...life can be translucent


22.1.3>23 Stripping DWF

Dec 15, 2011
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Hello everyone:).... It's been a while. This is a super important reading though, so I really would appreciate everyone throwing their 2 cents in. I've been getting 51 a lot. 51 unchanging, and as the transformed hexagram... It was revealed to me recently by an intuitive reader that there is a pleasant surprise headed my way:D, but I have to clear out some old debris first. So I will be posting a few threads related to this upcoming surprise and clearing the way for it to enter my life.

So, the first question I asked was, "How can I clear the way for this surprise to enter my life?" And I got 22.1.3>23.

Overall I'm reading this as get to the heart of things, get working, the path that leads to these great things isn't just ease, comfort, and beauty... Strip away all the stuff that may be beautiful or comfortable but may actually be throwing a wrench in the works. Sounds kind of like there is an illusion here. The graceful approach works well for small matters, but for this something more intense is needed. I'm aiming for something of real value. The difference between covering a stain on the carpet with a beautiful rug and say putting your blood, sweat and tears into it, ripping the whole darn thing out, and revealing the floor underneath and working on that. It may not be as fancy, or as easy, but it's something you can build on. Stripping Away DWF:eek:... I don't know specifically how this relates to my life though...

Line 1 shows someone leaving a carriage and walking. Why? What's wrong with the carriage? Sounds cushy:). I'm not a joiner as it is, so I don't think this is just saying, "Don't be a conformist." Perhaps is a warning not to accept help from the wrong people... That makes sense to me. And then there is line 3 which just sounds to me like be consistent.

I'm getting the feel from this reading that it is a warning not to take the path of least resistance. But what is the path I'm supposed to take then?

Also, I was wondering, what does it mean here that 22 changes to 23, the hexagram that is consecutively next in the IC? Any insight on that anyone?

Here is the line text I'm using. It's Hilary's:)

Line 1
‘Making your feet beautiful.
Putting away the carriage and going on foot.’

Line 3
‘Beautiful, as if dipped in water.
Ever-flowing constancy, good fortune

Thanks in advance everyone:bows:

precision grace

Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Hi sweetie

I've had this recently (in my A&B saga). I find that 22 often talks about appearances and in 22.1 - discarding the carriage - I believe it's all about taking a slow, simple, step-by-step approach. Can't be hurried, it is a simple walk of a simple man (or woman as the case might be) who walks, unadorned. I don't think it's about not being a conformist, rather kind of the opposite - do not complicate things, or over think things, I think it is saying.

22.3 is all about making inside and outside beautiful. Making your Tonal right ;) for some reason, I think you may get this reference.

23 is what you are starting from, isn't it - what is it that needs stripping/how to clear the way

SO, to recap: If you take this process step by step, simplify your approach and concentrate on making yourself healthy and robust from within and without, you will find yourself ready to receive this surprise.

Hope this helps some xxx


Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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as PG says, your queston is about the context of stripping away......

the first thing to be stripped is perhaps your comfort zone. Don't fall back on the cushy, in other words. Find a new footing. When someone goes out to find a new job, eg, it is called "pounding the pavement" , meaning getting out there and knocking on/opening doors, literal or figurative. Be proactive.
when someone rides in a carriage, they are also apt to miss the details of the scenery. 22.1 can advise sensitivity to your surroundings. (Opportunity must be noticed and acted upon.)

22.3 When everything aligns in perfect detail. Heart, mind and body are all shined up and expectant, in accord with each other. Feelings, thoughts and actions are in sync.

Basically: Strip away doubts, reliance on your comfort zone, and anything that dims your internal brilliance.

As Oprah always said : Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity

all the best to you:hug:

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Six line layout
出生时间:年 性别:女 起卦方式:直接指定
神煞:天乙—卯巳 福星—辰 日禄—子 羊刃—亥 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
干支:壬辰年 丙午月 癸亥日 甲寅时
旬空:午未  寅卯  子丑  子丑

六神  伏神    艮宫:山火贲(六合)     乾宫:山地剥
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼丙寅木     ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼丙寅木  
滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财丙子水     ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财丙子水 世
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟丙戌土 应   ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟丙戌土  
朱雀 子孙丙申金 ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己亥水  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼乙卯木  
青龙 父母丙午火 ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟己丑土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母乙巳火 应
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己卯木 世○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟乙未土 

Hexagram 22: things look good, but as "grace" is hollow, nothing of substance.
Hexagram 23: Avoid being tricked.....

Line 1 is you. Line 4 is another person.
Line 1 refers to a man or career in your thinking. You have no confidence with the person or career at all this month. In addition, the line 4 person is a burden to the you. That association is not productive. Rather, it is a hinderance.

Line 1 is a move line. This may mean you so called clean up the problem and move forward to another person in line 1 hexagram 23. Since line 1 and 6 are both male or job with an empty seat in the month of the reading, the current situation is no good and needs to change.

Line 3 refers to a woman with a child. She moves toward and support the man or job (probably the same character in line 1).

In any event, your wish will not be realized in this combination of hexagram. Line 3 is the interference.

Beautiful on the surface, but it will fade away. No help is on the way.
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks everyone for your replies:).

