...life can be translucent

49.1.4 to 39 regarding vaccination


Aug 4, 2015
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I asked if it would be safe / favorable for my health to get my second dose of the vaccine, I got 49 changing to 39. At a first look it seems good, but I can’t interpret the two changing lines that seem contradictory to each other. What do you think?


Feb 6, 2021
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If the vaccine requires a second shot for you to be fully vasccinated, then get the second shot! Otherwise, do what your doctor recommends. This is not rocket science, not is it a decision that require too much thought!


Aug 4, 2015
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If the vaccine requires a second shot for you to be fully vasccinated, then get the second shot! Otherwise, do what your doctor recommends. This is not rocket science, not is it a decision that require too much thought!
Thanks for the input. It is indeed the second shot. But do you base your assertion on your interpretation of the i ching i reported?


Feb 6, 2021
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do you base your assertion on your interpretation
Yes and no.

After the number of cases/deaths have been dropping steadily for months (as more of us have been vaccinated), COVID is again starting to rage. This is happening because of many people's stupid refusal to get vaccinated, based on fear and misinformation, and because - at least here in the US - many have make it part of their political agenda.

So, I could - even legitimately - say this is what the reading points to; and others will tell you the exact opposite. But I'd just as soon forego that back-and-forth dance and get to the point - just help yourself, your friends, family, community - all of us - and go get fully vaccinated.

You've already gotten one shot and your body is well on its way to building immunity - its defenses - against the virus. Why not just finish that process?
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if it would be safe / favorable for my health to get my second dose of the vaccine 49.1.4 > 39

49.1 shows homeostasis, comfort, perhaps referring to your first dose having now settled.
49.4 shows a complete change of the status quo, turning the tables.
39 can mean side effects at best, a disability at worst.

Did you have very strong side effects from the first one?
If so, then you'll get stronger ones this time.
If you didn't have severe side effects, you'll need to keep a very watchful eye after the 2nd dose, something will go wrong. Keep your eyes peeled for side effects and when they happen seek medical advice immediately, do not ignore them.

In my opinion, and I Ching apart, it's best to have the 2nd dose.
It does not protect you from getting infected or transmitting it, it does not guarantee you won't die from covid, but you have a 70% less chance of dying from covid - so that's quite an advantage.


Aug 4, 2015
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if it would be safe / favorable for my health to get my second dose of the vaccine 49.1.4 > 39

49.1 shows homeostasis, comfort, perhaps referring to your first dose having now settled.
49.4 shows a complete change of the status quo, turning the tables.
39 can mean side effects at best, a disability at worst.

Did you have very strong side effects from the first one?
If so, then you'll get stronger ones this time.
If you didn't have severe side effects, you'll need to keep a very watchful eye after the 2nd dose, something will go wrong. Keep your eyes peeled for side effects and when they happen seek medical advice immediately, do not ignore them.

In my opinion, and I Ching apart, it's best to have the 2nd dose.
It does not protect you from getting infected or transmitting it, it does not guarantee you won't die from covid, but you have a 70% less chance of dying from covid - so that's quite an advantage.
Now I’m really scared, I thought 49.4 was favorable change. I had only sore arm on the first dose. Second one in a few hours, conflicted on cancelation....


Feb 6, 2021
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Keep your eyes peeled for side effects and when they happen seek medical advice immediately, do not ignore them.

In my opinion, it does not protect you from getting infected ....
When I got my two vaccinations they made me stay for 20 minutes to watch for severe reactions. Besides that, they tell people to expect 'side effects'. These are normal. The most strong reaction anyone I know has had was a day of flu-like symptoms. But yes, if severe, of course we should have it checked out.

But you are wrong, vaccines do protect us from getting infected; that's why we get them! They do this by 'prepping' our immune sytems to protect against different viruses, in this case, a corona virus.

They don't provide absolute, 100% protection, but combined with 'herd immunity' - which is when a significant number of people either get vaccinated or survive infection - vaccinations are very effective at protecting us!


Now I’m really scared, I thought 49.4 was favorable change. I had only sore arm on the first dose. Second one in a few hours, conflicted on cancelation....
49.4 is 'lucky', the warning comes from resulting 39.
Is there any chance they will offer you a different 2nd vaccine than the 1st one? (some countries do that)
That would personally worry me, as not enough data yet to support that.

