...life can be translucent


Autistic son's health


Mar 29, 1970
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Hello, I would appreciate advice and insight reguarding an answer I received. My 4 yr old son is autistic and suffers from recurrent ear infections, allergies and digestive problems. A few days ago his pediatrician prescribed augmentin for a current ear infection. In the past antibiotics have created horrible side effects. I do not want him to have to go through that anymore. I have decided to try an alternative, more natural homeopathic treatment. I am a little apprehensive to use the new treatment because of the possible risks involved. It is a very emotional issue for me. I worry that my feelings will sway me to make the wrong choice. I asked "How should i view using the alternative homeopathic treatment?" My answer was hex 48 changing to 49. Still being afraid and not sure what to do, I then reversed the question and asked "How should I view treating my sons infection with the prescribed antibiotic?" My answer was hex 48 changing to 47. I was still worrying over this so later that afternoon I asked "How will this new alternative treatment affect his health if I decide to use it?" My answer was hex 15 changing to 55. Basically what I got out of all this questioning was to go ahead and use the alternative method and that the results will be positive. I would appreciate any advice on this issue. I have found that if I worry and contemplate excessively on an answer I have gotten, eventually I will come up with an unlimited amount of possibilities and Im back to square one. Does my interpretation make any sense or does it seem to be way off? Sincerely, hdsncnn


Feb 15, 1970
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From a completely practical point of concern here for your sons health and your peace of mind.

If your sons ear problems are based on an infection caused by a bacterial infection it may not be wise to ignore antibiotics regardless of his allergies. I am not suggesting homeopathic medicine be ruled out but I know of no homeopathic treatment or cure which will address with certainty any on going bacterial infection. This is your decision but if you ask your homaopathic physician about it maybe they will explain it differently and prove me incorrect. The ear being so close to the central nervious center with prospects of serious damage please check all possible modes of treatment and get more than one opinion on the diagnosis before deciding on treatment.
My opinion here has no basis in the Hex readings you have recieved but based no the knowledge of my years in laboratory medicine.


Aug 23, 1972
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What did your son's doc say about the boy's potential reaction to the antibiotic? Perhaps there is some additional medication he can take to control any adverse side reactions. Autistic kids generally hate changes, and even taking medicine can put them off their stride mentally if not physically as well, so it might not be a bad idea to give him something to calm him. Perhaps the homeopath can address that? Personally I go for Valium or whatever, but it's not my son! In any case, if your son's ill because of an infection, you don't have a lot of time to gather second opinions and whatnot.

My best to you in this and the other issues you'll face over the years.


Apr 8, 1970
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Please note I don't know whether what follows is a) a reliable source or b) relevant to your particular case. But perhaps your homeopath would know.

"OTITIS MEDIA: Try osteopathy before grommets
Acute otitis media is a painful and nasty disease of the middle ear in children, which doctors usually treat with courses of antibiotics.

Unfortunately, this often offers only a short-lived reprieve, if any, and the child may sometimes have to undergo surgery to have grommets inserted if the problem keeps recurring.

This is traumatic for the child and parents, so both will be interested in a study that discovered osteopathy offers a long-term solution.

Children who had three or four episodes of otitis media in the previous year were either assigned to routine care (mainly antibiotics) or to routine care plus osteopathy.

Those in the osteopathy group needed less medical care and suffered fewer attacks than those just receiving standard treatment.

(Source: Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2003; 157: 861-66)."

And there is more orthodox advice at http://www.aafp.org/afp/20030315/tips/22.html
Scroll down to 'recommendations for the treatment of...' - it might give you something to ask your doctor about.

