...life can be translucent


12.5.6 > 16...Will there be ramifications for the Senate acquitting Donald Trump?


Jan 3, 2018
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Hi all,
Here in the US we are, in my opinion, in the first wave of civil war that the nation is in denial about.
The tension in me is pulled equally to look away and stick my finger in an electrical socket from which I can't dislodge with regard to the impeach and "trial" process in Washington DC.

So I posed to Yi Will there be ramifications for the Senate acquitting Donald Trump? and received 12.5.6 to 16.

Hexagram 12 what stands out is: "Everything negated and blocked..." and yes the toxic dudes in the Senate are feeling like "non-people" about now.

Line 5 - Is definitely how I feel these days
'Resting when blocked.
Great person, good fortune.
It is lost, it is lost!
Tie it to the bushy mulberry tree.'

Line 6 - Is what I hope for in terms of justice being blocked.
'Overturning the block.
Before, blocked. Afterwards, rejoicing.'

Changing to 16 sounds like the fiery groundswell of energy required from the citizenry to turn the country in a direction I believe would be healthier for all.

I wondered how the Clarity community would chime in.


Feb 12, 2020
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This interests me too. Especially line 5, which I feel hints at the only Republican senator who voted his conscience to convict, instead of following the party line for acquittal.


Jun 3, 2006
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I was going to say the same thing share3. It will be interesting to see how Romney's life progresses. Certainly his name will be remembered for years to come. As to the "It is lost!" and "Tie it to a Mulberry tree", maybe this mirrors our concern for the country and The Constitution and a feeling that now there must be precautions taken to prevent further loses. I think the Senate voted today to limit Trump's ability to make further attacks on Iran without specific Senate approval.
12.6 Overturning the block...rejoicing.
I see how this could mean the trial and Romney's refusal to vote the party line may start a ground swell of opposition. Republicans finally start waking up.

16. I see this hexagram as describing a giant country fair with activities and people of all persuasions. Maybe describing a huge voter turn out on Election Day?


Will there be ramifications for the Senate acquitting Donald Trump?

.... and yes the toxic dudes in the Senate are feeling like "non-people" about now.

... Line 5 - Is definitely how I feel these days .... Line 6 - Is what I hope for in terms of justice being blocked.
I'd just like to offer a bit of caution here: often when we do readings about politics, we end up making them about what we want to happen, or we think that somehow the Yi agrees with our view on things - instead of us giving it a chance to offer a perhaps more broad, more enlightened perspective.

Consider here, you only asked a yes/no question - will there be ramifications? - which is sort of a no-brainer if you think about it - of course there's going to be ramifications! However, you didn't ask the Yi's opinion about how either party acted or will act, and you didn't ask, 'how do I (meaning you) feel about this?' which is how some parts of your interpretation read.

Or to put it another way, consider how this reading might be interpreted by a Trump follower versus a Bernie supporter? Same reading, but I suspect what they see in it will be vastly different ... if they aren't really paying attention to what the Yi is actually saying.

Here are some ideas I get from it:

That this is a time of deep divides, separation, and that perhaps the whole thing drove the different sides further apart (which might likely have happened too if Trump had been impeached).

With the changing/moving lines being at the top or end of the hexagram, it might indicate that a change is happening soon ....

And here with the lines we have an 'easing out of separation', and a 'mature human's promise', and what feels to me like a reminder that things always change .....

16 shows the a time when change is happening - or is about to happen. Here, thunder has risen from the earth - which shows us a time when winter starts to thaw and spring announces itseslf in sudden and thunderng ways.

As to what these changes are, I have my opinions for sure, and what I'd like to see happen .... but what are they?

The oracle's words of 16 say that it's 'worthwhile to establish delegates and mobilize the reserves.' Perhaps I'm reaching too far (and doing exactly what I said not to do!), but this reminds me of the upcoming presidental elections, and that that we need to try as much as possible to get political party delegates whom represent our interest (and maybe, that at least in the Democratic party, the nominee will be selected more by people participating and less by party politics and powerbrokers.).

Also that we should 'mobilize the reserves' - I take this as advice to get out and participate in our democratic process. And don't end up being - political opinion alert! - like whiny Bernie fans who last time sat out the elections because their candidate didn't get nominated!

I do know that Trump - perhaps feeling safe and embolded by his aquittal - is moving swiftly to remove anyone or anything he sees as an impediment to his will. And perhaps there's more shocking changes coming about whom will end up being the Democratic candidtate for President. And perhaps there will be some shocking - maybe even unexpected - news from the supreme court, or with the world economy.

Best, D
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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It might depend on what you meant with your question (or what exactly Yi's addressing).

If you meant the Senate as an institution, that's different from the re-election prospects of individual senators.

