...life can be translucent


43 and 47



Both of these hexagrams seems to be about a displacement brought about by pressure...

In 43 the displacment of the weak by the strong brings about an outward displacement

In 47 the displacement seems to bring an inward displacement...

explode vs implode.

This seems especially so in line 3 of both hexagrams.

Or am I way off base here?

Any insight or comments would be appreciated.



May 3, 1971
Reaction score
Sounds like a pretty good way to describe it to me.



Nov 19, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Deb,

you wrote:
> Both of these hexagrams seems to be about a displacement
> brought about by pressure...
> In 43 the displacment of the weak by the strong brings about
> an outward displacement
> In 47 the displacement seems to bring an inward
> displacement...
> explode vs implode.
> This seems especially so in line 3 of both hexagrams.
> Or am I way off base here?
> Any insight or comments would be appreciated.

43 deals with 'spreading the word' - it reflects a cooperative form of singlemindedness (as it pairs with hex 01 in the binary sequence). The idea is to 'seed' - just as 43s opposite, 23, is to prune. Thus 43/23 reflects the promotion of the 'one true faith' ;-)

47 deals with what its character symbolises, a tree surrounded by a border/fence. The idea is to force the roots to go deep and so to force integration with a context, to stop one from 'wandering' ;-) To the 'free' mind this is an exhausting experience. 47 pairs with hexagram 06 (compromising) in the binary sequence of the I Ching and there is an overall sense of compromise in both hexagrams (06 covers meeting the 'enemy' half way, no more, no less.)

From the ICPlus 'black box', hexagram 43 reflects the mixing of the generic characteristics of hexagrams 01 and 44. - 01 being the 'strong yangness' and 44 being the sense of 'persuation/seduction'.

Hexagram 47 reflects the mixing of hexagrams 06, compromising, and hexagram 10, treading.

In the traditional sequence 43 pairs with 44 reflecting the overall seductive/persuasive element. hex 43 'opposes' 22 where the focus is on facading, gloss over - IOW they form opposite sides of a coin, name the coin ;-) (as a pair both focus on promotion).

in the traditional sequence 47 pairs with 48 reflecting an overall enclosure of 'something' for later benefit. In this sequence hex 47 is 'opposite' to 18. Both reflect 'purification' concepts where the deep roots of 47 force integration and so commitment of some form as 18 reflects the eternal struggle to protect against passive corruption (neglect) and active corruption (cronyism, nepotism, etc etc)

From the really generic level, hex 43 reflects expansive bonding operating in a context of expansive blending. hex 47 reflects expansive bonding in a context of contractive bounding. The common theme is the top trigram which overall favours some form of cooperative exchange, the sharing of space with another/others etc focused 'outwards'. Lake in the top position mainfests an overall intensity in expression.

The differences are in the context, 43 context is of expansive blending and so the assertion of one's identity as THE identity/context. 47 context is of contractive bounding, a focus on protection rather than exploitation.

The line 3 changes appear to reflect 58 and 28. The 'sameness' here is in the excess in both, the intensity in self-reflection in 58, the excess of 'yangness' in 28. Thus hexagram 43 with a changing line 3 can be interpreted as hex 43 expressing itself in a manner characteristic of 58 - ICPlus line comment : "A successful person may need to flee times of misfortune but will come to no harm." [Need for self reflection]

In ICPLus hex 47 has line 3 as : "So confined, one becomes as if a stone. Reaching out for thistles [Not feeling what one touches - dangerous]. Entering one's house, one even fails to see one's spouse[ Not seeing what one loves]." [Locked inside oneself] - this reflects aspects of 28 in the form of going beyond what is required/necessary - IOW becoming 'extreme', exaggerating things too much (and so the boundary between oneself and others and so maintain the enclosure theme)

Hope some of this helps in general.




This has helped more than just in general. Thanks for your insight and time in helping me as I struggle to understand the Yi.

I like to see the picture unfold as the dots are connected : )



May 3, 1971
Reaction score
We implode often in hexagram 47 because we allow ourselves to be depressed by things that ought not depress us. When we change each line we have hexagram 22, the opposite. In 22 we are "under the spell of wine, and see the beautiful." In 47 we "stray into a gloomy valley." We walk by sight, and not by faith. We see only the valley, and not the mountain. We see the tree as bare, as if there is no fruit on it. Even when there is food on the table we see only misfortune. (line 2). The hexagram tells us that the great man brings about good fortune, but the lines tell us how we "disgrace" ourselves with attitudes of hopelessness and sorrow, being unfaithful to the promise of the hexagram. In line three we see stone, thorns and thistles, all symbols of the material world. We do not see beyond this, and have no faith in the "field" or the universal web that has no weaver. We feel all our efforts have been in vain. Stones can represent the physical world as opposed to the spiritual. It can refer to hardened attitudes and feelings reaping havoc in the subconscious mind. Thorns and thistles can refer to invalid attitudes and feelings that we rely on, but have no power of their own to hold us up. They even hurt us. They can come back on us and scratch us. The golden carriage can refer to attitudes that make us feel we have to keep up with the Jones's, or we have to have more and more things. Even when we have these things they do not bring happiness or peace of mind. Nose and feet can refer to inability to sense the true path, and the feet show an inability to walk the path. And creeping vines can inform us of little thought patterns that are not vey serious at first, but they sneak up on us and entwine us. They find their idea friends and join together to make a complex in the subconscious mind. They may tell us we are not good enough. Or that it is too big for us. That we are not expert enough to win the battle. We think of ourselves as helpless, and that we have no help from the inner world or the cosmos. All these things are attitudes that may not readily be apparent, and we may not be consciously aware of them. But they are there, inflicting their damage on our inner world, until we recognize them and deal with them. When we deal with one attitude, then other attitudes may come up with it, as with, line 1 hexagram 11. When ribbon grass is pulled up, the sod comes with it.


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