I wish I could give you a definite answer based on those readings, but to be honest they leave me too muddled to venture an opinion on something like this. Sorry.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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"I asked "How should i view using the alternative homeopathic treatment?" My answer was hex 48 changing to 49. Still being afraid and not sure what to do, I then reversed the question and asked "How should I view treating my sons infection with the prescribed antibiotic?" My answer was hex 48 changing to 47. I was still worrying over this so later that afternoon I asked "How will this new alternative treatment affect his health if I decide to use it?" My answer was hex 15 changing to 55. Basically what I got out of all this questioning was to go ahead and use the alternative method and that the results will be positive. Basically what I got out of all this questioning was to go ahead and use the alternative method and that the results will be positive."

Okay, to begin with, the Yi has tried to focus your thinking by giving you the same hexagram in response to the first two questions. You chose to ask a third question, but let's take a look at those first two questions and results.

"How should i view using the alternative homeopathic treatment?" My answer was hex 48 changing to 49."

Hex 48's about accessing the depth, and Hex 49's about throwing off outmoded forms. So the answer to your question is along these lines: the homeopathic treatment accesses the depth in your son in a way that leads to a throwing off of the superficial form of the disease. Of course, homeopathic treatments *always* access the depth, don't they? But in this case, the accessing of the depth only leads to a throwing off of symptoms, and nothing deeper. (Hey, getting rid of symptoms is pretty alright if you've been suffering from those symptoms for a while...)

""How should I view treating my sons infection with the prescribed antibiotic?" My answer was hex 48 changing to 47."

This is much less promising. It still talks about accessing the depth, but the outcome is Hex 47, which is all about being confined, constrained, and contained. Not very auspicious.

"How will this new alternative treatment affect his health if I decide to use it?" My answer was hex 15 changing to 55."

This is really positive. I'm assuming the 'new alternative treatment' is the homeopathic treatment. Hex 15's the humble approach, and Hex 55's the high point of the situation. Humble approach leads to the apex. Nice.

"Basically what I got out of all this questioning was to go ahead and use the alternative method and that the results will be positive."

Yeah, that's what I got out of it too. I'd like to point out something else. For your first two questions, you drew Hex 48 both times (in both cases, your son's depth is being accessed), but in the first case, the situation moves toward Hex 49 (throwing off old forms in favor of something more contemporary), but in the second case, the situation moves toward Hex 47 (constraint, constriction, containment). The Yi's giving you a beautiful and clear outcome here: in both cases, you get Hex 48, but in the first, you move one step up to Hex 49, and in the second, you move one step down to Hex 47.

It's obvious which one's better. Hex 15 moving toward Hex 55 endorses that.

Good luck with the situation. Kids need our help to do well. It's a tough situation to deal with.


Jul 7, 1972
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I think the readings refer to a cure that will be slow in comming.something about the fourth line of 48 may suggest some form of inner repair.could this be the digestive system or ear nose and throat.Perhaps moving lines 1 and 2 suggest the need for the inner repair.With hexigram 49 i see the cure will happen at the right time.48 changing to 47 is similar in a sense slow improvement.I would definately state that the right cure will be found in time and wish you all the best but i know it will eventually work out for you.


Aug 31, 1972
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I hope you don't mind another non-reading related comment, but since I've got so much experience of both antibiotics and alternative medicine, it may be helpful -

1stly, recurrent use of antibiotics weakens the digestive tract and increases body's resistance to particular group of antibiotics.

2ndly, there is no equivalent in the homeopathic medicine for getting rid of a fully fledged bacterial infection. The only hope for getting rid of infection without use of antibiotics is going to a really good herbalist. And those are really hard to find.

What I would suggest to you, specially given your child?s age and special condition, is that you identify a very good quality alternative medicine practitioner who can guide you through what will certainly prove to be very lengthy getting well program. You may end up having to use antibiotics just to control the infection but the practitioner can advise you on use of probiotic supplements which will support the reestablishment of natural gut flora and generally strengthen the digestive tract. this may be combination of Lacidophilus and homeopathic medicine or something else. I would definitely advise you against self medicating - specially since the 'patient' in question is very small child.

