...life can be translucent


As with most inquiries here .. Relationship question. Hex 43 unchanging twice.


Sep 17, 2017
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Hello everyone, I have lurked here for a few months as I stumbled onto I Ching and many other forms of divination and I am on the fence with the readings and the validity to everyday life or what/how each answer pertains to all the various questions one may have. That said, I am very interested in the spiritual things and much more so in the last few months. The last few months have been the most stressful, depression-filled, disastrous days I have ever experienced in my 39 years on this planet. Family member cancer sicknesses, a death in my then girlfriends life (father), I am being accused at my place of employment of something I didn't do and been placed on leave for the last few months..... very depressing to say the least.... Worst of all my girlfriend of three years broke up with me for a series of miscommunications and things I did. She's a great girl, and I always thought she would be there forever... We both have said we were made for each other, soul mates, we will never leave each other, etc..... and I really believed her. For the first time in my life I loved so quickly, and so deeply without regard and put my full trust in her. I was so shocked by the breakup that I didn't think straight and didn't get the answers I needed either for closure or reconciliation. In the beginning she was still telling me she loved me the same, missed me but I was needy and acted like a fool because of the shock of losing her. That pushed her away and I cut all contact as of 8/19/17 to save whatever face I could and honestly was tired of being rejected. In the beginning she told me she would give me another chance but that obv wasn't true or I blew it, there are huge things in my life she knew about and promised me she would be here for such as this issue with my job which if I lose it could cost me my home..... issues with some family members that have cancer.... my birthday came and went and I have heard nothing from her.... It's just a sad thing, the love was so strong, pure and truly primal between both of us and then all the sudden she went cold and totally indifferent. I have read every article, book, listened to every story on the planet I could find........used tarot, psychics, everything you could think of. Those things eventually led me here to the world of the Yi... So I have consulted the I ching quite alot and I have read Hillary's post about not building a false sense of positivity by asking a bunch of questions until you get a reading in which you could construe is positive.. kinda like a 100 no's and 1 yes is a yes theory. :) I have pretty much received every possible combination of numbers you could get I guess and a majority are not good. I have used this site as well as many other because this woman means just that much to me, seriously. I have never experienced a true Karmic connection like this in all my life and relationships. I have given her nearly two months of space now, but I have not lost the intensity of the love I have for her, I am still in love with her and the only reason I am hanging on, well, a couple reasons is there is information she does not know about that I need to get off my chest, good info. One of the reasons she chose to break up was she thought there was no future...kids and marriage (even though she told me early on the relationship she didn't want those things) Well what she didn't know was I was planning on talking to her about all that as I want more children and to settle down and she's the one I wanted to do it with. She brought up marriage a long time ago and during a fight my idiocy and immaturity at the time I said something mean about it, so she never brought it up again. We are both very stubborn people and have said hurtful things to each other during fights that never really were addressed or truly apologized for. The other reason is I need closure........ I need to have my say and what I feel and have her hear it regardless of whether she's totally let go or not. I have been cut off for so long, who knows what's going on. She could be with someone else for all I know even though she said that she didn't know if she would be able to be in a relationship for a "long time" after we broke up. I have made a series of messages talking about us, how I feel, and things she didn't know about. These are voice texts that I have made and put together and have been editing as my "final push" for her. I am waiting until an event she is going to that requires her emotions to be put into that and not be distracted to send her these messages. Out of respect is why I am waiting and also I am not sure if I want to send them or not. These messages detail everything I need to say and pretty much is my last resort. I apologize for the long explanation, just wanted to give some background of why........Anyway, like I have stated I have received so many different castings, a lot of them not good and I always try to phrase the questions in a "How do I", "What do I" and so on and so forth, once in a while I'll slip up and ask yes or no questions like "Is she thinking about me" but hey, I am human. Lately I have been receiving a mix of castings, some seemingly very auspicious and others really bad, then today I received two 43's in a row for two similar but worded different questions. I am going to post the questions below and a few others I have received and see what all you peeps think. After the messages are sent what will happen to our relationship together? Received Hex 43 unchangingWhat will be the result of the messages I send L in regards to reconciling the relationship? Received Hex 43 Unchanging again.I have sat on these for weeks wondering whether I should send them but these two castings I believe are sending me a clear message that I need to send them for at the very least my own sake as until I get this off my chest I can't move on or accept her back in any case. In the translations I have read for #43 some things jump out at me. "Judgment:Resoluteness involves astute discernment of what is wrong and a discreet re-establishment of order without polarizing the situation. Be clear in your own strategy, but let common sense be your guide about how much you need to disclose to others. Avoid aggression at all costs.""THE JUDGMENTBREAK-THROUGH. One must resolutely make the matter knownAt the court of the king.It must be announced truthfully. Danger.It is necessary to notify one's own city.It does not further to resort to arms.It furthers one to undertake something."There is more but I have said enough about this question. I need to make some matters known that she did not know when she made her decision to break up. I feel as though it would now or at the very least would have maybe changed the course of our destiny together. I have more castings I will post in another thread if I have to. I apologize for the long first post and appreciate any insight into this. Thank you :)


Sep 17, 2017
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Ok, I separated things into paragraphs to make it easier to read but once I submitted the thread it all jumbled together. My apologies, I also wanted to bold the castings, etc but didn't know how.


Sep 17, 2017
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Other recent readings for clarity....."Will we be back together soon?"> 20"How do I approach in trying to reconcile this situation?" and Yi's answer, 46.2 to 15.What exactly is the summer offering I keep seeing so much?

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hi MusicianSavant,

Looking at your posts,
You seem to be struggling with this breakup.
I am posting now to try and help.

If you got 24's about her,
it isn't about her returning.
She isn't the boomerang, You are.
You return home for rest&renewel&recuperation.

If you received 8.5's , the message is that you cannot or should not work to force a bonding. You send the invite, and then you are done with it. If the party is unwilling, then that must be the end of it.

I was so shocked by the breakup that I didn't think straight and didn't get the answers I needed either for closure or reconciliation.
You said was,
did you mean am?

After the messages are sent what will happen to our relationship together? Received Hex 43 unchanging
What will be the result of the messages I send L in regards to reconciling the relationship? Received Hex 43 Unchanging again.
43 unchanging:
Someone is peacefully gotten rid of.
You or her, doesn't matter who, same result.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Any feedback or updates ?


Sep 17, 2017
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Hello everyone, I didn't know I had any responses after Deusa's but I can offer an update. I reached out to her after 2 months of stagnation and was immediately met with anger and hostility on her end. Basically from what I surmise all she did was string me along to be able to ween herself off me, then promised me things but said she needed time so i gave it to her. As stated before I waited for two months and reached out telling her I was sorry for my part in things and wanted to work it out and was treated like a criminal and a stranger. Mind you this was a person who said she would always be there no matter what, etc.... so much for that. In any case that's what it is, I'm done reaching out to such a hurtful person who can betray me like she has. I have received alot of different lines both more positive then sometimes nothing but, in my view negative about her and I. Actions speak louder than words obviously so her words and actions have led me to believe that the chance is minimal at best. Guess time will tell....

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Basically from what I surmise all she did was string me along to be able to ween herself off me...

People do this sometimes thinking that they are being kind, or to appease their conscience,
but a clean break is often much kinder. Take care of yourself.

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