...life can be translucent


Cause of constipation 34.2 > 55


Nov 29, 2011
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Hi all,

I've been dealing with constipation for most my life. Just when I think I'm becoming regular (at least once a day), I get backed up again :(. It's uncomfortable, to say the least and disgusting realizing all that garbage I'm literally carrying around with me. The list of things I've tried to cure it is too long to put here. But believe me, I've done everything I can find except a coffee enema. The GI doctor strongly advised against that. Anyway, I finally consulted IC about it.

My question was:
What is causing my constipation?
The answer: 34.2 > 55

Hex 34 seems to be about having some sort of routine, consistency. Being energetic (I'm not a very energetic person).
For this to yield results, you will need to act with steadiness and consistency

Hex 55 has left me stumped. For "Abundance", what literally came to my mind was, yeah, there is an abundance of poo in my gut :eek:. I figure, too, I eat too much which is odd because some people would say I'm too skinny. High metabolism I guess. I do love food though. If I go too long without eating, I feel shaky. Anyway..

Overall, I get the sense there needs to be great change in my life. For real. And I'm sure it would impact this constipation issue as most my life I've been constipated in other ways than just in the bowels.

Any other thoughts??

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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I am not addressing your reading here, but I have personal experience and witnessed profound changes in peoples health.

A proper (for you) diet and a bit of exercise (even just walking) = Magic. Barring any medical conditions, these things are enough for most people.

Care to describe your diet and eating habits?

(For what it is worth, I switched to a vegetarian diet 20 years ago and haven't had constipation one time since.)


Nov 29, 2011
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I am not addressing your reading here, but I have personal experience and witnessed profound changes in peoples health.

A proper (for you) diet and a bit of exercise (even just walking) = Magic. Barring any medical conditions, these things are enough for most people.

Care to describe your diet and eating habits?

(For what it is worth, I switched to a vegetarian diet 20 years ago and haven't had constipation one time since.)

Interesting. I've been vegetarian (not vegan) for 20 years as well. I exercise a few times a week at the local gym and walk occasionally.

I eat beans, lentils, eggs, all sorts of veggies, not as many fruits and sometimes I have a sweet tooth. And if I've run out of food I've cooked, I sometimes purchase those Amy's frozen meals. Sometimes snack things like gluten free pretzels, etc. But it makes no sense that these would contribute to the backing up as sometimes I can go REGARDLESS of what I've eaten and sometimes I can't.


Line 34.2:

"Line 2 is a masculine axle centre at the feminine position. As it stays at the position of femininity its rigidity is lessened by the feminine. Being in the middle (of the lower trigram), it can act moderately. (...) combining hardness with softness." *

What this means, as a cause of constipation, I have no idea.
It doesn't seem to point to any type of food - it sounds more like a physical/structural internal cause.
I would strongly recommend that you have some medical tests and scans done.

Overall, I get the sense there needs to be great change in my life
Please keep in mind you asked what is causing it. Not what to do to cure it.

* quote from Tuck Chang


Sep 20, 2012
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I agree with Diamanda. Highly suggest you get an abdominal contrast MRI and, if you've never had one, a full colonoscopy. That would rule out anything serious.
You may just have IBS or (I forget the name of it) a functional problem where the muscles that are supposed to contract properly to expel feces don't do the job. There are specialized physical therapists who help train you to retrain them.
Your 34.2 reading struck me; the minute I change my routine, I get stuck. All I need is an early morning appointment that does not let me have my "quiet hour with coffee" upon awakening, and bam..!
Just please know that being regular does not mean going daily (and certainly not multiple times a day). People are different. Many folks only go 3-4 times a week and don't necessarily have a constipation problem. You sound like you stress about this quite a bit, and that can contribute to blockages too :)


Dec 14, 2013
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This should get the bowels moving:

1. glass of hot water first thing in the morning
2. fruit and vegetable drink made in blender or food processor, I use 1 apple, 1 orange, a tomato, a few shoots of cilantro, half a cucumber, and a couple stalks of celery(they help stir until blender starts really working) and salt, pepper and hot sauce to taste. You can use whatever you like. One glass a day
3. chia seeds. you can add to the fruit and veg smoothie
4. at least 20 min of walking daily

maggie may

Cause of constipation 34.2

The definition of constipated is "restricted or inhibited in some way."
most my life I've been constipated in other ways than just in the bowels

That seems a very important consideration. If restriction and inhibition characterize your life, it is likely all related.

