...life can be translucent


A fun and challenging answer from the Yi... or the Yi as career counsellor

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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As some of you know, I'm in LA looking for a job. I'm an artist, so the job is the "day job" kind of thing.

I've been focused on the sales direction, and was thinking about pumping up my resume to aim toward a CSR direction as well when the Yi put the kaboosh on the idea. So I asked, "Well then what direction SHOULD I aim at?" and they answered 44.

Has anyone used the Yi as a career counsellor or related the different hexagrams to job definitions? Is there a site online or a book of interpretation that does that?

I guess I don't know enough about hex 44. The first thing that came to mind as a career direction was high-priced call girl... at age 55? hmmmmm. Professional biAtch? or forbidden-fruit for hire maybe?

I'm really curious to know your experience with this kind of question and answer.




Hi Val, any chance you'll be working my neighborhood? grin

44 isn't a negative. Neither is it always a compromise of integrity. Its someone coming from a lowly quarter to meet a leader. I'd take it to mean going out and meeting the "boss" on his/her turf. As far as which positions, I think that's the point: you won't know until you go out to apply for a number of them. What you'll work for will determine if you're high priced or not. What is your talent worth? If its commission, that's exactly what you'll earn.

Have to fly, band night.

Best of luck!


Nov 16, 1971
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Hi Val-
Welcome back!
Tough one.
But a classy broad like you could be a real Hetaera.
All I can think off is something to do with keeping information from degrading. Help the sovereign prolaim the truth to the Four Directions in the never-ending Good Fight against Entropy?
Does the Tarot's Eight of Swords or Astrology's Mercury in Air offer a clue to anything?


Jan 18, 1971
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Hi Val,

Perhaps whats happening here is simply taking whatever job comes up that pays the bare essentials, meanwhile concentrating as much effort as possible on exposing the art. That is what you went there for, right? I know a lot of great artists and not one of them has a 'day job', per se; they all have fill-in positions for the lean times between commissions, but, nothing which could be considered a 'second' occupation. Their 'occupation' is creating art, everything else is just filler.

And I think that is what 44 is telling you, don't succumb to the desire to work another job and do art on the side, do the art first and let something like waitressing pay for the bare essentials. I also believe that this is a chance to 'think outside of the box', so to speak. You are now in the midst of one of the greatest markets on the planet for your work. So utilize that market, stay with friends temporarily, take a part-time IT job to pay the bills, but always leave MOST of the time for the creation and exposure of the ART.



Apr 8, 1970
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Hi Val!

Funny thing is that with more or less the opposite view of 44 to Leonard, I come out with much the same idea. I do think it's telling you to be that strong woman, the one who can't just be 'taken' and will not be tamely 'married' into the system.

A wonderful article in the Oracle journal once explained how she was - probably... - originally the new queen arriving. Which doesn't quite explain the waves of shock and horror that typically precede her, but still...

The idea might just be to let her make her way right through to the king, to fulfilment and union with the one who runs things, and not to stymie her development by marrying her off to some mundane 'day job'.

Which is all very well, of course, until it comes to paying the rent. Is there any chance you can still do that while staying self-employed, and directing your energy into art? Even if not, I think you can still use this hexagram as a point of reference, a re-focussing device, while you deal with those boring necessities.


Val, I'm curious, what reading convinced you that Yi is saying no to your first question about pursuing sales or CSR work? (You already know I think you'd do great in certain types of sales/marketing gigs, though I?m not as confident about CSR.)

...thinking. Maybe its not an either/or scenario. Maybe 44 is saying - go to meet people in authority WITH your art? Sell your art proactively?

Might it help to clearly outline your goals/objectives, or have you already done this and concluded that determining a source of income is your highest priority at this time? Or have you decided its just a necessary evil to support your art? I believe its important to understand your priorities, your hierarchy of needs/wants, in order to put your reading(s) into proper context. This is, after all, about your values, not Yi's or anyone else?s. That's one of the fantastic things about a new beginning, you get to recreate your priorities, not follow a course of action because its right or expected or noble or practical. Kind of like a new canvas. What will you paint for yourself? hmmm .. mind if I peek over your shoulder and watch? *big grin*


Apr 8, 1970
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I'm curious, too. (Yes, I know - very curious indeed.) What is CSR?

Is it in the least bit possible that you could keep a roof over your head without taking a 'day job' at all?

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
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Hello Everyone!

And thank you very much for your input! I think it's a good thing I can't come to the forum often because I received your answers in email and had a couple of days to really digest them before responding. And, as some of you already know, I'm a little slow on the uptake... *grin*

Leonard and Hilary... I see what you're seeing now. I should be looking for a job that is not "marriage-able" as the woman in 44 is not. I tend to invest myself too much in a "job" and do the 1.3 thing... take it home with me... think about it at night when I should really be thinking about and creating art.

Candid, I can understand why the Yi would poopoo the idea of CSR or sales in that case. I could get way too invested and spend way too much time on the people end of the scale rather than the project end where visual creativity happens.

Brad, I can see how your feedback applies to that as well.

The Yi understands my weaknesses and stays aware of them much than better than I do.

As much fun as the alternatives were to think about... high priced aging call girl, etc., your more realistic earthbound interpretations were very helpful and very much appreciated.

Any additional input will be accepted, digested and appreciated.

Thank you!



dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Hi Val

Yeah, I think Lenard and Hilary got it. If the job you're thinking of taking is the 'strong woman' then don't take it. (Hex 44 generally stands for the attractive temptation that is better avoided.) But if you've got the option of being the strong woman, be her! Don't get 'taken'.


May 10, 1971
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Dear Val:

As part of the reason (perhaps) that you left for LA, I believe that hexagram 44 does NOT pertain to your question. There is some problem ahead..The wisdom of the hexagram to take care of a problem while it is still small. You should ask immediately about the coming challenge to see if you can avoid it. Don't underestimate this hexagram.


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