...life can be translucent

Menu > 8 Neighborhood crazy lady casting spells?


Jan 14, 2013
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My question was, what is "M" doing?

Hexagram changing to 8

I live in an apartment complex, nice, landscaped, older people. My friend/ex-lover lives in the same building on the ground floor. I live upstairs. We and everyone else in the place have to deal with "M" who is a seriously nasty woman who complains about everything. She has no friends. When my female neighbor who lived in the apt above "M" fell to the floor during a heart attack, "M" complained that she was "falling down drunk." And showed no sympathy when she learned it was a heart attack. A true and possibly dangerous narcissist.

I attempted to be friendly with M when I moved here 4 years ago. She invited me in a few times, showed me her "magical" rock collection and some books on magic. WE were getting along pretty well until she offered to drive me to an upscale wedding I was invited to one night in the premier hotel downtown. I was dressed to the nines. She pulled up two blocks from the hotel and dropped me off exactly where men with hoses were cleaning the sidewalk, water spraying everywhere. I pretty much caught her act at that point and have avoided her ever since.

M has been jealous of my relationship with this attractive man from the very beginning. We no longer pay the slightest attention to her when she glares at us, hands on hips, every time she sees us together. Friend and I have tomato plants in containers and some decorative plants outside his apartment. M walks across the lawn to stare in at us when I'm there having dinner or watching TV, and even when I'm not there. She pretends to be looking at our plants.

On Saturday, when he usually sleeps in, friend had to be someplace early. As he left his apartment, he found M standing on the walkway into his place. Not the public sidewalk, his entryway. She turned around and walked away without a word. When he told me about it, I was puzzled, then thought I should look around where she was standing. Sure enough, there were two strange pieces of blue glass or stone next to our big wicker elephant at the entrance to his apartment. Possibly one was a cheap piece of turquoise embedded in rock. The other was a truer blue. I threw them away. But after speaking with someone online this morning, I cast the Y Ching.

What is she doing? > 8
Decrease, two small bowls (stones?) used for the sacrifice.

41.1 Wilhelm says, "Going quickly when one's tasks are finished is without blame. But one must reflect on how much one may decrease others."

Sounds like she hurried away from friend's door after trying to "decrease" him or our relationship."

41.2 Wilhelm: "Perseverance furthers. To undertake something brings misfortune. Without decreasing oneself, one is able to bring increase to others."

I really do not get this line. Unless M is trying to bring misfortune, which is possible. But the increase part mystifies me.

41.5 Someone does indeed increase him. Ten pairs of tortoises cannot oppose it. Supreme good fortune.

Strange, since his totem animal is a tortoise. (He's one-quarter AmerInd.) She has no way of knowing that. She thinks she'd be good for him? She thinks she can bring him good fortune?

He diagnoses people for a living and considers her extremely dangerous, the kind of woman who knocks over a chair, tears her clothes, scratches her face and calls police to report that a man assaulted her. Yes, those women do exist. Last year she went to his door to ask him a question. He called me immediately to come speak with her and shut the door in her face.

41.6 Wilhelm: If one is increased without depriving others, there is no blame. Perseverance brings good fortune. It furthers one to undertake something. One obtains servants but no longer has a separate home.

More mystery. Who's being deprived? And by whom? Servants?

Hexagram 8. Seeking Union. Not going to happen.

Or am I reading all of this backwards? With so many changing lines, other interpretations are possible or even probable.

Help will be much appreciated. Thanks so very much again. :bows: :bows: :bows: :bows:
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Feb 7, 1970
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What is "M" doing? > 8

Maleficium. Hoodoo, it's called here. The casting suggests that you do not wish to engage in magical warfare with M. It would be my first choice, though. M is envious of your superior social life.

At the foot of the mountain is a marsh
The noble young one, accordingly,
rules out resentments (and) restrains desires

Since, as it seems to me, you do not want war, crush M with kindness. For example, bake her some cookies. This will challenge her worldview, although she will suspect they are poisoned. If she could see you and your friend sharing these cookies together, that would be the icing on the cake.


Jan 14, 2013
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What is "M" doing? > 8

Maleficium. Hoodoo, it's called here. The casting suggests that you do not wish to engage in magical warfare with M. It would be my first choice, though. M is envious of your superior social life.

