...life can be translucent


Cut the Yi some slack

cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
I have two recent examples of why it's important not to be too rigid interpreting the Yi.

Whatever is speaking to you, whether it's your unconscious or something beyond you and your unconscious, is doing the best it can with whatever interpretation you're using and the inherent limitations therein. It will use all the changing lines or just one of them or just a part of one or both hexagrams together with the lines or whatever combination necessary to answer your question.

It's also been polluted by the value systems and judgments of the different schools of thoughts that have added their two cents to the book over time. It is neither judgmental, admonishing nor punitive. It just tells like it is as best it can with a terribly polluted and limited instrument.

But sometimes I forget this... *sheepish grin*

I was feeling very frustrated in my job search, and I asked the Yi for help. They answered 3.2.3 to 5. Line 3 of 3, of course, is about one going into the forest without a guide and losing one's way... blah blah. I was confused by the "ominous" answer because I WAS using a guide... several in fact. About five minutes later one of the several guides (recruiters) I've been using called and offered me a job. At that point, it was crystal clear what the Yi was saying, and it was definitely using both hexagrams and at least one line to say it.

It was just important for me to ignore the "ominous" verbage... and wait patiently for the phone to ring.

Another time, I asked what is the fastest way to improve my living situation, and they answered 42.6. Well if I had read and accepted the judgmental, ominous part of the line, I would have been confused and hurt. But I didn't. I tend to be generous, so I got the message immediately. They simply said, "Try being stingy for a change." Uh doh!





Kind of a relief, isn't it?

Another self-condemning feature with our part of the duet with Yi is, automatically applying any negative aspect to our self. Surly it can't or wouldn't point out a deficiency in the other party or parties! Well, yes, in fact it can and does. Shows just how defensive and self-incriminating we can be at times.



Jul 28, 1972
Reaction score
I think that is a good example, Val.

I have one too. Recently obtained in Tarot, 9 of wands and 10 of pentacles. I wasnt sure, what it meant. That night my mother brought up a a converstaion about money. Both my parents were in the room, a rare instance to talk to them both at once on the same page. But I let the issue drop, not wanting to discuss about money and such things. I was tired of the whole subject, and didnt want to trouble them, thinking I didnt care about the money, and would just go on with my life. The next day, i obtained the Chariot card, upside down. I was very troubled, racked my brains trying to think what opportunity I had missed.

I went to the Yi, and asked, "What opportunity have I missed?" Yi gave me 14.6. Now my wheels REALLY started turning. What on earth high blessing had I missed? I started going over my many many shortcomings, spinningly.

It then came to light, the next day, that the money my parents and i were discussing had come to me from my deceased sister; she had left me the insurance money from her death, and my parents had spent it. I was shocked to realize this money had been a special gift to me from my sister.

I then realized that the cards counsil was to be aggressive and get the money back somehow, don't take it laying down. The chariot reversed had to do with the fact that I did not pick up the ball, when they wanted to discuss the situation. I wanted to let the matter drop, to be a good daughter.

After realizing where the money came from, I understood the 14.6: The high blessing was the fact that this money was from my sister, who loved me dearly and wanted to help me.

I then understood the 9 of wands, the 10 of pentacles, and the chariot reversed, and the 14.6 were all telling me to pursue the matter, and not just let it go, and go on with my life and forget the money. The oracles were telling me to get it, if possible.

My tendancy before would have been to see the chariot reversed as a complete symbol of who I am in my life: not an opportunity in a conversation missed.


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score
Hi Chan...

Thanks so much for sharing your story. I'm not sure I'm understanding the proper chronology of events, though, and I'd love if you'd help me out with that.

When your parents were trying to talk to you about money were they trying to tell you they'd spent your inheritance from your sister (without your knowledge) after the fact and wanted to make it right again? Or were they trying to talk money at the time you received the inheritance, and then went ahead and spent it because you didn't want to talk about it?

At any rate, if the inheritance was received and the opportunity missed because you hadn't wanted to talk money at the time, then I suspect the Tarot and I Ching readings were confirming that fact and were doing so because of the valuable learning opportunity inherent in missing the opportunity. Although it's certainly a possibility, from here with the limited information you've provided here, I don't see either reading as saying you can undo the missed opportunity and retrieve the money from your parents. However, just the fact that you've been given messages about it, though, might indicate that you CAN undo that particular part of your past and may be guided to do so. It could also be that another similar opportunity is coming up, and they want you to be aware of the potential of missing it too if you refuse to discuss it on a timely basis again... you know... a "learning from the past" kind of thing.





Jul 28, 1972
Reaction score
Hi Val, Yes, Sorry about my confusing sequence.

Yes, they wanted to talk about the fact that it was gone, and how they were going to remedy it.. I wanted to drop the subject (at the time) because I was tired of talking about money. I was tired of the tension it was causing in the family. So rather than talk with them about repayment, I was willing to take the loss, forget the whole thing, and just move on without it.

I believe I got the 9 of wards (defend) and 10 of pentacles (inheritance, wealth, lineage) previous to that conversation as a symbol that i should indeed try and get it back (not give up).

I was very hurt that they had spent it all, and just wanted to cut the loss and leave the family, to be honest.

The chariot reversed confused me, and the Yi clarified the subject to be the 14.6.

Then, after recieving those oracles, I learned it was my sister's money from her insurance policy, siigned over to me. I had never known the origin of the money.

That knowledge changed everything. I knew then, it was truely intended for me, it was not intended for their business (which is where they put the money), and I should talk frankly with my parents, and try and have it repaid. This is what the oracles were encouraging me to do. Remember, I was ready to drop the whole thing and leave, as there are other people involved who begrudge the repayment. Now that I know the money was from my sister, I have no bad feelings about holding firm for what was meant for me.

So, we'll see. The oracles say dont give up.
If I get it back great, if not, cest la vie.


cal val

Apr 30, 1971
Reaction score

Thanks so much for clarifying the timeline. "That 'splains it Lucy!" *grin*

Yes, indeed, then... your message is definitely to claim what is rightfully yours.

"You go girl!"... whether you're a woman or not! It's just an American euphemism.

I'd love to hear about your progress in this very important step on your path.




Jul 28, 1972
Reaction score
Another American euphemism, for you Val:

"You're the best!"

Yours; devoted;


Jul 28, 1972
Reaction score
Dear Val;

Are you there???

Time has passed, more divinations, about this matter with my sister's inheritance to me. And only NOW i get it. Boy am I stupid.

NOW I understand what the Yi and the Tarot were ringing bells about. Was I clueless. Wow. The Yi and Tarot tried to alert me. NOW I get it. Why did it take me so long?

The momentum of my ignorance, innocence, plus my wish to be a good daughter - rolled like a snowball.

I can see how the Buddhas have compassion. We do things over and over out of innocence. I facilitated my own misfortune.

They may have handed me the stocks, but i put my head in the bars and locked it in.

Guilt again.

Earlier I did a thread on 21.6. Think I need to revisit it.

The Yi tried, it really really did. Obviously the Yi didnt think I needed the punishment.

It is very possible I may indeed be too late to affect this situation about my sister's money. But will try.

More when the pieces settle. Maybe then I can speak clearly.


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