...life can be translucent

39.6 > 53 and 36.3.5> 3: Two Choices


Jul 28, 2018
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I have talked before about inequalities in my work place. I talked to managers several time without any considerable improvement. I don't get higher level courses despite having more experience than those who do. They don't accept this and pretend to be excited about having me there. But their actions say another thing.

I'm going to talk openly then resign.

If I do both (talking and resignation) at the same time? 36.3.5> 3
The things end, there will be hardship and then a new beginning.

If I talk, then wait for some time before resignation? 39.6> 53
Sounds like I regret being there anyway, and should go. There will be progress then.

Another matter is a paper work related to my work. If my relationship with the boss goes sour, I may be obliged to pay a large amount of money to the government as I risk not being able to prove having worked there for years in order to regulate my free education engagement and obtain the original of my university degrees.

I asked about it, too, and got 55 uc.

"Don't mourn. Do what is needed".


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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39.6 - 53 looks to be the right path to me. 39.6 suggests transcending a problem and then 53 is progress so i can see this reading meaning that by talking things over you either get some improvement in the work situation or maybe you are laying the groundwork for being able to leave without bad feeling and thus your paperwork stays in good order,


Mar 22, 1971
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Hi mary
It sounds like you have reached an important crossroads in your life, perhaps made more complicated by the grant money that you may lose.

If I do both (talking and resignation) at the same time? 36.3.5> 3
The things end, there will be hardship and then a new beginning.
36 <> 3
'Brilliance Injured ' through 'Sprouting'

My first impression is that by sprouting in this way the light that you are looking to let shine out will be injured in some way. Perhaps this will be harmful in some way to the cause, within this organisation, you have become so vested in.

36 carries a sense of what you propose to speak out about and perhaps even yourself already being on the outside and calls out to ways that you can best protect yourself. This is best achieved through 'supervising the crowds'.

36 is powered by the nuclear energy of 40 'Loosening' so this may be a consideration for you. Doing both could be seen as more than just loosening and perhaps will take the shine off the words that you are leaving behind by your resignation.
If I talk, then wait for some time before resignation? 39.6> 53
Sounds like I regret being there anyway, and should go. There will be progress then.
39 <> 53

'Hardship' through 'Developing Gradually'

By staying after you speak out you will create a set of circumstances where things will begin to slowly evolve based on what you have said (53). The virtue and the moral values of the people will be wrapped up in what you have said.

Yes, there is more than likely going to be difficulties for you (39). however, these will provide opportunities for you to reflect on what is happening with and around you and to gain new insights and wisdom from your choice to stay.

39 has the nuclear hexagram of 64' Not Yet fulfilled' which suggests that there is more to come through speaking and staying.
Another matter is a paper work related to my work. If my relationship with the boss goes sour, I may be obliged to pay a large amount of money to the government as I risk not being able to prove having worked there for years in order to regulate my free education engagement and obtain the original of my university degrees.

I asked about it, too, and got 55 uc.

"Don't mourn. Do what is needed".

55 Abundance

Abundance comes through the actions of the great within you attracting the great that is in the outer world. You have received a mandate to speak out and you can equally apply a part of that greatness within towards what happens regarding how the relationship with your boss develops. Direct how you apportion lawsuits and punishments carefully so that things work out in the most favourable way for you.

... or their may be other interpretations that speak more clearly to you.

Good Luck


Hi Marybluesky,
Is resigning in this situation a given for you?
Personally, I don't find either answer very encouraging. Perhaps it might be an idea to consult the Yi about only engaging in conversation without the short- or long-term effect of that conversation being resignation.


Jul 28, 2018
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I feel really offended as I've talked about the situation many times with the boss and the supervisor, and it seems like they are fooling me.

I didn't want to go to details but let me explain a bit:

It's a language institution with different payment levels for language levels and face to face courses are more expensive than online ones, hence I mentally need to go out of home more often. I've been discussing this since mid 2022. They used to insist that they "loved" to work with me in presence but there wasn't "enough classrooms". There are only 3 classrooms, however I noticed that many newcomers took face to face classes soon while I was waiting for one classroom to be free!

Not only that, it took about 2 years for me to get a B1 level course despite having a master in French translation and years of experience, but there are new ones who've been working here since less than a years and they take B2 courses. When I asked why I don't get such courses, they told me that I needed a C1 language level certificate. I've already taken the language test and am waiting for the results. But the people who take B2 courses don't have such a certificate. Then my boss says that "sometimes" he recognizes someone's ability without the certificate and prefers to give him better courses, but when I ask which are my eventual flaws so that I can correct them, he doesn't mention any. I've had this type of discussion over and over.

As for face-to-face courses, they asked me to change my timesheet so that I can take classes in less busy hours which I did. Now they tell me that out of three classrooms, two are always "saved" for two guys who always take intensive and exam preparation courses which are best paid. The one classroom that remains will be divided in time for me and three instructors who have more work experience than the guys mentioned.

I'll look like a real dumbo if I keep on like that.



I feel really offended as I've talked about the situation many times with the boss and the supervisor, and it seems like they are fooling me.

I didn't want to go to details but let me explain a bit:

It's a language institution with different payment levels for language levels and face to face courses are more expensive than online ones, hence I mentally need to go out of home more often. I've been discussing this since mid 2022. They used to insist that they "loved" to work with me in presence but there wasn't "enough classrooms". There are only 3 classrooms, however I noticed that many newcomers took face to face classes soon while I was waiting for one classroom to be free!

