...life can be translucent




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May 29, 2006
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If you receive 52,3 what do you do about it ? The fan yao is 23,3 so that suggests to get rid of the desire that troubles you possibly ? But then its likley one has been trying to rid oneself of these disallowed desires, to get rid of them and failing which has led to 52,3 in the first place.

I've just looked a previous thread on 52,3 discussing how the line might be interpreted, most agree its about trying to cut yourself in half, to divide your physical desires from mental ones in such a way as cause very uncomfortable repression.

But the line doesn't seem to carry any advice about what to do about it ? Most of the time as I said one is supressing the desire for a very good reason, ie lusting after someone who is already taken etc etc We all have to repress these impulses don't we sometime in our life (except Luis who I think gives free rein ;) to his impulses :rofl: ).

I'm just wondering how people see any advice in this line because it seems to me just to be stating how things are. Do you think the solution is to free yourself entirely from the situation, to cut off from it as 23,3 suggests ? In other words you can't just trundle along with the situation and hope to keep a check on yourself because thats bad for you, its better to totally disassociate form the whole thing ?
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Jun 18, 2006
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I don't mean to be flippant but taking some happy pills or smoking a joint would certainly take the rigidity out of your body. Your not subduing the restless heart but letting it relax and open up, not smothering the fire but letting it burn brightly. Again make love?


Hiya Trojan,

I think 52.3 can be the way it is, or it could be a way to further, or both.

Once we open up, we begin to see things as they really are. The power of those things we unreasonably desire begin to strip away (like smoke up a chimney). It’s only when this sort of thing is locked up in our heart that poisonous fumes begin to choke us.

I learned this lesson from my wood stove.


Jan 6, 2007
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I live in a crowded apartment building with hordes of know it all busy bodies. But I choose to let them be. (Despite my desires.) The more they talk the more I realize they don't know it all. (A very shallow level of understanding.) It's actually a source of comfort and entertainment. I determined that they do what they do because they can't help themselves. They have no control over their desires. Does this relate to the conversation?



May 28, 2006
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Agreeing with Bruce.

The repression of the heart is the dangerous thing as is said in 52.3. So the advice in 52.3 would be to not do that.

Keep in mind that there's a difference between just feeling feelings, and acting them out. When you allow yourself to open up and just feel what's inside you, you stop repressing.

If there's a desire you were repressing, you feel that desire, without actually pursuing it, if the circumstances make that unwise. It might turn into something else, like maybe grief. You then feel that grief, until it's over. If you feel uncomfortable with this, tolerate feeling uncomfortable, as that's also a feeling of the heart that needs to be allowed.


Jun 18, 2006
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Check the other post trojan where you have attacked me yet again, like I said there, if you want to fight then go for it and I will drag you through the mud before I exist the so called "friends area".

I have ****ing names for you that you won't believe.


Jun 3, 2006
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Hexagram 52 is about meditation. Keeping the back still, sllowing the energies to travel up the chakras. I think of our chakras and visualize that our root chakra - the fight or flight chakra - is the first to be energized. If we can resist taking action when we first feel agitated, that is, if something happens and our first instinct is we must react immediately but we have the strength of mind to pause, breath deeply and consider, then the energies travel up the spine to the next chakra. If we resist responding from that level, the energies can build and travel up to the next and so forth up to the crown chakra at which point we, I suppose, realize cosmic understanding of the whole energy wave and it passes right through us without our having to do a thing. But meanwhile I think the lines of the hexagram are giving us instructions as to how to handle it when the energies are building at the various chakras. I personally get 52.5 alot which often warns me that if I talk about my plans too much I'll lose my enthusiasm and nothing will ever materialize. Whereas if I can just keep quiet a little while longer then with 52.6 everything happens as it should without effort. Anyway, I see 52.3 as that very tricky chakra where one is filled with desire, but doesn't quite know yet how that desire should be directed. The third line is in a hexagram seems to always be the tricky one because it is the boundry between the lower trigram and the upper one. The unconcious and the concious mind, I think. So at this point one is at a position where they feel the physical energy of desire, but now must conciously CHOOSE how to direct that energy. In my own life right now I am filled with a desire for beaded bamboo curtain. It would be so great on my girlfriend's bedroom door. Unfortunately, I don't have the extra bucks and I don't know as my girlfriend would even like it. So what to do? I am obsessed! I think 23.3 is particularly speaking to me, "He splits with him, (He loses the neighbor above and the one below - Wilhelm)" that is, probably neither my husband nor my girlfriend, who actually happens to be my neighbor would cotton to the idea of me decorating her bedroom, especially not in Early Hippie. Yet, line 52.3 also counsels that sufficating my heart's desires is not healthy. So what to do? Well, as I say, I think this hexagram is showing us how not taking action when the influence appears at the lower chakras and directing it to a higher chakra will ultimately lead to progress. So I suggest reviewing 52.4 for a hint of what you could be watching for next, the next step. 52.4: Keeping his trunk still, no blame. I think that is saying, allow your heart to desire, but choose not to take action. At least that's how I'm going to handle it. I'll continue to feel my desire, but I'm not going to run up my credit cards. Further on up, 52.5 suggests that perhaps talking a situation over with someone or writing a letter to oneself might help resolve a problem if it's a question of where energy needs to be released, putting things in logical words would get your thinking out of the emotional right brain and into the logical left brain, but a warning not to talk too much least the energies be talked to death, and then finally the crisis passes and 52.6 is your reward. So ultimately, the way to handle 52.3 I think, as has been suggested in earlier posts here, is to acknowledge your feelings, not stifle them, but not impulsively respond to them. CHOOSE how to act on them.
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May 29, 2006
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Before i forget I was reading the other thread on 52,3 and Lise says 52 apart from the usual 'keeping still' meditative meaning 52 can mean being arrogant or holding oneself apart from others which was something I'd not heard before and thought was interesting.

