...life can be translucent





The Harmonic Concordance - November 8, 2003
by Coe Savage

A bright shining Star of David in the celestial skies is coming in November of this year. This is a revolution in time--the cosmic version of a multi-million volt electrical power surge. Will we feel it? Can we wrap our arms around it and ride it above the clouds of our human negativity to a new shining level of seeing and being JOY? It depends on us and the choices we make. The old free-will thing, you know.

This happening is being called the Harmonic Concordance of 2003. The planets, Mars, Saturn and the Sun form a grand trine in the sky. The Moon, Jupiter and the asteroid Chiron form another grand trine perfectly aligned across the first trine to form an exact Star of David in the skies. Grand trines are always considered in astrology to be great ease and wonderful help.

The exact moment of this happening in Texas and the central standard time zone is 7:20 pm, November 8, 2003. It exactly aligns with the Lunar eclipse which follows the peak of the full moon in Taurus just seven minutes prior.

This is not all that is happening in the sky at this time. The sun and moon are in opposition to each other, as they always are during the full moon. They are 180 degrees from each other, and what makes this interesting is Neptune, the planet of God Conscious Awareness, which has an opposite part that is self-sacrifice and the suffering martyr. These planets form a T-Square, in other words, a difficulty, a challenge. We always look for the healing of the T-Square in energy opposite the T-Square point, in this case Neptune. We look for the opposite (180 degrees) of Neptune at 10 degrees 29 minutes Aquarius, and we find that the healing energy is 10 degrees 29 minutes Leo. Leo rules the heart, our center of Love. The Difficult aspect in the sky points the way. It is really telling us we have to let go of the duality of Neptune, let go of the illusion and delusion, the suffering, being the victim. We can then go deeply into the heart center and become the CHRIST.

This Harmonic Concordance energy is not happening suddenly without preamble. We moved into this new century with powerful planetary alignments that have brought about world events that have shaken the very foundations of what we thought was a safe and sane world. The planetary energies have lined up to create, in these times, extreme circumstances, outer happenings that create for us an arena in which to experience, learn and overcome. We see, know, hear, and feel these things. They shake us up. We have an internal bubbling cauldron of anger and fear. This is added to any unresolved childhood issues. These energies are what keep us from the light of the Divine within us.

I have worked out for myself an understanding of how these energy patterns work. Behind all anger is fear, and behind all fear is pain, and it is stored somewhere in the body. Behind this pain is a river of unshed tears and sadness. Here is where the suffering and the victim energy vibrates. This is where we need to "clean house" in the time we have before November 8th. This is shadow energy, sometimes referred to as the pain body. This is the storehouse of inner child trauma. The good news is that as we process (release) this suffering, we find that behind this part of our emotional self is the peace of God and Pure Joy.

Most of us have wonderful tools for self healing. We go into therapy, take work-shops, journal and do art therapy, and use many other helpful tools that bring about emotional clearing. These are useful and we can focus these tools now toward the healing of our own suffering victim. When we heal our own victim energy, we help to heal all the victims in the world.

Fortunately, Mars is in Pisces now (spiritual warrior energy), and on August 27, 2003. Mars comes closer to the earth than it has in 60,000 years. It will be retrograde (better to be used internally) and it will be conjunct Uranus in Pisces (electrical higher mind energy in the spiritual sign of Pisces, ruled by Neptune).

This and other planetary energies suggest: Declare the work we have done as good. Then we can ask in our prayers and meditation that Divine Father-Mother send us the gift of GRACE. We can ask that this energy transform that part of ourselves that blocks our entrance into the Holy Realms. We accept the gift of GRACE, now. We are now able to make that journey inward to the inner-most chambers of the heart, to its shining core, where there is THE CHRIST.

We can do this regularly between now and November 8, 2003, the Harmonic Concordance and the follow-up energy of the powerful solar eclipse on November 23, 2003 at 4:50 pm CST. Then we are prepared to accept the full power of this high voltage energy that lifts us higher. The following
Thursday is Thanksgiving, and we will truly have a lot to be thankful for.

Coe Savage is an internationally known esoteric astrologer, and a member of the Quartus Advisory Board.


