...life can be translucent


health situation 62.2,4,<57


Jan 27, 2011
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Hello again :bows:
I would really appreciate help with this reading.
I have never asked about my health, knowing I probably would not be able to interpret the result with enough clarity but there are members here who work with those aspects of the YI although haven`t seen them posting for some time now.

How is my health/give me the picture of my health situation? Hex 62.2,4,5<57
Thank you in advance, D. :bows:
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi Dragona,

In order for 62 to change to 57, lines 2, 4, 5, 6 change. 57 is about the blueprints of life, and in this case I think it means your genetic makeup and also your soul's makeup. 62 is about making small positive steps.

Line 2 could be referring to your grandparents gene's that you have been passed down. Not necessarily bad either, actually I think it is saying it is good to know about them and look into them. I am sure there are small things you will need to safeguard against in this regard, as well as things that you can use as strenghts that your grandparents have given you (in terms of health).

Line 4 is a warning not to 'go on'. This could be an aspect of your life that might need small steps in changing. I think only you could know what this is referring to.

Line 5 to me is about the unknown, and possibly about relieving stress.

Line 6 is a warning not to 'fly too high'. I feel like only you could apply this lines advice to your life. The advice of 62 in general is the same as line 6 in a way. Not to make great big strides, instead smaller more useful baby steps.


Dec 2, 2008
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Hexagram 62 represents a time of transition in which only small things can be accomplished.

It is indeed very difficult to use the I Ching with general questions about one's health. There is The Medical I Ching: Oracle of the Healer Within by Miki Shima, but I have found it to be of limited usefulness. In that book, hexagram 62 is taken to indicate everything from post-stroke paralysis to venereal diseases to mental breakdown. The section I am looking at, which is called "Specific Indications," seems to be wildly off most of the time.

The yang pattern of your moving lines is 47, Weariness. Feeling all worn out. The yin pattern is 22, Grace.

Generally speaking, people don't want to say enough about their health to enable one to divine properly. It's only natural to want to keep that confidential, especially if one is not in tip top shape.

When I have gotten hex 62 with regard to my own health, one question I have found productive is: "Assuming that 62 indicates a state of transition, what am I transitioning to?"


Jan 27, 2011
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The cast was 62.2,4,5 into 57 ...missed one 5 in the title...
True, people don`t ask about their health if they feel fine and I have no problem saying a bit more here on the subject. On the other hand, sometimes is better to just see what people get out of the cast itself.
My under armpits area is sensitive, that made me cast for the answer but my overall worry is that due to nervous strains, depression and "47, Weariness. Feeling all worn out. "I am opened for getting sick and I have no means of getting really good health care, some things like dental issues and gynecological ones are suffering because you get as much as you can pay for on the spot and I am broke.
Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
Line 6 too... don't skip the advice of line 6 ! :)
I am sure it is all helpful.

Here are some thoughts:
Maybe you sweat a lot and it's because of too much salt. Or maybe it is linked with a specific time in your menstraul cycle. These are just guesses!
You could ask "Please lend me guidance with my underarm sensitivity" or "Show me a picture of what this underarm sensitivity is". Sometimes, even though health coverage is nice, problems can be solved with some very thorough research and applying that knowledge yourself. I would warn not to jump to conclusions too soon however. Sometimes we read one article with symptoms and immediately think this is what we have. I would get a lot of different information on underarm sensitivity and maybe see if you could help this by changing your diet or clothing to soft cotton.