Rosada you talk of not knowing where to direct the desire in line 3, I think the problem is more one knows exactly where ones desire is going, hence the problem, lol
but thanks for your thoughts on 52.

I see what you're saying Bruce but isn't the problem in the idea of 'unreasonable desire'. I see brad says of this line how one isn't really being kind to oneself or helping anything by seperating parts of oneself off like this,(and we do this because we think our desire is bad) its false, not natural - so I presume denials not the way forward, though I guess by 'unreasonable' you meant wishes that for some reason are not good to go through with.
Interesting your focus on 'opening up' the line talks about the heart being smothered yet I hadn't really seen the simple advice of making an opening for the fumes to get out, metaphorically. Hmm so your focus is on release.

Hi Ewald yes I guess its shut up in the heart as its considered dangerous and not allowed out so facing it for what it is, which could be pretty hard work depending on the question, would be a means of moving on.


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May 29, 2006
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Re reading your post Rosada I associate line 3 definately with the solar plexus chakra, even though I usually think of the line as to do with sexual energy hence more likley to be the root chakra. I reckon if you asked about your desire for the curtain 54's a more likley answer than 52,3 cos I associate 52,3 with desires that come from the body and I think desire for things like curtains comes from the mind ;) (Well thats just my opinion cos I got 54 a few times asking about items i coveted )

And yes i agree 52,3 is a hard one to handle


trojan said:
I see what you're saying Bruce but isn't the problem in the idea of 'unreasonable desire'. I see brad says of this line how one isn't really being kind to oneself or helping anything by seperating parts of oneself off like this,(and we do this because we think our desire is bad) its false, not natural - so I presume denials not the way forward, though I guess by 'unreasonable' you meant wishes that for some reason are not good to go through with.

Interesting your focus on 'opening up' the line talks about the heart being smothered yet I hadn't really seen the simple advice of making an opening for the fumes to get out, metaphorically. Hmm so your focus is on release.

Yes. What I’m trying to convey is that, passion plays a lot of tricks, and the more you try to suppress or deny it the more strength it gathers beneath the surface, or in the belly or stove. But at the same time, if those passions are released without restraint, there’s likely to be some hell to pay. This is the perplexing condition of 52.3: to stuff your feelings or burn down the house.

The third way is to open up the vents, let a little heat out and also allow a little fresh air in. That sends the accumulated smoke right up the chimney and you can breathe again. This is an inner condition line 3 is speaking to. It doesn’t mean anything outside will necessarily change, but you will be clearheaded enough to reckon with it.


Dec 31, 2006
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What is "fan yao?"

trojan said:
If you receive 52,3 what do you do about it ? The fan yao is 23,3 so that suggests to get rid of the desire that troubles you possibly ?

May I ask - what is "fan yao?"


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May 29, 2006
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bruce_g said:
Yes. What I’m trying to convey is that, passion plays a lot of tricks, and the more you try to suppress or deny it the more strength it gathers beneath the surface, or in the belly or stove. But at the same time, if those passions are released without restraint, there’s likely to be some hell to pay. This is the perplexing condition of 52.3: to stuff your feelings or burn down the house.

The third way is to open up the vents, let a little heat out and also allow a little fresh air in. That sends the accumulated smoke right up the chimney and you can breathe again. This is an inner condition line 3 is speaking to. It doesn’t mean anything outside will necessarily change, but you will be clearheaded enough to reckon with it.