Follow-up by JRP:

In Report No.6, we mentioned this life-changing event that is coming up. Many of you have asked for more information. In addition to Coe's article, here is a compilation from reports received.

On August 28, 1998, John Mirehiel, author, astrologer, teacher, and relationship counselor, was surfing the future using a sophisticated software program that displayed planetary positions around a horoscopic wheel. His attention was drawn to the patterns he saw forming in early November 2003--November 8/9 to be exact. In this instance the horoscope Mirehiel was seeing was not one for an individual, but was rather a global one, for Mother Earth herself.

This unique astrological chart foretells of a moment in time during which we might change the world we see, as well as ourselves, if we so choose. That moment has been called The Harmonic Concordance of 2003.

John Mirehiel says it "is an astronomical event that occurs at the precise moment of a powerful total lunar eclipse. That eclipse imparts a jolt of solar and lunar energies that greatly energizes the astrologically beneficent configuration known as a Grand Sextile, or Star of David." Going back to 1000 B.C. and projecting forward to 3000 A.D. there is no other date with this precise configuration.

Peruvian shamans have told shaman-psychologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo about the occurrence of an important event in the late fall of 2003. At that time, a tear, or hole in the fabric of time will appear, and those who have prepared for it will be able to walk through it and into their luminous bodies.

Another author, time researcher Preston Nichols, who has studied time and consciousness as they are shaped by frequencies and magnetic fields, has pinpointed 2003 as the year closing out the other end of the "time wormhole" that was first opened by the Philadelphia experiment in 1943.


"Humanity has been preparing for this Cosmic Moment for literally eons, and we are now standing on the threshold of the greatest shift of consciousness any evolving soul has ever experienced.

"During this year there will be a rare Galactic alignment that is being called Harmonic Concordance. This alignment will open a multidimensional portal of Divine Consciousness into the Heart and Mind of the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I AM--All That Is.

"During this rare moment, the Cosmic I AM will flood the Earth with previously unknown frequencies of Divine Consciousness and lift every man, woman and child into the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life.

"This Galactic alignment will occur during the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003, and will build in power and momentum until the Solar Eclipse on November 23, 2003."

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, from her Newsletter, Take Charge of Your Life, July 2003.


"For the more scientific mind... Earth's background frequency, or heartbeat, (called Schumann resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military communications were developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles, and climbing. Science doesn't know why, or what to make of it.

"While earth's 'pulse' rate is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand is declining. Possible outcomes are. .. (JRP note: Not all are listed here)

"Time will appear to speed up as we approach Zero Point. A 24 hour day will seem to about 16 hours or less.

"Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years. There have been many shifts including the one that always occurs every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000 year, Procession of the Equinox.

"Zero Point or a flip of the magnetic poles will probably happen soon. ...It could possibly synchronize with the Earth's four cycle biorhythm that occurs every 20 years on the 12th of August. The next occurrence is 12th August 2003. The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project (secret military time traveling) both locked up to the 12th August 20 year biorhythm.

"The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes love and fear. Our INTENTION will be of utmost importance.

"Our physical body is changing as we approach Zero Point. Our DNA is being 'upgraded' to 12 strand. A new light body is being created. We are becoming more intuitive.

"All this information is not fearful. Be prepared for changes that will bring in the new age of light. We are going beyond money and time where fear based concepts are totally dissolved."

Mitch Battros


May 3, 1971
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Hi Dharma

A very interesting post. I noted that on this day there is a very high percentage of oppositions, also there is a fairly high percentage of trines. This date has a signature of mutable water, i.e. pisces.

An interesting site about the philadelphia experiment is http://www.thephiladelphiaexperiment.com/Home.htm
I knew the measurement had traditionally been at 7.8 and knew it was increasing, didn't realize it was increasing that much. The 7.8 cycle is also the brainwave cycle that measures the borderline between alpha and beta brainwaves.

It has been known that the Mayan calendar predicted a pole change on Dec 22 2012, documents have recently been translated that shows the egyptians calculated the same event at the same time using a different scale. A few scientists now are predicting a pole change. I was listening to one just today. Richard Hoagland said "it may not happen this time,' but never gave his reasons as to why. I keep hoping he will get back to it. The great pyramid has a sphynx in front of it that shows a figure half man and half lion. Why is this significant? It is at the beginning of the age of Leo and the age of Aquarius that the poles change. The earth tips over, and the precession goes in the opposite direction. If I am lucky enough to live that long, I really anticipate finding out how this turns out.



