...life can be translucent


Bad Dream Needs Interpretation


Nov 4, 1971
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I had a bad dream last night, might have been because I ate a meal soon before going to sleep that didn't agree with me. Either way, the dream was upsetting and the story somewhat represented my current fears. Now I'm wondering if this is prophecy or garbage.

I asked Yi what is the meaning - how should I interpret? I received to 25.

Am I being told the dream is "greatly false" and that I should disentangle from being posessed by it? Or, that the dream contains a great amount of integrity? I guess it all depends on how 25 is read and I'm not sure.

As a side note, I've felt scared about this situation (prior to the dream) for a while now, and I've asked Yi and Tarot a couple questions over the last weeks that have made it very clear that things were going good. This helped me to see it was just my fears in the way. But now the dream.

Thanks for the help.


Dreams are a trip, aren?t they?

In my life, it?s been the terrifying dreams that have turned out to be the best omens. Sure has a way of getting our attention. Maybe that?s why they have to be so terrifying.

Based on your reading, it sounds as if this is true for you also. Whatever?s going on in your world that has led up to this dream, you can be assured, based on this reading, that something true and valuable is happening to you.


Nov 4, 1971
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So you feel that my dream is true? As in, "not false" in "great possession"?

If this is the case I am in serious trouble, and someone is plotting against me.

Before reading your answer, I asked Yi what is the best approach for me to take with this person? I received to 55.

Please help. This is very serious.



I don't know what you mean by "is true". What is true is that your part in this matter contains truth and value.

Both readings refer to service to a higher good, or higher cause.

14.3 A prince offers it to the Son of Heaven.

2.3 If by chance you're in the service of a king,
Seek not works, but bring to completion.

This is true.

It does not say that your fears are unfounded. Neither does it say they aren?t. But it does appear that your purpose in this is to serve a higher cause. Your dream is leading you to discover what that is. Therefore it isn?t for you to lead but to follow where it takes you.


One other thing. Our psyche uses whatever images are available to communicate to our conscious mind. The particulars in your dream may well be entirely symbolic.


Nov 4, 1971
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I have received 14 about this situation a couple times and it has been confusing because it appears as a very positive hexagram but something about the answers also didn't match the situation for me.

Last week I asked about the best approach to take and received 20 unchanging. And so I have just contemplated, looked at myself, and otherwise took no action.

At this same time, I asked what would happen if I called this person and said something specific: I got 15.4.5 to 31. That answer scared me, becaue although I have feelings for this person on the one hand and so 15 and 31 looked great, on the other hand there is a part of me that believes this person is plotting against me. And so I didn't call.

Then the dream last night, which was scary and real. Now I just don't know what is true. I have had dreams like this before and they have been essentially true.

What reading do I honor? The one from last week that said the outcome if I call? Or the one today that essentially says I should just sit back and see receive what happens?

Candid, by "ture" what I mean is, is this person plotting against me? Doesn't 55 also indicate justice or legal issues? This was a theme in the dream.


Nov 4, 1971
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Yes, I understand what you mean about the symbolism. I am definately dreaming about something that is on my mind, but the question is, am I dreaming about something that is also actually occuring out there in life? Perhaps I need to ask a question to learn if I'm being paranoid or not. How would I word that?


If your reading indicated danger for you, I failed to see it. 55 means 'execution of judgement'. I don't know your dream so I can't say anything more about what it might mean. But based on your readings alone, I'm seeing no present threat.


Jun 28, 1972
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Dreams seem to really exagerate to make a point - to such an extent they can be so frightening. I think perhaps there is some reason for you to feel
distrustful of this person, but in reality it will be not nearly so horrible as the dream.