Not only that, it took about 2 years for me to get a B1 level course despite having a master in French translation and years of experience, but there are new ones who've been working here since less than a years and they take B2 courses. When I asked why I don't get such courses, they told me that I needed a C1 language level certificate. I've already taken the language test and am waiting for the results. But the people who take B2 courses don't have such a certificate. Then my boss says that "sometimes" he recognizes someone's ability without the certificate and prefers to give him better courses, but when I ask which are my eventual flaws so that I can correct them, he doesn't mention any. I've had this type of discussion over and over.

As for face-to-face courses, they asked me to change my timesheet so that I can take classes in less busy hours which I did. Now they tell me that out of three classrooms, two are always "saved" for two guys who always take intensive and exam preparation courses which are best paid. The one classroom that remains will be divided in time for me and three instructors who have more work experience than the guys mentioned.

I'll look like a real dumbo if I keep on like that.
I understand and also understand that staying there any longer is not an option.
My preference would then be H36.3.5 <> H3. Talk and resign immediately.

In this case, it is your talents that are "hidden" by your boss. The related hexagram H3 is not so much a result of H36.3.5, but rather an influence that comes into play. H3 is Beginning, those difficulties are not necessary at all provided you follow the advice of the Image:
Thus the superior person regulates and brings order.
You can avoid difficulties by preparing well in advance. Both for the interview and for the stuation after you resign.

You also see this in the lower trigrams: Fire turns into Thunder because of the moving line at the 3rd position.
Fire is about distinction, regulation, making things clear and Thunder is about renewal, a new beginning. Thunder is also about letting go of the old so that a new start can be made.
The moving line in Fire is about making decisions based on feeling rather than reason. Don't go making rational arguments to ignore or undermine your feelings.

Earth with a moving line at the 5th position changes to Water. This is about allowing yourself to be led too much by the environment, you are being used by others. The line at the 5th position asks you to take charge, trigram Water to let go, move with the flow. Dare to take a risk. Take back control of your own life.

The reason I personally do not prefer H39<>H53 is, first of all, that in both hexagrams Mountain is the lower trigram. Mountain is immovable, sticking to what it knows. In addition, the moving line is at the 6th position. It has no influence here.
Water turns into Wind, in other words things are put on hold, postponed, etc.
H39.6 reminds me of all kinds of nice promises that are being made, which you might believe and therefore stay on, but which in the end are not fulfilled, it is constantly being postponed and pushed forward.

This would be my interpretation. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest 😉
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Jul 28, 2018
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I see. I guess if I'm not firm enough they'll try to lure me back with those nice promises. That's what my former boss used to do before I finally decided to leave and file a complaint against him for not paying my wage. I hope that this time I won't need to go to such extents.

Reading again your first answer, I thought that it's not harmful (!) to ask the I Ching about:

only engaging in conversation without the short- or long-term effect of that conversation being resignation.

The answer: 11.2.5> 63.
More promising by the sound of it. I cross the river, my "friends" disappear. I don't know how to interpret 11.5. It indicates good fortune anyway.
All in all, 11> 63 sounds like a flow that naturally meets its end. The conversation will do it - the termination - even without me being decided.

P.S: I like your reads Hans K. I don't know if I've said before. At first I found your different style of interpretation by the images hard to understand, I couldn't relate to it. Now I enjoy reading your comments 🍀🙋🏻‍♀️


All in all, 11> 63 sounds like a flow that naturally meets its end. The conversation will do it - the termination - even without me being decided.
I think you are right. H11<>H63 is an interesting answer for a number of reasons.
Lines 2 and 5 are about leadership; they are the mayor (line2) and the King (line 5). In H11.2.5, line 5 (a moving yin line) follows the advice of line 2 (a moving yang line)
Line 2 is in the trigram Heaven which is about the leader and leading. Line 5 is in trigram Earth which is about following. The moving lines further emphasize the meanings of the trigrams.
In this response, you can think of yourself as the lower trigram and your conversation partner as the upper trigram. So you are clearly in charge here and your conversation partner follows.

Heaven turns into Fire by the moving line at the 2nd position. This is about bringing things out bright and clear, but be sure to keep it businesslike. Don't let emotions take over.
Earth turns into Water by the moving line at the 5th position.
This, as also indicated in the earlier post, is about taking the reins.
Earth with a moving line at the 5th position changes to Water. This is about allowing yourself to be led too much by the environment, you are being used by others. The line at the 5th position asks you to take charge, trigram Water to let go, move with the flow. Dare to take a risk. Take back control of your own life.
So because of your experiences within the company, a conversation with your boss will be a bit like a tightrope walker balancing on a tightrope, but when you remember that you are in charge here and can put your frustrations aside for a moment during the conversation, I think this answer shows that you will come out on top.

This would be my interpretation. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest 😉


Jul 28, 2018
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Thanks a lot people for your words of wisdom 🙏🍀🌺

I'm still at the heart of storm, I worry about the future, but one thing that helped me calm down a bit in these hellish days was my work place and coworkers. They offered me a well paying, face to face course that made me go to work everyday. The boss and coworkers showed sympathy towards me and my familial situation.

Had I resigned, I'd been really, really miserable.

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