...life can be translucent



Jun 19, 1970
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I asked will x ever contact me again (as I am not planning on contacting them) 21.1-35
This is from answercult.com
1st – The Law Enforced – Those who are dishonorable in speech and action should have their feet shackled, so as to not cause anymore trouble. We should be firm, enforce our punishment and then turn our attention to other affairs.

the person did lie to me when they didn't have to. I think it might be saying that I should continue not speaking to them and go with my life and they will not contact me

Wilhelm says "it is a warning to halt in the path of evil."
Chris Lofting says
Line 1
"A deviation occurs. It is punished. Social Balance must be maintained."

this could also mean that I pushed too hard and caused the problem and am the one being punished not really sure what the answer is if they will ever contact me again.
It could be they are through with me


Jun 18, 2006
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I asked will x ever contact me again (as I am not planning on contacting them) 21.1-35

Yes I think they will eventually make contact as the first warning wasn't enough to put them off.


Jun 19, 1970
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Thanks Willowfox. I can't imagine them calling for sometime but I'll let you know if they do.

I also asked how that person sees me and got 53 unchanging.

On the mountain, a tree:
The image of DEVELOPMENT.
Thus the superior man abides in dignity and virtue,
In order to improve the mores.

The tree on the mountain is visible from afar, and its development
influences the landscape of the entire region. It does not shoot up like a
swamp plant; its growth proceeds gradually. Thus also the work of
influencing people can be only gradual. No sudden influence or awakening
is of lasting effect. Progress must be quite gradual, and in order to obtain such
progress in public opinion and in the mores of the people, it is necessary for
the personality to acquire influence and weight. This comes about through
careful and constant work on one's own moral development.

I know this hex can mean slow steady progress but how does that answer the question?


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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I would have interpreted 21.1 > 35 as meaning you had successfully ended the connection and could now 35 Progress but 53. causes me to reconsider.
Perhaps this person feels your withdrawing was meant merely to serve as a warning, that you were saying,

"Stop the lies and then..
" we can Progress,"

53. then is saying they assume that after a bit of time out the two of you will be able to try again and next time they will be careful not to repeat the old shenanigans. Thus 53. could be saying X doesn't see the relationship as over but feels the two of you are getting to know each other and that this current situation isn't an end but part of the friendship's "Gradual Progress."

Or not. Maybe they just figure you are a Work in Progress. Either way it doesn't sound like they bear you any ill will.

Yes or No questions are tricky - I usually find I can see both a reasonable interpretation for Yes and an equally plausible No in any hexagram.

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Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
thank you Rosada. How could you ask a question like that "contact" without yes/no?
Yeah the 53 is rather interesting I guess.
Interesting x doesn't have ill will towards me. Supposing I am the one in shackles in 21.1 how would you interpret that?

Because I wonder if I was at fault for the situation (not the lies cause x lies alot and this was the first time I realized x lies and isn't just mistaken)But there was an uncomfortable scene between us and I wonder if I am to blame for it more than/as much as x is.
Am I at fault for situation 63 unchanging
Chirs Lofting "One remembers distress and prepares for it in the future."
Is x at fault for situation 36.6-22 This could be about the lying being exposed?
Objective view of situation between us 56.4-52 That line is about being too agressive in my experience and that could have been me or it could have been x or both.


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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If you are the one in shackles? Hmmm....is it possible that you came on too strong? Perhaps you took his signs of interest too seriously? Now you've been pushed back and are vowing not to be the one to call. Maybe this is a good thing..?

How to rephrase a yes or no question is very tricky - especially when "Yes or No?" really does sum up perfectly what you'd like to know!
Where is this friendship headed?
Describe this relationship.
Describe what my best perspective is, how should I view this relationship?
What in my life should I be focusing on where I can effect results instead of wasting my time on this fantasy?



Jun 19, 1970
Reaction score
Yes, I think I came on too strong, however that came about because of x saying things x didn't have to say if x didn't mean them, in other words there was encouragement.
How to know if the reading I asked what x would do really applies to me? Wilhelm says those who are dishonorable in speech and action and that is x, dishonorable in both , I was not dishonorable in speech (I don't think, I didn't lie or anything).So maybe that is x after all.

Describe this relationship 43 unchanging

How should I view this relationship 36.2-11

Frank says:In the text of line 2 you are hit in the left tigh, (where the heart is!!!), but you will get help from a strong horse (your desires, without the doubts...). Is there something on this crossroad you realy realy realy want badly enough? THEN DON'T YOU THINK IT IS ABOUT TIME YOU GO FOR IT???

Line 2 is also the line of the people who helps the minister, the administration.,,,, so lots of people,,, if you are fearfull, don't hasitate to ask someone who you admire for there courich (and then THEY will be the strong horse :-D)

Brad says:In 36.2, Plan B is many times better than Plan A.
The horse is many times stronger than the thigh before it was wounded.
But this wasn't made use of until the wound happened.
Make more use of what you have just been through, take advantage of any misfortune.

So take advantage of misfortune could mean this could open a dialogue between us that could be more honest. Also ask for help (advice) like I am doing.Thank you for your help!

describe relationship

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