...life can be translucent

Alternative 1.3>10



After another knock back for a job that I thought was a certainty although it was more a fallback job than something I was definitely going to take I'm wondering if I need to look at an alternative way to go about gaining employment

What is my alternative route


Be creative but follow my Dao.
I then asked what is my Dao at this time and it came up with line 6 of Hex 21 which suggests I'm mot listening to the lesson for me. So I asked what can I learn through my present circumstances
55.1.2> 32

Not sure about this bit...
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Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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1.3 Do everything you can think of.
55.1.2 Even if you don't see the results immediately, keep on.


Thks rosada hard to keep doing when you get no positive result!!


Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Hey remember the keating years in Australia, I remember lining up for work as a young kid. I also remember my mother saying all you can do is keep getting back on the horse. I use to say whats the use,
I find the same thing in business as well even now.. You just have to keep trying or like some people simply give up and go on a pension.
Like anything you will get there if you persist. Try and focus on one thing as opposed to spreading yourself to thin ( I should take that advice myself) easier said than done

In the Art of War by SUN TZU which is based on chinese philosophy if your not sure of the book again they dont know how old it is or who exactly SUN TZU was. There is a passage where its better to combine your forces and strike one area with full force than to have soldiers spread out doing minimal damage.

Just some thoughts for you


butterfly spider

Long time no see Liss, just some thoughts - some additions to the above that might help
I have got this line when I was asking about how to move forward with work - everything seemed so dysfunctional and I was like a hamster on a cage. I FELT as if I was doing everything I could, rushing hither and thither, working hard to get somewhere. Its just that I think I was just keeping to the wheel, doing what I could pedalling fast, but limited, as a hamster on a wheel cannot really go anywhere. I was not, looking back, doing everything I could - I should have got off the wheel - and then pedalled as fast as I could........Hex 10 to me feels like a jungle, so I have an image of a hamster pedalling through a jungle with lots of tigers:rofl:

I think your reading is about finding alternatives, pedalling through that jungle as fast as you can, finding the best route out - not looking to left and right at the tigers dont bother going off route either
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butterfly spider

It is sometimes odd how you can be drawn to a thread because it has relevance to yourself. I was thinking of your casting cycling along a track (not wooded) to yoga. I thought that even though I was not a hamster on a wheel, I was still doing the same journey, on my bike, not really getting anywhere with anything....but I still keep going back to the yoga class.

I was at yoga meditation for a couple of hours just now and we were given the image of a dark forest where no person had ever been, deep, dark, with moss and ferns, with the animals watching. Animals that had never seen humans. Dangerous animals, came and were curious - we just kept walking through. Then we went into the branches - lifted off the ground and floated amongst the leaves. Then we went down into the roots, talking with the tree and joining the roots of other trees, intermingled in the warm earth. Everything was possible in this wood, there were no limits of where we could go or what we could do. The path we chose through the woods was our own - and the animals we met would help us on our way.

I am not quite sure if this is of help, but my feeling is very much that 1.3 is a very creative line, leading to our own path through the forest. We can make our own path by being creative, looking up looking down and around - not just pedalling along like a hamster on a bicycle.

It can be so hard when things just dont work out - but maybe you are being asked to look up or look down for more options? Or, it could be that we need to pedal a bit more through the forest before we find what we are seeking....



Clarity Supporter
Feb 1, 2012
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Interestingly, I just asked Yi for "Advise regarding my job search?" and cast 1.3 > 10.

I have been in a stuck place trying to decide whether to take the approach suggested by Rosada of trying everything I could think of and the alternate view offered by Steve of focusing on one thing and striking one area with full force. The latter reminds me of what it can be like to crack open a coconut. If one concentrates and becomes centered then the place to hit for the best clean split to open in one try becomes apparent.

I am wondering if 1.3 indicates being on the threshold of a creative idea that will lead the way once it becomes clear to the consciousness. At present I am feeling somewhat like the hamster on the wheel that butterfly spider resolves, only the wheel has not been in action. It has been in a turning and turning around of questions about how to proceed. I have been creatively spinning ideas all day about possible approaches, and then worrying at night that I have not done anything to move forward.


And another point of view:

What is my alternative route [to go about gaining employment]
1.3 > 10

Frantic with activity and rightfully worried at night (1.3), you're in a difficult situation so take it one step at a time. I don't see any alternative route I'm afraid, you'll need to go through the 'traditional' route of applying, and applying, and then applying some more, worry about the outcome, and just see how it goes.

what can I learn through my present circumstances
55.1.2 > 32

55.1 is about a short-term commitment, probably your recent job which finished. 55.2 most probably shows how hopeless you feel the situation is right now. And yet 32 speaks of constancy. You certainly don't want short-term jobs and hopelessness to become a permanent state... so you'll need to apply constancy in yourself, be steady, go after steadiness. Of course, that's hard to do when our very survival is threatened by unemployment... do you have enough savings to support you to hunt for a better and permanent position?


Thankyou to everyone who's responded it helps so much as I feel very alone and very lost. I definitely feel like that hamster on the wheel going absolutely nowhere except around and a round.
Steve's idea of focusing on one area has hit home with me and I certainly don't want these short term jobs anymore because the jobs involve accommodation once the job finishes I'm also without a home. The idea was to get a well paid job for 6 months so I could trade in my car for a campervan so I always had a home but things didn't turn out at all so I'm in a precarious position with minimal funds no home and no job.
I'm looking for that steadfastness that diamanda speaks of in myself and my life - place to call home long term with a job the same.
This whole exercise of not being able to get work has helped me think outside the square and work out that's it's not just about making money and I feel I've had a rap over the knuckles about that!! Yesterday I got some flower essences that address issues so that you become calm and clear to move forward so hopefully that works. Today is my 56th birthday - my second rebirth year of my life so....

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
Happy birthday dear OceanGirl :hugs:

With the 56th year gone, I wish that you'll leave all this Lone Wanderer stuff behind and Gently Penetrate into something stable and cozy :)


Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Yes happy birthday xo, Australia for me was like that as well I was waltzing matilda most of my life, maybe aim for a shop or stall or something that sounds stable.
They say also if you do something you love the money will come.


butterfly spider

Happy Birthday from sunny England...

I think that there are those of us who spend their entire lives on the move - even if they settle into a static lifestyle, they still wait, bags at the ready to move on. Somewhere in me lies the notion that I have my caravan with horse ready to move on somewhere else, travelling. I really did think of the hamster pedalling through the forest on his bike....I also think that even if a really steady job came our way, somehow we would still be up and off.....and money has nothing to do with it at all. In ancient times I think of the travelling caravans of people, who could stay in places but who choose not to. I really think that hex 1.3 and 10 almost provide an acceptance that this will be the case.

On the other hand we need money to survive and it looks like you just need to focus on what is around you at the moment and keep writing those applications. Another thought is that by pedalling faster on the bike, ignoring those watching tigers and being focussed on getting through, you only look at really good jobs and not those awful short-term, dead ends.



Thku butterfly spider it was a lovely day. I've got a chance to stay at the beach for a week so right now that's what I'm doing and NOT looking for jobs.....I need some time out to get clarity I think but you're so right about looking at worthwhile jobs only.

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