...life can be translucent


41 unchanging & 64.4 > 4 - getting an agent


Feb 23, 2015
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I am here yet again!

Well - I finally sent my acting reel out to a number of agents. (professional work, not ammeter stuff). I haven't been very pro-active in the past couple of years - and have relied on introductions which are soooo slow.

So I asked i-ching - will I hear back from any of them?

Answer: 41 unchanging!

This hex seems a bit depressing to me. Or could it be telling me to calm down?

Then I asked: will I ever get a suitable manager/agent?

Answer: 64.4 > 4

Is this a "yes" but I need to seek advice?

Would love to get your take on these readings! :-D

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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I think that it was a right thing to do, to send the reel because you've thought about it but didn't actually do it and it was holding you back.

Richmond, 41:
It is important not to be goal-seeking here for this retains the old as a plan for the future, when we do this the tao becomes a failure of expectations.

Starts with great promise, grows with vigour, has no offspring. Makes way for the new.

No outcome. After growth, no activity of fertility.
No coming together of diversity.
Where has he gone? Into the stillness.
How did he reach it? Giving up both.

Not to expect the unexpected is the natural failure of those who plan.

I think the answer is negative. No replies.

And here is an advice from Wilhelm, 41:One must draw on the strength of the inner attitude to compensate for what is lacking in externals; then the power of the content makes up for the simplicity of form. There is no need of presenting false appearances to God. Even with slender means, the sentiment of the heart can be expressed.

Maybe there are simpler options? More direct?
Live performance? (like open-mike evenings for poets/comedians).

Keep believing in yourself, be sincere Wilhelm says, and you will be heard.

64.4 → 4
.4, Richmond:
Continuance in the way brings good fortune.
Subduing the land of Kuei (the land of the devils)
took three years and great rewards were gained.

I think yes, 4 is full of advice on finding a mentor that will show you the proper way.
But you will have to change your approach (3 years/change).
You will have to work hard, each and every step of the way. And there will be rewards in the end :)


Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks Ashteroid! Yes I feel you're probably right - I won't expect too much right now.

My feeling is that I can't be conventional in the way I go about it all now. Need to think creatively!



So I asked i-ching - will I hear back from any of them?

Answer: 41 unchanging!

No, they won't call you.

41 - Remove

One loses their support and abandons. Accepting the constraints will arouse sympathy.

Then I asked: will I ever get a suitable manager/agent?

Answer: 64.4 > 4

Do it again, call again or apply again.

64 - Instability

One must show patience and only act knowingly. They are cautious and inform their relatives.

4 - After providing help to get the situation under control, one will be sought again.
In the making
4 - Asking for advice

Give references to the student who asks oneself questions, but delay before answering to the foolish questions. That way the student will trust their judgment.

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