...life can be translucent


17 unchanging internal peace


Aug 18, 1970
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I asked the Yi if I would ever find peace and I got 17 unchanging; I have enogh thunder in my life I don't really need anymore, although the joyous lake sounds good, but do I have to go through thunder first? Any ideas anyone; please?



Nov 16, 1971
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Think of thunder in the lake as the pulse of things, like the thump of the heart in the bloodstream. Take the pulse of things first and move according to that. Follow that rhythm. With that method even deaf people can dance.


Jan 31, 1970
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Yeah, beautiful.


That's good, Brad.

Lasublima, someone wanted to ask the Yi a couple days ago "will I ever find happiness?" I suggested they revise their question to "how can I find happiness?" They declined the reading.

Might your question be more usefully phrased "how can I find peace?" Or is that too much thunder? Yi is not always an especially gentle master.


Aug 18, 1970
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oooh Bruce!! do you have to be so blunt. Sometimes it is difficult to let go because one never knows what's on the otherside, this I know. Ok so I'll change the question, and forget about the other one's like , 'Is it possible that maybe someday possibly someone just maybe might love me', result 56.4 all the way down to 52. I didn't even bother to work out a meaning, too many tears (is that the name of a song?) Anyway a couple of hours later and I am better, not there yet, but at least I can type this, that's going a long way!! And Brad, love the imagery, makes me think of African drums, my heart is a drum maybe I should think then maybe I can learn to dance.
Thanks oh so much for responding, you made me smile

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Gee, Lasublima, I don't think Bruce is being blunt. (Does that make me blunt too lol?) I think he's being really, really helpful.

You want peace in your heart, right? My answer to that would be: you'll find more peace if you work at it in the right way. And at that point, your question to me is: "Well, what's the right way to work at finding more peace in my heart?" And my answer to that question would be: 'Ask the Yi. It knows far more about you than I do.'

Ditto the question: 'Is it possible that maybe someday possibly someone just maybe might love me?'

My personal answer to that question would be: sure, of course it's possible. And your question to me should then be: "Well, smartypants, how do I go about it?" And my answer to that question would be: 'Ask the Yi how to go about it, without the 'smartypants' bit lol.

Bruce ain't blunt. Bruce is experienced.


Aug 18, 1970
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Yes Dobro, I know, I know, but it ain't easy, i am appreciative of the advise, really. I was half joking (only half, mind you, cause it hit home of course)

So reformulated questions:
1."how can I find peace"
38.2.4/to 27
there's a lot of opposition in my life, maybe it's me. A like minded person, That sounds interesting, but Isolation, I already am isolated, so how can I find peace by isolating myself even more, if that is possible to feel more isolated than I already am; But maybe it is a differnet sort of isolation that is required;

2. How can I find love (w/o the smartypants bit)
48.1/ to 5
I don't know if I like the idea of being a muddy well, I already have strong self-loathing issues so this didn't sit too well with me. So I need to do a clean-out, huh? is that it? Do I now ask what do I need to clear out, chuck out, throw away?

What do you think? Thanks
the-feeling-not-so-sublime sublima


Jan 31, 1970
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Hi Sublima,

I think we all admired Brad's response but maybe we forgot to find the actual application to your question? I think that you will find peace if you listen to rhythm of the times. Don't try to force things, dance the dance. I think you are going through a tough time, feeling down on yourself. It will pass. It happens to all of us at one time or another.

Are you a musician, what instrument do you play?

Wish you the best.


HOw can I find peace? 38.2.4
You feel isolated but it isn't really what you think. You are not really alone, no one is ever really "isolated".... but to feel that way is sad. Lines 2 and 4 both hint at meeting a likeminded soul who can help you to not feel so isolated..but the "lord" you meet could also be within..feelins of isolation can be the impetus to find your indwelling "lord" which truly eases your sense of being isolated...

48.1 emphasizes this also.....the well of your beingness is clogged ...a well spring of pure love and connectedness lies within you. The self-loathing is the very thing you need to chuck/throw away. Begin by being very kindly and gentle to yourself, be patient with your sad feelings but don't let them define you. You are worthy of being loved, but you need to gently convince yourself to believe this.
Good wishes to you


Aug 18, 1970
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yes I am a musician, I sing,check out my site my site www.gwensampe.info, the one thing that keeps me going sometimes, but I'm still here and I will get through it's just that somedays are bad, yesterday was bad, today is better, thanks ever so much, i needed that bucking up; and yes sometimes I do feel so clogged, wanting to scream long and hard, maybe I should. Anyway I'll keep coming back here, it's nice and I'll let you kknow the progress.
Oh yes, my mind of course tells me that I am not isolated, but the heart often rules in these situations and pushes common sense to the side, and you doubt what you know;


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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Have been listening to you singing...beautiful!!