The lower trigram is Heaven, all yang lines and very solid. It is an interesting picture of you and your bowels. Heaven is characterized by a strong will, determination. It keeps moving forward unless it is stopped by something else. It is marked by persistence and exertion. It is continuous effort, unceasing, and regardless of the consequences. It could indicate a situation where it is all action without thought, rest, and relaxation. If the effort refers to your lack of routine in moving your bowels then the exertion and effort is unceasing in other areas and the consequences are no time for moving the bowels. Said another way, the continuous, unceasing effort could be applied to the focus, time, and space put forth in a routine for moving the bowels.

This reminds me of a friend who joked about how older people make communication about bowel movements part of their day. They make time for it and recognize the importance. My friend would go into an impression of some old couple in rockers talking about their BM. This same friend said that he had to make himself stop the plans and activities for the day and focus on the movement of his bowels. He called it doing the 'poopy dance.' If the body becomes accustomed to tensing in the act of squeezing it off to do other things, then those muscles get strong. It takes focus, attention, and determination to relax and create movement. There must be sufficient time set aside and not rushing.

The upper trigram is thunder. It is characterized by quick action, and the cause could be restlessness or fear. Applied as a cause to restriction is gives me the sense of someone who is allowing their restlessness and fears take over in the outer situation. You mentioned a routine. Older people will often advise that there is time and focus given to the movement of bowels. If you ignore the slight urges and tense up and move quickly with other tasks and duties, the urge will pass and the opportunity is missed. In raising children. parents have to teach taking this time for moving bowels and for relieving the bladder. You will hear parents questioning their children before they start the day or get into the car. They will tell them to go sit in the bathroom and try.

Line two is yang, when it should be yin. Movement here brings focus to expression and making intentions known. Movement to yin calls in open-ness and receptivity. It does have a correlate in line five of thunder where movement has already begun. Applied as a cause it says there is all action and not enough providing for. This offers an image of outwardly expressing your intentions for providing for space and time to do what needs to be done. Line two is to make it visible, show it to the world and engage. Applied here is to put your focus and intention on the movement of your bowels (and movement in the restrictions you are feeling in general in your life).

There has been quite a bit written in psychology about the effects of early toilet training on adulthood and personality. Frued refers to the 'anal stage.' If there was pressure or fear surrounding the toilet training stage of life, then, the theory goes, it can have effects later in life. It could be that you have early negative experiences in this area. Since you mentioned that this issue effects more than just your bowels, then I would say it is likely. It is something that can certainly be overcome and re-trained. Since line two is about making the issue known and visible it could refer to discussing it with a counselor, healer, or therapist. This will help you get to the root of the cause and then be able to address how to change things. Many healers today recommend colonics periodically. It was a big part of the healing regimen in the Edgar Caycee readings. In any regard, a therapist can help guide you in a direction that is helpful for youe specific situation and history.

The cause of the constipation or restriction is your own thoughts, actions and approach to the situation. Continuous exertion and fear or restlessness and not taking time, space and attention for what needs to be done is the cause. There is not enough open-ness. receptivity and providing for in the situation. Expressing and making known the issue to yourself and to others is needed. There is too much privacy surrounding the situation and talking to someone knowledgeable could prove helpful.

You got already here comments about diet and routine, so those may help too. You mentioned being vegetarian. If your diet includes dairy and cheese that could be a contributing factor. Fruit is a well known mover of the bowels and you said that you didn't eat much of it. My own personal routine is a raw fruit and veggie smoothie made with coconut water first thing in the morning. As soon as I feel it moving me, I stop what I am doing and listen to the call. :rolleyes:

It great that you shared this here. I imagine it was not easy, but I think it is an important discussion.

All the best,

maggie may

Another thought: Heaven can also mean 'dry,' so, in terms of a cause it could mean there is not enough fluids and too many dry foods. Thunder on the outside as a cause could represent eating too fast.
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Nov 29, 2011
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Thank each and every one of you for sharing your thoughts. I've made an intentional effort to pay more attention to my body and its needs. I do experience dryness. I'm also a very fretful person. Worry about everything! I will slow down. Again thank you and incorporate more fruits and "wet" foods.

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