...life can be translucent


7.1.3 to 11 - how do you read this?


Sep 13, 2008
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Hello again!

I am very curious about this response, and a bit puzzled to understand it. Perhaps is the question I made?

I asked: is there anything going on in him about me? and received 7.1.3 to 11. Would it be that he is looking for disciplining himself in order to find peace? Bah... I am just making up this...?

What do you think? (I couldn't find any thread in the forum with this response).

Thank you!


Clarity Supporter
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Broad Question 7.1.3 to 11

Hello again!

I am very curious about this response, and a bit puzzled to understand it. Perhaps is the question I made?

I asked: is there anything going on in him about me? and received 7.1.3 to 11. Would it be that he is looking for disciplining himself in order to find peace?
You asked a yes/no question, with very broad words: "anything going on." It can be tough to interpret a yes/no question, even a very specific one.

I like to visualize Yi as a crusty old friend or relative who wants to help, but is not afraid to give you his opinion of what you really should know and really should be doing, regardless of the question you asked him. In this case, I visualize Old Uncle Yi shoving aside your question and saying:

First, Organize Your Self (H7). You need discipline, organization and righteous aims. Before you can take action, make sure that what you propose is worthwhile and correct. (Line 1). You can approach him now (transitional hexagram H19) and it may be easier than you think (Line 3), so don't get overconfident. You can avoid mistakes by being vigilant.

If you succeed, and avoid overconfidence, you may arrive at H11, a time of flowing prosperity, where the small departs and the great begins.

Notice that you are the active force in this interpretation, beginning with H7. So I see this as a directive to you to focus more on your role and what you have to do, as opposed to wondering what is going on with him.



Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Hello again!

I am very curious about this response, and a bit puzzled to understand it. Perhaps is the question I made?

I asked: is there anything going on in him about me? and received 7.1.3 to 11. Would it be that he is looking for disciplining himself in order to find peace? Bah... I am just making up this...?

What do you think? (I couldn't find any thread in the forum with this response).

Thank you!

as i may have said before ;) i can't generally be doing with questions about other peoples minds/feelings...don't our own give us enough trouble fathoming. if you asked 'how best can I relate to him' it would be more useful to you for from that answer you could probably get an idea of his feelings........IMO at least.....

...but lecture aside if this is about his feelings i'd say 7.1 shows he doesn't know whether hes coming or going..7.1 says if an army does not have clear orders how can it make an organised move...and 7.3 shows someone carrying old ideas and habits maybe preconceived ideas around...so I'm wondering if you have given him a clear picture of what you want from him because if you haven't he won't know what to do., or how to approach. The relating hex 11 may show there is potential here but I'm wondering if you really need to be clear about what you want from him, it could be you are confusing him right now.

I think for example if you want him to ask you out you need to make it pretty clear thats what you want rather than drift around hoping he'll get the message. I wouldn't recommend you spend much more time fantasizing about whats in his mind because i think you may need to be quite proactive here. if you want him go and get him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk57K4OGrAg (cheesy sound track) or rather have a plan for him to come and get you...don't let all the hex 11 flow and energy go to waste. well thats my take on it anyway
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