...life can be translucent

Comparing 9.3>61 and 26.2>22, what’s the difference?


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Jan 7, 2013
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I am struggling to see the difference between 9.3 and 26.2, probably because both involve broken axles under a cart. My shorthand tends to be “situation blocked, can’t take action for now” for both of them. I am posting the Legge translation for a rebellious change from Wilhelm :)

26 controlled power - and accumulation of power
Line 2: Legge: “The second line, dynamic, shows a carriage with the strap under it removed.”
22: superficial grace

9: passive restraint
Line 3: Legge “The third line, dynamic, suggests the idea of a carriage, the strap beneath which has been removed, or of a husband and wife looking on each other with averted eyes.”
61: inner truth

The only difference I can see is that in 9.3, there is an added bit about a disagreement between partners about this situation.

Does anyone have thoughts or insights about the different nuances?

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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Hi yasmin,

I'll start the conversation off.

There are definitely some things in common with 9 and 26.
Start with the titles:
9 Raising small beasts
26 Raising great beasts
When line 5 changes, one becomes the other.
Both contain self cultivation.
Polishing, improving behaviour.

The lower trigram is Qian in both.
Upper in 9 is Wind, in 26 Mountain.

The growth comes through different means:
The Wind moves, gently penetrates (changes. is not rigid)
The Mountain restrains, firmly.
(isometric exercise)

In 26.2, one just can't progress at this time. In 9.3 the wagon can be fixed if the husband and wife stop being rigid/blaming/bickering and get to work like they should.


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Jan 7, 2013
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Wind, dynamic, flowing, versus mountain, static... How very insightful Moss Elk:). Something to ponder...hmm.


Moss Elk put this so eloquently, I love the observation about small and large beast.

To add some thoughts:

26.2 says something like 'the spokes of the wheel fall apart'.
And it results is superficial good manners (22).
There's a separation and it ends up as something which feels quite empty.
So I believe there was nothing much there to begin with.

9.3 says something like 'the spokes of the wheel fall apart' (same 3 characters as above).
With added 'husband and wife look at opposite directions' (i.e. don't see eye to eye).
And it results in 61, inner truth, protection.
So here there is a separation from a solid relationship.

Another thing to note for 9.3 is that the Xiang Zhuan commentary (Legge translation) says:
(the subject of line three is like a husband who) cannot maintain correctly his relations with his wife.


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Jan 7, 2013
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In 26.2, I usually feel that the blockage is developmental, that I am unable to take action and it’s for my own good. It’s usually a relief because it feels like I can let go, nothing to be done. Interesting thought about 22 as emptiness. I often read 22 as “ it’s just a superficial detail”. Perhaps the query is small in the big scheme of things?

In 9.3, I assumed it was the same, but if I take both your thoughts together, perhaps the flexibility of the wind, and the context of 61 suggest that there is something valuable that needs to be or can be worked out? That said, the entire hex is about restraint, so perhaps it’s a matter of timing?


Yes actually when I said 22 as emptiness, I meant what you said, superficiality. As in nothing essential there.

And I agree that in 9.3 there's more hope as it can indeed be worked out.

I don't feel that any of the answers is a matter of timing. They just describe a situation as it is, so it's not a matter of timing your actions. The blockage in both lines is practical, in my experience. It comes from outer sources, from someone else or circumstances - it is not developmental.


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Jun 3, 2006
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I get value from looking at the sequence of the hexagrams. 26. the Taming Power of the Great follows the very difficult 25.6 line which describes some innocent fool who after many life experiences including getting his cow stolen just doesn't get it, how can we ever make him learn? Is he going to just go on being too trusting and naive forever? The solution is 26 where the image tells of more experienced souls sharing stories of their own experiences. It's as if 26 is saying "The unexamined life is not worth living - so let's all just pause now and discuss what's happening, where we're headed, what these past experiences teach us." 26.1>18 is a strong "Halt! Consider what's not working (18)" 26.2>22 says "I"m taking away the car keys until you can tell me just where the heck you think you're going (22. What is your vision?)" The rest of the lines continue the idea of quitting the joyriding and racing around and learning to focus, practice and develop the ability to calmly proceed and eventually move forward.

9.3>61 also deals with the necessity of getting the outer world (husband) and the intuition (wife) in alignment, but it's not such a major adjustment as 26.2 requires. It's a situation where you might say, "I don't know why, but I just don't want to do that, it doesn't feel quite right to me."


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Jan 7, 2013
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Rosada, very interesting perspective on 26- somehow, i had never considered it as a lesson in evolving from the experience of others, although studying historical references is quite explicit in the image... that’s why I love about this forum, so many different ways of feeling into the hexes:)

So in 26.2, we have a mountain bearing down on the querant, forcing immobility, possibly to learn how to tame great power. Diamanda, I suppose whether it’s developmental or not depends on the circumstances? Sometimes it can just be a statement of fact - like you, I have cast it often in situations where things are halted because of mundane external reasons. Couldn’t move forward until a carpenter got back to me, client not giving me a response on a proposal etc... Maybe sometimes the blockage has more potential to be meaningful, blessing in disguise, an opportunity to stop and reflect - as in a stalled relationship?

In contrast, in 9.3 we have what? Wind bringing clouds but no rain, presumably no sunshine either. A breakdown of something valuable, which could be fixed. Paychologically, a disconnect between emotions and reason, or intuition and reality. Is this just a statement of fact? Is there advice in this line? The advice of the hex is passive restraint.


Jul 1, 2018
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In 26.2, the axle has broken; the aim here might be frivolous and selfish. The point is, it's not faithful and truthful.In 9.3, the spokes have fallen out of the wheel. Husband and wife fall out, confucius says, because here the husband (intellect) is not able to look after his wife (the emotions). 9.3 is counselling humility, "don't get carried away," and 26.2 is counselling discipline, "stay on target".


Clarity Supporter
May 30, 2006
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Shit happens in both, and both demand a new perspective.
The big difference is in the Zhi gua, the direction the change is pointing,
but you should grasp the 9.3 in terms of Gua 9, getting caught up in details
9.3 you just have to suck it up and fix the wheel instead of each other.
and 26.6 in terms of 26, maintaining whatever control is left for you
26.2 you just have to do your traveling closer to home, and your not dining at home right here at home or at a neighbor's..

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