At the foot of the mountain is a marsh
The noble young one, accordingly,
rules out resentments (and) restrains desires

Since, as it seems to me, you do not want war, crush M with kindness. For example, bake her some cookies. This will challenge her worldview, although she will suspect they are poisoned. If she could see you and your friend sharing these cookies together, that would be the icing on the cake.

Thanks so much, pocossin. I was hoping you'd respond. When you ignore the changing lines, does that mean with so many they're just not important?

Yes, M is envious of my social life and everyone else's too. She's so nasty, no one can stand her.

Maleficium, eh? A great word. Interesting that your first choice is for me to engage in magical warfare with M, if I read you correctly. I have absolutely no idea how to do that. Well, not warfare.

I've done some interesting stuff to ward off psychic assaults--years ago, in my apt in SanFrancisco, I noticed some black shapes floating around the ceiling, gathering darkness. It was about 2 in the morning, everything was still, nothing stirred outside or inside. I lit some incense and a candle on a tray, waved it at the shapes and commanded them to leave. They disappeared and at that very moment, the nextdoor neighbor's alarm system went off. I've had few occasions to ward off anything negative, tho this technique works when I've needed it.

Maybe I should march around this building at midnight with candles and incense and command all evil spirits to depart immediately. Or pour water on her and watch her melt away? Or find a roots woman? Not likely in this part of the country, where cowgirls are more the norm.

The cookie idea is a good one, but I am not a baker. If I offered anyone my misshapen attempts, they'd probably decline. Friend and I ignore M or just laugh at her, which undoubtedly irritates her no end. We did not mind doing that until now. Now, even my cat takes one look at her and runs away.

Looking forward to your suggestions. Many thanks, as always.


Feb 7, 1970
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When you ignore the changing lines. . .

I did not ignore the changing lines. I work by filling out a form, so in spite of my perpetual statin brain fog, whatever the lapse of time I can look back and see what I considered and what I didn't. I read the relevant line text in Hatcher's translation. The idea of cookies comes from Hatcher's "A pair of simple rice baskets may be used for the offering."

Interesting that your first choice is for me to engage in magical warfare with M

No, that would have been my first choice, but I do not think you are so aggressive as I am. I believe in fighting fire with fire, but others prefer the niceness of water.

Maybe I should march around this building at midnight with candles and incense and command all evil spirits to depart immediately. Or pour water on her and watch her melt away?

If you really want to wage magical warfare, which I doubt, first try negative feng shui. That is, point a sharp, pointed object at the residence of the villain. A knife, broken glass, ice pick, etc. will work, and leave it in position until the situation changes. This can be done in the privacy of one's own residence, but better if it is outside and visible to the villain. Just smile knowingly when you meet the malefactor. That will get to them. If you are willing to trespass, bury a dead animal (lizard or toad) near the doorstep of the villain. As the corpse decays the villain's magical powers decay -- in theory, that is. If she glares (stares fixedly) at you and if you really want to bring everything into the open, jab index and middle finger at her (the horns gesture). Even if she has never seen the Three Stooges, she will know immediately that this means, "I poke your eyes out." Should the villain threaten to become physical (mostly they are cowards), best if you have a weapon (umbrella, cane, pencil) in your other hand. If you have ever had bayonet training, you know how lethal even a wooden pencil can be. "Come into range, my dear, and give me a legal excuse." Most villains cannot stand to be pointed at. No need to throw water, which is legally assault. Especially if the villain is looking through windows, everyone in the room should point at her. Such power there is in the simple index finger. Oh, if you are hasty for results, if applicable report the villain for income tax evasion and welfare fraud. I am speaking from experience. Probably I should have said none of this, but you asked, and I do not fear consequences.
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Awesome pocossin - a man after my own heart!! :stir: The older I get the more I just stick it to people which incidentally I learnt off my youngest son. He takes no sh... from anyone and has no problem speaking honestly, bluntly and loudly.
However sometimes I say nothing at all and that can upset people a whole lot more. - Liss


Feb 7, 1970
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Another point. If you are having difficulty with M, it is likely that everyone else in the the apartment complex has also. Circulate a petition asking for the eviction of M. With enough complaints, your landlord will respond. I evicted a tenant -- a great bother for me -- on the basis of his harassment of other tenants. Indeed, I told him I would not evict him if he would stop troubling others. He was a racist and aggressive egotist and incapable of leaving others alone. I was embarrassed that I was responsible for a trouble maker being in the community. I saw to it that he was put out of the neighborhood and publicized his misconduct. He and the rest of his predatory family will never be back.