If I were you I'd go ahead and do it, just watch for side effects in the next couple of weeks (e.g. headaches, faster heart beat etc).


Aug 4, 2015
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49.4 is 'lucky', the warning comes from resulting 39.
Is there any chance they will offer you a different 2nd vaccine than the 1st one? (some countries do that)
That would personally worry me, as not enough data yet to support that.

If I were you I'd go ahead and do it, just watch for side effects in the next couple of weeks (e.g. headaches, faster heart beat etc).
I’d do the same vaccine as the first shot. Is the resulting 39 so ominous?


Is the resulting 39 so ominous?
Not very. I've seen it mean 'side effects' a few times. I've also seen it mean that something goes practically wrong and an event ends up postponed. Thinking about it more, it could even mean blocking the virus. Just be cautious and monitor yourself carefully for the next couple of weeks, it might be something as simple as "you'll get some more side effects than the first dose".


Aug 4, 2015
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Not very. I've seen it mean 'side effects' a few times. I've also seen it mean that something goes practically wrong and an event ends up postponed. Thinking about it more, it could even mean blocking the virus. Just be cautious and monitor yourself carefully for the next couple of weeks, it might be something as simple as "you'll get some more side effects than the first dose".
I was in fact thinking of asking to have the second dose postponed, might be a good idea in regards of your reading?
‘Thinking about it more, it could even mean blocking the virus.’ What do you mean by this?


According to the reading, 49 is calendar, and two changing lines can indeed mean changing the calendar. Seen that way, changes in the calendar will lead to problems.
I Ching apart, the closer the two doses are, the better immune response you'll have.


Aug 4, 2015
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According to the reading, 49 is calendar, and two changing lines can indeed mean changing the calendar. Seen that way, changes in the calendar will lead to problems.
I Ching apart, the closer the two doses are, the better immune response you'll have.
So, even from a reading perspective, changing the shot date could mean a triggering of those side effects? You mean better off to stay this course and take the shot now?


Yes, if I were in your position I would go ahead and have it done.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Really what's happening here on this thread is enough to make me disown the I Ching/this forum altogether, it's just so harmful, so misleading, so nonsensical.

Consulting the Yi isn't meant to take place of common sense, to take the place of clear thinking and considered decision making. Nor is it there so one can just hand over all life decisions and just step back. Nor is it, as it has become widespread on this forum, meek permission seeking for just about every move a person makes. This can result in an injured life, a life where a person no longer trusts themselves, who won't make a move without Yi. Better really not to use Yi than go that way.

That rant goes beyond this thread and is general. But if you start saying readings 'scare' you you're lost.

Did you have very strong side effects from the first one?
If so, then you'll get stronger ones this time.
If you didn't have severe side effects, you'll need to keep a very watchful eye after the 2nd dose, something will go wrong. Keep your eyes peeled for side effects and when they happen seek medical advice immediately, do not ignore them.
Why would would you tell someone that when you don't know that ? It's harmful, it is worrying someone for no reason. You have just made a person worry that if they are not careful 'something will go wrong'.

She says

Now I’m really scared, I thought 49.4 was favorable change. I had only sore arm on the first dose. Second one in a few hours, conflicted on cancelation....

Great someone is scared through a baseless prediction.

I’d do the same vaccine as the first shot. Is the resulting 39 so ominous?
39 isn't 'the result' it's the backdrop. Ominous ? Are you approaching this as a sure and certain omen of doom ? If so don't consult. it's not helping just generating unnecessary fear. If you had one jab then why wouldn't you have the next ? I'm not bothering with the reading as it seems to me you have no reason not to have the second jab and so it's not worth interpreting. In any case the reading gives no cause for fear.

According to the reading, 49 is calendar, and two changing lines can indeed mean changing the calendar. Seen that way, changes in the calendar will lead to problems.
I Ching apart, the closer the two doses are, the better immune response you'll have.

Where did you get the idea that changing the calendar will 'lead to problems' ? Sounds crazy and without foundation to me.

It depends what you mean by closer. 3 months between jabs is the usual gap in the UK.

