...life can be translucent

Drawing / Artwork


Mar 22, 1971
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Hilary / Justin

I frequently add a picture of a drawing or some artwork I have created. I currently designate this with a 'drawing' tag. On some days the drawing is my only journal entry relevant to my thoughts or feelings around the events of that particular day. I feel I am selling my creativity short calling it a General Journal Entry or a Looseleaf Entry!
Artwork has been a major part of my journalling activities for many years and for me deserves to have an elevated status beyond a tag equalling that of written word or Yi Jing reading.

Would it be possible to to add Drawing (or similar ) to the 'select an entry type' list?

Many Thanks


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Hm. I wonder whether it would be possible to add, not an 'artwork' entry type, but the option to add types of your own. (I wouldn't mind a 'poem' entry type, and others would appreciate 'tarot' or 'runes' - and so on.)

I imagine this might be tricky and will need to be added to a long list of good ideas. How is work progressing on the cloning of Justin?


Mar 22, 1971
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Hm. I wonder whether it would be possible to add, not an 'artwork' entry type, but the option to add types of your own. (I wouldn't mind a 'poem' entry type, and others would appreciate 'tarot' or 'runes' - and so on.)

I imagine this might be tricky and will need to be added to a long list of good ideas. How is work progressing on the cloning of Justin?
From my experience I'm not sure that it is that tricky at all. I would have thought that a simple entry to a database drop down list would not be too onerous a task for the one and only Justin. From what I recall from my programming days this is a quick fix and could be done quite simply - almost with one click and typing of words. Adding a type of your own option is the part that makes it 'a bit tricky' and a greater call on time. Maybe the answer is to do it in stages.
1) Quick fix - Add 3 items to the dropdown list i.e. Artwork (covers a wide spectrum of things), Poem (Poetry), and maybe something like Other Divination,
2) Tricky - Make the all singing, all dancing pick your own fruit version. ( when Justin has cloned himself).


Apr 8, 1970
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I'm sure you must be right that option 1 would be easy. The snag: most entries in most journals are Yijing readings, and we have already had people complaining about having to scroll down to find that entry type. My guess is that making the list of types even longer would annoy more people than it would please.

Anyway, I have passed this on to the sadly-uncloned developer, thanks!


Mar 22, 1971
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The snag: most entries in most journals are Yijing readings, and we have already had people complaining about having to scroll down to find that entry type.
I though Justin had said a while back on another thread that he had found a solution for the 'length of the list' problem.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I though Justin had said a while back on another thread that he had found a solution for the 'length of the list' problem.
I think what they said is they're going to give us the option to designate one of the types as our default. 🎉

Personal opinion about the extra types - I understand how they could be useful, but I agree I wouldn't want to have to scroll through a long list of specialized ones I'll never use...

(I am highly disappointed in this failure to produce Hilary and Justin clones, however. :mad: )


Apr 8, 1970
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I think what they said is they're going to give us the option to designate one of the types as our default.
Oh crumbs, I'm glad someone is keeping track.

(I'm sure Justin is as well.)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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The snag: most entries in most journals are Yijing readings, and we have already had people complaining about having to scroll down to find that entry type. My guess is that making the list of types even longer would annoy more people than it would please.

Personal opinion about the extra types - I understand how they could be useful, but I agree I wouldn't want to have to scroll through a long list of specialized ones I'll never use...

There used to be these TV shows where Gordon Ramsay or some other expert would go into failing restaurants or hotels to see how they could improve. Every single time one major issue was the food was rubbish since the menu was so large and exotic, the chef couldn't cope and relied on frozen food and so on.

The remedy was always to reduce the menu drastically and just offer several dishes that were all fresh and locally sourced.

IMO that's how the journal will go if extra and inessential things just keep being added to it. I do not want a tab for pictures, sock storage, runes, badgers or toast. I just want to store readings and find them. I imagine if H and J went on 'Dragon's Den*' they'd tell them the same thing, keep the product for purpose, do not diversify yourself out of existence

Hm. I wonder whether it would be possible to add, not an 'artwork' entry type, but the option to add types of your own. (I wouldn't mind a 'poem' entry type, and others would appreciate 'tarot' or 'runes' - and so on.)

I imagine this might be tricky and will need to be added to a long list of good ideas.

How about a cuddly toy selection tab ? If an entry had upset you then you could go to a large cupboard and select a cuddly toy for comfort. I hope there's never Tarot entry types - however if you can make it yourself, without subjecting everyone else to having a Tarot tab they don't want, it might be okay.

*(UK TV show where entrepreneurs persuade millionaires to give them money)


Apr 8, 1970
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I think there's a US equivalent called 'Shark Tank'.

I would quite like the cuddly toy selection tab.