I only say this because I recently had recurrent images and some dreams of being kicked quite horribly by someone. I now think it was a subconscious warning signal as that person did upset me much yesterday by something she said. I understood then these kicking images were just symbolic, some part of my mind knew some harm was coming my way from her.
My subconscious greatly dramatised it to get my attention (and I still didn't get it)

If your dream involved someone plotting against you, then water this down, reduce the intensity of the image and see what you get. Some part of your psyche is trying to alert you to the fact you need to be somewhat wary of the person. 2,1,3 and 4 would seem to me to be saying to keep on guard somewhat with the person, play your cards close to your chest, don't give too much away, be reserved.

I guess all I'm saying is that the horribleness of the dream is your psyches attempt to have an impact - not I feel a prediction of what will happen - just to make you notice all is not so well between you and this person and you might need to protect yourself somewhat. Thats not even to say they consciously intend you ill, but clearly somethings telling you they may have some hidden agenda.

As for your initial 14 reading I feel it may be pointing at the fact that you are open and generous - and 25, even the innocent person may be subject to misfortune. 15, line 5 also pointing towards not assuming others are as trustworthy as you, that its okay to check them out.


Dear Malka,
I would be cautious about taking a dream absolutely literally.....on the other hand, I have gotten hex 14 when I have known the truth about someone or something, even tho it was NOT a pleasant truth...14 kinda confused me because I always thought it would be pointing to something positive, but in these cases, for me, it was because I had hit upon the truth... and the truth is a Possession In Great Measure.
Nevertheless, the dream still may NOT mean that this man is plotting against you in a legal manner or otherwise.......he may, though, have dishonorable intentions, or not be telling the truth or whatever...dreams tend to exaggerate the message, in a way we will understand.
I think if you were in danger, you would not have drawn hex 20....and also , the hex 15 might mean it is advisable to go ahead and call this man, talk with him to see if you can put your fears to rest.

I hope that helps?! I know how frightening dreams can be.


Also thought of one more thing...your 14 turned into 25...I think that is a good sign...innocence...be natural and unaffected...dont let fears get hold of you


Nov 4, 1971
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This is an unusual experience for me to feel quite this quality of fear and I am grateful for the support.

Jennyetar, I agree with you about "truth" being a Posssession in Great Measure. Receiving 14 when I asked how to interpret the dream is what convinces me that the dream must be true. But what is the dream saying? I need to know this first before I can know WHAT the truth is about.

I noticed something interesting in this dream: The real-life person and I were both in the dream, and when a woman in the dream (an unknown person to me) was nearby us, he was very receptive to me and we touched. When she left, he was somewhat less receptive to me and he physically retreated. Then, when there were men around him in the dream, we were physically very separate. One man, an image of someone I know who has been helpful to me in the past, told me I was a sinking ship and an attorney was being consulted.

I believe that sometimes women in a dream can represent feminine, receptive energy and emotional connection. And, sometimes men in a dream can represent masculine or mental energy.

This makes me wonder if what my psyche is telling me is about confusion between these two sides. Also, there was a theme of him watching me in the dream, and also of his doing alot of listening to others, whether on the telephone or sitting listening to a group.

If the truth would be hurtful to me, or cause me hardship, would Yi still send me in that direction? Does Yi point us to the higher truth at all costs, even if it means we suffer as a result? What is justice?

I was told told that the best approach is 2 to 55, really what action or nonaction is there in this reading?


Dear Malka,
As far as what action is advised from the 2> 55 reading, I really like how Anon99 put it, and i think she interpreted it well:

"If your dream involved someone plotting against you, then water this down, reduce the intensity of the image and see what you get. Some part of your psyche is trying to alert you to the fact you need to be somewhat wary of the person. 2,1,3 and 4 would seem to me to be saying to keep on guard somewhat with the person, play your cards close to your chest, don't give too much away, be reserved. "

It would seem that following a natural response, while being cautious and alert, will result in the fullness of what you need to know coming forth. You will know.

As far as the dream itself...its hard to interpret a dream for another person...your symbols could be specific to your situation and to your relation to this person.

I dont think the Yi was "sending you in the direction of hardship...", it seemed more like it was affirming that your awareness of some kind of trouble with this person is accurate. BUt remember, the dreams exaggerate. "Consulting with an attorney" could mean this person is talking to people who will "hear his case" and take his side......... You could feel your 'ship is sinking' because you fear the result of those conversations.