Bamboo:hug:, it's been too long. Good to hear from you.


as PG says, your queston is about the context of stripping away......

the first thing to be stripped is perhaps your comfort zone. Don't fall back on the cushy, in other words. Find a new footing. When someone goes out to find a new job, eg, it is called "pounding the pavement" , meaning getting out there and knocking on/opening doors, literal or figurative. Be proactive.
when someone rides in a carriage, they are also apt to miss the details of the scenery. 22.1 can advise sensitivity to your surroundings. (Opportunity must be noticed and acted upon.)

22.3 When everything aligns in perfect detail. Heart, mind and body are all shined up and expectant, in accord with each other. Feelings, thoughts and actions are in sync.

Basically: Strip away doubts, reliance on your comfort zone, and anything that dims your internal brilliance.

As Oprah always said : Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity

all the best to you

I like your take on this reading. Don't fall back on the cushy... that's me alright. I like things cushy. Extra cushy... I hadn't considered 22.1 as advising greater sensitivity to my surroundings. I am kind of a space cadet so that certainly makes sense to me. Also, you have me wondering now if this is being literal, like don't take the bus so much. Get out walk and look around. And I really like your take on 22.3. That hadn't occurred to me at all, and totally makes sense in light of my situation. And good ol' Oprah:)... I love Oprah. Words of wisdom there. I have been getting 16 and 19 in many readings, preparation and opportunity maybe. Thanks Bamboo:hug:. You've always given such great interpretations.

Miss Precision Grace... My sister from another mister:p, LOL, I'm a little buzzed. Indulging in beer. Fancy gluten free beer. What the hey, it's Saturday. LOL, I rhymed again. I've been listening to rap lately. Maybe the ability to rhyme is rubbing off on me. Eh, probably not:eek:. Wish I could dance... There I go:rolleyes:. Well, where were we:confused:... Oh yes, here is what you wrote...
Hi sweetie

I've had this recently (in my A&B saga). I find that 22 often talks about appearances and in 22.1 - discarding the carriage - I believe it's all about taking a slow, simple, step-by-step approach. Can't be hurried, it is a simple walk of a simple man (or woman as the case might be) who walks, unadorned. I don't think it's about not being a conformist, rather kind of the opposite - do not complicate things, or over think things, I think it is saying.

22.3 is all about making inside and outside beautiful. Making your Tonal right for some reason, I think you may get this reference.

23 is what you are starting from, isn't it - what is it that needs stripping/how to clear the way

SO, to recap: If you take this process step by step, simplify your approach and concentrate on making yourself healthy and robust from within and without, you will find yourself ready to receive this surprise.

Hope this helps some xxx

Yes, this does help:). 22.1, a step by step approach. That totally jives with what is going on in my life right now. Am at a new beginning really, and many of my recent readings have seemed to warn me not to advance to aggressively. But that darn Aries moon has me charging ahead like a goat on crack cocaine. And your take here on 22.3, as much as I hate to admit it, makes a lot of sense. Could maybe pay more attention to the outside. I've given up on make up and nail polish, and the wardrobe could use some work. What's Tonal:confused:? Should I know:blush:? Is that like my vibration... the energy I'm sending out to the cosmos. It sounds so familiar, like I've heard the word before. If so, then yes, that makes perfect sense.

Long Yi, I think I know who you're referring to in your interpretation. Here's what you wrote...

Hexagram 22: things look good, but as "grace" is hollow, nothing of substance.
Hexagram 23: Avoid being tricked.....

Line 1 is you. Line 4 is another person.
Line 1 refers to a man or career in your thinking. You have no confidence with the person or career at all this month. In addition, the line 4 person is a burden to the you. That association is not productive. Rather, it is a hinderance.

Line 1 is a move line. This may mean you so called clean up the problem and move forward to another person in line 1 hexagram 23. Since line 1 and 6 are both male or job with an empty seat in the month of the reading, the current situation is no good and needs to change.

Line 3 refers to a woman with a child. She moves toward and support the man or job (probably the same character in line 1).

In any event, your wish will not be realized in this combination of hexagram. Line 3 is the interference.

Beautiful on the surface, but it will fade away. No help is on the way.
Today 10:12 PM

This may be referring to someone I had a crush on that was based on superficiality. It is fading away, but still lingering. I guess I should let it go completely. Perhaps it is interfering with my Tonal. There is another person this could be talking about though, and I think it is actually this person. This is a friend of mine, who I do like, but not seriously. Not deeply. Not in love. We have good conversation and a natural compatability. They have a thing with a lady though, on again off again, and she has a kid. I had hoped she would go away for good so he would be available, but she has a history of returning. I think that is the lady in line 3. And I suppose it could be work, but I hope not. There is a lady who is supposed to start there soon. Hope she doesn't cause me any trouble. I don't know if she has a child, but I know my boss could be the guy in line 4 who burdens me, LOL. Drives me nuts sometimes, that one. Well, you've really got me thinking now. Who are these people?:brickwall: Certainly a different take on it all together, and I can tell there is something to it. Darned if I can tell for sure who's who here though. It's because my question is muddled:eek:. Not clear if this is career, romance, or what because it's a surprise and I don't even know what it is about:confused:. Well, we'll find out eventually, and I'll be sure to update this thread with new developments. Thanks Long Yi:bows:

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