So, even from a reading perspective, changing the shot date could mean a triggering of those side effects? You mean better off to stay this course and take the shot now?

The shot dates have no impact on side effects unless your life and health are ruled by superstition. I hope you'd never change a shot date due to anyone's 'reading' here. If you would then you should reconsider even consulting the I Ching, it's not meant to produce superstitious fear. The idea that you'd cancel the second dose due to an I Ching reading is so ludicrous to me that if that kind of thinking is what this forum is for I'm very done with it.
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Aug 4, 2015
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Really what's happening here on this thread is enough to make me disown the I Ching/this forum altogether, it's just so harmful, so misleading, so nonsensical.

Consulting the Yi isn't meant to take place of common sense, to take the place of clear thinking and considered decision making. Nor is it there so one can just hand over all life decisions and just step back. Nor is it, as it has become widespread on this forum, meek permission seeking for just about every move a person makes. This can result in an injured life, a life where a person no longer trusts themselves, who won't make a move without Yi. Better really not to use Yi than go that way.

That rant goes beyond this thread and is general. But if you start saying readings 'scare' you you're lost.

Why would would you tell someone that when you don't know that ? It's harmful, it is worrying someone for no reason. You have just made a person worry that if they are not careful 'something will go wrong'.

She says

Great someone is scared through a baseless prediction.

39 isn't 'the result' it's the backdrop. Ominous ? Are you approaching this as a sure and certain omen of doom ? If so don't consult. it's not helping just generating unnecessary fear. If you had one jab then why wouldn't you have the next ? I'm not bothering with the reading as it seems to me you have no reason not to have the second jab and so it's not worth interpreting. In any case the reading gives no cause for fear.

Where did you get the idea that changing the calendar will 'lead to problems' ? Sounds crazy and without foundation to me.

It depends what you mean by closer. 3 months between jabs is the usual gap in the UK.

The shot dates have no impact on side effects unless your life and health are ruled by superstition. I hope you'd never change a shot date due to anyone's 'reading' here. If you would then you should reconsider even consulting the I Ching, it's not meant to produce superstitious fear. The idea that you'd cancel the second dose due to an I Ching reading is so ludicrous to me that if that kind of thinking is what this forum is for I'm very done with it.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I am sorry, I never intended to be disrespectful or taking the readings lightly with my question. I am surely anxious and my question was probably influenced by that. I apologize if this thread has upset someone somehow.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Thank you for sharing your opinion. I am sorry, I never intended to be disrespectful or taking the readings lightly with my question. I am surely anxious and my question was probably influenced by that. I apologize if this thread has upset someone somehow.

Oh no, you misunderstand, I didn't mean you were disrespectful at all. I was despairing of how a person such as yourself can get more and more scared through an I Ching reading especially when people like Diamant seem to paint very dark and scary scenarios based on nothing at all, not even the reading.

It's more of a general thing than this thread, you haven't upset me.
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Feb 6, 2021
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That's inaccurate. In Israel, where 60% are doubly vaccinated, 43% of those hospitalised are doubly vaccinated (Pfizer).

I amend what i said. Vaccines help protect us. And we all need to be careful and not think we're public health experts just because we saw something in the media. We need to dig a bit deeper:
  • In preventing hospitalization and serious disease, Pfizer vaccines are 97.5% effective for the alpha variant and still 93% effective for the delta variant.

  • “Just because a variant emerges that renders the vaccines less effective doesn’t mean those vaccines weren’t effective in the first place."

  • While vaccinated people are testing positive and being hospitalized in Israel’s delta outbreak, the current post-vaccination outbreak is only a fraction of the country’s worst pre-vaccination outbreak in January.


Jun 25, 2010
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Hi guys,
for fairness sake, I want to remind everybody that also saying "...Pfizer vaccines are 97.5%. effective for the alpha variant and still 93% effective for the delta variant" is a huge responsibility in front of the Universe because with these words, just read or heard somewhere, we can hint at someone that is safe to take a certain step, when in fact, in reality, we don't know.
To say: "Vaccines help protect us" sounds more like repeating something we were told or heard from tv.
I just know that I don't know a thing about this scientific stuff, but I am very careful not pretending that I know.