Apr 22, 2012
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The cast was 62.2,4,5 into 57 ...missed one 5 in the title...
True, people don`t ask about their health if they feel fine and I have no problem saying a bit more here on the subject. On the other hand, sometimes is better to just see what people get out of the cast itself.
My under armpits area is sensitive, that made me cast for the answer but my overall worry is that due to nervous strains, depression and "47, Weariness. Feeling all worn out. "I am opened for getting sick and I have no means of getting really good health care, some things like dental issues and gynecological ones are suffering because you get as much as you can pay for on the spot and I am broke.
To get from 62 to 57, the changing lines would have to be 2,4,5, and 6. I am in the same position as you, in terms of letting dental and gynecological go for the same reasons. A commentary to my thinking, on the need for better healthcare in this country, but in any case, you may be scaring yourself with too much worry. Why don't you reframe the question as, "Under the current circumstances, what can be done for my health?". I think being taxed and worn out could in itself account for the feeling of sensitivity in that area.


Jan 27, 2011
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Thank you...I don`t like line 6 and happy it was not a changing one.
I went checking for lumps, glands are sensitive, more than usually...tho no breast cancer in family history , as far as I know. i am kind of "leaking slowly" I fear ...but I am not a panicky type, perhaps neglecting one is more likely.

And still can`t see the fault...definitively lines 2,4,5,and still can`t see the resulting hex other than 57??
I think it is time to go get something to eat...
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Feb 19, 2010
Reaction score
I don`t like line 6 and happy it was not a changing one.

It was a changing line in your reading, sorry to say, if 62 changed to 57
Here is a website I use often to check my changing lines:
You can plug in just the hexagrams and it 'checks' the lines that are changing.

I went checking for lumps, glands are sensitive, tho no breast cancer in family history , as far as I know. i am kind of "leaking slowly" I fear ...but I am not a panicky type, perhaps neglecting one is more likely.
And still can`t see the fault...definitively lines 2,4,5,and still can`t see the resulting hex other than 57??
I think it is time to go get something to eat...

Bon appetit! :p


Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
The cast was 62.2,4,5 into 57 ...

The second hexagram is 48, not 57.

Pure cornstarch -- in the form of baby powder -- might do the trick. This might be the best and most inexpensive remedy. My dermatologist swears by it for any sensitivities and irritations.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Its not clear if you mean superficial tenderness in the armpit area or sensitivity deep inside the armpit.

There are glands in the armpit that will swell at any nearby infection, just as the glands in the neck may swell with head infections,colds etc etc. Its worth thinking if you have perhaps cut your arm...or look for any abrasions that are near to the gland. These glands in neck, armpit and groin pump out the white cells to fight infection. The nearest glands to the site of the problem will do the job. So it maybe as simple as a local infection.

I'm so glad I live in UK and get healthcare when I need it. I really do not advise using I Ching for health diagnosis...its hit and miss and best. Asking out of interest is okay....but you need to back any advice here up with a dr if you are worried.

Dragona you know how a hexagram changes in to another one don't you...you shouldn't need a website to do it, you only need a pen. If you think you got 62>57 then lines 2,4,5 and 6 would be changing. Look at the top line in 57 its a straight yang line so how else would it get that way if 62.6 were not changing..
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Jan 27, 2011
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health situation 62.2,4,5<48

Oh, guys, what a confusion... I am very particular with reading changing lines - visual type after all and I rarely make a mistake, so this is..hm, maybe I should get my eyes checked :eek:uch:
I have found some interesting statements in Memorizing hexagrams thread, will go through that and try to get the idea and revise this reading, see if I got it right.
Interesting enough I have gotten hex 48 unchanged once before when I was asking about somebodys health, a possible infection.
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Feb 7, 1970
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I have no means of getting really good health care, some things like dental issues and gynecological ones are suffering because you get as much as you can pay for on the spot and I am broke.

Isn't there a public health service where you live?


Jan 27, 2011
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Hi Tom,
of course there is...but you have to pay for every visit, depending of a health care type you chosen. And doctors are more motivated if they can, like my gyno, charge you for an ultrasound under the table, because "hey, let`s check you out, you hadn`t done it in a year and I have my own machinery here..." (knowing perfectly well that you have to see another doctor to make an month long waiting app. if you want it fir free as allowed by law) and of course, for some things medical covers you only so much and the rest is wanted in cash...still many gray areas here...in my case, many things I believe to be of a psychosomatic nautre but it is piling up...