Sounds good to me. I went in our local supermarket recently and I found a folder marked - Thieves Unwelcome Back in this Store - full of security camera photos of people caught shoplifting. I live in a pretty small town as population goes so I thought this was fabulous.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Poised returning to your answer from Yi,>8 ....You asked 'what is she doing ?' but as I believe mostly the answer comes for us ourselves, what we need to do, I'm looking at the answer that way. In a sense it doesn't matter what she is doing what you need to know is how to respond...or not.

Overall 41 counsels us to decrease our involvement in any matter. Less is more, sacrifices of time and energy and complicated solutions need to be simplified. This person already took a lot of your time in that you wrote the post here and spent thinking time on it. I think your answer advises you to really minimize this. I wonder if you have time...41.1 going quickly when work is done...41.2 large sacrifices to solve problems are not necessary....all this is a loud and clear message to me that you regard this incident/this person as something of no great or lasting importance in your life. Hexagram 8 shows you have things and people you are connected with , that belong with you. She cannot diminish that in any way so your focus needs to go away from her and onto those things you do belong with. 41.5 might indicate some kind of turnaround, not sure, but it can mean one benefits through what seems like loss. 41.6 is a reminder that the situations you are in are stepping stones to somewhere else. You 'gain servants not a home'. 41.6 can show events and connections that move you forward....they aren't stopping places. Overall I feel you just can't afford to be giving this woman too much time, she is only part of the scenery and it's a scenery that is shifting. Obviously you need a distance but don't spend any time worrying about voodoo from her. She is obviously mentally ill in some way and you will be far stronger than her. Hexagram 8 in the background shows this. So you need to hold together with the good things around you rather than dissipate energy in concerns about her magic spells etc. You don't need to do much here IMO other than to hold clearly outwardly and inwardly to what you belong with.

From another perspective, if I do take the answer as about what she is doing, all those lines in 41 look like pretty ineffective scattered energy.

Overall though I think you are in a strong position and don't need to spend energy thinking of her.

BTW if you are concerned about her magic then just do some simple self protection. There's many ways to do that, by visualising yourself in a bubble or maybe asking whatever you believe in for help (
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Mar 20, 2012
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Why is nobody really giving the advice: Just confront her (lightly and with good humor in case you're wrong) about the rocks. Honesty is the best policy.

Of course, the assumption could be right and she could be as crazy as she seems. Worth a shot though.

I'll give my (very novice) translation of 41 to 8 from the Jiaoshi Yilin, in case it helps:

41 to 8

The large (?) begins its journey,
The cause for a season of fear and dread.
The hot soup causes a catastrophe,
Cutting right into her skin.
She depends upon heavenly favor,
And returns to her birth home.

edit: ^ interpretation: whether it's for you or her. This is the beginning of a season of fear and dread in the making. An idea of a curse, or bad luck is given in the second sentence. And in the end there is a change of heart and a retreat.

If this refers to her, you have no worries in the end but sure, protect yourself in the meantime. If it refers to you, stop the negativity and judgment now. Better than having to go through a change of heart.

Also if you succinctly combine the two names of the hexagrams, it says something like: Diminish Connection. Somewhat straighforward if you read it that way.
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Jan 14, 2013
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Thanks so much, Trojan. You are correct about my having better things to do and better relationships with people in the neighborhood. Yesterday I went out with my cat, sat on a bench under a tree on our parklike lawn. Within five minutes, four other people joined me for charming and neighborly exchanges.

In the "Karma is a bitch" department, a new fellow moved into the apartment directly over nasty M's apartment. He has a rather loud voice, has been clunking around getting settled and also had his girlfriend over for an overnight last night. I saw M on patrol outside when the girlfriend left; I would guess that they had "bothered" her and will continue to do so.