Also, you ought to be looking into all sorts of factors from the non allergenic bedding for your son, to the toys he plays with, the hygiene routine etc. Essentially, the cause of recurring infections can be a combination of factors.

Also, I'd specially look into the situation at home - even adults with recurring ear infections are often found to suffer from "not wanting to hear" something that they are having to listen to very often.

I hope some of this helps. You are very right to want to use the best possible treatment for your child and homeopathic medicine can help a great deal but it has to be used appropriately.

My very best wishes to both of you.

Something that may be of use:


Mar 8, 1970
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From another practical point of view, a recent study showed augmentin is implicated in childhood autism.

In addition, google "Donna Gates" and/or "The Body Ecology Diet". She has helped autistic kids. The fact that he has allergies indicates to me her approach might help him.


Mar 29, 1970
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I would like to thank everyone for their response. I truly appreciate it. This is a very difficult issue. Since I learned of my sons autism 3 years ago, I have spent most of my time researching on the web. This little boy has been the biggest blessing in my life for a number of reasons and of course I am very concerned for his well being. There are a number of different theories on the cause, many different therapies and treatments are available. Many of these theories and different treatment methods are extremely conflicting. This can make choosing the "right" treatment for a child extremely difficult. It is difficult to have faith in "traditional medicine" because of what I have learned from research, and specific things that I have observed in my little boy. I intend to check into the suggestions for treatment that were given to me, once again I thank you. We have been conservative with our approach toward this. He is on a gluten/casein free diet, takes probiotics, specific vitamins and DMG daily. We were told it is a behavioral problem and to address it that way by his pediatrician. I of course changed pediatricians and her approach is basically the same but she is a little more open-minded and receptive to new ideas. I feel that It is not a behavioral problem but more specifically biological in nature. Several things we have tried in the past have produced negative to little or no results and some things have turned out positive. My child is nonverbal at this point so our communication is limited in that respect. This makes it that much more difficult to tell what is helping him or hindering him. I am sorry this is much longer than I wanted it to be, Im rambling. I feel helpless and confused at times and Im always seeking for answers. I believe that when I ask the I-ching a question that I will get the correct guidance, the problem is in my ability to understand what is being given to me. This is new to me so I have very little knowledge in the background and theory of the I-ching. At times I wonder if I may have completely lost my mind and grip on reality contemplating paticular answers I "think" I have gotten. My mind does wonder and question the reasons behind just about everything in my life and I have a very vivid imagination. I am often told "You think to much" or "dont worry about it , you are being to sensitive". When it comes to making important decisions in my life and specifically decisions that effect my children and loved ones I want to do the right thing. That is where my fear comes in and I wonder if I am actually able to ask a question and REALLY get an answer or am I imagining all of it. Anyone else experience this? This morning I eagerly read the responces I recieved. Your concern for my sons health is very appreciated. Before I was able to read one of your responces that related to my interpretation of the I-chings answer for me I was sure that I was mentally unstable. Then along came your message Dobro and you cant imagine how much that effected me. Thank you. You expressed what I was thinking ,feeling and trying to say beautifully. Stuart, your message was very reassuring also and you both gave me much to think about reguarding the origin of these recurring ear infections. Hilary, Dij and Jenbrooks thank you for the information. It will be very helpful, Dij, your comment on looking into my home situation and that even adults suffer from recurring ear infections from "not wanting to hear something" was Extremely interesting! That one will keep my mind going forever. I actually started this alternative homeopathic treatment before posting here. My little guy seemed fine in two days,I was very impressed. Then I started to notice "different"and "unusual" things he was doing the following two days.(increased stimming and fussiness) I was afraid I had used the wrong treatment. He appeared to be getting sick again. It occurred to me quickly that he may be going thru what is called the Herx syndrome. I think that is correct.(the name) I have heard of this many times in the past particulary when starting new treatments for an autistic child. Their immune system is killing off bacteria, pathogens, etc. and this causes toxins to be released which causes them to appear as if they are not improving or possibly getting sicker.In actuality they are recovering, their bodies need to release these toxins which create nasty side effects. I have been wondering if he is experiencing this from his increased stimming and fussiness, so I asked the I-ching, "What is going on with my little boy, does the homeopathic remedy need to be increased(dosage is extremely low) or what?? I was given hexagram 11 changing to 46. I took this as a positive response, and that he may be experiencing this herx syndrome. Mainly I felt things were turning out positively. If anyone would give me their thoughts I would appreciate it . I do appologize for the length and PROMISE to never carry on like this again. I do not intend for the treatment we have used this time to be a cure all,but intend to do further research on these issuse. Thank you , hdsncnn