May 3, 1971
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Oh, and there is also a kite and a mystic triangle on this date. This one means something pretty significant.



Nov 4, 1971
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Thank you for this very rich information! I didn't know about this Harmonic Concordance. Thank you.


you're welcome. I suppose it is accurate to say that we are the generation that is truly living in interesting times.

you said this date has a signature of mutable water - is this because Mars and Uranus are both in Pisces while Neptune is Pisces' ruling planet? Any other reason?

And.. which planets form the kite and mystic triangle that you mentioned? Could you tell me a bit about these formations? Though I've heard about them, I haven't worked with them before... what constitutes one and what do they mean? While you're at it, could you fill me in on the yod formation also?

I've been studying the Mayan calendar this past year myself and have noted how the events that take place in the years leading up to 2012 and our conscious processing of said events, compared to the past, begin to pick up "speed"; our momentum is accelerating in every way. A pole change seems like one way the planet may deal with this "quickening". The time is not that far off.. we'll find out soon enough.



Oct 31, 1971
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Hi Dharma,

I think you would really like the information at
www.tortuga.com , have a look at this site and the others connected such as the Foundation of Time. This organisation was established by Jose Arguelles, who has the mayan calendar info pretty well covered. His other work includes attempting to change the calendar on a global level. Its not a great site to navigate but if you persisit there is some great stuff. The calendar he is proposing is amazing.
Speak soon.


Oct 31, 1971
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Have you read Emmanuel Velikovsky, (Worlds in Collision, Ages in Chaos) he talks about pole shifts and apparently he says we wouldn't notice the shift that much physically? Anyway where you are, the position and weather wouldn't change that much?


May 3, 1971
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Hi David

I read worlds in collision years ago. I started to read ages in chaos but never finished it. Then a few years ago I got into an argument with a Jewish friend who said "nowdays no credible scientist gives credence to Velikovsky's theories." Well now days there are several who are. The old theories we were taught in school in the 70's 80's and 90's are no longer working. If you really want some so called far out theories that are being given credit by credible scientists now, read about planet x, the 12th planet...Read about hyperdimensional physics, by Richard Hoagland on http://enterprisemission.com/index.php
The venerable theory of evolution is even being strongly challenged now, with some work in DNA and such giving indications that evolution from one species to another is not even possible.

I don't agree though that pole shifts would not be noticed physically. If the pole shift is very significant at all, there would likely be tidal waves of unbelievable proportion. There would be disruptions of the crust of the earth, likely volcanoes and earthquakes of immense proportion. Few people would survive, if any.



May 3, 1971
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The Piscean signature is due to so many planets being in water signs and mutable signs. I think this is very interesting, and I am not that knowledgeable in astrology. I have to look a lot of things up in books. I read about the star of David a few years ago, and don't remember that much about it. But I remember it being extremely beneficial though. Here I have a strong feeling there is much more to this than the beneficial aspect. There is a Mars Jupiter opposition in this chart. Not quite sure what to make of it. But the energies of Mars, the warrior are opposed by the energies of Jupiter, the beneficiary. And the Sun Moon opposition, usually indicative of conflicts between the conscious and unconscious. Then Saturn opposition Chiron. Chiron often called the wounded healer. Jupiter is the midpoint of a kite configuration, which is a trine with a planet half way in between the 60 degree planets. Here Jupiter is the midpoint between Saturn and the Sun. Mars is the midpoint between Chiron and the Moon. There are technically four kites here. The mystic triangle is Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and Chiron. I don't know what to think of all this. Hopefully I still have books somewhere that have information on these configurations. This is really something else.



May 3, 1971
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Someone just brought to my attention, the moon is in the 11th house at the time of the eclipse. At least here, so I think it would apply anywhere, not sure. But the 11 house is the house of the masses. The masses are being eclipsed? hmmm.