AS for protecting myself--yes, I do. In the past, I had personal relationships with four Indian gurus, three now dead -- not that these powerful guys ever really leave. I call on one or all of them, they respond, I have a lot of help as long as I remember to ask, and perhaps even if I don't.

You also have me thinking about what needs protection. Perhaps it's J, who in some ways is not as strong as I, tho he's younger and physically strong. He was and to some extent is still afraid of nasty M. A good point to ponder.

Many thanks for your help :bows:


Jan 14, 2013
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Fighting fire with water

I did not ignore the changing lines. I work by filling out a form, so in spite of my perpetual statin brain fog, whatever the lapse of time I can look back and see what I considered and what I didn't. I read the relevant line text in Hatcher's translation. The idea of cookies comes from Hatcher's "A pair of simple rice baskets may be used for the offering."

Yes, I have noticed the forms you filled out in the past and admired how you work. Sorry I overlooked that when responding to you. Also sorry to hear about your statin fog. Do you check cholesterol frequently? Mine went down 100 points in three months, so I don't need to take statins any more. I know you are careful with your diet, perhaps that's enough?

, that would have been my first choice, but I do not think you are so aggressive as I am. I believe in fighting fire with fire, but others prefer the niceness of water.

I always do well with people who are fiery and earthy as my nature and my chart are virtually all air with some water. I'd love to have a fire person fighting with me, as I can add enough air to create quite a conflagration. Friend J has fire but uses it up in his work, so I'm relegated to nice.

you really want to wage magical warfare, which I doubt, first try negative feng shui. That is, point a sharp, pointed object at the residence of the villain. A knife, broken glass, ice pick, etc. will work, and leave it in position until the situation changes. This can be done in the privacy of one's own residence, but better if it is outside and visible to the villain. Just smile knowingly when you meet the malefactor. That will get to them. If you are willing to trespass, bury a dead animal (lizard or toad) near the doorstep of the villain. As the corpse decays the villain's magical powers decay -- in theory, that is. .

Cannot bury dead things, as my cat will dig them up. Nasty M practices feng shui, so I doubt that I can up level to a useful extent. But glad you mentioned it, as SHE might have been using broken glass in front of friend J's apartment. IN fact, that's quite likely the blue stuff I picked up. I'll go out with a trowel and dig around to make sure nothing else is buried.

she glares (stares fixedly) at you and if you really want to bring everything into the open, jab index and middle finger at her (the horns gesture). Even if she has never seen the Three Stooges, she will know immediately that this means, "I poke your eyes out." ... Most villains cannot stand to be pointed at. No need to throw water, which is legally assault. Especially if the villain is looking through windows, everyone in the room should point at her. Such power there is in the simple index finger. Oh, if you are hasty for results, if applicable report the villain for income tax evasion and welfare fraud. I am speaking from experience. Probably I should have said none of this, but you asked, and I do not fear

Thanks for all of the great information. I love the idea of pointing at her when she looks into the window. I'll be happy to do that. And you're right about fraud. She told me she was collecting unemployment from two states, but that was a couple of years ago and I have no way to prove it.

I thank you so much for taking time to share your knowledge.


Jan 14, 2013
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Another point. If you are having difficulty with M, it is likely that everyone else in the the apartment complex has also.
Circulate a petition asking for the eviction of M. With enough complaints, your landlord will respond.

Our landlord avoids responding to everything that isn't in writing. I hesitate to complain about M until we have photographic evidence of her malicious behavior. But I have sent an informal note to management and also complained in person, with the intention of setting the stage for further action when we have the necessary proof -- if it comes to that.

evicted a tenant -- a great bother for me -- on the basis of his harassment of other tenants. Indeed, I told him I would not evict him if he would stop troubling others. He was a racist and aggressive egotist and incapable of leaving others alone. I was embarrassed that I was responsible for a trouble maker being in the community. I saw to it that he was put out of the neighborhood and publicized his misconduct. He and the rest of his predatory family will never be back.

Good for you. Admirable, really. Neighborhoods can turn in a bad direction quickly. If it comes to that, we can use racism, as J is partly AmerInd, wears his hair in a long pony tail or braid. Some people dislike him on sight because of his looks, tho he's really quite good looking. When he first moved here, M lectured me about even speaking with such a dreadful, dangerous man. She hated him on sight. When I told her what a marvelous person he is, so dedicated to working with troubled people and teenagers, she realized what a mistake she had made. That made her really furious. She then attempted to turn people against him and against us, because we spend so much time together. Didn't work.