Feb 6, 2021
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I just know that I don't know a thing about this scientific stuff, but I am very careful not pretending that I know.

And since you don't know - and are not pretending to - are you instead trusting the majority of scientists, doctors, researchers, immunologists, and public health officials who do know more than us - and you've gotten fully vaccinated, and you are also okay with recommending this to others (based on what more knowledgable people are telling us)?
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Jun 25, 2010
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dfreed, I gather that you drew conclusions from my previous post. So I tell you a brief story.

There's this man that comes from Tunisia. Is uneducated, he can barely read and write. He's been a hand on a fishing boat most of his life till he opened his own fish wholesale business. Three times he booked to get one of those shots and three times he didn't go. He said that something stronger than him prevented him to do it. To me, that's raw animal instinct.
This man thought me that when you're in contact with something (and I don't know what that is), it alerts you when there is danger.

I trust my instinct as much as I manage to do. I find it difficult because I feel bombarded by propaganda, and I can only go on one day at the time amidst all kinds of pressure.

All the best!


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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What kind of propaganda ?

By definition propaganda is lies so who is lying ?
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Jun 25, 2010
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Definition: Advertising and propaganda are two of the strategies most commonly used by people in sales and marketing and they use them very subtly to influence our choices.
To me seducing people with orange juice, French fries, free lap dances, lotteries, marijuana, dollars and all the other offers that have been made in order to have people comply with a certain program is advertising.
To tell people that they are in danger, in danger, in danger, in danger, in danger, in danger... is propaganda.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I know what propaganda is and it certainly implies falseness and it is not of course limited to marketing, it's also political. If you are offering something true and good for someone it's not propaganda. The word propaganda most certainly has negative connotations.

To tell people that they are in danger, in danger, in danger, in danger, in danger, in danger... is propaganda.

If they are actually in danger it's not propaganda it's a legitimate warning. Propaganda = exaggerated or false information given to sway people's opinion. Covid is not false information.

We are in danger here in the UK don't know about where you are.

To me seducing people with orange juice, French fries, free lap dances, lotteries, marijuana, dollars and all the other offers that have been made in order to have people comply with a certain program is advertising.

Are you saying your government did this to get people to have the vaccine ? Marijuana ?


Oct 22, 2018
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I trust my instinct as much as I manage to do. I find it difficult because I feel bombarded by propaganda, and I can only go on one day at the time amidst all kinds of pressure.

All the best!
And that is very good point, as that is where humanity has arrived to, currently.
Aiming for a Divination System can help, another thing that can help are more linguistic or cognitive and behavior systems. Divination so you can figure out what is actually happening, the others so you can figure out how stuff is influencing people.
Both are good, as then we can see that the whole game is not exactly what it seems...

In this case, however, in my view the answer the text has provided is perfect, this is a bonus that only using the text you can get, as if you used other systems they would need the right "question" to tell you the essence, often, while here it found a way to answer it anyway.

I can't read it, however, as the topic is very charged emotionally by people, so taking a position about it is a bad idea in an open space. But you have the answer, in my humble opinion wise idea would be to just figure out what it means and have the courage to go with it even if you don't understand why it says it, if unsure.


Jun 25, 2010
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Trojina, I will end this discussion with this last post.
Yes, on USA Today, 'Joints for Jabs': Washington state turns to marijuana giveaways to encourage residents to get vaccinated.
If you believe you are in danger, the job of the propaganda was successful and is done.


Feb 6, 2021
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Interesting answers, but you still didn't answer the question from my earlier post - as far as I can tell; since you aren't a scientist:

Do you trust the majority of scientists, doctors, researchers, immunologists, and public health officials who do know more than us - and you've gotten fully vaccinated, or are planning to do so?

To me seducing people with orange juice, French fries, free lap dances, lotteries, marijuana, dollars ... in order to have people comply with a certain program is advertising.

To tell people that they are in danger .... is propaganda.

I trust my instinct .... I find it difficult because I feel bombarded by propaganda, and I can only go one day at the time amidst all kinds of pressure.
If someone comes to my door and says there's a wild fire headed towards my home, or that there's a crazy man with a gun roaming my neighborhood ... I don't consider that 'propoganda'.

