...life can be translucent





It's been 4 years since my husband and I divorced and although I feel I've moved on a hell of a lot I don't seem to be able to get over the deep sadness I feel about it all. Not just the end of my marriage but the loss of everything I held dear relative to it.

Please show me the what to let go of my innate sadness

Hex 60.2>3

Going out of the courtyard etc. Yes I do I socialise a whole lot more than ever, I belong to a kombi club that not only interacts online but we also have festival and car meets. I go to college and well just get out and about.
I have done rituals and ceremonies also.

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Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Liss,
spontanouse gut feeling: go back to the roots......
This sadness grows from something else, way back before the marriage. Childhood?
Going out the social courtyard will only provide a limited effect.
Hexagram 60 is the opposite of an open heart chakra. Joy is felt when the heart can expand. Maybe you need to break through the door of another gateway...
Wish you all the joy you deserve,


Thank you fallada. It's is possible it started in childhood but I have been back and looked at what happened many times and feel I can't do anymore to deal with it than I have.

I asked please tell me the root of my innate sadness Hex 49.1.5>62

Radical change makes sense to me as do the lines. When my marriage ended I'd been fighting for an answer to how we could fix it when my husband abruptly ended it by becoming involved with another women.
I wasn't ready for the marriage to end nor all the endings and losses that come with it.

Which doorway do I need to break through Hex 21.4.6>24

Line 4 is suggesting is getting to the bottom of things as you suggested and LIne 6 suggests I'm not listening or doing anything about it.
I sorta find that hard to believe as I always look to self to see what I can do to make the changes within me as I know you cannot change external really to suit.

- LIss
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Aug 5, 2010
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I love this part of h3

In order to find one's place in the infinity
of being, one must be able both to separate and to unite.

Maybe 60.2> 3 says you just need to open the door and let things come in and out.

49>62 : usually 62 comes to me when i have to confront something big and difficult and usually underestimate how big it is and how small I am. Recognize it ,sometimes it helps. Also , to me , 62 come in times I needed to mourn for something but "ignore it" for a while.In bereavement he gives preponderance to grief.

I like the "change of heart" of 49.5. Maybe things still develop but have not become apparent yet. You say you do things ( your h3 ?) .. maybe that matter needs time . 49 happens when time is ripe

I see 21>24 likewise . similar to the essence of your first question/ answer.

intriguing i find the 60.2 when one has to open doors and leave home and h24 returning to home .

best wishes for the journey :)


Aug 5, 2010
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something more to add :

the helpers of hex 3 maybe can offer something

also just noticed the closed doors of 60.2 and closed ears of 21.6 . Maybe they talk for the same thing ?

I would grab a paper and draw doors if it was my reading. if its not clear might something appear behind the doors . If i recall correct you paint


Thank you anemos, seems a bit complicated to me - I would just love Yi to give a straight answer on this one because I'm just not understanding what is going on for me. Good idea about the drawing of doors though and no I don't paint - I wish!! :)


Aug 5, 2010
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I would just love Yi to give a straight answer on this one

Don't we all, Liss ? ;)

My impression is that its a very rich reading. Maybe its not a straight forward answer of what to do but seems to me its a detailed description of what it is; something big, difficult yet there is also a scent of optimism. It gives some answers and prompt more questions, the way i see it.

I was looking at 21.6 which sometimes is :lalala: but I don't think its the case here ( looking at the other lines too). Maybe its not time yet for things to fall in place... 49.5 mentions that too.

49.5 is really lovely line , the change of heart. They say it pops out suddenly , when the inner workings are complete :stir: . Kind of the text of h3 I quoted earlier. 49 comes on its own accord.

best wishes


Aug 5, 2010
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It's been 4 years since my husband and I divorced and although I feel I've moved on a hell of a lot I don't seem to be able to get over the deep sadness I feel about it all. Not just the end of my marriage but the loss of everything I held dear relative to it.

Radical change makes sense to me as do the lines. When my marriage ended I'd been fighting for an answer to how we could fix it when my husband abruptly ended it by becoming involved with another women.
I wasn't ready for the marriage to end nor all the endings and losses that come with it.

The way your husband abandon you feels heavy and the lose and the loose ends naturally makes one feel sad and seeking answers for all those :whys" or " how things would be different if... " . Those "ifs" can be a very dangerous trap. Sometimes people stuck forever there, in the things that they wish have said, or the things wish have heard from the departed ones. I was lucky enough , when someone had to depart, to have the time to say the goodbyes and everything i needed to say. however, i fall into the "what ifs..." trap but what i realized that those what ifs are endless- a bottomless pit.

