...life can be translucent

forum talk


Jun 6, 2011
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Hi everybody ! so glad to be here with you and hope to get some insight on my recent participation in a forum . I've posted a few opinions from which some have been accepted and others not (just erased) without my knowing exactly why.
At first i though it was because they could be too vague, so i tried to write out my messages in a more down to earth way, although by definition we were supposed to make subjective comments on certains events.

I consulted the I Ching - my old friend- and after rephrasing my question a few times , because i didn't feel relaxed enough at the time of asking, thinking maybe i should drop out, I finally made this question:

What is the current relation between myself and the responding person/people?

I got : hex. 50 - THE CALDRON ,lines 4 and 5 going to hex. 57 - THE GENTLE

Well, my guess is that the Caldron might represent the forum itself, as we were nourishing sort of spirutually someone who we consider important to us, or maybe feeding ourselves there.

Line 4 could indicate my inadequate expressing ideas

Line 5 the attempt of improving my getting through, the communication

Hex 57 could show the fact that i somehow managed to' penetrate ' the audience, the receivers of the message, whatever...

this is all so optimistic, i am affraid of not being able to get the correct picture, and still have no clue as to why i have been eliminated on 2 occasions.

Can you help me out, please?


Jul 9, 2010
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I think your interpretation is generally correct. Whose/how many interpretations are you consulting?

50 may well be the forum where things are put together.

50.5 (highest yin-to-yang) seems most important to me. Alas, this is one of those lines that doesn't seem to have a settled meaning. It could refer to a constructive joining of efforts. The rings of the cauldron by themselves can do nothing -- they require the pole to lift them, and someone to provide the effort. The rings must be receptive to the efforts of others. Just a thought... but perhaps the way you are posting your ideas does not invite further discussion?

Some forums can be very difficult to break into if there is a long-term core membership and you are a new voice, so perhaps you need to be around a while before gaining full membership in the eyes of others. That would seem to be the message of 57 Penetration-- long term persistence toward your goal, acting in honesty and openness.


Apr 21, 1970
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Interesting forum you are trying to belong to ...

I appreciated the great care with which you phrased your question.

What is the current relation between myself and the responding person/people?

50.4, 5 > 57 Transformation in the time of the gentle.

The ding is a cauldron where transformation takes place. I think the two lines are describing the fractured nature of experience you have outlined about your entries-- sometimes they are accepted and sometimes they are deleted. The process of the forum members allowing you into their transformative space is slow. Perhaps, sometimes you are accepted and sometimes you are not. Like 4 steps forward, 3 steps back ... but an overall slow forward movement.

But, I feel like I am missing part of the answer so I looked from a step-wise perspective ... I feel this looks to the "story" of these relations ...

50.4> 18.5> 57 ... LISE's interpretation at 18.5 was helpful to me (but perhaps not you, depending on your perspective) " ...Do not force people or events when it is not necessary, act as gentle as possible, then changes can grow organically. The slightest push can thwart growth." For me, the key to the unsettled relations with the forum might be in the nature, the intention, or the interpretation of the deleted posts or the communication around these dismissed forum entries.

I wondered about the notion of "opinion" ... and perhaps the energy around these opinions. Perhaps, these deleted opinions, their delivery, their energy is spilling the carefully intended stew.

All the best ...
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2011
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Oh me oh my ! great answers, both of them , not mentioning the motto about asking oneself , before speaking ,if it improves on the silence ( brilliant!).

I am used to reading Wilhelm Reich, or consult theAbismal , which is pretty much the same. Maybe u could suggest a complementary source ( i enjoy Hillary's approach ennormously, but i still compare it it Wilhelm)

Yes, it's quite interesting,the forum/fanclub is meant to comment on performances of a certain very talented and , well , let's face it, very appealing male musician, whose fans are 90% females, who sigh, praise him and want to meet him in 98 %. So, your hint may be right: it can be difficult to get through. And i myself felt i should be gentle and positive (although at times it all lookes like a massive gathering designed to polish his apples, so to speak, which can sort of degrade the whole thing altogether).

It turned out though that there is a time delay beteen posting and actually having it there , ie. it is sometimes only after an hour or two that your entry which you thought you had posted is available to public reading. So, what i thought was deleted , appeared in a differnt order later on ( with the exception of those that didn't).

But, what draws my attention now is how i deal ,internally, with this being sort of "ditched", that old "what have i done wrong?" question , and my immediate impulse to quit.

Well, ladies and gentlemen , the musican in question IS really outstanding, both professionally and as a person, i really look up to him , admire the enormous discipline and hard work which were required to get to the top, and wouldn't like it to come down to shouts "i love you, you are wonderful, you are the best" (although he really exceeds ,if u know what i mean :).

And when i don't do it , i feel like i'm taking the risk of suddenly being not so positive as all the rest, which, in turn , stands the chance of the "punishment" of being deleted.

The conclusion is: i would like to get through to him as a human being AND a woman, not a chick... and i guess this has always been a touchy area, a slippery road to follow ( like : am i feminine enough?).

Would like to improve on that , too :)

Big hugs and thank both of you.


Apr 21, 1970
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(gol ... there have been many a rock stars' apples that I would have like to have polished over the years ... gol (giggling out loud) ... I digress. where is that wicked little smile avatar when you need it?)

You adore him, therefore you belong in the forum (50.5), and quitting because of over-sensitivity or second-guessing yourself would be a quick way to destroy your progress or "spill the stew" (50.4).

Much luck with connecting with him. I hope he lives up to your expectations.


Jun 6, 2011
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PS. Havig said that , a new question dawned on me just like that, and without hesitation i asked:

What influence on the receiver of my messages ( in fact we don't know who reads them: the guy or just his webmaster, moderator,etc) do my posts have?

