...life can be translucent


1.1.2, received twice. Your help please.


Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
I moved back in with my parents after college graduation, summer 2010. It has not gone so well, to make a long story short.

A recent and spontaneous message from an old friend who lives in the town where I attended college caught me off guard. He asked "When are you moving back?" For some reason it really struck me, as I hadn't spoken to him for over two years, and have been questioning my direction lately. He probably heard from a mutual friend I'd once planned to.

I'd had plans a couple of times in the past few years to move back, but both fell through, more because of self-doubt and fear of failure/criticism than anything very tangible. I'd pretty much given up the thought of moving back to my college town (about 140 miles from here). But I admit I don't feel very settled in this city, and have felt weirdly and repeatedly stifled at every turn when trying to build positive momentum here, even if it is where I grew up. I think it is because I was never clear and honest when I moved home after completing college, and really would have rather not moved and 'roughed it' by trying to get by on my own.


A few days ago, I asked for an 'oracle for setting a goal for moving back to _____ by the autumn equinox' and received hexagram 1, line 1 & 2 changing---> 33

I've really been in a rut lately, and decided to perhaps return to an old job that I didn't particularly love, but where I'm pretty sure I could work on short notice. This would be for the intention of saving money for the purpose of moving back. Today, I asked about this course of action: hexagram 1.1.2-->33,again.

Feeling a bit wary about this idea of moving back, as it'd floated in and out of my head many times before, I asked for an 'oracle for looking elsewhere for direction, instead of "college town"': hexagram 51.3

I think regardless, needed change is coming. But I'm mainly concerned about this moving back business, as it has nagged at me for years, and just when I felt I'd settled on not doing so and learning to move on, something comes up to spark old (and hopeful) feelings.

Any interpretations or advice would be very appreciated. Thanks for your time and attention.:bows:


Dec 6, 2012
Reaction score
I moved back in with my parents after college graduation, summer 2010. It has not gone so well, to make a long story short.

A recent and spontaneous message from an old friend who lives in the town where I attended college caught me off guard. He asked "When are you moving back?" For some reason it really struck me, as I hadn't spoken to him for over two years, and have been questioning my direction lately. He probably heard from a mutual friend I'd once planned to.

I'd had plans a couple of times in the past few years to move back, but both fell through, more because of self-doubt and fear of failure/criticism than anything very tangible. I'd pretty much given up the thought of moving back to my college town (about 140 miles from here). But I admit I don't feel very settled in this city, and have felt weirdly and repeatedly stifled at every turn when trying to build positive momentum here, even if it is where I grew up. I think it is because I was never clear and honest when I moved home after completing college, and really would have rather not moved and 'roughed it' by trying to get by on my own.


A few days ago, I asked for an 'oracle for setting a goal for moving back to _____ by the autumn equinox' and received hexagram 1, line 1 & 2 changing---> 33

I've really been in a rut lately, and decided to perhaps return to an old job that I didn't particularly love, but where I'm pretty sure I could work on short notice. This would be for the intention of saving money for the purpose of moving back. Today, I asked about this course of action: hexagram 1.1.2-->33,again.

Feeling a bit wary about this idea of moving back, as it'd floated in and out of my head many times before, I asked for an 'oracle for looking elsewhere for direction, instead of "college town"': hexagram 51.3

I think regardless, needed change is coming. But I'm mainly concerned about this moving back business, as it has nagged at me for years, and just when I felt I'd settled on not doing so and learning to move on, something comes up to spark old (and hopeful) feelings.

Any interpretations or advice would be very appreciated. Thanks for your time and attention.:bows:

Go for it, save the money and then move. Right now, however, you need to bide your time and not be affected by neither your inner restlessness or outside influences e.g. your friends wondering about why you aren't doing things the way they see you should be doing things. That's 1.1.2>33 for you.

51 - so you've found a new idea and a new approach to your current life situation
51.3 moving to 55 - your previous line of thought is good, follow it.

But again, bide your time. Many things need to fall in place first.

(I'm going through 1.3.4>61, so the energy and the knowing in hex 1 is crazy, but just sit tight and work on making yourself strong and unbreakable, so a better time can come to you - you are on the brink of it!) :)


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
I moved back in with my parents after college graduation, summer 2010. It has not gone so well, to make a long story short.