I think she's so toxic she's poisoning herself. She looks far less healthy than she did a year ago.


Jan 14, 2013
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Why is nobody really giving the advice: Just confront her (lightly and with good humor in case you're wrong) about the rocks. Honesty is the best policy.

Of course, you would do that with any reasonable person. But this woman is demonstrably a nutcase and a malicious one at that. She'd just lie. I have four years of my own experience with her and the experience of others to rely on. Plus, my friend J, whose apartment she gazes into etc, is a therapist who diagnoses people for the court. He considers her dangerous. "M is evil," he says. I thought he meant figuratively, but at this point, I know he means that literally.

give my (very novice) translation of 41 to 8 from the Jiaoshi Yilin, in case it helps:

The large (?) begins its journey,
The cause for a season of fear and dread.
The hot soup causes a catastrophe,
Cutting right into her skin.
She depends upon heavenly favor,
And returns to her birth home.

edit: ^ interpretation: whether it's for you or her. This is the beginning of a season of fear and dread in the making. An idea of a curse, or bad luck is given in the second sentence. And in the end there is a change of heart and a retreat.

If this refers to her, you have no worries in the end but sure, protect yourself in the meantime. If it refers to you, stop the negativity and judgment now. Better than having to go through a change of heart.

Also if you succinctly combine the two names of the hexagrams, it says something like: Diminish Connection. Somewhat straighforward if you read it that way.

Interesting way to look at it. Thanks so much. Diminish Connection really cuts to the chase in terms of what I should do about M, as Trojan mentioned as well. It also might refer to what she's attempting to do with her machinations -- diminish the connection between my friend J and me.

"The large (?) begins its journey ...and returns to its birth home" could possibly and hopefully mean that this large pain (in the you-know-what) is beginning her journey back to her birth home (state) in another part of the country, which she has threatened to do time after time.

I certainly wish her much heavenly favor in that venture. In fact, another dear woman friend and I started praying two days ago for M to get a terrific job somewhere else and move away.

I wonderf whether "hot soup causes catastrophe" might refer to heated, angry thoughts spilling out causing harm to the thinker and to the target of the thoughts. Thinking of Carol Anthony and her "poison arrows." I just got herI Ching book and it's a long trudge through it to understand what she's getting at.


Mar 20, 2012
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That's an interesting interpretation. Btw, that (?) was because apparently there's no english translation (that I could find) for whatever that word is. I'm thinking it was either a person's name that was only relevant in 200 BC or a type of insect. I'm going with the former.

Kind of a boring aside, but suffice to say, I really like that hot soup metaphor.


Jan 14, 2013
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Two days later...an update

If you really want to wage magical warfare, which I doubt, first try negative feng shui. That is, point a sharp, pointed object at the residence of the villain. A knife, broken glass, ice pick, etc. will work, and leave it in position until the situation changes. This can be done in the privacy of one's own residence, but better if it is outside and visible to the villain. .

I came upon a pointed stick while working in the garden yesterday, and tucked it into the bushes with the point right against M's wall. It's hidden. I also found another pile of small stones arranged in front of my friend's window, so I picked them up and put them under the bush with the stick.

Later in the day, I noticed that M had put up a feng shui mirror at her front door to ward off evil spirits. So I guess she's noticed that her sticks and stones have been moved.

Meanwhile, a woman friend and I pray that M will get a wonderful job offer in another town. A little white magic might do the trick and feels natural to me.

And now I'm just ignoring her and going on with my life.


Jun 3, 2010
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Imo, this whole thing looks a bit cockeyed. Pointed sticks, fighting fire with fire, casting and warding off spells, etc. Childish and playing right into her web. A bitch by any other name is still just a bitch, not a witch. Her powers are what you lend or give to her. Diminish that!

I hear Yi saying to reduce the amount of energy you feed into this disturbed individual. Action/reaction.

I do agree with the aspect of taking authority of yourself, and your friend of himself. 'Keep it together.' You may need to simply walk around her and smile back at her glares, or not look back at all.