Since Mars and Uranus began their back and forth movements over my natal Sun and Chiron positions this year (00 & 01 degrees Pisces respectively) I'm being unexpectedly challenged left and right by everyone and his brother.
I'm not so sure how Jupiter's opposition to Mars will manifest overall either, but after my personal experiences of the past year I'm exPECTing it to affect me in some significant way; perhaps a magnification of what's already been the theme for me this year (?) I'll let you know.


I believe that a pole shift, if it occured, would NOT go unnoticed. Whether a pole shift is the most likely probability we will encounter remains uncertain, however, it seems to me that the new age, to be fully acknowledged and wholly embraced, needs a completely fresh standpoint. This would necessitate a significant "outside" marker in the form of some major, and deeply felt change, to occur. A pole shift would definitively create such a "before and after" marker in consciousness for everyone on the planet to wake up to the fact that we have officially entered a new time, but so would another world war. In any case, considering the planet's present population, whether the change is marked by a pole shift or a global war, the mortality rate will be stunningly high but a significant number of people will still survive to meet the new time.

BTW Gene, are there significant astrological configurations around 2012 that you are aware of?


BTW, thanks David for the link. I don't remember how I wended my way there but I did end up finding a Mayan calendar tutorial which was very helpful.

<CENTER>In Lak'ech
<FONT SIZE="-1">(Mayan code of honor)
"I am Another Yourself"</FONT></CENTER>


Oct 2, 1971
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Hi Gene,

It all depends on where you are on the planet at the time.
For example, where I live (Holland) the moon will be in the ninth house and the sun in the third.
Different places, different effects.
Perhaps the physical effects (if there are any) will be stronger in those places where one of the oppositions coincide with the ASC-DESC axis or the MC-IC axis of the local chart.
Now it depends on the expected effect and your temperament if you would like to visit such a place at the time of the concordance or rather avoid it.


May 3, 1971
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The only thing I noticed the other day is that there is a T-square with Neptune at the apex, and it is conjunct your sun at 0 degrees Pisces. Jupiter opposition Venus is the other part of the t square. Chiron will be at 5 degree Pisces which means that this will be right after a Chiron return for you. This year Mars is transiting you sun, in seven year Neptune. I suppose it hasn't been a lot of fun.



May 3, 1971
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I just noticed also that there is a yod, also known as a finger of God, with Jupiter at the apex, Saturn and Pluto are the other two planets. This is a very tight yod, and I think it is significant, very significant. But I will have to get my books out to see if I can come to an understanding of this. Jupiter is at 8 degrees 44 minutes of Gemini.



<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

This year Mars is transiting you sun, in seven year Neptune. I suppose it hasn't been a lot of fun.<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually, both Uranus and Mars have been transiting my Sun - and when the two "gang-up", you should see the sparks fly! Fun? NOT! I felt forced into positions that I normally would not seek out for myself but they were all challenges that I could not "resist" when they were right up there in my face. Ultimately, these experiences have rewarded me with a renewed sense of confidence in my ability and I 'know' with more certainty who I am, what is important to me and why. I am not as likely to shy away from conflict out of fear but I'm also learning to pick my battles with more care and practical consideration.
<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

I just noticed also that there is a yod, also known as a finger of God, with Jupiter at the apex, Saturn and Pluto are the other two planets. This is a very tight yod, and I think it is significant, very significant.<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, interesting configuration. I'll take a closer look myself and let you know if I spot something else that stands out for that time period. Thanks Gene.

<CENTER>In Lak'ech
(Mayan code of honor)
"I am Another Yourself"</CENTER>


May 3, 1971
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With those two together, I can imagine the sparks can fly intensely. Well, on the positive side, maybe you have lots of energy. Am curious, if you don't mind telling me, which house is your sun in?

I have a mars uranus square in my chart which is very strong. One interpretation of this is "very accident prone," however, I never have been accident prone. I have believed for a long time though that I was a Japanese fighter pilot shot down over Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941. I have no proof, but the astrology fits, because Mars is in a water sign, Pisces, and Uranus in an air sign, Gemini. With the square, I can see how that was a very strong possibility.