Feb 7, 1970
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you have to see another doctor to make an month long waiting app. if you want it for free as allowed by law

You mean this could be taken care of for free in a month? Drat, Dragona, stop worrying and make an appointment tomorrow. I am at the opposite end of the spectrum. I do whatever I can not to see a doctor -- even lie a little. So far as possible, I take care of health matters myself. As for teeth, you can remove tartar yourself using a mirror and a hook made of wire.

Swollen Lymph Nodes Under Arm

I realize this is a down time for you, but if you would take action, you'd feel better.


Jan 27, 2011
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hehehe, if only...nothing is for free, especially if you want it to be done fast; you have to wait at least one month for a checkup...that was kinda my point there...and I am also reluctant to see the doctor, like you are-that is why I have side-effects piled up and now to go with all of that at once...lol...she couldn`t handle all of that..
and i find it very nice that you can imagine me having only slight problems ...as I said, will look more into the older posts for 62 soon.
thnx for the link, checking it out.
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long yi

May 21, 2012
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Based on your feedback, it is 62, line 2, 4 & 5 resulting in 48
Reading time is assumed to be May 2nd, 2012, 05:51 AM.

出生时间:年 性别:女 起卦方式:直接指定
神煞:天乙—卯巳 福星—辰 日禄—子 羊刃—亥 驿马—巳 桃花—子 华盖—未
干支:壬辰年 甲辰月 癸亥日 乙卯时
旬空:午未  寅卯  子丑  子丑

六神  伏神    兑宫:雷山小过(游魂)62    震宫:水风井48
         【本 卦】           【变 卦】
白虎       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母庚戌土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙戊子水  
滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟庚申金  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母戊戌土 世
勾陈 子孙丁亥水 ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼庚午火 世○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 兄弟戊申金  
朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟丙申金     ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟辛酉金  
青龙 妻财丁卯木 ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丙午火  ×→ ▅▅▅▅▅ 子孙辛亥水 应
玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母丙辰土 应   ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母辛丑土  

Line 4 = host line contains the character officer/ghost
Line 2 contains the character officer/ghost

You have a medical condition. By June 6 - Jul 5 2012, something has to be done because the condition will worsen. Hexagram 62 refers to diabetes and chest afflictions (Meylan & Chu). I do not know how accurate it is. Other book refers to a long list of medical conditions: 病象:足疾、手疾、脾胃疾病、活动受制不便、背沉痛、结石症、跌伤。筋伤骨折、肝部之疾、肝癌、脑疾、脂肪肝。Most of them related to hindered movement. I do not believe in any of those either.

Line 2 ghost line (fire) changes to children (water) which is the medication. the medication suppresses the medical conditions.

Line 4 ghost line (fire) changes to brother symbol (metal). This may mean the caretaker (doctor, nurses etc.). The children line is hidden under the line 4 ghose line. Medication may also be in use. You may not able to do without the medication.

Hexagram 48: good or bad, this medical problem will be with you for sometime.
Hexagram 62; Minor medical condition - will recover; serious medical conditions: it can be dangerous (Source: Ma Iching).

Concerning the medical conditions, the chinese literature cited the following:
Problem with the throat... [I do not believe in above Chinese literature].

In modern times, I do not use Iching to predict medical conditions, treatment and outcome. However, sometimes, I use it to predict the life expectancy for someone who is very ill. Normally, I do not analyze illness using hexagrams unless there is a very serious medical problem with a very old person.


Jan 27, 2011
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Thank you for the interpretation. Actually, my glands gotten worse as the swelling, it subsided and while that Super Moon last month I experienced a lot of anger, swelling in my ankles and cannot sleep till very very late...so we have messed up metabolism, weight and emotional distress all piled up. Perhaps I should ask Yi how this all will reflect on my health.
...and the swelling is back again... :-(
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