Dorothy didn't fight the wicked witches, they diminished from the whole of her, with help from her friends: Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, Scare Crow, Toto, and of course, the Wizard/the good snake oil salesman. Dorothy is the one with power; it's her dream.


Feb 7, 1970
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Pointed sticks, fighting fire with fire, casting and warding off spells

Smudge with white sage? Nah. Make trouble, get trouble. Want war, get war. Drop a pinch of sulfur on her doorsteps. It's supposed to repel snakes. M is malicious and expects to win through intimidation. If she were looking through my apartment window, I'd hang a roughly made doll with her colors in the window, a big pin through it, her name on the chest, and the Hebrew for death ( מת ) on the forehead. That's supposed to kill golems. She could not complain to management about this without admitting that she had been violating privacy. If I had to deal with M and her black magic, she'd have no doubt that she was on my hit list. From hexagram 8 in your casting -- hexagram 8 is the end of war -- I do not think you are up to counter-malevolence. Pray for M to find a better job elsewhere? No way! Why wish for others to suffer from her? Rather, daily read aloud one of the imprecatory psalms, like 35.

35:26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together
that rejoice at mine hurt:
let them be clothed with shame and dishonor
that magnify themselves against me.

The use of Psalms as a weapon in spiritual warfare is a biblically based practice completely backed by the word of God. How can it be unscriptural to use the word of God to counteract (undo) Satan's works in the lives of the Saints?


Jun 3, 2010
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Nonsense. You fight your own demons, and will become as she is if you're not careful. Then it will be you who faces pointed sticks, gossip, sulfur and the rest of your superstitious trickery.

If someone spies in my window threateningly, they'll see two things: me on the phone calling 911, and looking down the barrel of a loaded weapon. Their move.

White sage is great for cleansing, which is great to cleanse oneself and ones home. But it's a weak weapon, as are pointed sticks and a few drops of sulfur on your adversaries doorstep. :rolleyes:

poised: If you're going to confront this wacko, then confront her directly, preferably with the an authority, such as a police officer or the superintendent, and make sure your complaints are verifiable through witnesses, photographs, phone video and voice - any kind of incriminating evidence. You may at least succeed in obtaining a restraining order, to keep her a safe distance from you and your apartment.

Save the Voodoo for the Sci Fi channel, or constructive creativity. Remember too, whatever dark force you use or attempt to use, you become indebted to. Is she really worth that?


Feb 7, 1970
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If someone spies in my window threateningly, they'll see two things: me on the phone calling 911, and looking down the barrel of a loaded weapon.

Pointing a firearm is assault, a criminal matter. Do you really want to be put in such an inferior position? Poised, methinks, has no firearm at all. I actually hoped that the villains I had to deal with would show up with a gun. They would have been dead meat. As one said to me, "I ought to get my gun and shoot you." I prayed for this confrontation. At one time I could handle a 30-06 like a BB gun. In the past there was no law enforcement in my county. People were expected to defend themselves, and I did what was necessary for myself and those close to me.

a few drops of sulfur

Sulfur is a powder available in any garden supply center, not a liquid. If M is seriously into magic, she will know what it means. It is an ancient remedy. Odysseus cleansed his home with burning sulfur after he slaughtered the suitors.

then confront her directly

No. Confront her in her terms. The law does not recognize symbolic gestures, however malevolent they may be, except in the case of privileged minorities. Use the N word and find out, so expect no relief from the Law. At this level of combat, one is responsible for their own defense, and M knows it. Damn, I wish I were there. Combat is so exciting.


Jun 3, 2010
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Pointing a firearm is assault, a criminal matter.

Again, nonsense. There are state laws which govern the legal use and level of self-defense, particularly within ones own home. And the word you're looking for is called brandishing, not pointing.

My point was simply this: if you're going to defend with weaponry, use a real weapon. Not a PC thing to say these days, but PC won't save my life if threatened. House invasions are on the rise, as are assaults and burglary. It is the most primal law of the jungle to choose the very young, the lame to most easily prey upon. Maybe I should arm myself with fairy dust and dolls instead. But that's all mute, since, as far as I know, this angry lady hasn't tried to force her way into poised's home. I even missed where she stood at her window, looking in. I got that from you, Tom. Was that accurate?