And since there are over 600,000 COVID deaths here in the US, and close to 6 million world-wide (some even in Tunisia), I don't consider it 'propoganda' when someone whom is more knowledgable than I encourages me to get vaccinated.

And since I have gotten vaccinated all of my life, including against polio. smallpox, tetanus, shingles, diphtheria .... and I haven't gotten any of these - and some of them have been entirely eradicated ... I don't see what the big deal is about getting vaccinated against COVID, or why people encouraging you and I to do so is 'propoganda'.

In my state I don't think they tried to seduce people into getting vaccinated with orange juice, lap dances .... But I must say, if I knew they were going to give me stuff, I may have played hard to get - and held out for some bling, booty and a lap dance along with my shots!

But instead, I 'followed the science' - as most of us have done all our lives, so no one had to 'seduce' me into getting vaccinated. And if you do the same - since you don't know the science yourself - you too wouldn't have to be seduced into getting vaccinated, and you won't have to fall pray to misinformation, or rumors, or conspiracy theories ....

.... AND imagine how freeing that is! No seduction, no propoganda, no orange juice (unless of course you want some orange juice)!

There's this man from Tunisia. .... Three times he booked ... shots and three times he didn't go. He said that something stronger than him prevented him to do it. To me, that's raw animal instinct.

So, you're telling me that you don't know the science, but you have a 'gut' or raw, or animal instinct about getting vaccinated? Or could it be your are succuming to fear and misinformation and these have replaced your 'gut'?

Or ... are you saying that you and I and everyone else should rely on a story about some unknown person in a distant country. and then base our decisions about COVID vaccines on a story someone is telling us (which may be entirely made-up to begin with)?

And not to be racist or pre-judge people, but there are many places in the world, including Africa, that are overrun with AIDS, and people believe that gay people are evil, or that Muslims and Hindus should not marry, or that a selfish, whiny ex-president thinks he won an election ....

.... and so when you tell me a 'story' about a man from Tunisia ... I think to myself, what sort of propaganda or nonsenses is someone trying to push of on us this time?

I am entirely baffled by what you are saying here. On the one hand you're listening to a whole lot of misinformation, tales, rumors, conspiracies, and nonsense, and you're upset and confused because you're paying attention to all this bullshit - but on the other hand you're trying to convince me you're relying on your gut?

If I were you, I'd be confused too! So maybe you should spend far, far less time listening to a bunch of BS and instead go get vaccinated!

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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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I can't read it, however, as the topic is very charged emotionally by people, so taking a position about it is a bad idea in an open space.

It is emotionally charged in a different way on a public forum I think. I have several friends who won't have the vaccine but I wouldn't argue with them about it, not worth ruining a friendship for and it is their choice. However if they went campaigning publicly against the vaccine I would fall out with them as they endanger life.

If you believe you are in danger, the job of the propaganda was successful and is done.
What a very odd thing to say. Yes I know I am in danger, not grave danger, I've been vaccinated I'm not very old, but still people around me have had Covid, I know people with Covid now even though they have had the vaccine twice, there's people in the building I live in that have tested positive, friends have had Covid, it's not propaganda that makes me think there is danger it's observation of the FACTS !

I mean it is real, hospitals have been full to bursting, many deaths, that's not 'propaganda' ! You can't think it was all actors lying and gasping for breath in the hospitals can you ?

So you are saying I should no longer wash my hands, wear a mask, keep reasonable distance from others, take no precautions, have no fear because it is all 'propaganda' ? If so you just denied the reality of millions of victims to this terrible virus. Maybe you don't know anyone with Covid and so imagine it's all make believe and propaganda.
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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There's this man that comes from Tunisia. Is uneducated, he can barely read and write. He's been a hand on a fishing boat most of his life till he opened his own fish wholesale business. Three times he booked to get one of those shots and three times he didn't go. He said that something stronger than him prevented him to do it. To me, that's raw animal instinct.
This man thought me that when you're in contact with something (and I don't know what that is), it alerts you when there is danger.

If he gets Covid it won't be 'raw animal instinct' it will be 'dead animal' when something 'stronger than him' invades his body. I hope it won't and that he is in a almost Covid free location.

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