A recent and spontaneous message from an old friend who lives in the town where I attended college caught me off guard. He asked "When are you moving back?" For some reason it really struck me, as I hadn't spoken to him for over two years, and have been questioning my direction lately. He probably heard from a mutual friend I'd once planned to.

I'd had plans a couple of times in the past few years to move back, but both fell through, more because of self-doubt and fear of failure/criticism than anything very tangible. I'd pretty much given up the thought of moving back to my college town (about 140 miles from here). But I admit I don't feel very settled in this city, and have felt weirdly and repeatedly stifled at every turn when trying to build positive momentum here, even if it is where I grew up. I think it is because I was never clear and honest when I moved home after completing college, and really would have rather not moved and 'roughed it' by trying to get by on my own.


A few days ago, I asked for an 'oracle for setting a goal for moving back to _____ by the autumn equinox' and received hexagram 1, line 1 & 2 changing---> 33

I've really been in a rut lately, and decided to perhaps return to an old job that I didn't particularly love, but where I'm pretty sure I could work on short notice. This would be for the intention of saving money for the purpose of moving back. Today, I asked about this course of action: hexagram 1.1.2-->33,again.

Feeling a bit wary about this idea of moving back, as it'd floated in and out of my head many times before, I asked for an 'oracle for looking elsewhere for direction, instead of "college town"': hexagram 51.3

I think regardless, needed change is coming. But I'm mainly concerned about this moving back business, as it has nagged at me for years, and just when I felt I'd settled on not doing so and learning to move on, something comes up to spark old (and hopeful) feelings.

Any interpretations or advice would be very appreciated. Thanks for your time and attention.:bows:

Hi Firerabbit,

in Hex 1 I'd see that a big change is imminent, that a creative energy is moving up from the deep, like dragons from the abyss...so that would point out that yes, in any case a move from your curent place is necessary and will happen. Line 1 and 2 would however indicate that right now is not yet the moment. My interpretation on line 2 says "He is ready to take action, and his virtouos influence will spread extensively. But before a definite goal and direction have been established it is advisable to seek guidance from someone who is great in virtue and experience."
I think this might mean that you need more information about your options (college town, other town, other alternatives) and also that you need to consult your inner voice and intuition before acting. Or it could also mean to consult with someone from the outer world who could advise you.

Hex 33 could indicate, as kkappa already wrote, that going back to your old job for now, in order to gain strenght for your move, might be the right thing to do .

I hope things will work out well for you, regardless of what option you take!

best wishes


long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
神煞:天乙—子申 福星—未 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
干支:壬辰年 癸丑月 己亥日 乙丑时
旬空:午未  寅卯  辰巳  戌亥

Day of reading:
Year: chen earth (wu fire, wei earth)
Month: Chou earth (yin wood, mao wood)
Day: Hai water (chen earth, si fire)
Hour: Chou earth (xu earth, hai water)

六神  伏神    乾宫:乾为天(六冲)     乾宫:天山遯
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母壬戌土 世   ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母壬戌土  
朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟壬申金     ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟壬申金 应天乙
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼壬午火     ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼壬午火  
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母甲辰土 应   ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟丙申金  天乙
白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财甲寅木  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丙午火 世日禄
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙甲子水  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母丙辰土  

Curved Array (勾陳, Gou-chen), Line 6
Vermilion Bird (朱雀, Zhu-que), Line 5
Azure Dragon (青龍, Qing-long), Line 4

Murky Warrior (玄武, Xuan-wu). Line 3
White Tiger (白虎, Bai-hu), Line 2
Flying Serpent (螣蛇, Teng-she), Line 1

Hexagram 1 (lines)
6. parent xu earth host line
5. sibling shen metal
4. officer wu fire
3. parent chen earth guest line
2. assets yin wood change line
1. child zi water change line

Hexagram 33 (lines)
6. parent xu earth (unchange)
5. sibling shen metal (unchange)
4. officer wu fire (unchange)

3. sibling shen metal (different than hex 1)
2. officer wu fire (from change line); fire extract from wood from original line.
Line 2 moves because of reason in change line.
1. parent chen earth (from change line); earth suppresses water from the original line. Line 1 goes nowhere.

