...life can be translucent


3 assistances please! :D


Aug 4, 2006
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Hey friends it's been a while and I've had a few cool life changes and want some more! WOOHOO!! Anyhow onto the fun.

Current state of X and my relationship. Got 11 w/no changing lines. Seems positive. I did this last week if I remember correctly.

I'm interested in getting a new ride, I asked what would happen if I get the car I want in early april I got 13;1, 3, 5 to 35. 35 is pretty good and the changing lines aren't horrible either but some believe some situations can be too chaotic due to too many changing lines.

Third is how to advance my relationship with X, got 3;2 changing to 60. Which..well in a word confuzzles me cause I'm feeling dim at the moment.


Hey friends it's been a while and I've had a few cool life changes and want some more! WOOHOO!! Anyhow onto the fun.

Current state of X and my relationship. Got 11 w/no changing lines. Seems positive. I did this last week if I remember correctly.

I'm interested in getting a new ride, I asked what would happen if I get the car I want in early april I got 13;1, 3, 5 to 35. 35 is pretty good and the changing lines aren't horrible either but some believe some situations can be too chaotic due to too many changing lines.

Third is how to advance my relationship with X, got 3;2 changing to 60. Which..well in a word confuzzles me cause I'm feeling dim at the moment.

The LOVE Doctor is in the house. :cool:

Just kidding :p. But I did get a hit from these readings. By chance are you securing this ride to further your advances with "X"?

Anyway, it looks as though everything is mellow with X right now, but there will be difficulty bringing it to the next level. Could it be that X isn't impressed with show and tell?


Jun 18, 2006
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"Current state of X and my relationship. Got 11 w/no changing lines."

Hex 11 peace, harmony, looks real good.

"I asked what would happen if I get the car I want in early april I got 13;1, 3, 5 to 35."

Hex 13.1 getting the car in early April is not a mistake.

Hex 13.3 perhaps you will encounter a few problems with the seller, so get together and sort it all out.

Hex 13.5 perhaps there are some problems that are keeping you seperated from the car but don't worry the car will be yours.

Hex 35 progress, you get a 'new' car.

"Third is how to advance my relationship with X, got 3;2 changing to 60."

Hex 3.2 says that you are experiencing some kind of problem with your girlfriend, she thinks that you have bad intentions but give her time and she will realise that you are being sincere, you are going to have to wait for a while, this girl does not give herself freely.

Hex 60 so following on from hex 3.2, this again says that you are faced with limitations in this relationship, limitations are troublesome but darn effective. But don't let her go to far as to what you can or can't do, there is a limit to what a person can take.


Aug 4, 2006
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I'm not getting the car to assist with anything aside getting the pain in my ass (my current car) out of my life. I want something that is for lack of better terms mine and has 4 wheels..and is fun to drive.

She's not a girlfriend YET. I want to, as I put it to her, explore the idea. She said yes to a date, gave me her (unknown to anyone at the time) new cell number..and my phone promptly ate it which it has a history of doing. I am inclined to agree that she's less interested in tell and more interested in give me a time and date to work with. Of course this happened at the worst of times as I've been promoted and am helping to open a new store. Woohoo. The breakdown of communication sure as hell didn't help I think I waited too long to use a backup line of communication. For the limitations, what should I be taking into account? Who I can and can't live with? How much time I spend with her vs on my own? Where I spend my hard earned monies? Something along the lines of the physical distance between her and my place of living (currently approx 30 miles). The fact that she's a busy girl and shortly I'm about to become a very busy boy?

As far as the hexagrams go, should I advance once I have an idea of a schedule so I can say I am free at times X-Z on days A-F and go for more 'do' than 'tell'? Or should I sit back and wait for a bit? I feel uneasy with the idea of waiting.
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I'm not getting the car to assist with anything aside getting the pain in my ass (my current car) out of my life. I want something that is for lack of better terms mine and has 4 wheels..and is fun to drive.

She's not a girlfriend YET. I want to, as I put it to her, explore the idea. She said yes to a date, gave me her (unknown to anyone at the time) new cell number..and my phone promptly ate it which it has a history of doing. I am inclined to agree that she's less interested in tell and more interested in give me a time and date to work with. Of course this happened at the worst of times as I've been promoted and am helping to open a new store. Woohoo. The breakdown of communication sure as hell didn't help I think I waited too long to use a backup line of communication. For the limitations, what should I be taking into account? Who I can and can't live with? How much time I spend with her vs on my own? Where I spend my hard earned monies? Something along the lines of the physical distance between her and my place of living (currently approx 30 miles). The fact that she's a busy girl and shortly I'm about to become a very busy boy?

As far as the hexagrams go, should I advance once I have an idea of a schedule so I can say I am free at times X-Z on days A-F and go for more 'do' than 'tell'? Or should I sit back and wait for a bit? I feel uneasy with the idea of waiting.

Interesting. Well, 60 is the hexagram of time, organization, schedules and such, just as you've said. With more info, this sounds like a matter of logistics more than anything else. And that too is fitting hex 3: sorting or untangling threads before they can be knitted into a single garment. I don't think there's a quick fix answer for this. Just have to play it as your see it.

Congrats on your new gig!


Jun 18, 2006
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Now I see why you received hex 60 to this relationship question. Limitations in communication, limitations on time available, limitations on easy access. I would suggest that you starting talking, commit yourself to action, the limitations that you are enduring at the moment have to be overcome, being careful and patient is one thing but doing nothing would be disasterious for your future relationship.

"so I can say I am free at times X-Z on days A-F and go for more 'do' than 'tell'? Or should I sit back and wait for a bit? "
Phone and 'ask' her if she would like to go on a date and 'ask' when she is available to do so, therefore, put yourself into action and overcome the limitations that you are now experiencing. No sitting back anymore, time to try and see what happens, if she says yes okay, if she says busy/no then try again next week. She is the one that might be hesitant in this affair.


Aug 4, 2006
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fire off another e-mail no reply yet. willow, I had an issue with my phone and it ate her number. at this point the ball is completely in her court, she's got my number, schedule, and an e-mail address. short of cheating and calling in a number of favors I guess now I just have to be patient.


Jun 18, 2006
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Well, hex 3.2 does say that you will experience problems and obstacles at first and that she does not highly rate you either but give her sometime to realise that you are a good guy. It seems that she is hesitating for some reason, perhaps she is just not sure about you. But after a period of time, I don't know how long, she will make up her mind and go out with you. Therefore, be patient but send signals now and again, make sure she does not forget you.


Aug 4, 2006
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Most people don't forget me. Har! I have a feeling part of her hesitation is she got burned in the (or sounded anyway) recent past in a hookup by some friends and essentially we'd be in a similar situation. My roomies (her sister and hubby) introduced us and Rikki (sis) said pretty bluntly that she was going to make the attempt to hook us up.

One of the hexes changing lines mentioned 10 years. Something tells me it won't be 10 years but it will be some length of time, lemme see if I can find that translation:

6 at 2: Then sprouting, then proceeding with difficulty, then driving a team of horses. No bandit: a marital suitor. Girls determination: no babies. Ten years, then babies.
Don't just be a reaction on what comes up to you: running when all seems easy, and frustrated by the first obstacle. Things cannot be accomplished just like that, they need time and thought. So don't rush, but don't let anything stop you either.

I suppose I ought to be asking what my best course of action is or if this may be one of the few times where no action is worth the moving of the world.


Aug 4, 2006
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Update: She replied, I got the number, guess my persistence paid off.

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