I know its not the best thing you want to hear, but sometimes the answer to the question " why X person did that" is " because some people act the ways they do" and even you couldn't exchange the goodbyes with them you can still say your good byes. Its like putting a message in a bottle and throw it into the sea without expecting to get a response. Sometimes it works... honestly ... !


Thanks anemos but no I don't go to any of those place you suggest in any way. I think it's sad that things didn't work out for us particularly us as a family but I don't go 'if only' or 'what if' any longer, I stopped that long ago.
I don't have anything to say to him as I said it all before he made his decision to not sort things out so I have no inclination to see him or talk to him because to be honest I have no idea what I'd talk to him about.
I basically have nothing to say and the kids have all left home and lead their own lives. Everything we had or shared together got split or lost somewhere in the divorce.
I know why he did what he did and that's because he didn't want to face his demons that led him to rely on alcohol, pot, work and whatever else to make him feel better about himself. I stopped being Miss Co-dependant and that's when the marriage started to fail.
My son has told me his dad's partner of now 4 years is a total reflection of his dad. Um I think that says it all - Liss
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Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
It's been 4 years since my husband and I divorced and although I feel I've moved on a hell of a lot I don't seem to be able to get over the deep sadness I feel about it all. Not just the end of my marriage but the loss of everything I held dear relative to it.

Apologies Liss. Seems I didn't read correct the above.


Apologies Liss. Seems I didn't read correct the above.

That's ok anemos a lot of what you say makes sense and I don't know about anyone else, but when I read others' threads and posts no matter how many years ago they were written, much of the advice helps me so I'm sure what you've said will help others.
The fact that you've responded which has made me think, where exactly am I and how far have I come', has helped me in itself.
I have some cards which I will use for your doorway idea, that advice has certainly helped me a lot.

have a joyous day - Liss


Apologies Liss. Seems I didn't read correct the above.

Actually anemos it's been a few days now and I think you were sorta on the right track. What I haven't done and am now working on since I did this reading is, I haven't let go of the losses. So in retrospect your are right.

Happy days - Liss


Aug 5, 2010
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I preferred the "i was wrong " answer ;)

Decisions and losses go hand by hand oftentimes, Liss. Your decision to stop being Miss co-depended honor you. You honor yourself by taking it. Hope I'm not entering in a very personal area, but what you said in your other post, about him leaving you, I read it as you left him because this relationship was not good for you. Who leaves and who actually leaves is not always clear. it's like you proposed a new , more healthy, way of relating and he couldn't follow that.

thanks for sharing your thoughts. All the best for your journey :)


Who leaves and who actually leaves is not always clear. it's like you proposed a new , more healthy, way of relating and he couldn't follow that.

Thanks anemos you always such Hex 30 things for me. Yep I left him in the hope it would push him to sort himself out, so in essence I guess I left him first and then it was a very long drawn on again off again relationship in the hope we could make it work but yes you're right he chose not to step up and have a healthy non-codependent relationship and sadly for him he got into a volatile, violent co-dependent relationship with another.
Very sad for us as a family but it is time for me to really move on and as I said let go of the loss. - Liss


Dec 2, 2008
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You've been doing wonderful things to help yourself and I bet that as the years go by, the pull of this grief will become less and less. I find that letting go takes a lot longer than I think it should.


You've been doing wonderful things to help yourself and I bet that as the years go by, the pull of this grief will become less and less. I find that letting go takes a lot longer than I think it should.

Thanks ginnie, sharing what you've said helps a lot. I feel the time is right now and I'm so glad I finally became aware exactly what I was 'holding' onto. I think it will help my sons as well. We are all getting on with our lives accordingly but I just feel there needs to be a little bit of a shift somewhere and who better for it to come from but the mum. - Liss


I read a book last night called Healing the Grief James Van Praagh - it helped me immensely giving me a lot of clarity. - Liss


Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score
Please show me the what (way?) to let go of my innate sadness
Hex 60.2
"Not coming out of gate and court, pitfall."
You can read this as meaning not only you have to come out of yourself, but that you have to let people in.
In this context, if you are sad, do not hide it. It is more important that people really know you than to be withdrawn because you feel it will not be accepted.

The acceptance and validation of others will help you release your sadness and find joy.


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