Curious Gene,
<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

Well, on the positive side, maybe you have lots of energy. Am curious, if you don't mind telling me, which house is your sun in?<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>
the sun, mercury, s.node, chiron (and two other smaller planetoids) are all squished close together in the 4th house conflicting with uranus, n.node and pluto in the 10th. I can tell you with certainty that the 4th and 10th house concerns are very pronounced in my life. Family/Career, Career/Family; intense need (pluto rules the 1st) to juggle both equally well. My overall energy is probably due to the sun, mars, and ASC watery grand trine.

<CENTER>In Lak'ech
<FONT SIZE="-1">(Mayan code of honor)
"I am Another Yourself"</FONT></CENTER>


May 3, 1971
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Hi Dharma

Transiting Pluto is making an almost exact square to that mars uranus square I have right now, and it has been powerful. Mars is in my sixth house, rules my eighth. Appears we have both had our cross to bear lately.

Apparently you are a scorpio rising.


Oct 31, 1971
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Hi Gene, Dharma

I think Ive just worked out that if the poles shift, , USA would be the new Brazil, Gene would be in the new Cuba... and Australia would be the new 'holy land', better buy a few more acres on the South Coast.....


Gene,<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

I have a mars uranus square in my chart which is very strong. One interpretation of this is "very accident prone," however, I never have been accident prone. I have believed for a long time though that I was a Japanese fighter pilot shot down over Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941. I have no proof, but the astrology fits, because Mars is in a water sign, Pisces, and Uranus in an air sign, Gemini. With the square, I can see how that was a very strong possibility.<!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>This would mean that you reincarnated within just a few short years. You must be exhausted man! Shoulda taken a longer break. You'd be less prone to fallin' asleep on the job!

<CENTER>In Lak'ech
<FONT SIZE="-1">(Mayan code of honor)
"I am Another Yourself"</FONT></CENTER>


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Well... there goes Sagitarius....

From CNN today...

Sagittarius being eaten by Milky Way

WASHINGTON (Reuters) --Our Milky Way galaxy is gobbling up its galactic neighbor, Sagittarius, and Wednesday, scientists offered documentary proof of this continuing cosmic cannibalism.

Astronomers have mapped the Sagittarius galaxy to show in detail how its debris wrap around and pass through the Milky Way, which contains Earth.

On its way to oblivion, the dwarf Sagittarius -- which is about 10,000 times less massive than the Milky Way -- is getting stretched, torn apart and ultimately eaten, scientists at the University of Virginia and the University of Massachusetts reported.

"It's clear who's the bully in the interaction," Steven Majewski of the University of Virginia, lead author of the report, said in a statement.

The study will be published in the December 20 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

The act of cannibalism had been obscured by stars and cosmic dust, but was revealed when astronomers looked for infrared radiation coming from stars known as M giants, which are common in Sagittarius but rare in the outer reaches of the Milky Way.

By focusing on these stars, the scientists said they were able to capture the totality of the Milky Way's meal, in a vision that makes it appear that our galaxy is slurping the stars of Sagittarius as if they were a stellar strand of spaghetti.

Before this work, astronomers had detected only a few scattered pieces of the disrupted Sagittarius dwarf. Even the existence of Sagittarius was unknown until the heart of our nearest satellite galaxy was discovered in 1994.




Oct 2, 1971
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A pole shift in 2012?
If such a thing really happens it will not only change the future of the earth. It will also change its past.
It will change the history of mankind from the very beginning.
And in that changed history there is no pole shift in the year 2012, because it is not needed ...

"Now: If you are confused, that is fine - for it means that already we have broken through conventional ideas."
(Seth/Jane Roberts, The Nature of The Psyche)


Clarity Supporter
Sep 15, 1970
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Sagittarius being eaten by Milky Way ...

The study will be published in the December 20 issue of the Astrophysical Journal ...

A pole shift in 2012 ...

End of the Mayan calendar on Dec.21 in 2012, in the year of the dragon ... End of the world, or whatever? ...

I was born a Sagittarius, in a year of the dragon on Dec.21, just before Winter solstice ...

Weeeeeh! I want another birthday present!!

No, I don't. I am a Sagittarian, and a Dragon, and I have a Mars-Uranus opposition. I am waiting full of curiosity about the interesting things which are sure to come.