The latter will depend on lots of things: which state it is, when a particular senator is up for re-election (2020, 2022, 2024), what happens in the meantime, whether this will be a deciding factor for voters, etc.

I'm tempted to see the lines as being about the Senate as a whole, that acquittal was a foregone conclusion (line 5), and they're glad it's over and will put it behind them (both lines), but that's a very spongy interpretation.

Also wonder if line 5 hints at possible cover for some of them - the election is in 6 months; put Trump's fate in the hands of the voters where it democratically belongs (voters = bushy mulberry to tie things to). This is different from Watergate - when Nixon resigned, there was over two years to go.


Jun 3, 2006
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Okay, reconsidering this answer and trying to put all prejudice aside...

Will there be ramifications for the Senate acquitting Trump?
12.5 Standstill is giving way.
12.6 The standstill comes to an end.
16. Enthusiasm. Install helpers. Set armies marching.

Could this be saying that now that Trump has been acquitted there is nothing blocking him from doing what ever he wants - like hiring whomever he wants and launching wars?


12.5 Standstill is giving way.
12.6 The standstill comes to an end.
16. Enthusiasm. Install helpers. Set armies marching.
Thanks Rosada. I've heard 12 also call Seperating, or Separation, so we could also have something like ....

12.5 - there is an easing out of - and end to - Separation
12.6 - but before we can get here, we must first overcome our denial about it
16 - here we can see the end of Separation and the begins of Enthusiasm. Looking at the trigrams, we have swift action born of a sense of care and nurturing .... and in order to make this transition from separation to enthusiasm, we have to prepare (make ready) and seek help from others.

Or that's one way to look at it! Best, D.


Jun 3, 2006
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Yeah, I can see "Separation" working for 12. too. I like Standstill(Stagnation) because it follows 11.Peace as if to say that what originally felt calm and peaceful like a good night's sleep eventually starts to feel like you're just lying in bed Stagnant. But I can also get the idea of "Separation" if you think of 11. Peace as describing a group meditating together and sharing a higher consciousness and then when 11.6 comes along and the shared vision dissolves, the individual consciousness Separates from the shared dream.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Hexagram 16 relating. :rofl: There are elephants in 16 ;), and they sway together in unison. Here are a couple of things Bradford Hatcher says about that:
Your use of the phrase "time to move" is interesting here, since one of the Chinese glosses for the Hexagram is Shun Dong or Responsive Movement, movement in synch with rhythm or timing. In the Da Xiang is the only place in the Yi where music is mentioned. There is even a vestigial remnant in the old pictogram of an elephant swaying to music as if dancing. I think you may want to really focus on the timing here and be ready to move when you get a clearer signal.
Seconding Blue Angel's comments. Even the etymology of the character 豫 implies the rhythmic swaying of an elephant to music. 16 is getting with the rhythm of things. It's glossed as Shun Dong, responsive movement, in the commentary on the Judgement, moving with the time or timing of things, 'getting with it.''

Many videos out there of elephants dancing:

More information about the pictogram, from LiSe:

The old diviners gave this combination of trigrams a name: Yú. It means imagination, which can express itself as anticipation, intuition, tall stories or Nobel-prize-worthy ideas.
Ideogram of the hexagram name: the left part is a shuttle, the little thing a weaver throws from side to side through the warp. The right part is an elephant. Weaving elephants, but since elephant also means ‘image’: weaving images.


There are elephants in 16 ;), and they sway together in
and ... the traditional mascot of the Republican party is the elephant. So here we have all the Republicans acting in unison? - while the jackass/donkey Democrats go kicking and screaming in all sorts of ornery directions? Hmm. 😳

or... 'Andrew Jackson's enemies twisted his name to "jackass" as a term of ridicule regarding a stupid and stubborn animal. However, the Democrats liked the common-man implications and picked it up too, therefore the image persisted and evolved.'



Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Not sure what exactly Yi was trying to say with 16. Swaying together? An issue of timing? A joke? All of those?

Back to the idea of cover, though - I wonder if it would have been more of a problem for individual Republicans if more of them had voted for conviction? The essentially strict party-line vote makes it seem like a foregone conclusion (yawn), but more division might have gotten the attention of the public: "Hm, a fair number of the President's own party voted to convict; maybe this is more serious/important than I thought; why did my senator vote to acquit?"

This is another way this is different from Watergate: Nixon resigned because he'd lost the support of Republican senators. He had very dim chances in a vote.
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Back to the idea of cover
Which - I think - is in the reading, in the line pathway. The fan yaos of 12.5 and its paired line are 35.5 and 36.2. I'm terrible with line pathways and can't begin to explain that, but it does bring 36 in, with its theme of taking cover.

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