...life can be translucent


An old cat peeing her basket and my bed


Jun 25, 2010
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Poppa has started to pee in her basket and on my bed. This peeing behaviour is not new; she has been peeing in the shower for quite a while when she was becoming blind (I didn't know that), but those pees were not creating any real problem. Now, since ten days she started to pee first in her basket and then also on my bed, definitely creating some problems.

I asked the Yi Jing: What leads Poppa to pee around?
I received 19.2>24 and I don't seem to make any sense out of it.

Hex 24 seems to say that regular conditions will return, but I don't get what is the origin of Poppa's discomfort from text of the second line: "Joint approach. Good fortune. Everything furthers."

I then asked: How can I help Poppa?
20.5>23, where the fifth line says: "Contemplation of my life. The superior man is without blame."
I feel so confused...:confused:

Can anybody help me to help Poppa? :bows:


Sep 20, 2012
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Hi Emiliana,

My reaction comes as much from knowing a lot about old cats (how old is yours? how old is old?) as from my less robust experience with Yi.

19.2 to 24 to me says she needs your help to return to her former state.

With old cats, there are two things that can trigger peeing outside the litter box (or other usual, allowed, place -- my cat liked the shower for a while too :) -- I'd changed litter brands, his way of telling me we should have discussed this first!)

- infection of some sort (see vet)
- reaction to even a small change in environment or atmosphere -- have you been out more? stressed more? new people coming to your home? change in litter brand? 20.5 to 23 -- something's changed, you need to figure out what from the cat's point of view. If she's not suffering an infection of some sort, she is showing something for her is amiss.

I don't see anything serious, per se, rather that Poppa needs to be stabilized in some way.

HTH :) + let us know how she's doing?


Jun 25, 2010
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Hi flashlight!
Thank you for taking your time to answer my post.

Poppa is a 16 year old female cat, and yes, A LOT has changed for her and for me. Living place, living conditions, less space available.

She seems to be in good health, though quite skinny with her 6,2 pounds. She eats and sleeps and pees and poops, otherwise she’s philosophically enjoying her quietness.

She doesn’t get along with Robin, another cat living with us. Robin is harsh with Poppa, mistaking her stumbling into him as lack of respect. She growls and hisses when Robin goes close to her. I think that since we all have less space than before, Robin’s presence is more felt by Poppa.

But that’s how things are at the moment. So the question is:“What can I do to help her?”
20.5>23 doesn’t lit up any light for me.

Could it mean that I don't need to do anything specifically and that things will sort themselves out?

All the best! :bows:


Sep 20, 2012
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Ah well, no wonder she's peeing where she shouldn't be. That's how a cat signals clearly they are not a happy camper and things are not going well for them.
It sounds like you've no medical cause for worry. But at 16, changing homes, losing space, having to put up with Robin with no chance for escape is a lot to cope with. Have you had Robin a long time? How old is he? Would it be possible to entrust him to a friend until a) Poppa gets used to her new surroundings or b) for a longer spell...
Sounds at minima she needs a safe place that she can get to without danger and that does not move (eye sight) and that is absolutely off limits to Robin. My old cat (passed away last october) had decided a window sill was ideal. I put pillows and a blanket on the sill to make sure it was comfortable for his skinny bony body and put a chair so he could manage to get up there without too much trouble. I had to be careful to now move the chair as he was blind too - 20 cm over after vacuuming and boom, he'd crash!
There's also clearly a reapportioning of limited territory going on, so separate water and food bowls as well as litter box would probably help.


Jun 25, 2010
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Thanks flashlight for all your precious tips. Robin and Saila are now living with me and Poppa since three years. Poppa somehow gets along with Saila, a gentle and cuddly black furry being, but doesn't tolerate Robin.
Still the question is: What's the meaning in this context of 20.5>23? Why this hex doesn't seem to give me an insight? How should I look at it?

Any suggestion?

Ciao! :bows:


Jan 26, 2012
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Hi Emiliana2010. Maybe for your first question--your response was the answer for your second question. Overall, that is what you are trying to do, is help your cat so it can pee in its correct spot. The way I see it is it is saying to work with your cat (19.2), approach it in a caring way and everything will work smoothly. The relating hexagram (24) is probably indicating that you have to return to previous ways of doing things. I do agree with flashlight about many changes brings this with animals and it is just a way to show you they are a bit stressed or confused. For the last question it basically means to look at what you are doing that is causing this--it probably has to do more with you than your cat. And it's relating hexagram 23 can mean that this problem will be removed, or to remove something in the environment to help your cat. Maybe you can ask about what your cat is thinking or feeling in this new environment, what needs to be stripped away for her to gain balance/harmony. Overall I think you will find a solution, they are auspicious lines. Good luck.
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Jun 25, 2010
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I understood 20.5>23! :duh: I feel it says I have to observe her more, understand her needs, watch over her and let her feel me there for her. She has stopped peeing on my bed at the moment, now she does it just in her basket or on the floor.*
One little step forward at the time! :)
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