I don't think a pole shift will change many visible things. The poles stay where they are, only magnetism changes. It is already since a very long time diminishing. It becomes zero, and then slowly it builds up again, but with the positive and negative switched. A compass will notice, because the needle will point the other way. And for some time it will be useless. And birds will have trouble traveling.
It has happened many times before. Where the liquid rock comes from the center of the earth, like in the middle of the Atlantic, it acquires the magnetic direction the earth has at that moment, when it hardens. That can be measured, and that is how they know about pole shifts. The earth itself keeps turning around in the same direction as it always did.
But I do think that there will be important changes in the spirit.



Oct 2, 1971
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If this "Sagittarius galaxy" is in the star constellation Sagittarius it is probably in the astrological Scorpio (and not in the astrological Sagittarius) ...
Any Scorpio's who would like to complain?


May 3, 1971
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Goodbye Sagittarius? Now that is disturbing. And just recently some scientists were afraid we were going to turn Jupiter, (ruler of Sagittarius) into a miniature sun by crashing a space vehicle with plutonium in it into its surface. (Well, that didn't happen, at least not yet.) But what would we do without a sagittarius to give us a philosophy to live by? Maybe organized religion is dying.



<CENTER>The Age of Aquarius
<FONT SIZE="-1">by Gregory Ellison</FONT></CENTER>The phenomenon known as the Aquarian Age is a product of an extremely long astronomical cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes. This is not the place for a detailed technical explanation of this cycle, but in a nutshell it is the result of a "wobble" in the rotation of the Earth on its axis, and this wobble slowly changes the position of the vernal equinox relative to the fixed stars.

The vernal equinox is one of two days in the year when the days and nights are of equal length. It marks not only the first day of spring, but also the beginning of the zodiac signs. Each year, the first day of spring marks the entry of the Sun into the sign of Aries. In fact, this is the definition of the zodiac, which is simply a division of space into twelve equal sections beginning with a line drawn between the Earth and the Sun on the first day of spring! This position is defined as zero degrees Aries, and the rest of the zodiac is simply a matter of marking off 12 equal 30-degree sections, starting at that point.

This never changes. The first day of spring ALWAYS marks the start of the zodiac. However, because of the slow wobble in the Earth, the first day of spring gradually moves backward in relation to the constellations, at the rate of about 1 degree every 72 years. A little over 2,000 years ago, the zodiac was "lined up" perfectly with the constellations, such that the sign of Aries coincided with the constellation Aries. But for the past 2,000 years, the vernal equinox has been slowly moving backward through the constellation of Pisces, and it is now at the point of entering the constellation of Aquarius.

This is what marks the "dawning of the Age of Aquarius!"

This extremely slow movement, which takes about 2,162 years to travel through a single sign, defines the longest astrological cycle that is relevant to mankind, called a "great year." A great year is composed of 12 astrological "ages," each lasting 2,162 years, at the end of which the vernal equinox has returned to its starting point in the constellation of Aries. In astrological terms, this great year of the precessional cycle refers to the gradual transformations of the collective consciousness of mankind.

Now here's the rub: even though this is a mathematically defined and astronomically observable cycle, there is no way to determine exactly when each age ends and the next one begins, because there are no observable "borders" between constellations. At the present time, we can clearly determine that the vernal equinox falls between the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius, moving into Aquarius. But because there is no measurable dividing line between these two constellations, there is no way to tell exactly when the equinox has left Pisces and entered Aquarius.

This has created a great deal of confusion, with different astrologers subscribing to different theories of the exact timing of the beginning of the age. Estimates have ranged from the late 1800's to well into the 22nd century.

Dane Rudhyar's approach to this problem was to use the shorter cycles of the outer planets, coupled with observable cycles in history, to fix the "real" date of the new age. Without going deeply into his elaborate reasoning, he concluded that the Age of Pisces began about 100 B.C., a hundred years before the time of Jesus. Taking that as the starting point, the Age of Aquarius would begin 2,162 years later, or about the year 2,062. The Ages of Pisces and Aquarius are just the first two of the 12 that will make up this current great year.

