...life can be translucent

Choosing a dietitian


Jun 13, 2007
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Hi all

I am here again asking for a bit of advice on two readings. I am about to choose a dietitian to loose weight/fat. I think I need that professional support because I am unable to do this on my own. For me, achieving positive results on this will be an essential plateform to lots of other positive undertakings for the health of my body, mind and spirit (yes! that much :D). I have a choice of two dietitians, one more expensive than the other (twice the price) but with whom the follow up might be greater though this is only according to her own words. The other lady seems to also have good credentials so I asked the Iching two questions:

What would be the results if I see the most expensive one? 50 unchanging :)
What would be the results if I see the least expensive one? 12.5 - 35

I have an idea already on what this may mean. I think 50 says there could be a positive transformation and that perhaps her approach will fit me (and my low level of motivation) better.

Thanks in advance for helping me on this
Best wishes


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Perhaps its a mistake to focus on results in the question ?

Are results here the be all and end all ?

What about the process itself and how you work with it

Someone else can't transform you as you know.

I say this because I see no clear answer to your question here. 50 is about the transformative process...12.5 moving on from stuckness, though I'm really never sure about interpreting 12.5.

I don't see a clear answer so I'm wondering if the answer is like this becasue its deflecting the question a little.

You want to transform and you want someone to assist you in that process...but then you ask about 'result' which may not have much to do with the depth or integrity of the process. Both are important for issues around diet/weight loss. Afterall its not just a matter of losing wieight its how you lose it. What you learn about yourself and your patterns may be more important than weight loss

As I see no clear answer here for one or the other it may be an idea to ask who is better for you to 'work with' in attaining your wish for transformation ?

maybe not maybe you are happy with the question...but the answers don't give a clear answer to me anyway


Jun 13, 2007
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Hi Trojan, thank you for your input.

Yes definitely, it's all about processes and particularly being aware of behaviours, feelings, emotions etc. That's how it should take place in my opinion. But I can't stop myself thinking about results i.e. loosing a number of kilos... I have done that for years.

Focussing on being overweight (whether it's the reality or just a matter of perception) keeps me from focussing on the essential, the awareness of what's going on inside. Digging deeper and being aware of myself

I have read stuff on this forum about 12.5 and it seems to reflect that. I like what Ginnie noted in a past post about Karcher's interpretation "Stephen Karcher says: "If you are fighting the obstruction, it is time to let it go." He calls this: "Relinquishing the Obstruction." He seems to be saying to tie the obstruction to a tree and leave the situation". Perhaps here, focussing on the weight, on a number that is, is the obstruction. It's not important. This reflects what you say about this reading and if 50 is about nourishing the spirit then it seems to be reinforcing this idea.

Maybe after all I don't need support from dietitians and just need to keep going on my search for spiritual truth taking my food issues as a lesson to draw from. What emotions am I trying to squash when eat that extra bit of cheese?:rofl:

I might try to reformulate the questions as you suggested and see what comes up. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.

All the best to you Trojan


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Hi Trojan, thank you for your input.

Yes definitely, it's all about processes and particularly being aware of behaviours, feelings, emotions etc. That's how it should take place in my opinion. But I can't stop myself thinking about results i.e. loosing a number of kilos... I have done that for years.

Focussing on being overweight (whether it's the reality or just a matter of perception) keeps me from focussing on the essential, the awareness of what's going on inside. Digging deeper and being aware of myself

I have read stuff on this forum about 12.5 and it seems to reflect that. I like what Ginnie noted in a past post about Karcher's interpretation "Stephen Karcher says: "If you are fighting the obstruction, it is time to let it go." He calls this: "Relinquishing the Obstruction." He seems to be saying to tie the obstruction to a tree and leave the situation". Perhaps here, focussing on the weight, on a number that is, is the obstruction. It's not important. This reflects what you say about this reading and if 50 is about nourishing the spirit then it seems to be reinforcing this idea.

Maybe after all I don't need support from dietitians and just need to keep going on my search for spiritual truth taking my food issues as a lesson to draw from. What emotions am I trying to squash when eat that extra bit of cheese?:rofl:
I might try to reformulate the questions as you suggested and see what comes up. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.

All the best to you Trojan

yes i could ask myself the same question :rofl: Hmmm Ijust think cheese is a very spiritual food and we get 'called' by it..thats all

I hope others might give some input on 12.5. Just becasue I don't see a clear answer here doesn't mean noone else can.

I used to think 12.5 meant you were nearly there, nearly past all that stagnant time but you had to really remain focused like you were tieing it to a tree to make it safe...but its never manifested in my life like that. Looking to see what Guru Hilary says

Her commentary is ;

You are blocked;the openings are all closed;theres nothing you can do. Rather than struggling on take this as an opportunity to rest. The great person can use this breathing space to reflect and reevaluate her course to good effect.

Its easy to panic when you find you can't make a difference to your world through your actions -it creates a sense of vanishing opportunities, isolation and disconnection. But if you let go of your attachment to everything that isn't working, and seek out the growing centre, you can regain a sense of the active possibilities in life. The mulberry tree, which regrows vigorously from its roots when cut back, promises life and new beginnings.

I'm not sure you want your centre to grow though :D
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Feb 7, 1970
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What would be the results if I see the most expensive one? 50 unchanging :)
What would be the results if I see the least expensive one? 12.5 - 35

From the standpoint of the castings I'd prefer 50 with its idea of the cooking pot. But I'd also prefer you to pursued weight loss on your own because if habits and attitudes do not change, you will eventually gain the weight back.


Jun 8, 2011
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I see 12.5 as what you resist persists - but here
you are near the point of surrender. 35 always
means to me that you make forward movement.

50 also good because its looking at what we put
in the pot. I have been through a period of grief
and comfort ate. I got a dressing down by my
trainer and its fruit for breakfast, baked potato
andd tuna for lunch with steak and sald for tea.
3 sessions of 30 minutes exercise per week.

I think both options are good and go as you feel


Jun 13, 2007
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LOL Trojan I was laughing my head off when I read your post. He he he... I'll try and take the spiritual sense of the growing centre to heart... not the physical sense of it, it's already big enough :D
Thank you for the translation, I'll keep re-reading it to let it sink in properly.

Hello Pocossin, thank you for responding. That was my first impression when I got the hex because of the cooking pot exactly and also the meaning of this whole undertaking for me. It's still a bit foggy in my mind but it's slowly taking shape. I'm trying to bring harmony to my diet and other things in my life. But the diet is like a stepping stone in a way... If I can be more conscious there then I can be more conscious elsewhere.

Hello Hopex. Thank you for your input. That's it, if the intention and the will to transform is there then the next steps become obvious. I might try one session with the more expensive dietitian and see how it goes. In any case I am at a stage where I don't want this to take over my life anymore in the way it has so far. So yes perhaps I am moving forward in that way. Good luck with your shaping programme and moving on.

Thank you all for your words, humour and kindness.
Best wishes


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Oh also make sure you actually are too fat and don't just need bigger clothes :D

sometimes we are definatley too fat
sometimes we just need bigger clothes.

thats the theory of a close relative of mine

I always found it appealing :rofl:

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