I have no idea what means of defense poised has, nor was it the point. My advice to her was to 1) ignore crazy lady 2) approach her directly, with authorities and evidence, with the intent on keeping her at a safe and comfortable distance.

A real and proven threat would justify a more severe defense. Some crazy person acting all weird would not be considered a real and proven threat, even if they left pure jade footprints in the dirt.

For more serious matters, preparation is a choice. And, it's a matter of whose lives depend on you at the time. When I walked with my wounded lamb, we have been stalked, and with trained tactics and common sense, caused them to suddenly turn and walk quickly back to their truck and even more quickly disappear. Nothing was brandished but my unshaken resolve to meet whatever they brought. That's happened more than once, also with a family member who had gotten into something over his head. Now that it's just me, there's less to defend, so my defense has greatly diminished. But it would still be a bad idea to stick your face in my window unannounced.

But you'll have to be more knowledgeable about this stuff if you're going to attempt to use your quips as a weapon, Tom. Since you're in the US, at least Wiki self defense law in US.

Oh, and if you'd like to lay a curse on me, the rather long line forms at the rear.


Feb 7, 1970
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Again, nonsense. There are state laws which govern the legal use and level of self-defense, particularly within ones own home. And the word you're looking for is called brandishing, not pointing.

Where did you get your law degree?

The second form of assault is a show of violence. In the first form of assault, the state must prove that the defendant intended to commit an unlawful touching. In the second form of assault, the prosecutor merely needs to prove that the show of violence caused apprehension or fear in the victim. For example, if a defendant points a gun at a victim, and the defendant does not intend to commit an assault, maybe the defendant thinks it’s a joke, but the victim has a reasonable apprehension as a result of seeing the gun, the victim has been assaulted under North Carolina law.

If you have reason to believe that a person external to a home intends to break in and kill you, then you are entitled by law to kill them where they stand. No idle pointing. Justifiable homicide. I know of two cases locally. In one case I was asked to clean the blood off the porch and refused to do so on the grounds that I had warned what was coming. This is not Poised situation. M is not a physical but a psychological threat and can be legally countered only by psychological means. I stand by my reading and recommendations.

Oh, and if you'd like to lay a curse on me, the rather long line forms at the rear.

It will never happen. You are an artistic and creative person that I admire. I am also aware of your limitations, and I allow for them.


Jan 14, 2013
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Thanks pocossin and menu

meng, pocossin, thanks so much for taking on this crazy business.

Yes, this woman comes and stares into friend's window when I am at his apartment. And sometimes when I'm not. And he caught her standing at his door when he left unusually early last Saturday. That's when I found the possibly voodoo-ish stuff on the ground . And asked about it on this thread. WE have a long and nasty history with her, FRiend will not say one word to her under any circumstances.

I do own a firearm and am good with it. But it's only for target practice. Under no circumstances would I choose to use it on this crazy lady (CL) or anyone, for that matter. Unless they threatened me with a gun. If she stares into his window again when I am there, I like the idea of pointing fingers at her, which would both recognize her intrusion and threaten her subtly. IF she tried to break in, she would be met with firearms for sure.

Friend and I avoid CL as much as possible, if we're together and cannot avoid her, we laugh, not directly at her but "about something" we've said. We don't have to fake it, CL's constant disapproval of everyone is truly ridiculous.

She filed a formal complaint against Friend last year for parking in the wrong place. Caused him a lot of trouble. He was in the loading zone, driving MY car so we could load it with stuff. All perfectly correct. But a formal written complaint is a big thing in this complex and he had to take a morning off work to respond in person at the office. I went with him. We had photos. It was pure harassment on CL's part. CL leaves notes on everyone's door, particularly Friend's, about "I heard your TV," "You slammed the door," etc etc, and threatens him and many other people with filing a complaint. She is possibly stalking Friend and/or doing malicious stuff. "Maleficium," for sure.

And she complained about my cat roaming around, so now all cats have to be "supervised" when outside. Many residents are furious about this. AS I watch her descend into whatever black zone she's descending into, I WANT to be outside with my cat. Who knows what she might do to him.

Calling the police? I did last week at 2:30 a.m. when there was a gunfight in our parking lot,men shouting, eight shots, sound of bullets pinging off of metal. Police arrived 20 minutes later and did not get out of car. This supposedly great neighborhood is becoming...what? Typical, I suppose. Maybe I should get a ladylike holster and carry. Have the license to do so.

