...life can be translucent

1.1,3>6 - What is preventing me from manifesting this?


Aug 21, 2015
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I asked the Yi for a timeline: when will this dream of mine be realized? It gave me the answer: 34.3>54, which seems to tell me to either give up on this dream or that it won't happen for a while.

Since I want this very badly, I asked further: what is preventing me from manifesting this dream? and it responded 1.1.3>6... which I don't quite understand because it seems to be telling me "not now" ...but in this case I am not asking "when".. I am asking "what" is between me and my dream.

And yet again, I asked further: "What can I do to make this dream happen soon?" and the answer was 12.4.5>23, which I take it to mean that there is something blocking me.

Seeking for light to be shed on these answers... thank you all, very much!!!


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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34.4 shows a ram butting a hedge and getting entangled. Have the desire but then let it go, like a balloon into the air. If it's right for you it needs it's own space and time to come to you, you cannot force it. There may be things you can't see....chillax. You asked about 'when' and it's really saying to slacken off this desire somewhat. Your wanting is actually getting in the way. Also it may not be the best thing for you anyway, not the way you envisage it. You need to allow it to happen how it needs to happen on the best way for you.

1.1.3>6 It isn't time for this to manifest (1.1) other things may need to happen before this can happen in the best way for you. 1.3 can show some quite frantic creative energy trying to come through but hexagram 6 as the relating hexagram suggests there's a real push/pull influence here. There are factors in the way, even your own impulses may be conflicted.

These seem clear readings to me which both ask you to slacken off how you think this ought to happen and let it happen in it's own way. We are often convinced a certain path is absolutely the best thing for us, and convinced of how to get there but sometimes seeming obstacles turn out to be to our benefit in the long run. In fact I can guarantee that if things seem to block you attaining this right now in 5 years time you'll look back and be glad of them because a better way can come up if you give it time and let go of your grasp, your strong desire , just a little.

Oh just spotted the 12.4.5>23. You are getting very clear answers that all line up with each other. Yi is sure talking to you. So the first 2 answers asked you to relax your hold on your desire a bit so that things have time to work out the best way then you ask how to make it happen soon ! You can't. 12.4 is telling you there is actually good fortune in experiencing this difficult time. So the fact you now experience frustration and cannot make something happen by force of will is a good thing. 12.4 says there is a mandate, it's meant to be. This feeling of being stuck is meant to be. Don't fight it (23). Don't focus on what isn't working, accept it and hold yourself steady and true to your values (12.5) and in time this thing can come through but maybe not in the way you now expect it to. While your mind is so focused on what you want there isn't room for things to come to you in other ways. Let go a little.

I like these readings because I see a clear response from Yi to you and I feel they are quite reassuring answers. If your question has anything to do with a creative goal I feel this can happen but it isn't time right now (1.1) and it might be there's more inspiration to come that you need to work through (1.3)

For example an artist might think 'OMG I have to get to that college and paint xxxx in order to be successful' . Well if he had these answers I'd think actually there's so much more to come through in terms of his own inspiration and process etc that college right now wouldn't necessarily be the best thing.

Of course I have no idea what you are asking about so you have to apply the ideas here as best you can. Does any of it make sense to you ?


Aug 21, 2015
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Trojina: Thank you very, very much! You are so clear in your response and you make so much sense! Time to chill, time to let the dream alone.. so right! it will grow at its own time without my vigilance or supervision.

Thank you!!!!:bows:


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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I think it may be worth noting that you got 1.1 and 1.3 but not 1.2. In other words you, you asked what is preventing you from manifesting your dream and you got a line that describes being very cautious and the line that describes knocking yourself out doing everything you can to make it happen. The line you didn't get is the one describing seeing a role model to inspire you. So I'm wondering if the problem is that you are somewhat unfamiliar with the area you wish to work in (1.1) and while you are willing to do whatever it takes (1.3) you don't have a clear vision of your success (1.2). Furthermore, hex 6. Conflict also mentions the importance of having a clear understanding of the "rights and duties", in other words what Success would mean to you and the importance of you not acting in a way that would be in Conflict with this.

To translate how this might manifest in the real world, perhaps a person wants to know why they haven't been able to lose 10 pounds and gets 1.1.3 - 6:
1.1 They aren't sure how to go about losing weight. Or do they have a secret fear of success? Would they have a hard time adjusting to being drop dead gorgeous? hey, it's a tough job..
1.3 But anyway they try all sorts of different approaches.
6. But if they continue to eat ice cream for breakfast there's going to be a problem...

So bottom line, find a role model and be sure you aren't doing anything to sabotage yourself!


Aug 21, 2015
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Very nicely said and definitely something to think about and meditate on. Thank you!!!

butterfly spider

Thank you for this
Feeling as if I need to do something - really creative change direction - indeed I asked an almost identical question to this thread. What is preventing me from really moving on -

Got this casting so thought that it might reiterate the comments made above -
I do prefer choccie to ice cream though Rosada!!!

Hope things have worked out Garcia if you see this


Nov 17, 2012
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Goals we set are goals we get- everything else is just a fantasy that we never really set out to achieve.

Maybe you need to really ask yourself if this is something you truly want. If so, find your determination, set your resolve and full steam ahead!

Good luck to you!


Clarity Supporter
Dec 10, 2011
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I agree with all of the above. To me, hex. 6 indicates that there is something out of alignment within you and your dream, something conflicting. Figure that out, set it to rights, and perhaps the 1.1.3 will shift to 1.2.5, when you're ready. We all have an inner saboteur and are many times unaware of what we don't know we don't know. Maybe it's just timing, something that needs much more creative incubation (1.1) and your frenetic energy (1.3 & 34.3) is actually hindering you. I don't know you, but maybe surrender plays a larger role than you want to let it as it develops.

Reminds me of John O'Donohue when he writes in Anam Cara, "We should not force ourselves to change by hammering our lives into any predetermined shape[...]Rather, we need to practice a new art of attention to the inner rhythm of our days and lives. This attention brings a new awareness of our own human and divine presence."

The Creative is present with you, so I take this as an affirmative, but not just yet on your dream. I get 34 a lot, so I understand all that desire and energy teeming with no outlet. Let your dream find its way into reality in its OWN time. Maybe it's something bigger than you, and you're just a vehicle?


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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This thread is 5 months old so it's not a current thread. Not that old so the person may return to it but this keeps happening here with even much older threads and I think it can be confusing.


Aug 21, 2015
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I am back revisiting this thread because my desire, the one I wanted so badly, has now beome a reality: I have what I wanted and it is even better than I imagine.

Funnily enough, I asked today the Yi for an outlook on the future of this situation and I again received the answer 1.1.3>6. Figures!

I guess I should continue to leave it alone, to ripen and mature at its own pace.

Thank you all once again for your insight at that time... it really helped me to be patient, have faith and wait. Dreams do come true :)


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Congrats on your success!
Could you go over the outcome in more detail for us and tell us how 1.1.3 - 6 fit with what actually happened?
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