...life can be translucent


About to buy a new house and Hexagram 6 appears.


Oct 24, 2012
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Hi, I am a long time quiet visitor of these forums and it has helped me many times by just going through other people's experiences but this time I feel the strong need to ask for myself.

Thank you for reading this.

So we've been looking for our first house for a few months and we've been through many problems in choosing one, almost signed a contract for another one but cancelled it because the contract was no good.

We finally found the one we like -It's a new house near an aerodrome, so we call it the "air" house- and after a couple of visits we are a signature away for making a formal offer. We have negotiated a few things with the real state agent and the owner and so far they have been accommodating. No issues at all. On the formal offer, on paper, I am going to offer a bit less than what they're asking for the house but from what I discussed with the agent it seems there shouldn't be a problem maybe there'll be a counteroffer but I am willing to take whatever it is.

I asked the agent if he could show me all available documentation before we formalise the offer and he said they have no problem with it, I am waiting for them.

I really have no doubts but I thought I should ask, so I asked "Is the air house a good deal?" thinking about it in general, not only the purchase and mortgage but also our future as a family and I got an Unchanging Hexagram 6. It is the total opposite of what I expected.

I am lost. I am feeling like I should ask something else to clarify. Does it mean I should back away? Is there any hidden conflict that will reveal itself in the future? Are the foundations of the house wrong?

I also have not totally got rid of the dealing with that other house, but I don't feel that's a factor in this reading.

Does it just mean I should not make it hard on the seller and make the offer without seeing the documentation first? Does it mean I should give up on this house I like because there will be problems if I proceed?

Thank you very much.
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Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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This is from the notes on 06 in my Gua Ming book:

The biggest problem with the word Conflict for a Gua Ming is in its seeming implication of necessary ill-will. It doesn't cover the other conditions possible here: of jousting, sport, sporting competition, lively debate, the free marketplace of ideas, or healthy dialectic. These all need to be recognized as having potential positive value. The word Contention is one of the options broad enough to encompass this wider range, or at least that is my contention.

It may simply be advising you to remember that this transaction has two sides, each with a point of view and version of self-interest. Ideally it's a win-win. But the contract needs to be carefully spelled out - and carefully studied. Be sure to see all documentation available and voice every concern that comes to mind. Also feel free to ask for documentation that isn't provided, like a structural report or an energy audit, if you have genuine concerns about these.


Oct 24, 2012
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Thank you very much.

Yes, "Conflict" was shocking at first but I'm trying to interpret it in a more positive way. "Conflict" as you say doesn't necessarily imply violence and also conflict is but a transitional state, not an end state so if I am optimistic it only means "be prepared for negotiations".

I usually read the text a couple of times and then see what sticks in my memory, since I don't know it by heart. In this case I remember three concepts: Be mindful at the beginning -to me that means don't loose track of the original intentions-, don't push too hard and reach a middle ground.

So yes, if win-win is a possibility I think it means I should strive for it, which honestly is all I really want. Thanks for the advice, I will request that documentation and be reasonable on the price.


Dec 2, 2008
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Please do come back to this forum and say what happens! I'm sure you are not the only one who suffers from confusion regarding hex 6.

long yi

May 21, 2012
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Your hexagram
出生时间:年 性别:女 起卦方式:直接指定
神煞:天乙—丑未 福星—申 日禄—巳 羊刃—午 驿马—申 桃花—卯 华盖—戌
干支:壬辰年 庚戌月 戊午日 癸亥时
旬空:午未  寅卯  子丑  子丑

六神  伏神    离宫:天水讼(游魂)Hexagram 6
         【本 卦】
朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙壬戌土  
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财壬申金 驿马—申  
玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟壬午火 世羊刃
白虎 官鬼己亥水 ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊午火 羊刃 
滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙戊辰土  
勾陈       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母戊寅木 应

Line 4 is host line. It refers to your thought about another person (may be seller or agent). It is horse fire element under the year of the dragon. The person should not be trusted. You deal with them in good faith.

Line 3 and 4 refer two parties at the door position of the house (inner door and outer door). Both are horse fire element. You cannot trust them. By Dec 5-Jan 3, you will have conflict with them. The line 3 party has a legal document character under the line. This may be a lawyer or some legal issues.

Line 1 is the document line. It is wood, tiger element. It sits under the month of the reading. This means there is no document in support of anything.

Line 2 and 5 refers to capital (funds) for the purchase. Line 5 is dog earth element. Line 2 is dragon earth element. These two lines mixed in disturbance mode, not entirely confrontational. You will notice that the year is dragon, earth, the month of reading is dog earth. The month and year are in conflict in 2012 at present.

Hexagram 6 means a lack of communication and your views are not being accepted. The early part of the negotiation seems to go well, with time, this turns into danger.
Line 6 (funds) produces line 5 money (monkey, metal element) that moves away from the situation with happiness.

I would not close the deal. The property is hollow in the entire picture, so is the documents. Hexagram 6 means drifting without a clear direction. Time to call it quit.

Long Yi


Oct 24, 2012
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Thank you very much.

This is what happened:

It seems that everything from the legal side was fine, I am almost sure there would have been no problems with that.

It turned out the conflict was in the family. I wasn't aware of the extent my wife disliked the location and also my son didn't like it. That was the conflict, that was where I had to meet them half way. Had I continued with the purchase they would have been unhappy, I would have had my way and there'd be conflict.

I couldn't make sense of it because really, everything was lining up nicely in the way of legal and commercial stuff; it became very clear where the issue was when I talked it through with my wife.

So you gave me two advices: Inspect everything, which I did, including how the family felt about it and stay away from the deal, which I also did.

Does it make sense? I hope this is helpful to others.


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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I should have made sure you saw my commentary on the Image of 06:

The sky together with water is contradiction in movement*
The noble young one, accordingly,
In undertaking the work, appraises beginnings

A boat afloat on the water, with stars above for guidance: a permit to go anywhere,
if the crew could decide where to go. With broad horizons and too many choices,
some might say that one way is as good as another, others might draw a line in the
water and take a strong stand on a moveable premise, others will claim that there is
a wrong way in all of the choices that sink or maroon you. The stars are impartial
but useless. The captain will have a compatible crew and backup plans before going.


Feb 7, 1970
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Raindogmx, you didn't say, but the facts are important. Was this house in the flight path of jets? Do you know the hell you would experience while low-flying jets passed over the house? I mean so low that you could see the pilots. I had an aunt who owned a house near Langley Air Force Base outside DC. Everything stopped while jets passed over. You couldn't even think for the noise pollution. Irrespective of price, I think you did well to pass on this house. For this situation, 6 is a beautiful casting, hell under the heavens.


Oct 24, 2012
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It was very natural for me to assume the problem would come from the expected direction: a shady salesman, a disadvantageous contract. It seemed so clear but it was left field in this case. But your original suggestion was right anyway, it prompted me to examine everything twice, specially things I took for granted. Your extra notes just make it clearer, no sailing without an agreeing crew!


It is a small airfield and there aren't a lot of jets if any, and to top things off I am a sucker for aviation so it was a good one for me. But "hell under the heavens" is a very sound metaphor, since my family would have hated living there and wouldn't dare to tell me, which is a hellish situation. I like how the I-Ching always gives us clues to assure the reading really applies to the situation.

forty two

Sep 26, 2012
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@Long Yi: Thanks again for the "example" :bows:

It seems the six line method also works without Tarot. That`s good to know. But it also seems that the chinese horoscope is essential for it, as well as the 5 elements. So we are a small step further :D

Next I try to find out how you determine the lines, lol. Maybe I will find a reasonable pattern.

Best wishes Yvonne

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