...life can be translucent


Dating, faithfulness and 39.1 > 63


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
So I am dating and I like this person a lot. To grasp the situation better I decided to ask:
What do I need to know about his faithfulness to me? The answer is 39.1 leading to 63!

Looking forward to your replies

long yi

May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hexagram 39 is one of four hexagrams that fall under the situation with great difficulty. All negotiations break down. This situation causes you an unsettled mind, without knowing what to do. You two have difficulty getting along because of third party interference. This is an emerging problem that you faced. You two do not have any common belief and similarity in approaches to problems and issues in your daily life. 39.1 means that you should wait and see.

Hexagram 63 shows that an equilibrium has reached and chaos has started in this relationship. As everyone will get out of any difficult situation with time to find a satisfactory answer, no matter what the six line method predicts, you will restore your inner peace.

神煞:天乙—寅午 福星—巳 日禄—酉 羊刃—申 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
干支:丙申年 甲午月 辛未日 戊戌时
旬空:辰巳  辰巳  戌亥  辰巳

六神  伏神    兑宫:水山蹇          坎宫:水火既济
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙戊子水     ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙戊子水 应
勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母戊戌土     ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母戊戌土  
朱雀       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊申金 世   ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊申金  
青龙       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟丙申金     ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙己亥水 世
玄武 妻财丁卯木 ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丙午火     ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母己丑土  
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母丙辰土 应×→  ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己卯木 

39.4 is the host line (brother shen metal, yin line)
39.1 is the guest line (parents chen earth, yin line)

The host line (you) reflects that you are concerned over the involvement of a third person. The guest line (him): He is concerned over a relationship that is totally hopeless. Both are yin lines, you and he are pessimistic about your relationship.

39.1 is tiger and 39.4 is bird. This means that there are verbal disagreement.

Line 39.2 shows a woman (female mao wood) behind a man (officer wu fire). The man is the same man wu fire under your house of relationship (month of reading wu fire). I do not think that the woman is you. This means that he has unresolved business with another female.

The relationship lines are 39.1 chen earth, 39.5 xu earth, 63.2 chou earth and 63.5 xu earth. Xu earth is the hollow element this year. Chen earth is the hollow element under the house of relationship (month of the reading. When used in combination, the relationship with him will not work at all from now to Feb 4 2017.

39.3 and 39.4 are brother shen metal. Third party influences at the door position (inner door and outer door). Since 2016 is shen metal year, the third party interference is very strong.

39.1 from a hopeless relationship into female mao wood.
39.2 female mao wood seems to be set free, but she is hiding behind the man. So problem not solved.
39.6 and 63.6 are child line (capital, children etc, zi water). The day of reading is wei earth (house of spouse). The child line (whatever it may represent), interferes with your house of spouse. Feeling hurt.
Hexagram 63 is kan water above li fire. Kan water suppresses the fire. The external party has the upper hand. This arrangement means that the issues take a long time to resolve.
39.1 means withdraw and hold back for now and wait for a better time to deal with your friendship with him.
You have to wait and do not invest any more time and energy into this matter at this time.


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
Thank you for this detailed interpretation, long yi!
There is a few things unclear to me, and I would like to describe what it is in search of a clearer understanding.

My questions basically revolve around the following: You have said that there is verbal disagreement, which means to me that there is agreement in fact, yet there is miscommunication around it. So I am wondering what is the agreement based upon, I am wondering whether or not the feeling is mutual, while he is involved in his current life situation (as myself).

Maybe my initial question just wasn't targeting the connection he and I share as focus, however I can imagine it to be clear enough in the reading (Maybe I am not seeing it?). (What does it mean that a line interferes with my house of spouse, my house of relationship - is this a general part of the six-line-method or is it specifically concerned around my reading -, what is after February 4th 2017, if the relationship does not work out at all prior to this date.)

Also I didn't understand the following sentence, and what it means to me or in regards to the reading:
You two do not have any common belief and similarity in approaches to problems and issues in your daily life


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