Dear hdsncnn,
I hope you continue to post here ...and dont be afraid about "rambling"....Parenting an autistic child can be exhausting (as well as a blessing)...and you need support in this.

Your child is in good hands with you...that is obvious. I work with some verbal high-functioning autistic children in small social skills groups, and I know some of the frustration involved with not being able to make the kind of contact one would like to...Love, patience and willingness, which it sounds like you have in abundance, bring progress, albeit slowly.

I am not an expert on any of the matters you brought up, but I do want to add my assurance that I have trusted the Yi on matters of importance for a long time, and it has never let me down. It doesnt have to be the "final word" but it can certainly help steer you in the right direction and keep you from making mistakes. This trust grows over time.

And you also have a lot of people here who are rather expert in assisting with readings, as you have seen already! Use their help!!

In my humble opinion, the 11 >46 would seem to mirror exactly what you have been thinking. a small dose "pulling up the roots" and causing the herx syndrome, a rising up of symptoms. BUT a positive reading on the whole about "what is going on?"
The question about a dosage increase or not might be better asked separately.
I wish you all the best. Jeannie


Apr 8, 1970
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Hello H,

I also hope very much you keep on posting at whatever length you want. I admire your determination and courage, and your measured and intelligent approach to consultation at a time when you must be climbing walls.

I'm very cautious about medical readings for other people, myself, let alone for a child. But I agree with Jeannie that 11 line 1 sounds exactly like 'herx syndrome' as you described it.

(Another thought FWIW - aren't homeopathic remedies supposed to produce a flare-up of symptoms when they're working well? Or is that only in the first few hours?)

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Sometimes they produce what's called a 'healing crisis', which is a temporary worsening of symptoms.

It ain't just homeopathics that do that, though. I went on a diagnostic diet (stopped eating certain foods as a preliminary to reintroducing them later on), and my system went into a spasm in the first week lol.


I'd like to add a personal note about ear problems. I, too, suffered from recurrent ear infections as a child, when antibiotics were invented and grommets weren't. As a result I have zero hearing in one ear because the nerves were killed off (that's probably not medically correct, but I've been told it's 'nerve deafness'). I remember the pain of the earaches and also the one that finally killed my hearing - a humdinging abcess.

When my son (now aged 14) started to get recurrent ear infections I insisted that he was seen by an ENT surgeon and he had grommets inserted at the age of 20 months. I had no doubt at all that the small risk of his hearing being slightly impaired by the operation vastly outweighed the risk of the pain and the deafness that I endured. He never looked back. The infections stopped, the grommets did their job (very yukky to see all that guck coming out!) and eventually the grommets fell out of their own accord. He has no hearing problems at all now and of course his eustacian tubes are big enough now to deal with the build up of pressure when he gets a cold or whatever.

At the time, I knew nothing about homeopathy so I don't know what I would have done if I did. But I do know that I made the right choice. A doctor said to me that deafness from ear infections is extremely rare and that I was making a fuss. I tartly replied that it doesn't feel rare when it happens to you! He got the message.

I wish you lots of luck and the right help in making your decision. It's hard knowing what's the right thing to do for your kids.

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