But I can only speculate because I dont know your particulars...i.e.Is there an argument going on between you? Does he have a reason to sue you? Is it a former romance?

I just dont think you are in danger. I think the Yi would have other ways of telling you that.
Maybe you should ask of you have any reason to be afraid...or ask the Yi to comment on your suspicions about this man.
All the best, jeannie


Nov 4, 1971
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I called him, and he was nice and sweet in an almost erry way. My gut just tells me something isn't right.

When we hung up I asked Yi: What just happened? 38.1.5 to 6

Then I asked, What does the future hold for us? 56.1.3 to 21

Now I am worried. Kindly help me with this as I have been unable to sleep or eat.


Nov 4, 1971
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Please all, I have been away for some time and haven't really given back too much. I promise to do a better job of staying connected and contributing back to the community. I am sorry to ask for your help here without haven't shared recently, but I am truly scared. Thank you.


Nov 4, 1971
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I'm reading over the forum for help, and have seen tremendous dialogue about 21. Here's something Hilary wrote:

"The idea of a lawsuit in #21, for instance, is in there in black and white, and has been for a few millennia: I wouldn't want to be the one to decide it wasn't relevant any more. That's not 'Wilhelm's 21', it's Yi's 21. (Explaining that this is about determination to get through to the truth of the matter, rather than suing about coffee being hot, generally makes sense of it.)"

Given my lines in 56, might I be dealing with a lawsuit or just a simple truth to be found? Or is Yi just giving me an answer that I'm projecting based upon my dream? (He was very kind on the phone.) I am just too scared to know what is real, and confused about how 56 works in this 21 context.

Based on our talk it would "appear" there is no obstruction between us at all, so perhaps this is really all about me and my own internal obstructions?


Alright, I am trying to calm down. I realize that just before calling I asked Yi what I can expect to happen, and received 61 unchanging. I know this means I should trust the truth of the experience. So, I should trust his warmth?

The dream was a difficult one, and I'm afraid to sleep tonight. This kind of dream only happens to me once every few years, thankfully.


61 means to employ your own truth, not the truth in some external matter.

21 calls for a decision or a judgment to be made, not necessarily a literal legal battle.

55 means to enforce that decision.

If this guy scares you so much why do you call him? I wonder if he's as scared as you are, or maybe he's musing this power he seems to have over you? Maybe you are too?

He probably just represents your animus, in the dream. When a woman is near him he?s gentle and warm. When she?s away he?s cold and distant. So snuggle up to him. Perhaps he will calm down and let you get some rest.


hi Malka,

i have been reading your posts and though there seems to be a lot said, i get the sense that you still have not shared all the relevant information. not that you need to mind you, but based on this lack of knowledge I can only go in one other way and that is to suspect that this man is triggering an important issue to the surface of your consciousness for you to resolve at this time. In that case, your reaction could be the very thing that you need to be wary of, and not necessarily anything this man is up to

again, i don't know enough about the nature of your relationship to this man to say one way or the other what this man is up (and the hexagrams themselves don't reflect disturbance per se) but what IS important is your agitated reaction, which certainly cannot help under ANy circumstances

if he is up to something, it will become clear in time. if you are calm and undisturbed you will SEe it and you will know the right thing to do. if he is NOt up to something, you will be doing yourself a tremendous service by not "creating" something that wasn't actually there with a faulty over-reaction. do you see what i mean?

in the end, it is infinitely more important to understand why the loss of ANything would / could frighten and unsettle you in this way. more than anything, you've got to re-center yourself. it will all become clear to you if you are really open to the truth. take it easy

aka Dharma


Nov 4, 1971
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Dharma and Candid, thanks for pushing. Are you open to off-line contact from me?