Brad was sure spot on with 'rhythm', it seems you are following it by nature.

I agree with Micheline: it's all there, inside. But getting it to really work in your life.. I wish I knew a simple answer to that!



I read 17 as following - follow what you hear inside and don't waver.



Jan 31, 1970
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Yes, beautiful singing!! I'm glad you are feeling better!


WOW>>LOVE YOUR VOICE....you beautiful soul! don't ever doubt yourself......
(Thats what my daughter used to say to me when she was about 4 or 5! The mouths of babes...it used to help, too. she knew I was full of self-doubt. i dont know if it ever goes away, but we can get better at nourishing ourselves)


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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Have been thinking about 27 - you need nourishment in order to find peace. Makes a lot of sense, it would be the perfect hexagram for anyone who is yearning for peace. A lack of peace is always a sign that the soul cannot get the food it (he, she?) needs.

38/2,4 to 27 sounds like the priest or reverend or missionary: find Him who nourishes your soul, meet the Lord. I don't think he can only be found in churches. The lord you need can be found in many places. Every value which goes "beyond" (38!) is nourishing for the soul.

Searching for peace, just like that, cannot give much result, but if you search actively for those values, then you know more or less where to search. There are places where they can be found, and other places where you can bet on it that there is nothing at all, or even the contrary.


dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Hi Lasublima

"1."how can I find peace"
38.2.4/to 27"

I've just had some insight into 38 (insight for me, anyway). Most of the individual lines for 38 have a similar theme, which is 'proceeding is difficult; letting what's coming to you now come to you is a much better approach'. In other words, stop trying to achieve your own agenda, and let life provide you with what it wants to provide you. (The opposition is the contrast between the two approaches rather than some sort of inner conflict; the smart money stops beating its own head against the wall and takes the second approach...) If you do that, life will 'feed' you. Peace.

"2. How can I find love (w/o the smartypants bit)

Animals don't drink from an old, defunct well. So you shouldn't either. If you want to find love, don't go to the places that you would normally go to; don't try the same old approaches that you have used in the past - 48.1 indicates that you're either looking in the wrong place or looking in the wrong way. One thing that interests me in the result you got to this question is that you drew Hex 48, which is all about accessing depth in yourself. In other words, 'the kingdom of love is within you'. Another thing that interests me is that in connection with Hex 48, I once asked the oracle about the nature of the 'well water' imaged in this hexagram. I asked: "What do I need to know about taking this 'well water' to mean 'love'. The Yi gave me a very positive response, and so ever since then I've read this hexagram in that context - the 'lifewater' that Hex 48 talks about is love. Not romantic love, not the emotional love that so many people are used to, but what I describe as 'human love'. The kind of love that spiritual teachers talk about.

Having said that, I see no reason why the Well might not also image romantic or sexual love as well.

Hope this helps.


Aug 18, 1970
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Oh, Oh,Oh, what a wonderful, insightful reading Dobro. Self-love has been a BIG BIG issue for me all my life. And I finally do realise that there is something in my approach that scares potential suitors. How can anyone love me when I can't love myself. To much baggage and it frightens people. It is something I am dealing with though, past life issues come into it as well, but I am being active in sorting these things out. But 15 years without love take its toll ya know!!!!!!!!! And especially 'cause I find myself in love now and it is not (?) being returned. So the lack of love is staring me in the face when for so long I ignored it because I wasn't in love. But I made a decision yesterday for the first time in my life, to be honest about my feelings to someone, to say what I feel, as an adult, a big girl who is not afraid of what the response might be, and I feel good, nervous but good. And this will surely help, to clear the air, which is very heavy.
And yes you are terribly right, I have always been unable to let life lead, it was a matter of trust, or lack of it; not even life liked me enough to give me anything good,and I was convinced that Nothing good would EVER come to me; so it was self-protection really!! I would go so far as to create entire scenes in my head about what would happen if and if, and if... and then wind up doing nothing. Oh my God, is it possible that I could be se messed up!! Oh Jesus!!! So my well needs to be replenished with nice fresh water, yes, that sounds good, doesn't it. I like that idea.
And the nourishment, I could do with a bit at this moment, but Maybe I need to try harder to nourish myself and become whole. 'Every value that goes beyond is nourishing for the soul' but the problem is finding it and knowing when you have arrived. Not ignoring the voice that says here it is, not turning your back on that voice, your little angel, whatever one calls it, that is saying 'there it is gwennie, there it is', but so often I couldn't hear, deaf was I, deaf deaf deaf, I mean 'why should life be good to me, really, or so I thought,that was the problem. (am I using past tense here??!!) Anyway enough rambling, just thanks again, fantasticly wonderful interpretations, that really hit home, and helped me, truly to get past these last few days. Bless!! I have work to do still;

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