I got 61 INNER TRUTH , no lines.

And reading Hilary, i banged into: ‘Small Exceeding steps over the line; Inner Truth means trust.’

Well, as i see it now, being the fanclub a website with just places to post comments which ultimately go somewhere into an absolutely unknown digital destinatary, the trust involved here can only mean me myself trusting my own solid intentions.

Or is there any other issue at stake?


Apr 21, 1970
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I like your interpretation for the 61 in this context. It makes good sense to me.


Jun 6, 2011
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Ace ! :rofl:
(i 've finally found it )

I wrote my PS. before reading your answer, so here it is:

great take, as far as 50.5 and 50.4 go, makes sense !

Well, how did you guess i adore him ? :rofl:

He is a virtuoso, damn good looking and extraordinarily approachable with his public, and , there goes the grat issue: he really, visibly LOVES what he's doing, ther is no chance of faking his passion to music. And that's what i " love " in him the most.

As for his apples, which obviously couldn't go without further comments here,lol,i'm a little bit too old for teenage infatuation, but , yes, his performnces make me feel younger and prettier and all , lol, lol .

So, here is what i really want to say: every star has fans that he or she deserves :p:)


Jun 6, 2011
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Hello again!

A message has just come from Hilary with "the rules" encouraging to post any feedback on how things worked out after the shared reading has been done ,and i thought this might really be usefull to people who are more or less engaged in any blog/forum/fanclub activity without any relevant previous experience , as it is my case.

Well, the insight i got from your comments was helpful and enriching enough ( i know that joking may be a little risky sometimes, but still pretty much valid , as it seems to be part of the process, besides giving the whole problem a little of a break),
i got back to the fanclub website only to check the Security Policy ( which i should have read before signing up , but didn't).

And this is what i've found:

"We ask that you agree to not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). (...) You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of the forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit."

It is all there, although doesn't sound that great to me, because it leaves absolutely no clue as to what could that arbitrary "fit" mean.

My latest post to the club, deleted as it seemed to be , had nothing abusive in it, on the contrary, i was suggesting a participation in a world peace oriented festival which involved thousands of young peple who could benefit from great artists' performances.

Anyway, like i said , i just sat back and relaxed, as i had finally managed to settle the issue within myself, thinking it was them who must have been missing the point. And after 2 days or so it turned out that my post was back again, as if nothing had happened (not the slightest resemblance to Hilary's rules, by the way :)).

Although i feel better now, my spontaneity is gone (for a while , i hope), as i'm asking myself that incredibly precious question: would posting improve on my silence ;)

Time will show...

Bye for now and thanks for all again .



Apr 21, 1970
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"i'm a little bit too old for teenage infatuation, but , yes, his performnces make me feel younger and prettier and all , lol, lol ."

I'd say ... hang on with all your might. Never to old for teenage infatuation (the non-stalking kind). Not to mention that forum posts/admiring a great artist are WAY cheaper than wrinkle creams. :)

Blush, giggle, stay young, no matter how old you are. Age is an attitude not a number.


Jun 6, 2011
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You bet ,Ace :) and bingo ! again

It's all so fantastic , look : in the so called meantime , while my spirits on the matter were starting to lower uncomfortably , i had a talk with I ching and asked "what my role in this whole club exchange was supposed to be" ( i called it exchange this time, hmmmm ), and this is what I got ( it's a flashback now, but kind of interesting):

54.2,4 > 24

According to my sources:

l .2 - A one-eyed man who is able to see.
The perseverance of a solitary man furthers.
"A woman awaiting the sailboat.If she is in the waiting , she lives. If it is in the boat , she
does not "

l.4 "Marrying maiden overruns the set time.
Delays and marries at the right time"
" Hunters starting out for ducks.
Right time, right place, if you want any catch"

Going to 24 - RETURN

Well, i read 54.2 as my view of the club situation being not the full screen type (i didn't understand why certain things happen), but still should remain and continue loyal.
54.4 If I manage to keep on , despite the turbulation / hard time, the marriage /"exchange" of ideas, energy will evenatually come into being. Then both I and the good time will return.

Sounds good? Because that's what helped me go back to that website see what could be really goig on. And praise the I ching , amen :))


Jun 6, 2011
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Hi all ,

just for a swift attunement, if you still have some extra time and patience for this topic, again :)
Well, i've come to a halt with posting my messages because right after being restored, my following post was deleted ( which i can understand now,maybe they were right , given certain spontainety in it that could be too vaguely positive productive).

There was some of the 54-ish mood in me after that, a need to find my own piece of yard in sombody elses garden, to feel as comfortable as possible in a limited situation.And so i did.

After a few days, i commented elegantly and clearly on a newspaper article that we were supposed to discuss. It was OK. Today i posted briefly , but significantly on the guy's recent award and i used quotes of some of his own expressions.OK.

Being it so brief and rather isipid ( and maybe not much me,i thought) , i felt the need of asking I Ching:

What is the energy and potential of influence of this post ?


Looks good, i believe. Hexagram 13.5 loks even very good, because it reflects the initial meanderings and final success of a relationship. It talks of being harmonious and united at heart . But i've always had difficulties with 13.6 (Hilary talks about "an outskirt altar") , i feel it implies distance, detachment, somewhat cool althoug perceptible affinity.

How to combine those two lines?

Any idea ?:confused: Thanks .


Jun 6, 2011
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PS. ( Aha! just in time ) :)

Could it mean that 13.5 is the answer to the first part of my qiestiom ,ie. there is heart energy , and 13.6 accounts for the second ( the influence is a little reduced by the lack of spontanaity and my constant being on guard?

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