...life can be translucent

Catalyst 59>46



Things have come to a financial dires straits very quickly so I really have no choice but to leave my present abode.Once I give my intent to leave my rental well that's it.... I'm planning to stay with my son and family until I sort out what to do next but it's not ideal....what do I need to know about give my intent to leave notice....>46....Dispersing my present situation Pushes me to an ascending position. What do I need to know about the kids agreeing to let me stay with them....64.5>6....hmm this kind of looks ok but not sure re hexagram 6.


Clarity Supporter
Feb 14, 2019
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Hi becalm, dispersing is a transitory situation I think, sort of a separation. You don't know everything about your future situation yet, but you will go step for step, see what's coming next. With the kids, 64.5., I think it is the same. The situation is open, not yet crossed, and hexagram 6 might say that there are different needs.


Thanks mandarin_23 I have a feeling now the Dispersing may be different to what I've suggested might happen here.....


So sorry to hear about your financial difficulties becalm.

what do I need to know about give my intent to leave notice > 46

Somehow it will lead to severe arguments. Something will end before it even begins, within days, and you will need to completely abandon a very unhealthy situation. Resulting 46 is very promising in that you'll get over this sooner than you thought (with the footnote of it's good to head to the south).

What do I need to know about the kids agreeing to let me stay with them
64.5 > 6

It sounds like no matter how clear and honest you are, they don't want you to.

Do you have other choices, I mean other than your son?


Thanks very much diamanda...I do have other choices I guess but I'm not sure they would help me improve my present financial dilemma. However at this point I've Dispersed with the idea of handing in my notice possibly the arguments are with myself. None of what's going on at present is making any sense to me, nothing is improving yet I do my best inwardly and outwardly to improve my circumstances. Personally I don't want to stay with the kids although it may kind of help with my finances but the sacrifice to do that may set back my healing of my PTSD. I am very confused to be honest.


This is what happened in the week since I posted this question: I thought my question at the time was 'What if I give my notice' and the response was 59>46 but my original question was 'What do I need to know about give my intent to leave notice'.....and diamanda responded with 'Somehow it will lead to severe arguments. Something will end before it even begins, within days, and you will need to completely abandon a very unhealthy situation. Resulting 46 is very promising in that you'll get over this sooner than you thought.'.....And so that's what happened with my new neighbour who shares the same property (and landlords) but separate dwellings. We tentatively started a neighbourly friendship but it quickly turned sour within days (she is one of those toxic people I've encountered most of my life)so yes I have completely abandoned anything to do with her as it's a very unhealthy situation although the close proximity of our dwellings means we can't completely NOT cross paths. On top of that I'd already been considering leaving the area due to lack of employment so have now decided to hand in my termination notice. Where I go next I've no idea but I feel it's the right thing to do and Hexagram 46 suggest Pushing Upwards!!


Just over a month after I posted this thread I did indeed give my notice. There's been no arguments as such just a little bit of back and forth communication to sort out the finances as I'd asked to end the lease a little out of the normal way but it did get sorted and everything has been dispersed in a good way. I will be staying with my kids as planned but the one who needs as much personal space as I do will be away at the time so it's worked out well.

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