be a turning point for you. I hope it will work as an advantage for you. Jesus, and I believe the Buddha too, at a certain point in their disciple's training, sent the disciples to teach of the kingdom of heaven, and they were to take no money with them. (I am not saying you should do this) In many ways, going on the mission was more for their training, than it was for getting disciples, although that was part of it too. They were never sent of course, until they were ready. Are you ready?



Feb 19, 1971
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So good to see you jump in! That of course IS the question -- am I ready? On one hand I don't want to end my love relationship and on the other hand i feel sad at the idea of leaving the Temple and my temple friends behind. So a dilemma there certainly is. But I think I will go and this will further test my endurance o this path. And if I can also help others get this ceremony, all the better!

Good to see you here. And Thanks.



Feb 19, 1971
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Hi Gene,

Am I ready? After 6 years of practice I do think i am, especially having passed the gruelling test put to me a while ago!

All the Best



Apr 25, 2020
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Hi Gene,

Am I ready? After 6 years of practice I do think i am, especially having passed the gruelling test put to me a while ago!

All the Best


Hi Anita! I received this 24UC hexagram when causally asking if I would move to an specific city (in Germany) for “studying reasons” (doing a Master). My dream to study a Master in Law in Germany 🇩🇪.

I’m trying to keep my faith up, everyone’s that surrounds me is telling me that I will not be accepted at the University.

I would like to know how everything turned out for you.

Hope we can hear from you soon,

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