...life can be translucent


Etymology of Zhun's (3) Prefect level


Jul 12, 2006
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After the impulsion described at the Entry level, the level presents a moment where one is confronted to all kinds of difficulties, detailed by an unusually long text (twenty-one characters, the longest text associated to a second level). New and multiple possibilities are present while it being impossible to get involved. Uncertainty predominates and the impression of going in circles highlights the particularly rhythmic construction of the text. Though the harness be ready, one has to stay in line and curb the bridle’s desire to go forth. The clearing of new lands is not accomplished in an impetuous or inconsiderate way, but by considering the context and its circumstances. To pacify the rebel elements, Brigands, one has to know how to integrate them to one’s action by considering that they can adhere to rules and rites. However it would take much patience before an attitude both tenacious and cordial until it bears fruits.

Yin at the level of Prefect, meaning correct, is also in relation with the two Yang lines of the figure. The neighbouring of the first level incites to undertake while the correspondence with the fifth level is a factor of retinue. At the edge of a group of three Yin lines, there will be needed a long time of sustained efforts before suppleness, symbolized by the Woman, finds answers. But her fertility will not fail : It is indicated at the Sovereign level by the Openness promised to the Small.

如 如 As With…As With : Particular construction of ancient Chinese in the repetitive form of an adverbial suffix. Often difficult to render in English, this construction sounds like a sort of oratory comparison whose repetition form particularly scans the text of this hexagram where it appears sometimes complete, sometimes partial, at all levels except the first and the fifth.

如 Going in Circles : Rare and complex, this ideogram evokes the idea of a arduous and unproductive advance. This character was undoubtedly chosen to accentuate the rhyming effect given by the construction of the phrase.

乘 馬 班 如 Harnessed Yet Remaining in Place : Emblem of the necessary contention to master the impulsion of starting too soon, this expression in four characters sounds like a proverb. Leitmotiv of this hexagram, it is found at each of the Yin levels ( levels 2, 4 and 6). Read literarily as Harnessed ( Riding) Horse as in Formation, it is the image of the waiting time mastered. Harnesses are ready, drivers and chariots are ready, but do not go forward.

匪 Brigands : Representing someone striking another under a roof, the ideogram’s general sense is Brigand, Enemy, Invader, Vandal. In the context of the Yi Ching the Brigand, living outside of laws and of the civilized territories of ancient China, is a symbolic personage representing dangerous forces which one must muster either by coercion or by diplomacy.

冠 婚 嬢 To Seal a Union by Wedding : Locution formed by two characters of which the first means Wedding and the second Union of Two Families. This expression, featured twice in this hexagram ( here and at the fourth level, second Yin level), generally concerns the association with Brigands. For weddings between Chinese another term is used : See Meng’s (4) fourth level.

匪 冠 婚 嬢 Is No Brigand he who Seals a Union by Wedding : Strange phrase, riming and rhythmic as a proverb in four characters, which echoes the Chinese political tradition towards nomad Barbarians from the North West steppes. When they could not be conquered militarily ( as in Ji Ji’s (63) third level) they were peacefully subjected by the gift, in wedding, of Chinese princesses, which transformed them into tributaries. In the context of the Yi Ching, however, different ways of reading this phrase are possible, amongst which two dominate without excluding the other.

Either this Brigand is a shaggy Barbarian and the advice is to look beyond his repulsive appearance and make an alliance with him, meaning to change one’s vision to recognize the otherness. Either is he, despite his state, a man of honour and then, if he wills and asks for union, meaning if he changes and accepts to join civility, it would be Brigand-like to push him away.

女 Woman : Emblematic personage symbolizing a Yin attitude.

字 Childbirth : Written with the character Child below and the symbol for Roof
( see Appeasement at Kun’s -2– Judgement) this ideogram means Personal Name, that which was inscribed on the Ancestor’s altar when a descendant was born. Then, because of the importance of this act, it also means Chinese character in general. In the period of the Yi Ching it also meant Engagement and To Be Pregnant. This last sense seems even more appropriate in this here context remembering the infertile pregnancy described with a similar character at Jian’s (53) third level.

十 年 Ten Years : The Yi Ching does not talk of real time but, rather, of symbolic or, rather, psychological time. It distinguishes short cycles (three years) and long cycles (ten years). It also distinguishes bygone times (with a character meaning Year) and times to be (with a character meaning Years whose primitive sense, Harvest, gives the idea of New Beginning). The cycle of Ten Years is always used to designate things to come.

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