Mar 22, 1971
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All joking aside. The journal is called Resonance Journal so I'm hoping that there would be a space available to include categories that I (and others) resonate with, not just Readings.
YiJing reading could be placed at the top of the list ( not sure why the list needs to be in alphabetical order). On a personal note, I'd be happy to scroll down to the bottom to find a category that I resonate with.


Apr 8, 1970
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Entry type selection will definitely get some attention and TLC in future!


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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All joking aside. The journal is called Resonance Journal so I'm hoping that there would be a space available to include categories that I (and others) resonate with, not just Readings.

Why ? Why would you hope this ? When I first bought the software it was just for readings. I've never even used the dreams or synchronicities thing, I don't even know how. Yes there's a perfectly good instruction video if one troubles to use it but I just want it for readings and then if I want I can put dreams or other things in with the reading.

It is a resonance journal already it doesn't require extra fields in order to qualify for that title. I mean if you want it to store artwork and more I'd think you'd be looking at paying far more for it. Then if it became more expensive people who just want it for Yi readings might be put off buying it.

That's what it's meant to be, software for keeping I Ching readings. It's going to get really weighty and stuffed if people keep wanting tabs for their particular interest and also more and more tabs for other users to have to bother with.

I prefer consolidation before more and more innovation. Hilary you said you were going to highlight a new feature each month or something but you only ever did one ?


Mar 22, 1971
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It is a resonance journal already it doesn't require extra fields in order to qualify for that title. I mean if you want it to store artwork and more I'd think you'd be looking at paying far more for it.

I agree that it is a resonance journal already and to be clear I do already store artwork on it. I don't think price has anything to do with what I use it for and how I use it for the aspects of journalling that resonate with me.
Why ? Why would you hope this ?
I'll best answer this with "Because that is what I hope".
I guess that we again see things from a different perspective and I feel no need to justify my hopes.

Consolidation is a word of various meanings. I, like you, see the journal as already having a solid foundation. Consolidation also has a sense of making something stronger and for me the requests I have asked for do that. Perhaps that is not your view. So to use your word the next stage of consolidation after producing a solid base is 'the action or process of combining a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole'.

For me adding categories such as artwork, poetry or other divination lend themselves to producing a more coherent whole.
Good Luck


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Well you were saying you hope for an artwork tab and that it was quite easy and as a 'resonance' journal you thought

that there would be a space available to include categories that I (and others) resonate with, not just Readings.

...well in my view it is fundamentally for readings, that's why I bought it, that is what it is for.

For me adding categories such as artwork, poetry or other divination lend themselves to producing a more coherent whole.

More of a coherent whole if you actually want an artwork tab, more of a mess for others if they don't want one.

The way forward though is for people to make their own, as Hilary said

Hm. I wonder whether it would be possible to add, not an 'artwork' entry type, but the option to add types of your own. (I wouldn't mind a 'poem' entry type, and others would appreciate 'tarot' or 'runes' - and so on.)

If people could make their own without also foisting an extra unwanted tab on everyone else that would be ideal. However she also said

I imagine this might be tricky and will need to be added to a long list of good ideas.

So it's a lot of extra work so

I don't think price has anything to do with what I use it for and how I use it for the aspects of journalling that resonate with me.

...doesn't extra work for the creator necessitate he be paid more which means a rise in prices.

By 'consolidation' I was more referring to the process of getting to grips with what is already there, and H and J having a really clear idea of how people are using the journal before heading off to make further innovations. It makes a difference who's buying it, who the target customer is. If 70% of buyers just aren't into extra features, they just want to store and find readings then adding more features can be distracting and give the feeling 'I just don't know how to use this thing' and then they may even stop using it or look for something simpler. However if 70% buyers are really enjoying the extra features and want more, well then H and J will cater to those I guess or just try to combine the best of both worlds for both types of customer.


Apr 8, 1970
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Hilary you said you were going to highlight a new feature each month or something but you only ever did one ?
Did I say that? Yikes. Thank you for the reminder.


Mar 22, 1971
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Hi Trojina
That's a really detailed response you have given there. Thanks for giving my suggestion so much of your attention.

Hilary has welcomed suggestions from existing users for improvements they would like to see and that's all I'm doing. With respect to whether the suggestions I've made are adopted I'm in agreement with you that Hilary and Justin will be the final arbitors.

Good Luck


Mar 22, 1971
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I think what they said is they're going to give us the option to designate one of the types as our default. 🎉
Hi Liselle
Something kept gnawing away at me and I've just gone back to check
We have been thinking of letting users set up a default entry type so the combobox is pre-populated on a new entry. However, I have also found a way to make the list longer to include the Yijing Entry type at the bottom of the list without scrolling.

So maybe the extended listing will appear in all it's glory one day.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Of those two I personally would prefer the default option, I think. Would eliminate the step of selecting a type entirely for the vast majority of my entries, and wouldn't be any more work for the remainder of them.


Mar 22, 1971
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Maybe Justin could provide the default option and the extended list. Notice that tiny 'also' in his response !!! :)

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