...life can be translucent

Menu>23 and 1.1.5>50 getting Fin Aid and getting into Massage School


Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hello all. Thank you for all of your help in the past. This is my first posting.

To make a long story medium, I have just recently fled a years-long abusive situation. In the process I gave up all control of my finances and as a result I defaulted on everything including my student loans. http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/images/smilies/duh.gif

Having lost everything I have decided to take this opportunity of total loss to start over completely, rebuilding my life through a trade I had always been seriously interested in but never pursued due to lack of time for the course work. I can see from the threads that have helped me so much over the passed two years that many if not all of you understand the mistakes we can make by letting ourselves become attached to the idea that once we are on the corporate track, dreams that would take us off it must be subordinated to the time demands of sustaining our “job”.

Well, I have decided that the benefit of having been ‘23d right through my 47ing’ is that I get to completely recreate my life according to what I want to do for myself! Yay! I’ve lost EVERYTHING! Now I get to lose the 100 pounds I gained in 10 months AND rebuild my life from scratch! WHOOWEEE! Hang on, I’ve got a cartwheel in me and I’m NOT gonna let it die! http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

Ok. So, I have very little in practical terms, no cash whatsoever, am now on assistance since Sep 4th and am living in a room instead of a home and am looking for work. BUT, I recently met a woman who told me about her recent completion of massage school, and how she attended a 6-month intensive program. She got aid for tuition and living expenses and was done in 6 months.

When I looked into this nearly a decade ago programs were a minimum of 16 months. I could not make the hours with my job at the time. Now FT programs are at most 9-12 moths, and six month programs are certainly attractive to me. All my life friends and family have encouraged me to get my license each time I performed my “family masseuse” function. But I just could not get my mind around not being "professional" and it seemed irresponsible and a risk to my mortgage to leave behind successful corporate work (my definition of successful work has since changed completely, thank god) so I never took it on. Well, years of corporate sabotage and all that junk has certainly opened my mind to trying a different way of making money and reevaluating the benefits my gifts can bring into my life.

Well, courses begin this month, next month in October at another school and also in January at a few other schools in my area. Of course, though, in order to attend any program I will need financial aid. However, as I mentioned, I have defaulted. I have not yet contacted the loan granting agency (Federal William D. Ford loans) to see what they will allow, but I do know already that once in default a student is not eligible for aid, or for the benefit of forbearance, unless that student completes six months of steady payments. Well, I of course consulted the Yî, as being on assistance with my $150 month - no children means that I can live on $150.00 per month - I do not know what payment plan that I can actually commit to paying they will agree to. So I asked the Yî two questions:

Q: What will it take for me to be able to begin massage school?>23 = “Arguing Stripping Away”

and Last Night I asked

Q: Outcome of applying for Financial Aid to pay for massage school including living expenses?
1.1.5>50 = “Creative Force the Vessel”

Any thoughts on these will be greatly appreciated. Any insights into timing will also be helpful. I thank you all for everything you have helped me through so far.

My deepest thoughts for all your knots untied,



Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Q: What will it take for me to be able to begin massage school?>23

Your answer suggests that you cannot get in without help, as there seems to be many factors that will prevent them accepting you at the moment, and Hex 23 suggests that you can do nothing but wait until your situation improves, especially financially.

Q: Outcome of applying for Financial Aid to pay for massage school including living expenses?

Your last answer stated quite clearly that you will need help, so this answer says that for a while nothing will happen, then if you are still interested then push for the financial loan as Hex 50 suggests that you may well get lucky, so try.

As to timing, your first answer suggests that you will need to wait, probably for quite a while and your second answer also suggests a wait while the powers that be get around to you.
Hex 23 indicates middle of September, with your life falling apart.

Hex 50 indicates May/June next year, so there you go.


Oct 30, 2008
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Thank you willowfox; any further insights?

Thank you willowfox for taking the time to reply, and so quickly and specifically.

Are there any other interpretations?

Does anyone see a possibility for something sooner than next May - in other words for 1.1 to be the period I have been in/am in and 1.5 to be what’s available to me now, at this time? Miraculous for it happen, I know, but the fact that I have a roof over my head and am breathing is proof that they do happen. But I do need to make changes fast, because this place is not the safe haven I was promised.

I will call tomorrow to begin the process of getting this ball rolling. Thanks again.


Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
The possibility of May is not a concrete answer as you did not mention time in your original question. So, if you want to know if such and such will happen in a specific time frame, then construct your question accordingly.

For example; "Will this happen in the next 3 months"?

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