In Rudhyar's understanding, the 26,000-year-long evolutionary cycle begun at the start of this great year is based on the keynote sounded by the appearance of Christ ... not necessarily the Christian religion, but the underlying spiritual message "seeded" by the great spiritual master known as Jesus Christ, regardless of what we choose to believe about his origins or the religious doctrines that have grown up around his message.<BLOCKQUOTE><HR SIZE=0><!-Quote-!><FONT SIZE=1>Quote:</FONT>

<FONT SIZE="+0">With the beginning of the Christian era, a new phase in man's evolution began which is based essentially on the eventual realization by every human being of his individuality as a single and unique person - as a microcosm - as a potential "son of God." The transcendental Sages of the Upanishads and even Buddha did not consider the individual person as a microcosm, but rather as a more or less illusory formation, the consciousness of which was deeply involved in the illusion of separateness; and the goal of the spiritual life was presented as a re-absorption of this temporary form of consciousness darkened by "ignorance" in the one infinite Reality, Brahman. Our Christian Western culture, on the other hand, has extolled theoretically and idealistically the "worth and dignity of the individual person," even if in practice it did very little to apply its ideal to social living. This ideal should now become a practical and social reality - and of course this is the grand and glorious ideal of democracy. But this word, democracy, can hide a multitude of sins of omission as well as of commission. And we are facing the possibility that the coming decades will witness a complete betrayal of this ideal in this country which had most seriously tried to make of it a practical way of life.
<CENTER><FONT SIZE="-1">-Astrological Timing: The Transformation to the New Age</FONT></CENTER></FONT><!-/Quote-!><HR SIZE=0></BLOCKQUOTE>In other words, in this age - the Aquarian Age - it is the evolutionary aim of mankind to attain spiritual ascension while retaining individual identity, as distinct from being re-absorbed into God or dissolving the individuality in an undifferentiated ocean of spirit, as taught in earlier ages.

This is remarkably similar to the ideas of Linda Goodman, as expressed in Gooberz and other writings, in which she expresses the idea that united twin s-Elves will ascend to higher and higher levels of consciousness while retaining their personal identities.

In this context, the aim of each stage of evolution is to enable individuals to identify with and express higher and higher levels of being, without forgetting themselves to the extent of believing that their identity is rooted in those levels. For if we become fixated on any particular level of being, we lose our ability to move on, thinking that where we are at this point is "who we are."

If this is the case, then the first age in this evolutionary great year, the Piscean Age that is just ending, was about learning to shift our center of expression from small family and tribal units to the much larger and more inclusive cultural wholes; while the second age, the Age of Aquarius that we are now entering, is about shifting that center of awareness to the next higher level, the global, planetary level. This is the "ONE world of peace and love" that has come to be identified with Aquarian ideals.

The challenge, of course, is that in the transition from one age to the next - from the cultural/religious/national state of consciousness to the planetary/global-mind/world-brotherhood state of consciousness - the old institutions do not want to let us go! The separate national, religious, economic and political institutions that were the very point of the last age, are fighting for their very lives as our conscious evolution prepares to transcend them and move on to a wider and more inclusive awareness that no longer values the exclusiveness and separation that defines them ... and this is precisely the reason that this transition period is so marked by wars, ethnic rivalries, religious conflicts and economic manipulations. It is time for a change, and as always, the institutions of the status quo are resistant to that change, and will fight it with the last of their resources.

To read the complete article, go to:
Age of Aquarius


Dec 23, 1971
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a seal of solomon/star of david celestial light show....wowee
but combined with the mysterious lunar eclipse..
super tripendicular



May 3, 1971
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In the Bible we have the story of Noah, seems to relate to the Cancer age, the story of Adam and Eve, seems to relate to the Gemini age, the story of the golden bull, which was worshipped against G-d's wishes, relating to Taurus, then the Age of Aries begins, and we have the story of the sacrifice of the lambs, culminating in the death of Jesus, the lamb of God, then Pisces starts and we have the story of the 153 fishes, and the next age, of course, Aquarius, and Jesus tells some of his followers to meet him, I believe for passover, in the upper room. They were to follow a man carrying a water jug on his shoulder. In others words, meet him in the age of Aquarius. I don't have proof of the beginning of ages either, but I tend to believe aquarius starts about 2012, the time of the Mayan calendar prophecy of some coming highly significant event.

By the way, there has been news lately that the sagittarius constellation is slowly being gobbled up by the milky way. Probably some black hole somewhere. Maybe it is a sign organized religion is coming to an end.


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