Anyway, these are much greater concerns than CL. But she did rear her head into that picture too...during the gun battle, someone tried to break into the apartment of an older lady here...next morning very early she had a falling=down dizzy spell, called the ambulance. CL walked close to the ambulance, hands on hips, and I saw the look on her face. Pure hatred. How DARE they wake her up with sirens at 7 a.m.?

I really do not know what she's capable of doing, but she's getting very dark. My natural tendency is to be ladylike and polite, but we are creating a file on CL, taking pictures when we can if she looks into his window, and possibly filing a complaint for harassment. I spoke with the office about certain terms in our rental agreement that say we are entitled to a pleasant life here. They agreed that having someone stare into the windows is a problem and gave me a formal complaint form to fill out. I will only do so when we have documentation.

If she puts more voodoo stuff around, I will know what to look for and either throw it away or pile it at her door where she can see that she's been caught out.

Many thanks for all of your wise thoughts . I truly value your advice. Both of you have been invaluable to me, not just on this thread, but many times over the last six months. I humbly sit at your feet. (all four of them) :bows: :bows:


Jan 14, 2013
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Stalkers turning around

For more serious matters, preparation is a choice. And, it's a matter of whose lives depend on you at the time. When I walked with my wounded lamb, we have been stalked, and with trained tactics and common sense, caused them to suddenly turn and walk quickly back to their truck and even more quickly disappear. Nothing was brandished but my unshaken resolve to meet whatever they brought. That's happened more than once, .

Oh my goodness, meng. In San Fran, my husband and I were walking home from a distant parking spot at about 2 a.m. when a carful of thugs pulled up at the corner we were approaching and got out of the car, faced us in a most menacing way.

Some kind of intuition took over. I moved closer to DH, we did not break the rhythm of our steps, and kept walking toward them. They were younger, stronger, and there were four of them. But suddenly they looked sort of amazed, jumped back into their car, and got the heck out of Dodge.

What did you do? I asked DH. I visualized tearing them limb from limb, he responded.

DH was a very creative guy, an excellent artist, and his visualization was trained and extremely powerful.

Come to think of it, when I was alone walking through a deserted area near North Beach one Sunday morning, a man started following me. As he approached, I could feel energy flaring out of my lower back. At that moment, the man crossed the street and walked away. I did nothing, but It did plenty. Zen and the Art of Archery comes to mind.

I have no doubt that powerful forces surround and protect you, meng. Good on you.


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
Follow Up, New Information Reinforces pocossin's analysis

What is "M" doing? > 8

Maleficium. Hoodoo, it's called here. The casting suggests that you do not wish to engage in magical warfare with M. It would be my first choice, though. M is envious of your superior social life.

I was in the yard yesterday chatting with neighbors. One man told me that when he moved in, "K," another man, had told him to stay away from "M" (the neighborhood crazy lady) as she was doing Black Magic.

K is a deeply religious, sensitive, scholarly man. He and I were on good terms, he cared for my cat when I travelled, I helped him walk his dog, etc. But every time we saw "M," he turned around abruptly and went the other way, would not speak to her. He never told me why, but said they were friends for awhile when she first moved in, then he stopped going to her apartment. He suggested that I stay away from her too. K moved to Hawaii two years ago, lucky fellow.

As for being jealous if my "social life," such as it is, K and I were outside in the midst of an impromptu neighborhood gathering when M rushed up to him, started gushing right his face: "Now we can do all the things we planned, etc," It was an embarrassing display, she literally threw herself at him...the neighbors were shocked and he practically ran away from her, calling my name, Come on (poised), let's go. That surely endeared me to her. :duh:

Just a few days ago, at 6:00 a.m. a neighbor woman I try to avoid because she's a motormouth came pounding on my door. She was very agitated, said my friend J and I were under strong psychic attack, were in danger, and J could die. She said the entire complex was under control of very bad spirits, J and I had to leave immediately. I listened dumbfounded for 15 minutes, then she left. Later that day she was taken to the psych ward. But perhaps she wasn't entirely crazy. She's friends with our resident meth dealer.

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