...life can be translucent




Mar 6, 2011
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As many of you probably know through previous posts of mine, I split up with my longterm partner, we have had a very up and down relationship in the months leading up to today..
We broke contact 2 weeks ago.
I then (stupidly) texted him which was not good as I recieved no reply.. I felt I didnt really get the closure I properly deserved, my heart was still aching.. I still love him and wanted him back, things got too messy and I just decided his no response was proof that I needed to just move on.

Now not too long ago I got a message from him on a dating site about how I look different and he didnt know it was me and how he was sorry..
This makes me sad, obviously because of his no response and how he just felt like he could msg me without thinking thatd hurt me!
Well I blocked him, not only because it hurts.. And I didnt even want to look at his page, I need to move on:'(
My question was with the thought of easing my pain and how I can get my peace through this.

Please advise me on this situation to which I recieved 34.4.5>5

Thank you
Dec 15, 2011
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Hey MJ:)... I hate your ex boyfriend. Just for the record. But what exactly was your question:confused:? I didn't gather from what you wrote what you asked.... How to have peace? Anyway, I'll just give my impression... From my experience, 34.4 has been a big heads up not to go kicking in an open door so to speak. I believe it was AQ who originated that analogy here in an old post of mine... I'll try to find it for you... It's kind of like save your strength, the door is open. I don't have any experience I can recall with line 5 here, but it says lose the goat... goats are stubborn, and the line says lack inner strength, although they are putting all their energy into not budging. So, I think this reading is suggesting there isn't anything actually holding you back from what you want, a warning not to hold on so tightly to your position, maybe the past, maybe putting up a strong front at times, wasting your inner reserves holding on so tightly to something that isn't necessary. Could that be? Could the goat be your stupid ex who just never changes?... What are you fighting? And then you have 5 here, which has proven to me a sign I just have to wait patiently. That what I want is on it's way. I don't have to do anything but wait for my opening.

If this were my reading, I would read this overall as don't force anything and don't hold on to anything... there is nothing in the way here, and all you need to do is just move on with your life naturally(34.4.5), but in time. Right now you need to conserve your strength, and just be patient(hex 5). Stay where you are, but not so stubbornly. Sounds almost like waiting to cross the street. Ya don't want to run in front of a car, but ya don't want to just dig your heels and waste all your energy standing there either, resisting the urge to move forward even though there is a red light. In time, the light will turn green. So, just know that, take care of yourself in the meantime, and this should bring you peace. In time, what you are looking for will just come to you(hex 5)... Remember, there isn't anything in your way, you have the strength, don't waste it resisting something that isn't even there or trying to break through imaginary barriers...

I don't think this is saying you have to wait for peace, but perhaps is suggesting how you can wait for what you want in peace... Hmmm... Sounds familiar. This reading seems to describe how I felt when I broke up with my ex, and I was getting hex 5 a lot, expecially as the transformed hex then. Everything worked out fine for me, but looking back I was alternating between writhing needlessly, just wanting to bound forward, and clinging to the past. Waiting patiently... Not my strong suit:eek:... My moon is in Aries. Hope this helps MJ:):hug:.

long yi

May 21, 2012
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Six line quick look

出生时间:年 性别:女 起卦方式:直接指定

神煞:天乙—酉亥 福星—子戌 日禄—巳 羊刃—午 驿马—申 桃花—卯 华盖—戌
干支:壬辰年 丙午月 丙寅日 己亥时
旬空:午未  寅卯  戌亥  辰巳

六神  伏神    坤宫:雷天大壮(六冲)    坤宫:水天需(游魂)
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟庚戌土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财戊子水  
玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙庚申金  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟戊戌土  
白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母庚午火 世○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙戊申金 世
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟甲辰土     ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟甲辰土  
勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼甲寅木     ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼甲寅木  
朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财甲子水 应   ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财甲子水 应

In hexagram 34, line 4 is you (5 element fire) and line 1 is him (5 element water). Of course, you cannot find the equilibrium and you fight.

He thinks of you. Since the month of the reading (root = fire = house of spouse), in his mind, you are water. It does not fit well with your house of marriage.

You think of marriage and line 4 shows that you have withdrawn your soul from this relationship and then start looking for another male. That male does not exist because the brother character in change line 5 is empty under the house of spouse (day of the reading).

Line 2 is also him ( 5 element wood). This wood character appears in the day of reading. In your heart, he is still the spouse, but the same wood is under the house of marriage. This means you do not want to marry him. In hexagram 5, line 2 remains unchange. He hasn't changed.

Hexagram 5 is water Kan above metal chien. The metal produces the water. That means you initiate all movement and he is not trying to go after you for courtship.

This special arrangement is 體生用,婚難成,或因婚有失。This means you can try, but you will not be able to marry him. If you force it, you will be the loser at the end.

The man you search for (ideal lover) may show from October 5 to November 3 2012. I do not think that you will be with someone soon. It will take a long time for you to know the next male friend.


Mar 6, 2011
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You know I like it was a very difficult thing for us to have a relationship.. I really loved him though and thougt at times I could make it work but now I knlw I probably can't.
Long Yi what you have said is true of course, I have him in my heart still and probably will for awhile but I know that it's not going to work.. which is why I asked how I could find my peace in this because I have my regrets.
I dont expect to find my guy today.. but a friend maybe.. thats why I joined that site because i'll be moving to the city and I dont know many people besides my ex.. and last year I was really shy and lonely, I actually hated it at times.

yes I know he isnt trying to go after me anymore... thats why hes on a dating site!

This reading was so I can attain my own peace with letting him go.
Thanks Long Yi.. yet again! I will keep my eyes out for this guy later this year lol
, I get what you say though I dont wanna just get to know anybody, I would like to take things alot slower next time.

Ferret> thank you :)
yesterday after recieiving that msg I was glum because the night before I had a random dream he was texting or messaging girls and I saw his msgs from his POV!
Was that an omen for what happened, Idk but it somewhat prepared me for yesterday.
Anyways I think this reading has helped me, and I took the advice to heart.
The more I stubbornly struggle with my grief the worse it got so it would be best to just wait things through patiently.
Trying a new thing called "patience", we'll see how it goes XD



Mar 6, 2011
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"You think of marriage and line 4 shows that you have withdrawn your soul from this relationship and then start looking for another male. That male does not exist because the brother character in change line 5 is empty under the house of spouse (day of the reading)."

What does this mean longyi?


Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score

Turns out I did meet the man mentioned by long yi at the time he said..
Haha but even though he was suited with me as A GREAT partner it ended up not working out because up until April of 2013 I was still dating the ex before him, we were friends for a while though... We started dating not to long after me and Gary broke up... The relationship with Michael ended this year January 2014.. My choice because even though he was the perfect partner for me he was talking to various other women and hiding it.. :/
I'm glad I left though, this was a different kind of love though, it wasn't based on anything superficialities (although he was very handsome, made lots of money) I didn't care about that at all, it was enough just being with him everyday...
I had never experienced love like that.. I wish I could take back the way I handled my jealousy but its too late now, and maybe if I had just trusted more I wouldn't have found out what I found out...
Anyways thanks DF and long yi, looking back now I realize how much I learnt about love, and the yi...

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