...life can be translucent


Free 'Opening Space for Change' mp3s and live calls...


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
... for whoever posts the response that grabs us (Eliana and me) the most to this question:

"Why's it important to you to open space for change?"

I suppose the short answer for me is 'because of the difference it makes to readings' - basically the difference between change happening, or not. Probably this is something I should be blogging about, soonish.

Anyway... hence the upcoming event with Eliana, which is a blend of mental, imaginative and really direct, physical ways of opening that listening-space and holding it open. No huge leaps to enlightenment on offer here, just small ways to pay a little more attention in the moment, free up a little more space, connect with messages a little more strongly.

Heh... blog post starting to write itself. Back on track... there's a contest!

Or not exactly a contest, since there isn't exactly a 'right answer' to be had, but a gathering conversation that's a nice pretext to give a place away - and also all the downloads, so this is for everyone, not just people who can make it on the 1st and 8th.

The question to answer - in however many words you find it takes -

"Why is it important to you to open space for change?"

The places you could answer it:

  • in the comments to this blog post (no sign-up required)
  • on the Wall of this Facebook page
  • on your own blog, if you have one (only make sure I know your post's there - drop me a note and/or include a link to get a trackback)
  • on Twitter, if you're geeky enough to be there and can answer in under 136 characters (Your answer, plus #osc tag so I can find it.)
  • here :)
Or, if you like, all five. Why not? You probably have more than one answer.

The person whose response moves, inspires, challenges or just inexplicably grabs us most will be invited along as our guest to the two Opening Space for Change calls, and given full access to the recordings and assorted extra good things.

And if said person's already signed up and paid, I'll just send him/her a refund. In other words, what I'd ideally love for you to do now is both sign up and post an entry. :D

But do please post an entry (or five) anyway. It gives you the chance to win something (that I think's going to be pretty amazing), and gives me some help spreading the word (thank you :hug:), and gives everyone a new perspective on what we're doing here.


Oct 2, 1971
Reaction score
I would start with that other question:

"Why is it so important for me to keep space for change closed?"

Might be an eye-opener if you keep this space closed without being aware of it, unconsciously.
Which is often the case, I think ...


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Yes, that's a good one. I can think of plenty of reasons, chief among them the desire to be in control. (Because that always works out so well. Right.)

Anyway... the winner is announced. Miakoda wrote,

Allow an opening
and we can hear change approach.

It’s a weather system all its own,
vast and limitless,
blowing in singing birds who have been waiting forever for us to listen.

And this is a) beautiful and b) in perfect harmony with what Yi told me when I asked about the gift that Eliana and I have to offer with this: Hexagram 62, unchanging. That makes me pay attention.

Anyway... just to say 'contest closed'.

(Hurrying to edit home page and forum signature.)


Apr 8, 1970
Reaction score
Yes, that's a good one. I can think of plenty of reasons, chief among them the desire to be in control. (Because that always works out so well. Right.)

Anyway... the winner is announced. Miakoda wrote,

Allow an opening
and we can hear change approach.

It’s a weather system all its own,
vast and limitless,
blowing in singing birds who have been waiting forever for us to listen.

And this is a) beautiful and b) in perfect harmony with what Yi told me when I asked about the gift that Eliana and I have to offer with this: Hexagram 62, unchanging. That makes me pay attention.

Anyway... just to say 'contest closed'.

(Hurrying to edit home page and forum signature.)

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