Yes I like that Bruce, I get that :)

Hexagon all i know about the fan yao is you place the changing line of your primary hexagram onto the relating one and it should throw some light on the meaning of your original changing line. Its simple or I wouldn't bother with it and I find it quite intrigueing as I've not had much experience of making the links yet.

So if 52 line 3 changes to 23 then you look to see line 3 of 23 also. Others here will know alot more I expect.


Feb 29, 2008
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I was just recieved this line when asking the question how could i better my life

Would this be a suggestion to find some sought of outlet ?


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May 30, 2006
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The schizoid thing to do is to split yourself into
body versus spirit. That's what will smoke your heart.
The trick is to be still and get centered and become
one person again, and learn what that one person wants.


Mar 21, 2007
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Amazing interpretation!!! :)

Hexagram 52 is about meditation. Keeping the back still, sllowing the energies to travel up the chakras. I think of our chakras and visualize that our root chakra - the fight or flight chakra - is the first to be energized. If we can resist taking action when we first feel agitated, that is, if something happens and our first instinct is we must react immediately but we have the strength of mind to pause, breath deeply and consider, then the energies travel up the spine to the next chakra. If we resist responding from that level, the energies can build and travel up to the next and so forth up to the crown chakra at which point we, I suppose, realize cosmic understanding of the whole energy wave and it passes right through us without our having to do a thing. But meanwhile I think the lines of the hexagram are giving us instructions as to how to handle it when the energies are building at the various chakras. I personally get 52.5 alot which often warns me that if I talk about my plans too much I'll lose my enthusiasm and nothing will ever materialize. Whereas if I can just keep quiet a little while longer then with 52.6 everything happens as it should without effort. Anyway, I see 52.3 as that very tricky chakra where one is filled with desire, but doesn't quite know yet how that desire should be directed. The third line is in a hexagram seems to always be the tricky one because it is the boundry between the lower trigram and the upper one. The unconcious and the concious mind, I think. So at this point one is at a position where they feel the physical energy of desire, but now must conciously CHOOSE how to direct that energy. In my own life right now I am filled with a desire for beaded bamboo curtain. It would be so great on my girlfriend's bedroom door. Unfortunately, I don't have the extra bucks and I don't know as my girlfriend would even like it. So what to do? I am obsessed! I think 23.3 is particularly speaking to me, "He splits with him, (He loses the neighbor above and the one below - Wilhelm)" that is, probably neither my husband nor my girlfriend, who actually happens to be my neighbor would cotton to the idea of me decorating her bedroom, especially not in Early Hippie. Yet, line 52.3 also counsels that sufficating my heart's desires is not healthy. So what to do? Well, as I say, I think this hexagram is showing us how not taking action when the influence appears at the lower chakras and directing it to a higher chakra will ultimately lead to progress. So I suggest reviewing 52.4 for a hint of what you could be watching for next, the next step. 52.4: Keeping his trunk still, no blame. I think that is saying, allow your heart to desire, but choose not to take action. At least that's how I'm going to handle it. I'll continue to feel my desire, but I'm not going to run up my credit cards. Further on up, 52.5 suggests that perhaps talking a situation over with someone or writing a letter to oneself might help resolve a problem if it's a question of where energy needs to be released, putting things in logical words would get your thinking out of the emotional right brain and into the logical left brain, but a warning not to talk too much least the energies be talked to death, and then finally the crisis passes and 52.6 is your reward. So ultimately, the way to handle 52.3 I think, as has been suggested in earlier posts here, is to acknowledge your feelings, not stifle them, but not impulsively respond to them. CHOOSE how to act on them.

What a fantastic interpretation! You have no idea just how helpful reading this post has been in my quest to heal my heart at its deepest and highest levels


Jun 3, 2006
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Why thank you for saying so!

I think with Pluto station at 28 Sag., the sign of philosophy, just now -Aug - we're going to have a lot of Understanding, a lot of Recognizing of Patterns kicking in over the next few weeks. Note how the I Ching Philosophy thread has taken off just recently. It's as if the Universe is channeling a make up and review course for us before we take off for The Real Life Group Manifestation Experience aka. Pluto in Capricorn.
So to repeat, between now and Sept 8 Pluto is retrograde giving us a chance to review and re-evaluate and re-prioritize. Pluto turns direct September 8 at 12:12 gmt. (I think) meaning at that time our current belief systems are locked in place and this is the belief system that will guide us for years to come. So it is time to reconsider our ideas now and to recognize and discard what doesn't make sense or is holding us back. Once Pluto is in Capricorn our beliefs will color our experience and we will not see things clearly unless we have programed ourselves now at this level to See The Truth.

I probably should have written this on it's own thread, but your thoughts inspired me and I didn't know where this was going till I wrote it, and now I don't think I could write it again. apologies.

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