Malka feel free to write
i believe you already have my address - if not, i'll contact you


Nov 4, 1971
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Thanks again to Dharma and Candid for the gentle push and assistance. I decided to ask Yi one more question, about how I can expect him to treat me. The answer was 32.3 to 40

The themes of continuity and forgiveness here are welcomed. But the line speaks strongly I feel to emotional instability. I beleive he can be reactive, flood easily, and perhaps this is saying I'll experience some inconsistency in his behavior towards me pending how he's feelingm yet it may just be a warning as the two hexagrams themselves are lovely. The inconsistency would match what I already know of him. But the truth is it would also match how I can be: occasionally too dependent on outside voices, especially when under high stress.


Nov 4, 1971
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Anon99, a belated thank you for the assistance and reassurance about the nature of dreams. Yes, I do believe and recognize the psyche's need for impact. It happens that I had a dream years ago about someone filing a lawsuit and it turned out to be correct, and other times when I've had this quality of a dream that there is definitely some truth to it. For all these reasons and more I have been especially on guard with this.

Your example of being kicked as a symbol for someone who upset you (maybe even knocked the wind out of you?) is a good one to remember. I agree with you that my unconscious is trying to tell me something. It's being clear about what that thing is that has been difficult. The weird thing is how amiable he was on the phone which was a departure from how he's been and just doesn't seem to match my experience of the situation at all.


i am having problems gaining entry into my mailbox. the site has been down all morning and i don't know how long things will stay this way. i did however get to read your last email and i have a response that i would like to mail out to you. since i will have to send it to you from another email address i will put my name into the subject line so you will recognize it. also, because this is not one of my own personal email addresses, when / if you reply, please remember to send it to my original 'dharma' address, okay?


Jun 28, 1972
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Malka, yes I think I have sometimes been unsure if a dream is the exagerated symbolic type that is trying to get attention, or actually accurate, not symbolic but predictive. This can be very unsettling so I'm not suprised you feel scared.

Weird thing was with the kicking thing, I dreamed the person kicked me in the throat so hard it woke me up. A few days later I had a severe throat infection. Then came more of the same kind of dreams, till she made a comment that did knock the wind right out of me, literally felled me for a day or two. Even weirder this person is someone I have a close bond with - I cannot say she is an enemy as such, just becomes one sometimes. We try, or at least I try to determine who is friend or foe, sometimes one person may be both. You continue with this person despite your fears so your bond must be at least as strong as your fears. I hope you soon discover the source of your worries and dreams.


Nov 4, 1971
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Dharma, Thank you for your email, which I received just as I was walking out the door this morning. I appreciate your willingness to challenge me appropriately and I'll respond very soon.

Candid, Thank you also for being available offline for a dialogue on this. I thank you for your practical insights.

Anon99, Just a thought: the throat chakra is about self-expression and I wonder if in fact this woman either stomped on your self-expression or individuality in some way, or if perhaps the dream was urging you to speak up to her about something? Especially if it's the latter, it's no surprise to me that you became ill in the throat area as stagnant energy I believe can create illness!

To everyone who has helped this weekend, My fears about this situation have shifted. Without going into much detail, I feel I have projected something about myself onto this man and the situation. At least this is my current thinking. You have all helped me to see that Yi doesn't see danger for me, and because I trust Yi I also believe that if something were imminent there would be warnings (certainly with the many questions I've asked and opportunities I've given to Yi to speak up!) Once I let go of something I was holding inside me, the fears I had about him began to fall away. At this point I feel I need to give each of you a big hug and say a grateful thanks for being there to walk me through this. You are all very special.



Jun 28, 1972
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Hi Malka, glad you're feeling happier about the situation.

I believe your thoughts re the throat stuff are very true - thankyou for illuminating the events for me. So strange also that this woman commented a few weeks prior that she thought my voice had changed, got deeper and she liked it. I was aware at that time of alot of energy circulating round the throat chakra at the time.
One things for sure I have kept my self expression very muffled around her all my life - hence kick in the throat and sore throat - that energys obviously gotta get out sometime.

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