神煞:天乙—子申 福星—未 日禄—午 羊刃—巳 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
Angels & Obstacles;

Helper: shen metal, zi water
luck & happiness: wei earth
career opportunity: wu fire
determination: si fire
movement: si fire
fling (in transit): zi water
intellectual analysis: wei water


Line 2: asset, yin wood: this is you changing to a line with a job (officer, wu fire, career gain).
At present, yin wood is the empty slot under the month of chou (time of reading). You have no confidence in doing so.
By the month of yin (after Feb 4/5 2013), you will have more confidence in doing so.

Line 2 yin wood is tied to your parental (date of reading , hai water) sponsor that you are associated with at present.
Line 3 and 5 of hexagram 33 are both friends (sibling, shen metal) who can help you with your transition.

Line 5 of hexagram 1 is your friend (shen metal, sibling) who inquired about your situation. Since line 2 is white tiger and line 5 (Vermilion Bird (朱雀, Zhu-que), you and your friend have different views about the situation.

Line 1 of hexagram 1 is child (zi water). This may be you (child in the eyes of your parents). This changes to your parent (chen earth). Your folks are against you making this move. 桃花—子: Zi with a fling means you have this thought, but you are not serious at all. The idea comes and goes.

It does not tell whether you should move (analysis by six line method). Hexagram 33 says it is not the right time to make any move. This is one answer. The other answer (line 2) says the job is OK, but you do not want it. Child zi water at line 1 suppresses the officer line (33) [career line].

Hexagram 33: line 4-6 is chien metal trigram. line 1-3 is ken earth trigram. Using body and method of use method of analysis, the ken (nmethod of use) produces the chien metal trigram (body or system).



The above means there is material gain and stability in this move if the direction is to the north east. From the perspective of Fungshui reading, any site facing north east is considered full of life and action, and money from now to 2023. This assumes that the front door of the place faces north or north east.


The above means the move or visit may bring financial gain.

You should investigate after Feb 4. It is also common sense to discuss with your parents. It is out of respect and not Iching reading.

Line 3/6 are in conflict. Line 3 is xu earth and line 6 is chen earth. These two lines are confrontational. Line 6 is your folks and line 3 is you. Blood is thicker than water. It is wise to let them know by April 6 - May 2013.
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long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
additional information and translation provided (see last post)
Advise querent to re-analysis the situation after Feb 8.

There are two ways:
1. Change the date of the analysis and re-analyse the entire reading (flying star method)
2. Run a new reading.

Method 1 is preferred if it is within less than a month from previous analysis.

These are the Feb 8 parameters in Chinese
神煞:天乙—子申 福星—丑亥 日禄—卯 羊刃—寅 驿马—亥 桃花—午 华盖—丑
干支:癸巳年 甲寅月 乙巳日 辛巳时
旬空:午未  子丑  寅卯  申酉

The si fire is very strong. This means the matter and resolution draws on your own intellectual analysis. Need help for re-evaluation, ask later on after that date.


Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
I guess I'll keep waiting for the time being, remaining alert for signs and opportunities for action.

One thing is, I do feel the need to talk to someone trustworthy and helpful about this at some point, however (1) many would simply rather see me stay here and would likely see moving to another town as strange and unnecessary--and maybe they'd have a point. (2) As I said, I have had this idea to move back before, and did not follow through with it, so this may look something like a red herring I keep getting hung up on, that I should move on from where I am rather than thinking about going back, so I may not be taken very seriously.

I just feel an inherent need to do something rather drastic to change my living circumstances, and to prove something to myself by moving out, even without a 100% great plan of action.

to long yi: I am not sure how much this factors in, but where I'd be moving to is to the southwest.

ETA: Just realized, the job I was considering returning to is at a restaurant called "The Hideaway", which interestingly may or may not correlate to Hexagram 33.

ETA2: This is just me thinking things through here, but 33 makes me feel like if I took the job again, it would feel like a period of 'retreat', in a way feeling resigned by returning to employment that isn't ideal, but, also being occupied with steady work and thus, drawing less scrutiny and questioning (which has been prevalent), until I have steadied myself, my objectives, and my financial status. Then I can make a constructive 'move', regardless of if it is back to where I used to live or elsewhere.

Hmmmm. Any more feedback is certainly appreciated. It is great to be able to voice questions and concerns here. Thanks a lot to everyone!
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Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks long yi. Somehow I missed your second post. I think I will wait a little while and reassess the situation, as you suggest. Trying to forcibly understand isn't going to help :)

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