...life can be translucent

11.2.5 > 63 new beginnings


Jan 22, 2019
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My first post - hence first of all I would like to thank you all for this wonderful forum! The background to my question is as follows: There has been some (painful) upheaval in my life recently (mainly professionell), and I have come to the conclusion that I need a fresh start (I have been with my current employer for 20 yrs). Making this decision has lifted a burden off me, and in fact I feel better than I have in years to be honest. At present, I am still with my old company, and as of now nobody is aware that I plan to leave preferably within the next 6 months. In February I will fly abroad to meet a longtime professional acquaintance who is on the Board of Directors of an International Organisation. I do very much hope that he will be willing to help me to find a new position in the Organisation he works for (I am accredited with heaps of relevant experience; however, some lobbying on my behalf and an influential advocate does not hurt). A lot depends on this trip (mainly professionally, but possibly also personally). I asked the following question:What do I need to do in order to ensure that my trip to XYZ will lead to success (professionell) and happiness (personal, maybe even romance)?I received: 11.2.5 > 63My amateur interpretion: 11 Tai is auspicious and may predict success and good fortune. Those in high places (aforesaid acquaintance) show favours to those in lower positions (me). Line 2: Doing your duty, attending scrupulously to details? Such as preparing my case well? Brushing up my CV and identifying my added value for the Organisation? Line 5: 'King Yi marries off his daughters. This brings fulfilment, good fortune from the source.' (??? This line befuddles me.)63 Already Across / After Completion: The Interpretation given by this site makes perfect sense in some ways: "You have committed yourself and made a Transition (TRUE!). Even if the change so far is internal (TRUE!), a resolve formed or decision made (TRUE!), there is a sense in which everything is in place (NOT QUITE YET...). Now you create success in small ways and in small things: you attend to details, working with what you've already decided or achieved. (...) Work with what you've accomplished so far, and keep your momentum: keep on beginning (???)." Other books refer to having reached the pinnacle which necessitate the utmost caution in order to avoid chaos. Hmm. How to make sense of this regarding my situation and question? I struggle somewhat with the interpretation of 63 because the books I usually refer to regard the relating hexagram as the future / the final outcome. Now, I do understand that this forum usually interprets the relating hexagram differently - more as background or one's own perspective. Maybe both interpretations are possible?So... I would so very much appreciate your take on these hexagrams and changing lines. Many thanks in advance!


Mar 22, 1971
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What do I need to do in order to ensure that my trip to XYZ will lead to success (professionell) and happiness (personal, maybe even romance)?I received: 11.2.5 > 63

11: Polishing the silverware you have already put on the table will help, the more you can make it shine the more interest you will have in it.
2- you are walking out of the desert towards the promised land
5- aim high, enjoy all that is happening to you and go after what you really desire and more importantly what will really make you happy in the future

63: When you look back from your new life you will see that at this moment the changes you are hoping for are, in fact, already underway; you are already doing the right things.

Good Luck
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Jan 22, 2019
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Thank you so much for your take on my situation!Indeed, that sounds rather.... magnificient (I don't want to jinx it!). Could you kindly elaborate a bit more on your meaning of "polishing the silverware"? (And how do I insert line breaks???)


Mar 22, 1971
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Thank you so much for your take on my situation!Indeed, that sounds rather.... magnificient (I don't want to jinx it!). Could you kindly elaborate a bit more on your meaning of "polishing the silverware"? (And how do I insert line breaks???)

Make what you already have put on display ( your skills and you as a person) as bright and truthful as you can for others.

I just press return and the line breaks occur. I know others find editing and layout difficult. There is a software issue I believe and a work around has been posted several times before in other threads.


Jan 22, 2019
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Thank you so much once again, my_key. I will keep you posted how things pan out during / after my trip. In the meantime, if anybody else would like to comment, pls go ahead! (I still cannot insert these pesky line breaks!)


Jan 22, 2019
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Update: As planned, I went abroad. Professionally, the trip went well, very well even. Although I did not return home with a new job, I had numerous conducive meetings (many more than I had hoped for!) and, I guess, it is up to me now to stay in touch with these newly found contacts in order to ultimately reach my goal of securing my "dream job".On a personal level, events turned out differently than anticipated. Aforesaid acquaintance was not willing to help me in any way, in fact. he treated me rather rudely. This pained me for a day, then I put on my big-girl pants and just got on with life. As I had all these other meetings to attend and give my very best there simply was no time to mope around. Unexpectedly, support came from others.


Mar 22, 1971
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Thanks for the update. Glad to see all went well for you.

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