...life can be translucent


feeling lost


May 15, 2011
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I just feel lost and floating through life without know what I should be doing.
Does anyone else ever feel like that?
I said to the IC I feel lost, and asked for advice on how to just be in this lifetime and I received hex 24.5 changing to 3 - what does this mean?


Catbrown I have come to recognising this feeling of being lost as a time to make a change in my life otherwise, as it seems you have done here, it will return again (Hex24) and we feel like we have got nowhere since the last time we felt lost.
Line 5 suggests to me there is definitely something to sort out so you don't Return to this state again. Hex 3 suggests if you sort whatever it is you will have success. Liss


May 15, 2011
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hi Goddessliss, That's exactly how I'm feeling, like I'm floating along going nowhere and the frustration and sadness that I've definitely felt like this before a number of times.
A kind of 'what's it all for, why am I even here' sort of feeling.
I asked the IC what I needed to sort out so I don't feel lost again and I received:
43.5 changing to 34 - do I need to stop thinking about things too much??


Sounds more to me that you have to make a concious decision to stop whatever it is that gets you off track but to way up the pros and cons of such a decision and once that decision is made, know that it is the right one and only then will you find harmony.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Very understandable feeling Catbrown. I can relate to that.

I'd like to add to what Goddessliss has said.

Lots and lots of folks - young and not so young - are feeling this way due to a whole host of reasons: your life path lessons, social and cultural upheavals, a rather big juncture of change on the planet - all these can sometimes produce a real heaviness and even depression as we navigate through them. The good news is that it can be a real stepping stone. Most of these feelings of frustration and sadness can often come from the desire to be something or do something tangible in the external world which is all well and good but if we let go a little and learn how to accept our circumstances then things actually begin to change. It's a sort of a paradox - the less you do, the more space you allow into your psychic world, the more propensity we have for awareness and the more choices can appear - often when you least expect it. The Universe seems to work on these principles of simplicity and non-anticipation, acceptance and stilling all that emotional static and desire; finding our place in it's symmetry rather than trying to force our conceptions onto everything we see and think about.

So, 24.5 pretty illustrates the above in that there really is no reason to have regrets because often we experience things that are beyond reason and logic and are firmly in the realm of the illogical and non-rational. It's only in hindsight that we see why it had to be. Let go of the frustration - just let it ride away like a leaf on a pond - breathe and you'll suddenly find yourself open to wherever you need to go and be - when the time is right. But you have to allow it, make space for it. And that sometimes means doing "nothing" for a while. 43.5 is about being resolute and walking the middle way. It says this is something that has to be tackled like weeding a garden - it's something that you have to work at daily but this will pay dividends.


Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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I agree with all said so far, Catbrown.
The first thing that struck me when you talked about feeling lost is that rather than looking outward for a job or activity to fulfill, then you look within. Perhaps make yourself a list, of things that have brought you joy in the past. what is it that has the potential to light you up, as Pamela Moss would ask?

There is a career guidance tool along these lines that suggests one make a list of EVERYTHING that ever brought you joy and lightness, even back into your childhood. It doesnt have to be something "substantial" or a great achievement - although DO include things you had fun achieving _ but just even common things that you like or have liked doing/experiencing. Did you like to climb trees? Did you enjoy writing a paper and getting an A in school, did you love dancing, making things, sewing, helping someone with homework. Don't censor your list by "shoulds" or embarrassment, just reach in and remember and write.

everybody has evidence of times when you felt free and happy. They are important clues as to who you are at the core and what you need to be doing. After you make the list, let it sit for awhile in your heart,take a walk, relax, and listen for guidance. Guidance can come from all kinds of sources. It can spring up from within when we relax...you might overhear a conversation, or a song, or happen upon a book....Neil Donald Walsh wrote Conversations With God, and the book starts with an emphasis on paying attention to the messages you are meant to receive. They do come.
24.5 is very positive for a strong return to Life, a strong return to joy.

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